A Crew-less Pirate of Old

A throwback to one of my favorite episodes from Season 2. "Brothers of the Broken Horn" (Season 2 Episode 6) Enjoy!

It was another day on Garel and Kanan and I was waiting for our Padawan to begin Jedi training.

But that was almost half an hour ago...

"Ugh, where is that kid?" Kanan asked impatiently.

"I think I know where. Come on." I said.

The two of us left our training spot to go look for our late student. Just like I thought, Ezra was practicing with a blaster with Rex and Chopper. Chopper had a Stormtrooper helmet and was rolling around while Ezra was trying to shoot it down.

Keyword, trying...

"Aim, then fire." Rex said.

"Rex, I bet even sometimes you miss." Ezra said.

"Speaking of, you're missing Jedi training. Which is now. Remember?" Kanan asked.

Ezra sighed and ceased fire.

"You know, I can't be in two places at once," Ezra said.

"As a soldier, you're gonna have to learn to prioritize." Rex said.

"Well, he's not a soldier." Kanan said.

"He's a Jedi." I said.

"Yeah. What if I don't want to be either?"

Chopper came around and dropped the helmet in surprise. Kanan, Rex, and I looked at the kid in shock and disbelief. Ezra let out a sigh and hung his head in defeat.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kanan asked.

Feeling a presence, I turned my head to the Ghost's ramp. As I suspected, Sabine came running down it.

"Hey, practice squad, Hera called a meeting. Attendance is mandatory." Sabine said before rushing back in the ship.

Ezra handed Rex the blaster and dashed towards the Ghost, soon disappearing in it.

"So, what's bothering him?" Rex asked.

"No idea. This is new." Kanan said.

"You can say that again." I said.

Not wanting to dwell on the situation any longer, the three of us and Chopper made our way towards the ramp and disappeared in the ship. Once we walked into the common room, we saw a holographic image of Commander Sato.

"As we speak, the frozen planet of Rinn is facing an energy crisis. When their supply of fuel cells is gone, the settlements will not be able to power the heaters the need to survive," Sato said.

"They'll freeze down there." Sabine said.

"Since we're on Garel, we should check out the black market." Ezra suggested.

"Bound to be generators or something we can get our hands on." Kanan said.

"And anything extra that the settlements might need." I said.

"See what you can find, without delay."

Sato's image soon faded away.

"Gear up, everyone. Time to go make friends with the locals." Hera said, standing up.

Nodding to our captain, everyone made their way out of the ship. When Ezra was about to leave, Hera stopped Ezra in his tracks.

"Except you, Spectre-6. I asked you to clean the ion scoring off the Phantom's exhaust ports... Twice," Hera said, holding up two fingers.

"But I had Jedi practice. And blaster practice." Ezra said.

"Well, now you have scrubbing practice."

Chopper rolled by us, laughing his dome off.

"What are you laughing at? Uh-uh. You're gonna help him." Hera said.

Chopper then rolled the other way, grumbling and complaining as usual.

"I'll stay behind to make sure he doesn't get into any trouble." I said.

"Thanks, Zelara." Hera said, walking away.

"We'll discuss this later?" Kanan asked.

"Can't wait for that." Ezra said.

Kanan then walked away without another word. Placing a hand on my Padawan's back, I led him on top of the Ghost to start cleaning. Looking down from the ship, we saw the rest of the crew walking away from the Ghost.

Good luck, you guys...

I looked down at Ezra and saw a troubled expression on his face.

"What's your problem, kid?" I asked.

"It's 'clean the Ghost,' lightsaber training, blaster training." Ezra complained.

"Your point being?"

Chopper had turned around and asked him the same thing, except he asked it more rudely.

"I kind of miss the old days when everything was simple." Ezra said.

A sympathetic look was painted across my face.

I know that feeling well... I thought that if I joined the Rebels, I would be giving up my responsibilities as the Wolf Jedi. But now that I'm with them, I'm still fulfilling those responsibilities, just in a different manner.

Chopper soon turned around and warbled.

"A distress signal? From who?" Ezra asked, standing up.

