A "Normal" Day For A Jedi

Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a Force-tastic day! First, a quick shout out to HowlSeeker, who gave me this suggestion. Thanks a bunch, my sister. This is the continuation of "Now You See Us, Now You Don't", by the way. Anyway, enjoy!

"That's wonderful, Captain Syndulla." Commander Sato said.

The Rebels and I were at Chopper Base, and Hera had just told Sato about the new stealth mode feature added to the Ghost.

Sato was on a recon mission, so we were talking to a hologram of him.

"We want to be able to spread this technology with the rest of the Rebel ships, but the main component is very scarce and rare." Hera said.

"And, what might this rare and scarce component be?" Sato asked.

I took out my lightsaber and opened the bottom of it. Out came the blue kyber crystal that powered it. I then showed it to Sato.

"A kyber crystal? That's the main component?" Sato asked.

"Sure is." Kanan said.

I continued to listen while I was putting the crystal back into my lightsaber.

"How were you able to obtain a lone kyber crystal?" Sato asked.

"My Master. I kind of stole it from him a couple of years ago." I said.

Sato nodded.

"Well, maybe we can try and dissect the energy from the crystal, and see if we can replicate it," Sato said.

"Understood, Commander." Ezra said.

"Until next time."

The hologram of Sato soon faded away. All was quiet afterward.

"Great, now I'm bored..." Ezra said.

"Well, there's nothing to do until further notice, so I guess we have a free day." Hera said.

We all smiled and sighed with content.

We tried having an easy day the other day until Hera wanted to finish the stealth mode feature... Not that it was a bad thing; I'm just glad we have this opportunity to relax.

I walked away from the group and went outside the base. As I was walking, I felt a presence behind me.

"You do not need to sneak up on me, my friend." I said.

I turned around and was face-to-face with a giant, white spider. It hissed at me, but I wasn't moved. I walked up to it and placed my hand above his head.

"Aren't you a strong one." I said.

The spider let out a sound and leaned into my touch.

"Go on; you're loved ones are waiting." I said.

The spider backed away and scurried off.

They're only hostile when they need to be. The spiders and any other living creature are just like us, taking life one step at a time...

I looked off at the orange horizon, thinking about how far the Rebellion has come. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to my side and saw Kanan.

"So, you spend your free days like this?" Kanan asked.

"Usually on Lothal, I run with the Lothwolves across the plains, and on Maitlyn, I watch the clouds roll by... It's the little things that make life so... meaningful..." I said.

"I get it. I was wondering, you want to do some lightsaber training back at the base? Nothing wrong with honing your skills."

I smiled at the Jedi and nodded. We both walked back near the base's edge and stood on opposite sides of each other.

"First one to put the other in checkmate, wins." Kanan said.

I nodded and readied my lightsaber. Kanan did the same. We ignited our weapons, watching our blue blades appear before us. We felt the Force surround us like a gentle breeze. Kanan made the first move by charging at me and bringing down his lightsaber. I shifted my footing and casually dodged his attack.

"Is that the best you've got?" I asked.

Kanan gave me a playful glare and began swinging his lightsaber every which way. I casually and swiftly dodged his attacks like they were nothing.

"Alright, now it's my turn." I said.

I raised my lightsaber and blocked Kanan's, feeling the weight of his strength against my lightsaber. I pushed Kanan away and charged at him and brought down my lightsaber multiple times.

Kanan is very strong and fast. In duels like this, having those two traits are very crucial for a Jedi to have. Kanan is that and more, and I see it...

Our blades connected once more and made eye contact with each other.

"You've gotten stronger, Zel. I feel it." Kanan said.

"Well, when you have wolves training you in your free time, it's only natural. I'm not the only one who's gotten stronger." I said.

Our blades came together once again.

"Thanks. Too bad you're not going to win this duel, Zelara June." Kanan said.

"We'll see about that, Kanan Jarrus." I said.

We pushed away from one another and began circling each other. I expertly spun my lightsaber and charged at Kanan without hesitation. Kanan brought down his lightsaber like a hammer to a nail, but I quickly blocked it. As we were dueling, I felt multiple presences around us. I backed away from Kanan and looked around at the unexpected crowd that has gathered. Kanan and I glanced at each other and smiled.

"Let's give them a show." I said.

Kanan nodded and readied his weapon. The air grew thin as we circled one another. We then ran at each other and swung our lightsabers repeatedly, showing no signs of backing down.

"Come on, Kanan!" a pilot cried.

"Go Zelara!" another cried.

All of the cheering only encouraged us more. I brought down my lightsaber and Kanan quickly dodged the attack. Using the momentum, he swung his lightsaber near my side. Luckily, I was able to block it.

"Time to show you what I've really got." I said.

When Kanan thrust his lightsaber, I flipped over him and swung my lightsaber near his neck but made sure my lightsaber didn't come in contact with him. I then noticed the cocky smile Kanan was wearing. I looked down and saw Kanan's lightsaber inches away from my abdomen.

"I'm not leaving this as a draw." I said.

Connecting with the Force, I deactivated Kanan's lightsaber. I threw mine in the air and quickly tripped up Kanan. I put his wrists in a firm grip and grasped my lightsaber as it came down. I activated it and held it near Kanan's neck.

"Check and mate." I said.

The crowd around us began to cheer. I released Kanan and helped him to his feet. We smiled at each other and ended the duel with a handshake.

"Good duel." I said.

"Good win." Kanan said.

I look around at the cheering crowd and noticed a very familiar face.


My mother had a wide grin as she waved. I smiled at her and waved as well. She then faded away. I then saw Ezra run up to Kanan and me from the crowd.

"That was an awesome duel, you guys!" he said.

"Thanks, kid. We were really supposed to be training, but SOMEONE decided to battle me even though he KNEW he would LOSE." I said, looking at Kanan.

"He does that a lot."

"Excuse me?" Kanan asked, glaring at Ezra.

Ezra and I laughed at Kanan's response. Kanan smiled and shook his head in amusement. A few minutes after our little duel, people around the base were still complimenting on how amazing we were.

I'm glad Momma thought so as well...

I soon met up with Hera who asked if we could just walk around the base and chat.

Like Sabine and Ahsoka, Hera is an amazing person; an amazing Twe'lik, for that matter. She's an ace pilot, a captain, a Rebel; what more could you ask for? I admire the way she looks out for the crew like a mother. No wonder Ezra cares for her so much...

"I know we have a lot of allies across the galaxy, but what if I told you that there's someone, I met years ago who will do anything to stop the Empire," I said.

"Who is this friend of yours?" Hera asked.

"Her name is Diella Pierce. She's amazing at hand-to-hand combat and an awesome gunslinger. I met her when I was still a Padawan, and we became really close friends. I don't know what she's up to now, but I know she'll be willing to lend us a hand."

"If what you say about your friend is true, I see no reason why she can't join our cause."

I smiled at the green Twe'lik and continued to talk to her until the sun began to sink into the ground.

I just hope Diella remembers me...

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this part. Again, thanks so much to HowlSeeker for this suggestion. The next part will be out on Friday. Wonder why...? May the Force be with You!

