Chapter 4: Our first class

Nathan's POV:

Jacob and I both got ready for our first day of college. After getting on some comfortable cloths we both headed for the cafe. Eevee came with us. When we were done with our breakfast we all walked towards our first class. Jacob and I had the same first class, I knew we did because I checked both of our schedules. It was kind of a weird sounding class to. It was called "Battle Practice" or "Training" and apparently it was one of those "required" classes. But I didn't question it.

We soon got to our first class. many people were already there and a majority of them were Nintendo characters. (Side note: I'm not going to give the names of any Nintendo characters unless needed because this is a big, and I really do mean big, class.)

Teacher: "Alright class, let's get started." Everyone became quiet and looked at the teacher. We were in a large white room that looked like a gym. There were no seats so we all just stood against the wall. "My name is Meta Knight. I will teach you the basics for attacking and defending." He pulled a piece of paper out of his desk. "I am going to put you all in groups of two. Don't worry if you get in a group with someone you don't know, you can always make new friends."

He started reading the list assigning everyone to a group. He put my friend Jacob with Mario. Lucky! He then read my name. He said I was partnered with Dark Pit. I looked at Dark Pit. He gave me the look he made when we first saw each other. It still sent shivers down my spine. I could hear Eevee growling softly beside me.

Meta Knight: "Now that everyone has their partners I am going to pick a pair to battle. I want to see where we are with our fighting skills so I can help you with anything you need."

Jacob: "Uh, Mr. teacher, sir?"

Meta Knight: "Yes, Jacob?"

Jacob: "What if we don't have a weapon?"

Meta Knight: "You can use your bare hands if you want or there are swords on the rack over there." He pointed to the rack. There were several swords with different sizes. I saw Jacob go over to get one. "Alright, first up is Nathan and Dark Pit."

I looked over at Dark Pit. He was still giving me the look. I could hear Jacob cheering for me from behind. I let out a deep breath.

Meta Knight: "Are you both ready?" We nodded. "Ok, in 3, 2, 1, go!"

Me: Dark Pit came running towards me. "Alright, Eevee," I said. "Use tackle." Eevee jumped forward in an effort to attack Dark Pit but he just moved out of the way. "Ok, now use tail whip." Eevee moved towards Dark Pit and swung his tail at him. Dark Pit grabbed Eevee by the tail and threw him down on the ground. "Hey, that's not fair," I shouted.

Dark Pit turned and continued to run towards me. "Eevee, get up. Use quick attack." Eevee quickly got up and ran towards Dark Pit. "Now use bite." Eevee jumped up and bit Dark Pit's arm. He hung on for as long as he could. Then Dark Pit punched Eevee in the face. Eevee fell to the ground knocked out. "No, Eevee!" Dark Pit looked at me and pulled out his blades. He swung towards me and I closed my eyes.

Meta Knight: "Stop!" I opened my eyes just to see a blade a few inches from my face. "The winner is Dark Pit."

A few people clapped. I went over to Eevee and picked him up. I felt horrible for what happened to him. I then joined the others. Jacob put his hand on my shoulder.

Jacob: "Sorry about Eevee," he said in a soft voice.

Meta Knight: "Ok, next up is Little Mack and Link. Are you two ready. 3, 2, 1, go!"