"This is the Broken Horn. We require assistance." a man's voice said.

"Broken Horn?" I asked.

"That's Vizago's ship!"

Oh, him...

"Okay. Look, someone's in distress, and if there's one thing I've learned from Kanan, it's that we help people in distress." Ezra said.

Ezra sprinted across the Ghost and climbed down the ladder into it. Letting out a sigh, Chopper and I followed the kid into the Ghost.

I am not about to let this kid die on my watch.

Once on the ship, I saw Ezra walk into the Phantom with his cadet helmet under his arm.

"Chopper, grab the helmet you, Ezra, and Rex was using." I said, following Ezra.

Chopper saluted and went to grab the helmet. Once I was on the Phantom, I saw Ezra powering up the shuttle.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Come on, Zel. Let's go see what Vizago got himself into. I owe him a favor, and this could square us." Ezra said.

I tilted my head back and let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine, but if we get caught, you're taking the blame. Plus, I don't want you to die out there." I said.

Hearing a warble behind me, I turned around to see Chopper with the Stromtrooper helmet in his metal hand. Taking it, I turned back to my Padawan. I just shook my head in disbelief.

I'm now half-wishing I went with the rest of the crew...

Chopper soon began to warble and buzz.

"What? I know how to fly." Ezra said.

At that exact moment, Ezra tried to take off, but he was bumping into the sides that were keeping the Phantom in place.

"Can you lift off, please?" I asked.

Ezra breathed out and finally detached from the Ghost, soon lifting off into space.

"Like I said, you're taking the blame." I said.

"I got it." Ezra said.

Chopper then rocked back and forth, warbling and buzzing.

"No, I'm not running away from my problems. I am simply helping someone with their problems. There's a difference." Ezra said.

I hung my head and breathed out a heavy sigh. Looking up, I saw a large ship up ahead.

"That's Vizago's ship, all right. Wonder what happened." Ezra said.

"Who knows?" I questioned.

Ezra cleared his throat before pressing the comm button.

"Vizago! Cikatro Vizago, do you read me?" Ezra asked.

There was no reply afterward. Chopper soon started warbling and grumbling.

"Well, of course, we're going to board the ship." Ezra said.

Ezra took the controls and flew the Phantom over to the desolate ship. Landing the shuttle on the Broken Horn, we put on our helmets and made our way to the airlock. Once inside the Broken Horn, no alarms went off. The hallways were quiet, a little too quiet for my liking.

"Vizago must be in trouble. Why else wouldn't he answer his comm?" Ezra questioned.

Shrugging my shoulders, I continued to follow Ezra.

Like coming here wasn't bad enough...

Once we passed through another door, it just led us into another empty hallway. Not paying attention, Ezra bumped into something and fell to the ground. Immediately, both of us pulled out our blasters. I soon lowered my blaster when I saw that they were just droids.

"They're shut off." Ezra commented.

Helping my Padawan back on his feet, we marveled at large droids.

"Something is definitely not right." Ezra said.

"Really? What gave you that impression?" I asked sarcastically.

Walking around the droid, we walked down the rest of the hallway with the same, shut off droids. I removed my helmet to get a better look at the droids.

They were bodyguard and enforcer droids. A deadly and dangerous combination... They're near good to be assassin droids, to say the least.

Walking through the door, we heard music playing on the speakers. Posted on either side of the door were two more of the droids from outside.

It looks like the cockpit to me.

We then saw something move underneath the control panel.

"Vizago? Vizago is... Is that you?" Ezra asked.

"Uh, not exactly." said the person under the control panel.

When the person stood up, Ezra and I pointed our blasters at them. When the person looked up, I saw that it was a Weequay.

"Well, hello there." he said.

Pressing a button next to him, he put a stop to the music.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Hondo Ohnaka, proud owner of this fine but currently inoperative vessel," said the Weequay.

"Where's Vizago? This is his ship." Ezra said.

"Ah, you know Vizago? Well, then we have a mutual friend. Yes, it was his ship. But we were enjoying a friendly game of sabacc, and... Well, now it is my ship."

