A Rebels Halloween

🎃Happy Halloween🎃 I honestly couldn't wait to write this. Let's have a look at what the Rebels are doing for Halloween this year, shall we?

"Sabine, where should I put this jack-o'-lantern?" I asked, holding up the glowing pumpkin.

"On the table over there." Sabine replied, pointing to said table.

Nodding to my Mandalorian friend, I placed the jack-o'-lantern on the common room table.

Halloween was just around the corner, and the others and I were getting ready for said holiday. I've been looking forward to Halloween all year! On Lothal, a lot of the citizens celebrate Halloween, but many are afraid to go trick-or-treating because of the Empire's "curfew rules." For us, we're just gonna watch scary movies and play a fun game. We're all given 10 pieces of candy and we're allowed to say "trick-or-treat" whenever we want throughout that day, and we must pick whether we want to give up a piece of candy or get tricked. The person with the least amount of candy by the end of the day has to get tricked by the others. The person with the most amount of candy gets all the candy there is. I can't wait!

Once Sabine and I completed decorating the common room, I stepped back and smiled at how spookily amazing the common room looked; hanging tibidees, fake spiders, jack-o'-lantern; everything you would need to have a Spooktacular Halloween.

"This looks great, Sabine. I love the art you did over the door." I said.

It was a black Lothcat besides a scary-looking jack-o'-lantern with pieces of candy in front of the carved pumpkin.

"Thanks, Z. So, did you decide what you're going to wear as your Halloween costume?" Sabine asked.

"Probably an Inquisitor. I mean, I already have the outfit." I said.

"That's right. For me, it's between a fyrnock or a Lothcat."

I looked at the Mandalorian in surprise.

"You, as a fyrnock...? You know what, I can see that. But why a silent, but deadly, creature?" I asked.

Sabine gave a look and immediately I figured out the answer.

"Oh... I get it. It suits you," I said.

"Thanks. And you being an Inquisitor suits you as well." Sabine said boldly.

"Are you implying something?"

Sabine just chuckled and shook her head. Hearing a hissing sound, I turned to see Ezra and Zeb.

"Hey, you two." I greeted.

"Wow... You guys did an amazing job." Ezra commented

"Thanks, but I just feel like something's missing..." Sabine said, scanning the room.

Scanning the room, everything looked fine to me.

"It looks fine, Sabine. What could be missing?" I asked.

Sabine hummed in thought before walking out of the common room. Moments later, the Mandalorian came back with a bowl full of candy. Grinning, she placed the bowl in front of the glowing pumpkin.

"That's better." Sabine said.

"I agree." Zeb said.

Chuckling, I turned back to my Padawan and the Lasat.

"So, what are you two going to be for Halloween?" I asked.

"I'm gonna be a Lothcat." Ezra said.

"I can see that. Zeb?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure yet." Zeb said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll think of something."

Looking around at the decorated common room once more, I breathed out a sigh and smiled.

This is gonna be a fun Halloween!

The new day dawned, and the crew and I were making the final preparations for Halloween tomorrow. Walking down the ramp with a crate in my hands, I attached it to the speeder bike that was outside and hopped on the vehicle.

The others and I were having a Halloween party at the Loth-wolf den, and we're inviting all our closest friends: Diella, Nerezza, Kayla, Isen; I heard Nerezza's family might come and join in the Spooktacular festivities. I can't wait to meet the family who raised such a strong, independent young woman.

Once I arrived at the den, I was glad to see Strucker and Striker waiting for me. Hopping off the speeder bike, I picked up the crate and walked over to the two black Loth-wolves.

"Good to see you two again." I said.

The two wolves bowed their heads in reverence and walked back into the den. Following the large creatures, I set the crate in the middle of the den. Opening it up, I used the Force to decorate the large stones that surrounded me.

Good thing I packed a lot of decorations in here. Thought I wouldn't have enough.

Once I was done decorating the den, I smiled at my work.

"This is gonna be a great Halloween party." I commented.

