Chapter 17: Ambush

Nathan's POV:

Within a couple of seconds the Flying Crock was above us. Ropes dropped from it and crocks fell from it. We were surrounded within seconds.

Me: "What do we do now?"

Maia: "We fight!" Maia Shot several missiles at the crocks causing them to fall off the edge of the arena. "Midna, get Nathan and his pet out of here! Engage Plan B!"

Midna: "On it! Come on!" She gestured for me and Eve to follow her.

Me: "You don't have to tell us twice!"

We ran out of the arena and went outside. There was chaos everywhere. Everything was being destroyed. One of the crocks saw us and fired a canon ball at us. Midna Created a portal and the canon ball went inside. She then created another portal above the crock. the canon ball came out of it and slammed down on top of the crock.

Midna: "Special delivery."

Me: "Save the jokes for after we escape."

We continued to run. I picked up Eve to make sure she didn't get hurt. We soon found ourselves in an empty alleyway. We heard a ringing noise.

Me: "What's that noise?" Midna pulled a phone out of... somewhere and answered it. i could hear Maia on the other side.

Midna: "Hello?"

Maia: "Are you at the destination point?"

Midna: "Yeah, we're just waiting for you."

Maia: "Ok, I'll get there as... ugh... as soon as I can!"

Midna: "Ok, take your time." She hung up.

Me: "Is Maia ok?"

Midna: "Are you kidding me? Nothing can hold that girl down."

A big explosion occurred above us causing some rubble to fall towards us. We jumped out of the way of the rubble just in time. We looked up at where the rubble had come from. We didn't see anything.

Me: "Man, if this keeps up any longer they're going to destroy the whole city."

I then noticed Eve growling at something behind me. I also heard heavy breathing. I slowly turned around and saw Ridley behind me. He was staring at us with big red eyes.

Midna: "Nathan," Midna whispered, "be very quiet." I silently nodded my head. "Slowly come towards me."

Still on my hands and knees I slowly moved towards Midna. Eve was still growling at Ridley.

Me: "Eve," I was trying to be as quiet as possible. "get over here!"

Ridley looked at Eve and let out a loud roar. He then spread his wings and flew into the air. He spat out a fire ball at us. I picked up Eve and Me and Midna jumped out of the way just in time.

Me: "How many close calls can you have in one day?"

Midna: "Come on. We have to get somewhere safe."

We ran into another ally with Ridley flowing us all the way. We kept running until we reached a dead end. We turned around and saw Ridley right behind us.

Me: "What do we do now?"

Ridley raised his head and got ready to fire at us again. But before he could something hit his back and exploded causing him to scream with pain. Maia Jumped over Ridley and landed in front of us. She shot a couple of missiles at him. Ridley screamed in pain.

Maia: "Midna, What are you waiting for? Create the portal!" Midna nodded and created a portal on the wall behind us. "Alright, go! Get in!"

Maia pushed us all into the portal. We all started falling. We kept falling for a long time until the last thing I saw was a blanket of white below us. I must have passed out after that because I didn't remember anything after hitting the ground.