"Vizago bet his ship?" I asked.

"Right after he bet his droids, which are now also mine."

Hondo then brought out a small activator.

"Watch. I turn them on." Hondo said, pressing the activator.

The droids behind us soon straightened up, and Ezra and I were quick to point our weapons at them.

"I turn them off." Hondo said, pressing the activator.

The droids soon slouched over and stopping moving.

"Yeah, okay, I... I guess that can happen," Ezra said, putting his blaster away.

"You know about me, but who are you?" Hondo asked.

"I'm Lando Calrissian."

I smacked my hand against my face.

Of all the names he could've chosen, he went with that one...?

"Lando! So, at last, I meet the semi-famous Lando Calrissian!" Hondo said, slinging his arm behind Ezra's neck.

I breathed out a heavy sigh and followed the two.

"A tad younger than I pictured, but to be so young and flying to my rescue proves that you must be the scoundrel I have heard of," Hondo said.

"Yeah. I mean, I am pretty good." Ezra said.

"He's pretty good... Are you looking for a crew? Good news. Hondo is hiring."

"Sorry, but he already has a crew." I said.

Ezra backed away and nodded in agreement.

"Ah, I am terribly sorry, my dear. Who might you be?" Hondo asked, turning to me.

"Unlike LANDO here, I'm Zelara June." I answered.

"A pleasure to meet you, Zelara June."

I nodded to him with a small smile.

"Speaking of crews, where'd our droid go?" Ezra asked.

Looking behind me, I didn't see Chopper at all.

After all that time, he wasn't with us? Thought I was the responsible one... Guess Ezra's rubbing off on me.

"Oh, you lost your droid? I lost my whole crew, thanks to the Empire... I once was a captain, you know. Oh, the stories I could tell. So many of them true." Hondo said.

Then, a loud beeping started going off on the control panel. Looking out the windshield, there was an Imperial light cruiser. Heading straight for us.

"Uh, yeah, you want to tell a story. Tell one to the Empire while I try to get the power back on." Ezra said, sliding underneath the control panel.

Hondo walked up to the control panel and pressed on the comm button.

"Hello? How can we help you?" Hondo asked.

"Attention, transport. You have breached an Imperial checkpoint." said an Imperial technician.

"Hyperspace would be good!"

While Ezra was working on the repairs, the light cruiser started firing at us.

Just like the Empire to not give us a chance.

Ezra soon stood up with a confident smile.

"I think I got it!" Ezra said.

Then, Chopper came through the door, warbling loudly. Plugging into the ship, Chopper was able to activate hyperspace.

"Well, Lando and Zelara, it looks like we are off on an adventure!" Hondo said.

With that, the Broken Horn disappeared into hyperspace, getting away from being space junk. I looked out of the windshield with a look of disgust.

"It is as if we were in each other's heads. We only just met, and we already make a remarkable team." Hondo said, propping his feet on the control panel," Hondo said.

"Yeah, but we're not." Ezra said.

"Not yet, perhaps. You know, I could use you two for a job. A little trade, that is all."

"Sorry, we're not interested. Ezra, this has gone far enough. Coming here was bad enough, but now traveling through hyperspace to who knows where... Once we reach our destination, we're taking the Phantom and going back to Garel." I said sternly.

Ezra sighed and nodded.

"Understood, Master." he said.

"Oh, come now. You know, I am an old man. I just need help pushing a few crates." Hondo said.

"Crates of what?" Ezra asked.

Coming in between us, Chopper projected a holographic image of the crates Hondo was talking about.

"Whoa! Whoa. Power generators?" Ezra asked.

These are the exact generators the Rinn settlements are running low on...

"That's what you're smuggling? These are pretty hard to get these days, old man. Expensive, too." Ezra said.

"You're right. Which is why we will sell them at the fair markup. Five hundred percent," Hondo said.

"Oh, okay. We help you, and you give us our cut in power generators. Three crates," Ezra said.

"All right. Two crates and you have a deal."

"Two. And we split the profit at the third."