Feeling a familiar behind me, I turned around and was greeted with Atlas's ice-blue gaze. Chuckling softly, I ran my hand down the beast's muzzle. Atlas grumbled and tapped my cheek with his large nose. Sighing, I pulled away from my friend and looked around at the decorated den.

"I hope you do not mind us using the den again for another party." I said, glancing at Atlas.

Atlas groaned softly and shook his head.

We've used this den for a lot of parties this year. My birthday party, Ezra's birthday party, and now a Halloween party.

Waving goodbye to the three Loth-wolves, I hopped on the speeder bike and rode it back to the Ghost. Upon my arrival, Sabine was there to greet me.

"Great, you're back. How does the den look?" Sabine asked.

"Spooktacular. Everything is set up for tomorrow's party. All we need is to bring the food and ourselves." I said.

Sabine nodded with an understanding smile. Following the Mandalorian, I saw Hera and Kanan admiring the decorations in the common room; Hera describing the decorations to the blind Jedi. A sad smile soon appeared on my face.

Wish Kanan could see all this...

"Hey, you two." I greeted.

"Zelara." Kanan greeted, bowing his head slightly.

"You and Sabine did an incredible job decorating the place."

I smiled and thanked our twe'lik captain.

"So, what are you two going to be for Halloween tomorrow?" I asked.

"I might be a fyrnock with Sabine." Hera replied.

"Interesting. Kanan?"

"I don't know if I'll dress up or not. As long as you guys are enjoying yourselves, then that's all that matters to me." Kanan said sincerely.

His words brought a smile to my face.

"But you're still going to participate in the game we have planned, right?" I asked.

"Of course, I am. I'm not about to get tricked by the likes of you guys." Kanan said with a smile.

Nodding, I went off to my room to prepare for tomorrow.

It was nothing major, just a little decorating. A little jack-o'-lantern here, orange and black hanging lights.

Once I finished, I smiled at my decked-out room. Hearing a knock at my door, I opened the door with the Force. I smiled when I saw my apprentice.

"Hey, Ezra. Need anything?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was wondering if we can train." Ezra said.

"Sure thing, kid. I'm always up for a little training."

Following the kid outside, the two of us ignited our weapons and started our duel. The two of us dueled until the sun sank into the ground. With one final attack, I was able to come out on top.

"Checkmate, kid." I said.

Ezra chuckled and shook his head fondly.

"I can never beat you." he said.

"Don't worry. Once you beat me, I'll teach you my secret to beating Kanan." I said with a wink.

Ezra barked out a laugh and nodded eagerly.

"Come on. Let's get to bed. Halloween's tomorrow." I said.

Ezra nodded and followed me back on the Ghost. Walking into my room, I laid down on my bunk and drifted off to sleep.

I can't wait for tomorrow. The party's at sundown, and I can't wait to start the trick-or-treat game!

Morning came, and I rose with Lothal's sun. Walking into the common room, I was greeted by Sabine and Hera.

"Morning guys," I greeted.

"Hey Zel. Happy Halloween." Sabine said.

"Same to you."

"Want to give us a hand separating these candies?" Hera asked.

Nodding, I picked up a medium-sized bag and started filling in with candy.

These were for the trick-or-treat game we're going to play later today.

Once Sabine, Hera, and I were finished, we all let out content sighs.

"So, when do we start the game?" Sabine asked.

"At 1200. You know the boys are late risers." Hera said.

"Except for Kanan, who at this point, I don't even know if he even sleeps." I said.

"It's called meditating." said a voice behind me.

Turning around, I was met with the blind Jedi. I shook my head fondly as I chuckled.

"Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself." I said.

Looking around at my family, I felt my smile grow.

"I cannot wait to see your costumes, you guys," I said.

"I just need to add some finishing touches to my helmet, and my costume is complete." Sabine said.

"Great. Hera?"

"My costume's ready and waiting."

I nodded in understanding, my smile never faltering.

Once noon hits, we'll all be in our costumes. This is gonna be so much fun!

A few hours passed, and it was time to start the trick-or-treat game. I walked out in the common room, clad in my Inquisitor outfit, and smiled when I saw the others.

