The Master of Masters {Part 1}

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating in a while. Midterm studying. Wish me luck! Anyway, this is an alternate continuation to "Legends Never Die", one of my personal favorites. Like the title says, this is going to have parts to it. Didn't want to make a SUPER long chapter. Anyway, enjoy!

It was a few days since Ezra, Kanan, and I met almost every Jedi Master that ever lived.

I'm still a little giddy about the fact that legends acknowledged Kanan and me as Jedi Masters...

Right now, the Rebels and I were on the Resistance's main ship, talking and chatting with whoever was there. I was talking with Ahsoka.

"So, what was it like meeting the legendary Jedi Masters?" she asked.

"It was... kind of overwhelming. I mean, what would you do if you were standing in the presence of those kinds of people?" I asked.

Ahsoka chuckled before answering.

"I would be just as ecstatic as you and the boys were," Ahsoka said.

"Ecstatic is just an understatement. I was internally screaming. Not to mention, my mother was in that bunch." I said.

"She must have been an amazing teacher to be acknowledged by people like them."

I smiled softly and sighed.

"She most certainly was..." I said.

Ahsoka placed a hand on my shoulder with a smile. I smiled back at the Togruta.

"Enough about me. Tell me about yourself. Did you know any other Jedi Masters besides Masters Skywalker and Obi-Wan?" I asked.

The Togruta hummed in thought before facing me.

"I knew a lot of Jedi Masters in my time, but there was one that was around through everything; Order 66, the Clone Wars, everything." Ahsoka said.

"Really?" I asked.

Ahsoka nodded firmly.

"But, that's impossible. No one can live that long," I said.

"Nowadays Zelara, anything, and everything is possible. Her name was Zunela Cordway. We used to call her The Master of Masters back then. Her abilities and skills were unparalleled and unmatched. For a while when I was still a Padawan, she even trained Anakin and Obi-Wan. Zunela was one of the strongest Jedi in the Jedi Order, but when she suddenly became blind, she hid, and we never heard from her again." Ahsoka said.

"Do you think she's still alive?"

Ahsoka sighed and shrugged her shoulders. Ahsoka's face darkened a little and my heart began to ache.

Like Sabine, Ahsoka is an amazing woman and friend; they're both like sisters to me... Seeing Ahsoka like this... it's just not right...

Then, a bright idea popped into my head.

"Let's go find her," I said.

"I beg your pardon?" Ahsoka asked.

"Let's go find Zunela. I don't know why, but I just have this feeling that she's alive somewhere out there, just waiting to be found. When I encountered the Jedi Masters, I didn't see Crowvern, Obi-Wan, or Anakin. They're alive, just like Zunela is. Come on, Ahsoka. There's no time like the present..." I said.

Ahsoka stared at me before blinking back to reality.

"But... what if she's dead?" she asked.

"Don't think like that. She's alive, I just know it. Come on, an opportunity like this is just as rare if the Empire surrenders." I said.

Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh. She then sighed and faced me.

"I guess you're right. I have so many questions to ask her if she's alive... Alright, let's go find her." Ahsoka said.

"Great! We'll bring Ezra and Kanan along as well. Knowing them, whenever I go out for my own Jedi business, I just can't bring myself to say no when they ask to come with me." I said.

Ahsoka shook her head in amusement.

"Speaking of which, did Zunela say anything about where she lived or where she was going when the war is over?" I asked.

Ahsoka hummed in thought.

"Now that you mention it, I do remember her saying something of the sort. I remember that her home planet was Dunoir, a planet known for its black markets," Ahsoka said.

"Dunoir? I know that planet. It's the planet with the illegal droid battles, right?" I asked.

"That's the one. Same question from when I was younger; why would someone live there...? Anyway, it's not too far from where we are now. It's said to lie in between the hyperspace course of Lothal and Maitlyn." Ahsoka said.

"If we take the Phantom, we'll be there in no time."

We nodded to each other and rounded up Ezra and Kanan. We told them what we were doing, and we didn't need to ask if they wanted to tag along. Ahsoka detached the Phantom from the Ghost and put in the coordinates for Dunoir. We jumped into hyperspace and watched the blue light streaks fly behind us. When I was telling Kanan and Ezra about Zunela, I was surprised when Kanan said he knew about her.

Honestly, I'm not entirely surprised. If this Jedi Master really lived through everything, she probably knows every Master and Padawan there is. I wonder if she knew my mother...

When we came out of hyperspace, a pale, golden yellow and beige planet came into view.

"That's Dunoir all right." I said.

Ahsoka landed the shuttle and we walked out onto a rocky plain.

"Thought this place would've been more... interesting." Ezra said.

"Trust me, kid. I've been here once or twice in my Padawan time. Even though the droid battles here are illegal, they're still something to enjoy while being here. That, and smuggling illegal weapons and blueprints for weapons across the galaxy." I said.

I saw Ezra's eyes flicker with nerve.

"Why don't we ask around the city? The locals might know something." Kanan said.

We all nodded and started heading towards the city.

The city is built on black markets. I'm surprised the city is still standing...