The two of them nodded and shook hands to seal the deal. Hondo chuckled and wrapped his arm around Ezra.

"The way you strike a bargain, you remind me of a great pirate I know. Me! Ha!" Hondo laughed.

Looking at Ezra, I watched him take the device that activated the droids.

Still sneaky as ever, Bridger.

"Now, let's go split up the merchandise." Hondo said walking out of the cockpit.

Once Hondo was gone, Ezra turned to me with the activator in his hand.

"Nice grab." I said.

Ezra smiled and handed Chopper the activator.

"Look, this could come in handy if he gives us any trouble. Hang on to it, Chop." Ezra said.

Chopper saluted and tucked it away. Grabbing my helmet, Ezra, Chopper, and I went to where the generators were stashed and pushed them all onto a cart. We soon came out of hyperspace, and a moon-looking planet was in view. Entering the planet's atmosphere, the ship headed towards a station on top of a snowy mountain.

This must be where the fair markup's taking place.

The station's doors opened, and the Broken Horn was able to fly in and land in the hanger. Stepping onto the ramp, I felt it descend until it hit the ground.

"Hey, stay here in case there's any kind of trouble." Ezra said, looking down at Chopper.

Chopper warbled exactly what I was going to say.

"I know we're already in trouble. Just keep your comm channel open." Ezra said, pressing on his wrist comm.

"Hurry it up, you two! We are on a schedule!" Hondo cried.

Flipping my helmet in the air, I followed behind Ezra as he pushed the cart of crates. Looking around me, I saw a lot of different races of aliens; Rodians and Aqualish being the most common.

"So, who is the buyer anyway?" Ezra asked.

Walking into another ship hanger, my face scrunched up at who the buyer was.

"All right. Where's Vizago?" he asked.

"Azmorigan." Ezra and I said.

I put on the helmet while Ezra put down his helmet's visor.

The buyer just had to be Azmorigan... First time I'm meeting him, but I've heard enough about him from the other Rebels.

"Ah, Vizago is indisposed, uh, so to speak, granting me the privilege of conducting business with you, O legendary one." Hondo said, walking forward.

Breathing out, Ezra and I reluctantly followed.

"Hondo Ohnaka, at your service." Hondo said.

Azmorigan just smiled and chuckled.

"Is this a joke? I don't deal with washed-up old relics." Azmorigan said.

"Come now, let's leave your wife out of this. There is no need for such impropriety among thieves. I am certain we can reach an accord." Hondo said.

Azmorigan breathed out and chuckled once more.

"I'm certain we can." he said.

Once he said that more of Azmorigan's guards appeared and aimed their blasters at us. Hondo, Ezra, and I reluctantly raised our hands in surrender.

"That was easy." Hondo said.

"Nice going, partner." Ezra said.

Nodding towards one another, Ezra and I quickly pressed on our wrist comms.

"Looks like you got us captured." Ezra said.

"It would be nice to have some backup!" I said.

Once we were on a cart, the guards behind us cuffed our wrists behind our backs and forced us down. They even stripped us of our blasters.

This could be worse. I mean, I could've been captured by the Empire and executed. Instead, we're about to be executed by a disgusting smuggler...

"Just a thought, but why don't we just call it even and go through with the original deal? Sounds good, yes?" Hondo asked.

"I appreciate your offer, humbly, but I don't think you'll be around to collect." Azmorigan laughed.

Once he pressed a button on a small panel, the hanger doors opened revealed the endless space.

"Azmorigan, take the fruits of our labor if you must. That I understand. But this? Is it necessary?" Hondo asked.

"Oh, yes. You see, the Rang Clan has a nice bounty on your head. I'll collect on these generators and make an additional profit from your death," Azmorigan said, cackling.

"Your business plan is impressive."

"Of course, it is. It's mine."

If I could face-palm, I would, instead, I just shook my head in disbelief. Azmorigan soon looked at Ezra and me with a confused look.

"Who are these two?" he asked.

The guards behind us soon took off our helmets and revealed our faces.