"You guys look amazing!" I commented.

"Thanks, Z. So do you." Ezra said.

Sabine and Hera were a pair of fyrnocks, Ezra was an adorable hazel, brown spotted Lotchcat, and Zeb was a Wookie. Looking around, I didn't see Kanan.

"Where's Kanan?" I asked.

"Right here." said a familiar voice.

Turning around, I was met with Kanan clad in a white and gold suit. Taking off the white mask, I was able to see his white eyes.

"Wow... You look just like a Jedi Temple Guard." I said.

"Exactly what I was going for." Kanan said.

"Great. Now that we're all here, let me explain the rules of this game." Hera said.

The others and I all turned to our captain and listened.

"The game is simple: we are each given ten pieces of candy. If someone says 'trick-or-treat' to you, you can either choose to give up a treat or get tricked. Remember to choose wisely. The person with the most amount of candy by the end of the day gets all the candy that's left. However, the one who has the least amount of candy by the end of the day gets tricked by the others. Got it?" Hera asked.

The rest of us nodded firmly.

"And another thing, if you say 'trick-or-treat' to someone, you can't say it again to that same person in 15 minutes, so be mindful and keep track of how much you have as well as your opponents." Hera said.

"Sounds fair to me." I said.

When we were all in agreement, we all picked up our assigned bags. Mine was a blue and silver bag with a Lothwolf painted on it.

Sabine did this one.

"All right, good luck, you guys. Game starts... Now!" Hera proclaimed.

I was surprised when no one said "trick-or-treat" right away.

Guess they want to catch their target by surprise. Two can play that game.

"Well... I'm going to go finish setting up for the party this evening." I said.

Winking with a smile, I left the others without another word.

I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those games where everyone is a timid tibidee...

I decided to walk to the Loth-wolf den instead of taking the speeder bike. I felt as if I never get to really stop and look at Lothal's plains.

It's a shame that such a beautiful planet is under the Empire's control...

As I ventured to the den, I noticed some Lothcats trailing behind me. I stopped and turned around to look at the small creatures. Kneeling, I placed my hands on two small heads and smiled.

Adorable creatures, are they not?

Standing up, I continued my journey to the den with three Lothcats in tow. Upon my arrival, the Lothcats behind my scattered as if they were frightened by something. Hearing a speeder, I turned around to Sabine with two crates trailing her.

"Hey, Sabine." I said.

"Thought you would need a little help setting up." Sabine said.

Nodding to my Mandalorian friend, the two of us each took a crate and walked into the den. Once we were at the site of the party, we opened the crates and soon began making the final preparations.

This is the perfect time to spring the question...!

"Oh, Sabine! I forgot to ask you something." I said.

"What is it?" she asked, placing down a bowl.

Walking up to her, I only smiled.

"Trick-or-treat." I said.

Sabine groaned and rolled her eyes fondly.

"How'd I know you were going to ask that?" Sabine questioned.

"So, what'll it be?" I asked.

Sabine let out a sigh and reached into her white and purple bag.

"Treat. I'm smart enough to know when and when not to pick trick." Sabine said and pulled out a piece of wrapped candy.

Taking the candy from the Mandalorian girl, I placed said candy in my own bag.

"Now, I have to wait 15 minutes to spring the question on you again. Did you get anyone before you left?" I asked.

"I got a piece of candy from Ezra and Zeb. Then, I had to give one to Kanan, and now you." Sabine said.

"So, you're back at 10 pieces of candy?"

Sabine nodded with an annoyed look on her face. I couldn't help but laugh at her annoyance.

This is going to be one long afternoon...

After Sabine and I got back, we were welcomed by silence.

"Huh, I at least thought that I would hear a barrage of 'trick-or-treat.' Guess not." I said.

Sabine nodded in agreement. The doors soon hissed opened and Ezra walked into the common room. Grinning with mischief, I walked past my Padawan. When I turned around, so did Ezra.

"Trick-or-treat!" we said in unison.

Staring at each other in surprise, we burst into laughter, even Sabine.

"I'll take a treat. I'm smart enough to know that your tricks are going to be really cruel." Ezra said.

