Zelara's Birthday Surprise

Hey everyone! If you haven't guessed already, this is being posted on my birthday today! Sweet 16 this year! Anyway, enjoy!

Today is a really special day for me.

Today is my 22nd birthday!

I sat up on my bed and yawned. When I opened my eyes, I saw my mother.

"Happy birthday, my little star." she said.

"Thanks, Momma." I said.

I got up and embraced her. Momma stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

"What do you have planned for today, sweetheart?" Momma asked.

"I don't know. Maybe hang out with the Lothwolves and go on long walks across Lothal. That's what I usually do," I said.

"Do the Rebels know your birthday is today?"

"I honestly can't say. I don't think I told them. If I did, I forgot."

Momma chuckled and patted my head.

"Well, your day will get better soon enough. Happy birthday, Zelara. I love you." Momma said.

"I love you, too..." I said.

I hugged her once more before she disappeared. I sighed with a smile. I put on my turtle-neck sweater and threw on my long, white scarf over it. I sighed with content and walked into the common room where I saw Hera, Sabine, Chopper, and Zeb.

"Morning everyone," I said cheerfully.

"Morning Zel." Hera said.

"You sure are cheerful today." Sabine said.

"Nah, today's just a really special day."

"Really? Why's that?" Zeb asked.

My smile faded in an instant.

"Oh, no reason. Every day is a special day for me..." I said.

"Glad you feel that way." Hera said.

I forced a smile and walked out onto Lothal's plains where I saw Kanan and Ezra training.

"Morning guys." I said.

The two Jedi turned around and smiled.

"Morning," Kanan said.

"You're in a good mood today." Ezra said.

"I have my reasons," I said.

"Want to train with us?"


I ignited the Lone Wolf Saber and readied it. Kanan and Ezra charged at me and brought down their sabers. Luckily, I was able to block them, and Force pushed the two away from me.

"You're going to have to do a lot better than that." I said.

Ezra ran up to me and swung his green saber near my side. Being quick on my feet, I flipped over the weapon and landed in a crouch. I swung my leg and tripped up Ezra. I then pointed my lightsaber at him for him to stay down.

"Sorry, Ezra." I said.

Feeling Kanan's presence, I held out my hand and stopped Kanan in his tracks with the Force.

"Sorry, Kanan." I said.

"Good reflexes." Ezra said.

I deactivated my weapon and released the two Jedi.

"Well, have fun training you guys. I'm going to check up on the Loth-wolves." I said.

"You can't!" Ezra cried.

I looked at the Padawan with a very confused and surprised look.

"Why not?" I asked.

Feeling a presence behind me, I turned around and saw Atlas.

"Atlas! Hey buddy." I said, stroking his muzzle.

"Why don't you guys spend some time together? I mean, when's the last time you spent an entire day with just Atlas?" Kanan asked.

He had a point...

"Well, okay. That's a good idea. What do you think, Atlas?" I asked.

Atlas nodded. Bending down, I climbed on his back. With a burst of energy, Atlas bolted across the fields.

"That was close." Kanan said.

"Yeah, too close." Ezra said.

With every stride, Atlas took, my smile grew wider.

Did the others really forget my birthday...?

"Let's stop by the market, Atlas." I said.

Atlas nodded and started making his way to the market. When I reached the market, I was welcomed by a lot of familiar faces.

Faces of people the wolves and I saved from the Empire...

"Happy birthday, Ms. Zelara!" said a woman.

"Thank you, thank you." I said, hopping off Atlas's back.

I nodded to Atlas and Atlas nodded back.

Giving that Atlas IS a Lothwolf, he waits on the outskirts of the market since he's too big to walk the narrow streets.

"Ms. Zelara, a birthday gift." said a man, handing me a necklace.

It had a metal charm and a metallic silver chain.

"Thank you so much." I said, putting on the necklace.

At least these people remembered...

I roamed the market streets meeting up with old friends and making new ones.

"A gift Ms. Zelara." a man said, handing me fingerless gloves.

"Thanks." I said, slipping on the gloves.

I then spotted my good friend, Eress.

"Hi, Eress!" I called out.

She turned around and smiled.

"Hey, birthday Jedi." she said.

I chuckled at her words.

"How've you been?" Eress asked.

"Great so far. I was visited by my mother this morning." I said.

"Aw, that's sweet."

Eress is the only person on Lothal who knows about my past.

"Yeah, but..." I began.

I then cast my gaze to the ground.

"I know that look. What's wrong?" Eress asked.

"I think the Rebels forgot about my birthday..." I confessed.

"Come on, that can't be true."

"Well, they didn't say anything, and I even told them that today was a special day..."