Karabast... I wish I wore my hooded cloak... Hope he doesn't recognize me...

"Hey. Hey. I know you... From somewhere. Calrissian's farm on Lothal!" Azmorigan said to Ezra.

"Well, of course, you know him. This is my longtime friend, Lando Calrissian, and his ward, Zelara June." Hondo said.

Excuse me... WARD!?

"What? No, he's not Calrissian, and he doesn't have a ward," Azmorigan said.

"You lied to me? I knew I liked you!" Hondo said.

"But this one. You look awfully familiar."

I looked up at him before looking back down.

"Hmm, no one I've met before. But I'm sure you'll be worth something once you're gone." Azmorigan said.

I breathed out a deep and heavy sigh of relief.

At least he didn't recognize me. But he's right about one thing, I'll be worth something if he kills me. My bounty is just as high as the Rebels' bounty alone.

Azmorigan then started chuckling.

"You... You robbed me. Oh, I will enjoy this. I get to collect on Ohnaka, I get to kill you two, and I get to keep the five generators! All of them, five crates!" Azmorigan said.

Once he looked at the crates, he started stumbling over his words.

"Wait. There are only four crates here? You were supposed to bring me five!" Azmorigan yelled, looking in Hondo's direction.

"Well, the droid had the fifth crate." Hondo said.


As if on cue, Chopper came rushing through with the last crate.

"Blast him!" Azmorigan cried.

Together, he and his guards started shooting at Chopper. Chopper let go of the cart and let it collide with the other cart of crates, sending the crates flying in every direction; even knocking down some of Azmorigan's guards. Once a guard got close enough, Ezra popped up and swept his leg under the guard, causing him to fall backward onto a platform.

"Thank you for stopping by." Hondo said, pressing the panel with his chin.

The panel turned green and the platform started moving. It then ejected the guard out of the hanger and left him floating in space.

Good thing that didn't happen to us.

"Die, you pirate scum!" Azmorigan cried, firing his blaster at us.

Hondo, Ezra, and I quickly ducked behind one of the toppled carts for cover.

"Well, this is fun. What's the plan?" Hondo asked.

"I don't know. Ask the droid." Ezra said.

Turning my head, I saw another guard regain consciousness and aim his blaster at us.

"Lando, watch out!" Hondo said.

Ezra jumped up and brought his hands in front of him. When the guard fired at him, the cuffs on his wrist were shot off. Sticking the landing, Ezra looked up with a confident grin.

"Hey! Get our blasters!" Ezra said to Chopper.

A moment after, the guard in front of us was jolted with electricity. Collapsing to the ground, Chopper grabbed our blasters and started maneuvering around the still active gunfire.

"Chopper! Over here!" Ezra cried.

Dodging a few more bullets, Chopper threw our blasters over to Ezra. Catching them, Ezra shot off the cuffs that were still on me and Hondo. Taking my blaster from my Padawan, we waited for the right moment to strike.

"Now you die, Hondo Ohnaka!" Azmorigan said.

Looking over the cart, Ezra and I began firing at the Jablogian. Dodging our bullets, Azmorigan soon hid behind a scaffold. The next thing I knew, the scaffold was coming towards us. Ezra tried to blast through it, but his bullet just hit the scaffold.

"Ezra, move!" I cried.

Hondo then got up and pushed Ezra and me away from getting hit. Hitting the ground, I realized I was on top of Ezra.

"Sorry, kid. You okay?" I asked, climbing off him.

"Yeah. You?" he asked.

"Believe me, I've been worse."

Looking to our side, we saw Hondo about to get propelled into space.

"Ezra, together!" I said.

Holding out our hands, we were able to stop Hondo from being frozen in space. Getting tired, we dropped our hands and let Hondo go.

At least we're not dead...

I placed a hand on my Padawan's back and smiled. Ezra looked at me and mimicked my smile. Turning my head to the sound of blaster fire, I saw Chopper shooting at Azmorigan, making him retreat into his ship. Azmorigan's ship soon lifted off the ground and flew out of the hanger.

"Well, that was easy. Very good." Hondo said, watching Azmorigan's fly out of view.

