Chapter 48: Reunion

3rd Person:

It was silent. No one spoke. Nathan started walking towards Master Head. Everyone just looked at him as he walked past. Eve tried running up to him but Nathan held out his hand telling her to stay. He needed to speak with Master Head alone before he fought with his friends. When he felt he was close enough to Master Head, he looked up.

Master Head: "I was starting to think you would never show."

Nathan: "I'm never late for anything. Just check my high school attendance record."

Master Head: "I must admit, this is brave of you. Coming here to fight me all by yourself."

Nathan: "I'm not fighting you all by myself." Nathan turned around to look at all his friends. "I'm fighting with my friends." All the brawlers raised their heads. They weren't expecting him to say something like that. Jacob hopped out of his Skell. "They're all the reason I'm here right now. Without them, I wouldn't have found my way into the Smash Bros Universe. Without them, I wouldn't have saved my best friend, Jacob. Without them, I would have been dead a long time ago. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am right now."

Eve walked up to Nathan who knelt down and petted her head. "I've learned so much from all of them. I don't think I'd be the same without them. And with all my friends fighting with me," Nate pointed at Master Head, "we'll take you down like you're nothing."

Master Head: He closed his eyes. "You really thought that speech through. However, did you really mean fighting with you? Or did you mean to just say," He opened his eyes revealing a very bright yet dark blood red color. "Fighting you!"

The dark creatures broke apart into a mist and started forming back together on the brawlers. They tried fighting them but they couldn't be shaken off. They were turned into trophy form and then turned themselves into dark clones.

The mist even captured Maia and Jacob. It was about to capture Eve too but Nate snatched her up before it could do so. He then put his hands in a fist... but then he thought "how can my fists stop a creature like this?" The creature was about to capture Nate but Eve used Moonblast on it. They were safe, but everyone else wasn't.

Master Head: "Kill him."

Samus charged up a blast and shot it at Nate. He quickly jumped out of the way. Then Charizard covered himself in flames and shot towards him. Nate barely dodged it. Ike then slashed towards Nate. Once again, it was a near miss. Nathan didn't want to fight his friends. Eve, on the other hand, didn't want her master to die.

Eve fired a Moonblast at them making them jump away from Nate. Nate was safe. However, someone grabbed Eve and swung her into a rock.

Nathan: "Eve!"

He tried running over to help her but Jacob stepped in the way. He started swinging his sword at Nate.

Nathan: "Jacob! It's me! Nathan! Stop this!"

Jacob swung once more almost hitting Nate. Nate then tripped over a rock and fell down. Jacob pinned him to the ground with his sword. Maia then came up to him. She aimed her cannon right at his face and charged up a blast.

Nathan: "Maia! Stop! I know you don't want to do this!" The charge was almost ready "HELP!"

Nathan closed his eyes waiting for the blast to hit. But it didn't. Instead, everyone was hit with a wave of light. All the dark clones became paralyzed. The light came from Susan. Alex came up to Nathan and helped him up.

Alex: "You ok?"

Nathan: "Yeah, I'm fine. Where are the others?"

Alex: "Still taking down Dark Lord. They told us to come and help you."

Master Head: "You!" They looked towards him. "You're still alive. How am I not surprised? Did you come here to apologize for putting me in that cage? No matter, I'll just send you on the same path your friends went; straight towards death."

He opened his mouth. It turned into a vortex and started inhaling everything. The dark mist also started to surround him. The wind current he was creating was so strong that Nathan and Alex almost got blown off their feet. Eve, because of how light she was, was getting pulled towards Master Head. Nathan saw this.

Nathan: "Eve!"

He ran towards her in hopes of saving her but before he could reach her, they were both sucked into Master Head's mouth.

Alex: "Nathan!"

Alex followed them both inside. Shortly after, the sucking stopped and Master Head was covered in the dark mist. There was no movement from Master Head but the mist was moving like some floating liquid. Some of it became solid and turned into stairs leading into Master Head's mouth.

Susan's POV:

I knew Nathan would need more help than just Alex and Eve. I let out another wave of light. This one brought the trophies back to life. I moved over to Maia and held out a hand to help her up.

Me: "Are you alright?"