Eress placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"They didn't forget, okay? They didn't. Trust me." Eress said.

I smiled and cupped a hand over the one on my shoulder.

"Thanks, Eress." I said.

"Anytime." she said.

Waving goodbye, I made my way to meet up with Atlas. Seeing him laying down in the fields, I smiled and walked over to him. Atlas raised his head when he felt me stroke his back.

"Let's head to the den." I said.

As I began walking, Atlas dashed in front of me and stopped me in my tracks. I tried walking around him, but he still blocked me.

"What is up with you?" I asked.

Atlas then gestured his heads to the suns. They were on the brink of setting.

"Oh, I get it. You want to go to our spot." I said.

Atlas smiled and nodded.

"You can be such a puppy sometimes, Atlas." I said, climbing on his back.

Atlas then began sprinting across the fields to our spot. Reaching the cliff, I hopped off his back and sat down at the edge of it. A sad expression came across my face and sighed.

They really did forget...

"Atlas, do you know what today is?" I asked.

Atlas sat down next to me and tilted his head with a groan. I heard my heart shatter like glass.

He forgot too...?

"It's my birthday!" I cried, my voice echoing.

I cast my eyes to the ground and let the tears slip through my closed eyes.

"It's bad enough that the Rebels forgot, but you...?" I asked.

Atlas groaned and bumped his nose on my shoulder.

"No, Atlas... The only one who really cared about my birthday was my mother, and she's not here anymore... You and the Rebels are the only family I have left... And now..." I choked up.

Atlas groaned and bumped his nose on my cheek.

"I apologize... I did remember..." Atlas said.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

Atlas looked up at the orange sky turning blue and black.

"Follow me..." Atlas said.

I wiped away my tears and followed Atlas across the fields.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Den..." Atlas said.

"All day you and the Rebels told me not to go there, and now we're going there?"

Atlas then stopped and looked at me.

"Close... eyes..." he said.

I raised a curious brow at him.

"Please..." Atlas said.

I rolled my eyes and then closed them. I then heard Atlas leave and I heard nothing but silence.

"Atlas, I swear if you scare me..." I said.

I then heard loud howling, knowing it was Atlas and the other wolves.


I opened my eyes and I saw beautiful lanterns along the rocks.

"SURPRISE!" I heard.

The Rebels, the legendary Jedi Masters, and the Loth-wolves all popped out with bright smiles on their faces. A tear streamed down my cheek and I smiled widely.

"You did remember..." I said.

"Of course, we remembered. How could we forget your birthday?" Sabine said.

"We pretended like we forgot so we could surprise you." Ezra said.

Atlas walked up to me rested his forehead on mine.

"Thanks to Atlas, we were able to finish in record time." Kanan said.

"You were in on this?" I asked, looking at Atlas.

Atlas smiled inwardly and nodded. I then saw my mother walk up to me.

"You knew as well?" I asked.

"Of course, I knew. I am the one who gave them the idea to do this." she said.

"I really thought you guys didn't remember. I'm just so relieved you did."

"Sorry if we made you feel any kind of way. We just needed you away from the den long enough to finish this." Hera said.

I looked around at my friends - my family and smiled.

"Thank you all so much..." I said.

"If you like this, check this out." Sabine said, pointing upward.

I looked up and as if on cue, big, beautiful, and colorful fireworks lit up the night sky.

"Wow..." I said in awe.

When the fireworks ended, I hugged Sabine tightly.

"Thank you, Sabine. I loved them." I said.

"Anytime..." she said.

"Alright, everyone. Let's get this party started!" Ezra cried.

At the energetic teen's command, the festivities began. It was a wonderful evening; games, music, I even got a chance to have a duel with my mother.

I still couldn't believe I won...

Soon after, it was cake time. The cake was a beautiful blue and silver.

Must've been Sabine's touch.

After everyone sang, I smiled and blew out the candles, but they lit back up again.

Trick candles...

I laughed and put out the candles for good with the Force. Watching everyone have a good time, I snuck away from the party and went back up on my cliff. Staring out at the moons, I found myself smiling. I then felt someone embrace me with a side hug. Knowing who it was, I leaned into their embrace.

"Did you like the surprise?" Momma asked.

"Yes, I did. Thank you for planning this, Momma." I said.

"Anything for you, Zelara..."

I hugged my mother back and smiled when she placed a kiss on my head.

"Happy birthday, my little star..." Momma said.

I smiled and leaned closer into her embrace.

Happy birthday to me...

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this part. I still can hardly believe I'm 16! God blessed me with another year of life, and I'm grateful for it. Suggestions are forever open, and I'll see you in the next chapter. May the Force be with You!