"That's what I said." Sabine commented.

I chuckled and shook my head fondly. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out a piece of candy and dropped it into Ezra's bag.

"Well, I'll take a trick, Bridger. Knowing you, your tricks won't be that good." I challenged with a bold grin.

Ezra scoffed and shook his head.

"All right, challenge accepted, Zelara. I'd stay on high alert if I were you." Ezra said before walking out of the room.

I turned to Sabine who just shrugged her shoulders.

Wonder what the kid will come up with...?

Walking into my room, a familiar blue light emitted from my chest. After twirling around me a few times, the light soon took on the form of Aralez.

"Happy Halloween, Zelara." Aralez said.

"Right back at you, Ara." I said.

Looking at the wolf girl, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Aralez asked.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that, you don't even need a costume for Halloween, Ara." I said.

Aralez's ears twitched as she stared at me with annoyance.

"Ha-ha, very funny." Aralez deadpanned.

Gathering my composure, I turned to my other half with a wide smile.

"So, are you going to be joining the party this evening?" I asked.

"Obviously. Even though we share the same body and mind, I want to have my OWN fill on sweets." Aralez said.


Hearing my door open, I turned around and was met with Chopper.

"Hey, Chop." I said, patting the orange dome.

As soon as I removed my hand, Chopper's dome popped clean off his body and started dangling by a loose spring. I let out a loud shriek and backed into Aralez's arms. Chopper's warbling soon came to an abrupt halt. Tears began forming in the corners of my eyes.

Did... Did I just...? No...

Staggering over to my astromech friend, I dropped to knees and let out a desperate sob.

"Chopper...? No... I didn't... I didn't mean to... Chopper..." I sobbed.

Placing my shaky hands on Chopper's broken body, I let the tears flow.

"I'm... sorry..." Aralez said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Standing up, I leaped into Aralez's arms and cried in her chest. I felt Aralez's arms wrap around me.

I didn't mean to... It just... happened...

My head shot up to the sound of laughter. Turning around, I saw Ezra leaning against my doorway, almost on the verge of tears from laughter.

"Ezra...? Wha...? What's going on? Why are you laughing...?" I asked.

"Gotcha! Chopper?" Ezra asked, looking down at the deformed droid.

Instantly, Chopper's dome popped back on his body and spun around. I looked at the duo in shock.

What. Just. Happened...?

"So, what were you saying about me not having any good tricks?" Ezra asked.

My mouth fell open which made Ezra and Chopper laugh. Wiping away my tears, I turned to the two of them with a stern look.

"Ezra, that was a really mean trick, you know that, right?" I asked.

"Why do you think I did it?" Ezra shot back.

Then, a mischievous idea popped into my head. Turning to Aralez, she was thinking the same thing.

"So, um, Ezra. How many pieces of candy do you have left?" I asked with a sly grin.

Ezra's laughter soon ceased.

"Oh. Uh, well, I have... 5..." Ezra sheepishly said.

Aralez and I both barked out a laugh.

"Well then, Ezra Bridger..." Aralez said.

"Trick-or-treat?" I asked.

Ezra looked away from me and breathed out a shaky breath.

"Treat..." Ezra said.

My grin started fading a little.

"A wise decision. Rather get tricked by everyone than just me alone when you lose. Just remember that YOU pulled this trick on ME." I said.

"Well, you were the one who said I didn't have good tricks." Ezra said.

Glaring at my Padawan, I shook my head fondly as I placed the piece of candy in his hand.

All right, I just need to get a treat from Kanan, Zeb, and Hera. Shouldn't be too hard. I only have 8 candies left. Wonder how the others are favoring? We only have a few hours until the day comes to an end.

Nodding to Aralez, said girl turned back into the blue light and disappeared when it collided with my chest. Patting my Padawan's shoulder on the way out, I started making my way outside. Upon my arrival, I saw Kanan meditating a few yards beyond the Ghost.

Sneaking up on him is a definite no...

Sighing in frustration, I walked over to the blind Jedi and sat beside him. A peaceful silence fell between us as we meditated.