Hondo turned to us and let out a hearty laugh. The kid and I looked at the pirate with kind smiles before heading over to the crate of generators.

"My friends, my friends. You might not be Calrissian or his ward, but I know one thing you are..." Hondo said.

The two of us looked at Hondo in confusion.

"You are Jedi." Hondo said.

Hondo then let out another hearty laugh.

Great, now he knows...

After putting the crates back on the cart, we walked up to the pirate with Chopper at our side.

"Why did you not tell me you were Jedi? You know, I am an old Jedi Sympathizer. I know, I wouldn't believe me either, but one of my best friends was a Jedi. I'm pretty sure we were friends," Hondo said.

"Well, I'm not really a Jedi yet." Ezra said.

"I am his Master as well as another friend of ours." I said.

"Well, then be a pirate Jedi! We will make an excellent team. But first, tell me, what is your name? Your real name."

Ezra took a deep breath and cleared his throat before looking at Hondo.

"Ezra Bridger." he said.

"Thank you, Ezra Bridger. And you, Zelara June?" Hondo asked.

"Exactly that. Zelara June. Unlike my Padawan, I know how to be truthful." I said, nudging my arm against Ezra's.

Ezra chuckled and nodded. Hondo, Ezra, Chopper, and I took back the generators and boarded the Broken Horn. We soon left the station and blasted off into space. The four of us were strolling down hallways, just chatting.

"Well, you must have many responsibilities, yes?" Hondo asked.

"Yeah, too many at the moment," Ezra said.

"Well, then join my crew, and I will split it right down the middle, fifty-forty. You won't get a better deal than that, especially from me."

"Wait. That's only 90%."

"What about the other 10?" I asked.

"Oh, you want me to spend that on expenses, trust me."

I'd expect nothing less from a pirate. Believe me, I DATED one.

"Okay, well, how about 0% for us? We want the generators. All of them." Ezra said.

Ezra's words brought a smile to my face.

"You have a deal, partner!" Hondo said, pulling Ezra into a hug.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene.

"Ah! This makes me happy! You get the generators and I get you for my crew," Hondo said, pulling away.

"As I said before, he already has a crew." I said.

"Yes, yes. Let us celebrate! Droid, droid! Go to the galley and bring me the most expensive drink you can and something for my friend."

"Uh, yeah, I think we'll go with him." Ezra said.

"Of course, partner. Don't forget yours!"

Nodding to the old pirate, the kid and I followed Chopper around the corner.

"I don't know what just happened, Did I just join his crew?" Ezra asked.

Chopper warbled and buzzed an agreeable question.

"Yeah. You're not thinking about leaving the Ghost, are you?" I asked.

"No, no, I don't want to leave the Ghost. I... I mean, not really." Ezra said.

Ezra sighed and continued onward.

"Maybe I would make a pretty good pirate. Inquisitors don't hunt them, do they?" Ezra asked.

Ezra's statement made me stop in my tracks.

If Ezra left the Ghost, I don't know what I'd do with myself. He wouldn't be leaving his crew behind; he would be leaving his family...

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of rattling.

"What is that?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know." I said.

Following the sound, we ended up in the ship's brig. In one of the cells was a Devaronian.

"Vizago!" Ezra cried.

So, this is Cikatro Vizago? Hmm, I expected him to be a Kaminoan or a Shistavanen, but never a Devaronian.

"You? What are you doing here, and who is this?" he asked.

"This is Zelara but... Wait. Hondo told us you lost your ship in a bet," Ezra said.

"Oh! And you believed that swindler? By the moons of Gozgo, you are hopelessly gullible!"

"Hey, I'm the one who got locked in his own brig."

Vizago snarled and soon got on his feet.

"He shot me in the back with a stunner and disabled my droids somehow." Vizago said.

Ezra knocked on Chopper's dome and took out the device that activated the droids.

"Probably with this." Ezra said, holding up the activator.

"You must help me reclaim the Horn," Vizago said.

"Sorry, but I've got other things to worry about." Ezra said.