Maia: "Yeah, I'm fine." She didn't look up at me until after she grabbed my hand. "S-S-Susan!? What are you doing here? How are you here?"

Me: "All good questions that should be asked later."

Maia looked over at Master Head.

Jacob: "Maia, where's Nathan?"

Maia just shrugged and shook her head in response.

Me: "He's in there." I pointed towards Master Head.

They both looked towards Master Head, then at each other.

Jacob: "We have to go in after him. He can't defeat Master Head on his own."

Maia: "But we have no idea what's in there."

Me: They both looked at me. "The decision is yours. Will you help your friend or not?"

They looked back at Master Head.

Maia: "I'm going."

Jacob: "I'm going too."

Me: "Then make haste. I fear you may not have much time to defeat Master Head." They both looked at each other and nodded before finally running towards Master Head and entering his mouth. "You can do it, guys. Don't let us down, Nate."

Nathan's POV:

I opened my eyes and sat up. I fell in what looked like snow. some of it was falling from the sky too. But it looked too grey to be snow. I picked some up in my hand. It left a grey stain.

Me: "Ash."

I looked around. It looked like there were several dead trees surrounding the area. The sky was pitch black. No lite came from it. Yet, I could still see as if the sun was at its highest point. I cast no shadow. There was a light breeze.

I then thought I heard something in the distance. I turned my head in the direction I thought I heard it in.

Eve: "Sylveon!"

Me: "Eve. I'm coming!"

She sounded close. I ran in the direction of her voice. It was hard to run tho because of the ash on the ground. I soon saw her white and pink head and ribbons. The rest of her was buried in the ash. She was relieved to see me.

Me: "Hang on, I'll get you out."

I started digging but then stopped. I remembered a dream I had that was just like this. What if I dug her up and all it was was her head?

Alex: "Nathan!"

I snapped out of thought and looked over at Alex. He came to us and knelt down. He started digging Eve out. I continued too.

Alex: "Are you both alright?"

Me: "Yeah, I think so."

We soon dug Eve out and she crawled out. She shook herself clean of the ashes. I hugged her dearly.

Me: "Don't scare me like that again, ok?"

Eve: "Sylve."

We then heard an evil chuckle. It sounded like it came from all directions.

Alex: "Master Head."

Me: "We have no time to loose, we have to finish him off. For good."

Jacob: "Nathan!"

I turned my head and saw Jacob and Maia both running towards us. How did they get here so quickly? I picked up Eve. Maia stopped a few hundred feet away and put her hands up to her mouth. I'm guessing she saw Alex. Jacob stopped and looked at her too. It was silent, no one spoke. Alex finally decided to walk forward. He walked up to Maia who still had her hands on her mouth. I could only imagine what was going on through her head right now.

Maia's POV:

I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I seriously looking at my big brother? Alex? Was it really him? I couldn't think of words to say.

Alex: "Maia... I'm sorry I-"

His sentence was interrupted with me slapping him. I couldn't believe this. I started to tear up.

Me: "You... You... You... You lied to me! All this time I thought you were dead! Do you know how you made me feel? You left me all alone! I would cry myself to sleep because you were gone! I... I... I couldn't live without you!" I fell on my knees in tears. "Why? Why did you leave me me all alone? Why? Why!?"

Nathan's POV:

I just watched as Maia knelt on the ground in tears. Alex knelt down too.

Alex: "Maia..."

Maia: She turned away from Alex. "Don't speak to me." She got up and started running away.

Alex: "Maia!"

He didn't chase her. But I wasn't gonna watch her just leave us. I set Eve down and started running after her, only to find Alex grab my arm and pull me back.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Alex: "Let her go. She needs some alone time."

I was a bit shocked at what he said. But, at the same time, I felt like he was right. I mean, finding out one of your family members is alive after a long time, that's hard to take in. He let go of me and we all watched Maia run out of sight.

I looked down. Eve was rubbing up against my leg. One of her ribbons was wrapped around it too. I picked her up.

Me: "Well, we can't just stand around, we have to find Master Head."

Jacob: "Hopefully He doesn't find Maia. I hope she'll be alright without us."

Me: There was a short pause followed by more laughter. "Well, let's go. We don't have much time."