"The party will be starting soon," I suddenly said.

"Yes, I am aware. Are you prepared?" Kanan asked.

"Of course. The two of us will give our friends quite the show. A Jedi vs. an Inquisitor. But are you prepared?"

Kanan scoffed and smirked.

"Always." he said confidently.

Taking this opportunity, I glanced at Kanan and grinned.

"Trick-or-treat, Kanan?" I asked.

Kanan chuckled and turned in my direction with a bold grin on his face.

"Trick," he said boldly.

"Trick? Really? Why?" I asked.

"Have you forgotten? I can sense you and your emotions through the Force, so if you try anything, I'll know what it is from a mile away." Kanan said.

I groaned in frustration, not even going to bother making an objection.

Hate it when he's right... Unless...

"How many pieces of candy do you have left on you, Kanan?" I asked.

"11. You?" Kanan asked.

"8. I had to give one to Ezra not too long ago after he pulled the meanest trick on me."

"What did he do?"

"Made me think I broke Chopper."

Kanan let out a loud chuckle and shook his head in amusement.

"Okay, that is pretty mean." Kanan said.

"'Pretty mean?' I almost had a heart attack!" I corrected.

Kanan's chuckling transformed into laughter in an instant. I glared daggers at the blind Jedi, but even I couldn't stay mad at him.

It's been so long since I've heard Kanan laugh like this. It's nice to hear it again.

"I will say this: it was a well-thought-out trick. I wasn't expecting it at all." I said.

"Well, I look forward to your trick; that is IF you can trick me." Kanan said.

Chuckling, I playfully punched Kanan's arm.

"So, Zelara. Trick-or-treat?" Kanan asked.

"Treat, of course." I said.

"Why am I not surprised?"

Kanan reached into his bag beside him and pulled out a piece of candy. Thanking him, I took the candy from his hand. Looking up at the sky, I saw the sun beginning to set. Standing up, I brushed off the dirt and looked down at Kanan.

"Come on. The party's about to start." I said.

"You go on ahead. I'll be there shortly." Kanan said.

Nodding, I made my way back to the Ghost to make sure I had everything in order. Upon my arrival, I saw Hera.

"Hey, Hera." I called out.

The twe'lik turned around and smiled.

"Hello, Zelara. Trick-or-treat?" she asked.

"Treat, please." I said.

Nodding, Hera reached into her bag and put a piece of candy in my bag.

"So, you ready for the party?" I asked.

"I am. You?" she asked.

"Definitely. Aralez will be coming as well, you know." I said.

Hera smiled and nodded.

"Come on. Our guests will be arriving soon." Hera said.

Following the twe'lik outside, I held out my hand and called for Atlas. Once my hand dropped, Atlas was right there in front of me.

"We're ready. Can you take us?" I asked.

Atlas grumbled and nodded his large head. Stooping down, Hera and I climbed on the back of Atlas. Once Atlas was back on his feet, he turned tails and started sprinting towards the den.

Wonder who came...?

Upon our arrival, we heard faint chatter coming from inside the den. Hopping off my friend, Hera and I walked inside and saw many familiar faces: Kayla, Nerezza, Isen, and Diella. I walked up to my dressed-up friends and greeted them.

"Happy Halloween, everyone!" I said.

They all turned to look at me with friendly smiles.

"Right back at you, Zelly." Diella said.

My smile only grew when I saw their costumes. Kayla was a witch, decked out with a black hat with a matching black slit-dress; Diella and Isen were both vampires, Diella wearing a black cape and a matching red and black dress, and Isen wearing a black and red cape with a matching black suit. Turning to Nerezza, she had on a black suit with a black cape and a black and green mask. Trailing behind her was a spiny, black tail.

"What are you, Nerezza?" I asked.

"I am a banshee. A native predator from Umbara," Nerezza explained.


"Speaking of Umbara, I want you to meet my family."

When I nodded, a familiar blue light jumped out of my chest. In an instant, Aralez was there.

"Whoa! Who are you?" Isen asked.

That's right... Isen never met Aralez before.