When we got to the city, there was a large crowd in our path. The boys, Ahsoka, and I pushed our way to the front and was face to face with a droid battle.

An illegal droid battle...

The two droids were oddly constructed, but they looked strong. A red one with saws and the other was black with blades. The battle didn't last long when the black droid cut off the other's head. I winced a little and place a hand over my neck. When the droid's master turned around, I noticed him almost immediately.

"Isen?" I asked.

The man turned around when he heard his name. His face broke out into a grin.

"Zelara Opal June, what a surprise." he said.

"You know him?" Ahsoka asked as the man walked up to us.

"Yeah. He's my cousin. His father, my uncle, worked with my dad. It's been far too long, Isen." I said.

Isen nodded and patted my head.

"These are my best friends; Ahsoka, Ezra, and Kanan." I said.

"A pleasure. Any friend of my little cousin is a friend of mine." Isen said.

The other smiled softly.

"That battle was really something." Ezra said.

"Oh, yeah, thanks. Reaper here is undefeated." Isen said.

The black droid walked over, and it was taller than Isen. The droid let out a deep buzzing sound.

"Yup, that's her, mate." Isen said.

The black droid warbled before bowing to me. I found myself smiling and bowed as well.

"Unlike you, he has manners." I said.

"Ha-ha, funny... Anyway, what are you doing all the way out here? Shouldn't you be with Heidi and Kent?" he asked.

It felt like a knife pierced through my heart.

"What?" Isen asked, looking at the others.

Ahsoka and the boys sighed silently and hung their heads.

"They're, um... d-dead..." I said.

Isen took a step back.

"It was a long time ago. Thirteen going on fourteen years ago..." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"I didn't know if you were dead or alive, okay!? I was scared, and so young when it happened! I didn't know who to call or turn to after that... In my mind, I thought that I didn't have anyone to help me... I felt... alone..." I said.

A single tear rolled down my face.

"But you are not alone anymore." Ahsoka said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You have us, and the whole Resistance backing you up." Ezra said.

"We'll be there for you... always." Kanan said.

I smiled softly at my friends. Isen sighed and shook his head.

"I should've been there for you... I should've never left home..." Isen said.

"Isen, it's not your fault. As long as I know you're alive and well, that's good enough for me..." I said.

I walked up to Isen and hugged him tightly. I felt Isen smile and he hugged me back. Ahsoka and the boys smiled at the sight. We parted and chuckled.

"So, what have you been up to for the past couple of years?" I asked.

He was about to say something before I cut him off.

"Besides droid battles." I said.

Isen huffed out a laugh before answering.

"I've been running my old man's business," he said.

"Really? That's great. How is Uncle Rowan, by the way?" I asked.

"He's doing great, actually. I heard he was taking it easy with your Aunt Starlay on Jovanna."

I smiled and nodded. Then, Ahsoka bumped my arm.

"Right. Isen, the real reason why we're here is that we're trying to find Zunela Cordway." I said.

"Really? I haven't heard that name in ages. Do you think she's even alive?" Isen asked.

"That's why we're trying to find her. Whether or not she's alive, no one can say we didn't try." Ezra said.

Isen nodded in understanding. Then, Reaper began to buzz and warble.

"Good thinking, Reaper. We have a friend who can help. No news gets past his ears. He might know where she went." Isen said.

"But giving to that she became blind before she disappeared, she couldn't have gone far." Ahsoka said.

"As you said, Ahsoka; nowadays, anything and everything is possible." I said.

Ahsoka nodded with a smile.

"Follow us." Isen said.

He and Reaper led us through the crowd of people until we stopped at a small shop. Running the shop was a Theilmar, a rare alien species. Their bodies were skinny and slender, but that doesn't mean they're not strong. Their heads and faces resemble a bat-looking creature.

"Rilo!" my cousin said.

The Theilmar looked up at Isen and groaned.

"If you're here for more parts for Reaper, you're out of luck." he growled.

"Harsh, buddy. For once, I'm not here for parts." Isen said.

The Theilmar looked at Isen in surprise.

"You're not?" he asked in surprise.

"Nope. Rilo Aztec, meet my cousin, Zelara, and her friends: Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra." Isen said.

We slightly bowed our heads.

"An honor. So, what brings you to my shop?" Rilo asked.

"We were wondering if you could help us find someone or know where they might be." Ahsoka said.

"Isen said that no news gets past you." Kanan said.

"That depends; who are you trying to track down?"

I sighed before taking a step forward.

"We're looking for Zunela Cordway..." I said.

Rilo's eyes widened.

"The Master of Masters?" Rilo asked.

We all nodded.

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but she's not here." Rilo said.

Ahsoka sighed in defeat.

"I knew she was gone..." she said sadly.

I placed a hand on the Togruta's shoulder.

"At least we tried." I said.

"What are you talking about? She's not here ON THIS PLANET." Rilo said.

We all looked up in surprise.

"The Master of Masters... is alive..."

Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the first part of this. The next part will be right after this, but it won't be posted in a snap if you know what I mean. Suggestions for other parts are always welcome and appreciated. May the Force be with You!