"Go with Nerezza, Zelara. I'll explain everything to him." Aralez said.

Giving Aralez a thankful grin, I followed the young Umbaran to the other side of the den. Looking over, I saw two Umbarans.

"Mother, Father." Nerezza said.

The two Umbarans turned around and smiled. They were both dressed in similar attire to Nerezza.

"Zelara, these are my parents. My mother Ichtaca and my father Asrani." Nerezza said.

I smiled and held out my hand to the two Umbarans.

"It is an honor and pleasure to meet you both." I said.

Asrani grasped my hand and smiled.

"Likewise, Ms. June." he said.

"Our daughter just raves about you and Ms. Croslea. Thank you for helping her." Ichtaca.

"No thanks are necessary, Mrs. Ilona. Nerezza is an amazing young woman and an even better Jedi-in-the-making. I only see greatness in her future." I said.

The two Umbarans grinned and nodded. Turning to Nerezza, I smiled and winked. Nerezza returned the gesture.

Every word was sincere and true...

I then heard faint laughter that became louder as it drew near. Heading our way were two young Umbaran children wearing an Umbaran banshee costume like Nerezza and her parents.

"Zelara, meet my brother Nirjis, and my sister Curari." Nerezza said.

Smiling, I crouched down to their level.

"It's very nice to meet you two," I said.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Ms. June." Nirjis said, bowing his head.

"Please, just call Zelara."

"So, you're the one my sister tried to assassinate?" Curari asked.

"Curari!" Ichtaca scolded.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yes, I am. She is an incredibly good assassin. Learned from the best, I presume." I mused, eyeing the children's parents.

Both Umbarans smiled at the compliment. Feeling a presence coming towards me, I turned to see Ezra.

"Come on, everybody! We're about to watch a scary movie!" Ezra said excitedly before running off.

Nerezza, her family, and I followed my energetic Padawan to the center of the den to see Kanan and Zeb setting up a large screen.

Wonder what movie we're going to watch...?

After setting up, the movie started. We were watching "The Nightsisters Project," one of the scariest movies out there.

Trust me, if you were watching this with us, all you would hear is screaming and shrieking... Yeah, it's that scary. Even Zeb got scared!

By the time the movie ended, everyone would jump-scare one another from time to time.

I almost punted Ezra into space, and he knows not to sneak up on me. That was his first mistake.

When the midnight hour struck, everyone showed off their costumes and had a grand time playing games and tricks. When it was just the Ghost crew and I, we all counted to see who had the most and least amount of candy.

"Well, well, well... Looks my dear, young Padawan lost our little game." I said.

Everyone else had at least 9 or more pieces of candy; Ezra had only 7.

Almost felt bad for the kid. Keyword, almost.

"Well, I'd stay on high alert if I were you." I said, quoting Ezra.

Ezra chuckled and nodded. We all walked back to the party, Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and I were coming up with ways to scare Ezra. A brilliant idea soon popped into my head, and it involved everyone.

"Sabine, do you think you can make me look like the Seventh Sister?" I asked.

"Yeah, but why?" she asked.

Waving over the others, I told them about my plan, which they all agreed to. Spreading the idea around, I asked Atlas if he and the other Loth-wolves would be willing to participate, and they happily agreed.

As stoic and strong-willed as these guys are, they can act very mischievous when they want to be.

Once everything was set up, I created a Force illusion of myself and let it wander around the den. Sneaking away from the party with Nerezza, I gave her a firm nod. Nodding back, she let a loud scream. I picked up Nerezza and walked over to the party. Every head turned our way.

"Zelara, you did the exact same thing on April Fool's Day. You can drop the act." Ezra said.

"I'm right here, Ezra." my illusion said.

Smiling, I removed the vizor and revealed my painted face. Immediately, Kanan, Ezra, Kayla, and my Force illusion all ignited their weapons. Scoffing, I dropped Nerezza's motionless body in front of everyone.

"Nerezza, no!" Ichtaca cried.

"How dare you!" Asrani roared.

Drawing out his weapon, he ran up to me and started swinging his daggers at me. Igniting my lightsaber, I acted like I ran my blade through Asrani. Following the plan, he dropped to the ground.

So far, so good...

"Still think I am your precious Zelara, Padawan?" I asked, impersonating the Seventh Sister.

Holding out my hand, I called upon Atlas and the other Loth-wolves. The mighty creatures growled and barked at the others.

"Do what you like to the others but leave the boy to me." I said.

At my command, the Loth-wolves started attacking the others. Running up to Ezra, I swung my blade near his face, but he quickly blacked my attack.

"Maul killed you! How are you here?" Ezra asked.

"The Force works in mysterious ways. I knew I just had to get my revenge on you for what you did me back on Malachor." I said.

Our lightsabers collided many times; sparks flying and crackling in between us. Changing my footing, I swept my leg under my Padawan and watched him fall backward. His lightsaber dislodged from his hand and I was able to catch it before it fell back down. Deactivating the green blade, I lifted Ezra off the ground with the Force and made him as stiff as a board. I made him watch as the Loth-wolves attacked our friends.

"No! Stop!" Ezra said.

I only chuckled at the kid's failed attempt of getting free.

"I don't think so, Padawan. We're going to watch your friends, or should I say, your family suffer the same fate as the many others who defied the Empire." I said.

My smile couldn't get more sinister. When the Loth-wolves finished having their fun, they walked up to us.

"Excellent work, my pets." I said.

Letting the kid go, I watched as he fell to the ground with a soft thud.

"I'll give you a choice: be eaten alive or by my blade?" I asked, activating my red lightsaber.

Ezra glared at me.

"Neither! I won't stop until you're dead!" Ezra said.

Using the Force, he called upon his lightsaber and activated it once he grabbed it. Grinning, I waved the Loth-wolves away. Connecting with the Force, I began to use Force speed. I calmly walked up to my apprentice and tripped him up. Once he was on the ground, I grabbed his lightsaber and held it against his neck. Instantly, I was back in real-time.

"What in the world did you just do?" Ezra asked.

"Something I learned. Looks like you still have a long way to go, Padawan." I said.

Before Ezra could even think about getting up, I placed my foot on his chest and pointed the green blade at him.

"Any last words?" I asked.

Ezra growled struggled to get free underneath me. I chuckled deactivated the green blade.

"I told you you'd pay for that dirty trick, Bridger." I said.

Looking very confused, I wiped off the paint and revealed my true self to my Padawan. Ezra's eyes widened in surprise.

"What the...?" Ezra question.

Removing my foot, I held out a hand to the young teen. Ezra scoffed and grasped my hand.

"All right, everyone! Joke's over!" I called out.

After my call, everyone got up from the ground.

"Wait. All of you were in on this?" Ezra asked.

"Those were the rules if you lost the challenge." Sabine said.

Ezra breathed out and shook his head in amusement.

"Okay, I admit. That was a really good trick. It was like the prank you pulled on April Fool's Day, Zelara." Ezra said.

"Yeah, but this time, I had a lot of help." I said, glancing at my friends.

For the rest of the evening, we played tricks, played games, watched more scary movies, like "The Tatooine Chainsaw Massacre," "A Quiet Place," and "The Conjuring."

Yeah, we're all going to have nightmares after these movies... Nonetheless, this was a Spooktacular Halloween!

I know I said I was going to post a part before this, but get this. I was writing the part; halfway done, and what I thought was the save button, I clicked on the delete button by mistake... I was so kriffing pissed at myself, and I was like, "Lemme finish the Halloween special, 'cause I really don't have the brainpower to rewrite that entire part again." Not to mention it was an episode based chapter. So sorry for the misconception, and sorry for not putting this out sooner. I had a lot of other work that needed to be done...

Anyway, 🎃Happy Halloween🎃 Sorry that I couldn't post this on the day of. I do hope you had a fun time trick-or-treating and watching scary movies. I also hope you found enjoyment in reading this. I have a lot planned for the upcoming month, and I have a feeling that you guys are going to love it. Suggestions are forever open and appreciated. May the Force be with You!