"You owe me, remember? I gave you information, and it saved your Jedi friend. I am calling in that favor... Now."

Chopper then started warbling and buzzing.

"Chop's right, Ezra. That IS what you wanted." I said.

"I know what I said earlier, you two. Okay, I'll get you your ship, and then we're even." Ezra said.

Chopper then sent a small current of electricity to the cell door, and the door swung open.

"Fine by me," Vizago said.

"Chopper, get the generators on board the Phantom," Ezra said.

"My generators?"

"No, my generators. Now, come along and behave."

The three of us walked out of the brig and made our way towards the cockpit. Once we were there, we saw Hondo counting Azmorigan's credits.

"I think you two know each other." Ezra said.

Hondo turned around and gasped.

"Partner, how could you let this dangerous criminal out of the brig?" Hondo asked.

"Save it, partner. Let's all relax. Zelara and I take the generators. You two split Azmorigan's credits. Everyone wins." Ezra said.

I looked at the two men and waited for a response.

"That is a fair deal... And it disgusts me." Hondo said.

"For once, I agree. Care to hear my counter-offer?" Vizago asked, holding up the activator.

How did he get that...?

When he pressed the button, the droids behind him came to life. With a smirk, Vizago backed out of the cockpit and let the droids outside come in. Ezra and I got in front of Hondo and activated our lightsabers. Once we did, the droids started firing at us. Luckily, the kid and I were able to deflect their blasts. Hondo was helping by blasting the droids' heads. A droid who had been shot fell on top of Vizago, preventing his escape. Then, one of the droids knocked Ezra's lightsaber out of his hand and lifted him up.

"Let him go!" I cried.

I brought down my lightsaber and chopped off the droid's arm. The droid let go of Ezra and staggered backward. When I turned around, the Broken Horn had just exited hyperspace and Garel was in view.

Well, we don't have to worry about trying to find a way back to Garel...

Before the droid could make another move, Ezra picked up his lightsaber and sliced it in half. Turning back around, I saw Hondo with Azmorigan's credits and heading down and escape hatch.

"Excellent work! I will invest your share wisely." Hondo said.

"Thanks a lot, partner!" Ezra said.

What a snake...

At the exact moment, another droid walked through the cockpit door. Looking over at Vizago, he'd finally got the droid off him.

"Keep the Jedi occupied." Vizago ordered.

Before Vizago walked out, Ezra used the Force to get the activator to shut off the droids. A droid soon fired at Ezra, breaking his concentration, and made him drop the activator.

"Get the activator! I'll hold them off!" I said.

With a firm nod, Ezra slid under the control panel and grabbed the activator. Holding it up, Ezra pressed the button and shut off the droids. The two of us breathed out sighs of relief. Then, our comms went off and Chopper started warbling frantically.

"What could have possibly gone wrong now?" Ezra asked.

Shrugging my shoulders, the kid and I ran out of the cockpit and headed towards the airlock where the Phantom was. Once we made the corner, the two of us bumped into Vizago. Looking outside the airlock door, I saw the Phantom flying towards Garel.

He didn't...

Growling, I slammed my fist into the door. Letting out a sigh, I turned back to Vizago, Chopper, and Ezra.

"Well, looks like you got your ship back, as promised," Ezra said.

"Yes, but I lost all my credits and my generators!" Vizago said.

"Technically, they were my generators."

I let out a sigh and rested a hand on my head. Next thing we knew Ezra, Chopper, and I were in an escape-pod. Once Vizago ejected us, Chopper plugged into the pod and set the coordinates.

"Not sure how we're gonna explain all this." Ezra said.

"We?" I asked.

Ezra sighed and leaned his head back against the seat. Breathing out, I placed a hand on my Padawan's shoulder.

"But I'll take the blame with you." I said.

Ezra glanced at me and smiled. Then, Chopper started warbling.

"What do you mean you know where Hondo will be?" Ezra asked.

Once we entered Garel's atmosphere, Chopper was able to land the escape-pod close enough to where the Ghost was.

The walk to the Ghost wasn't long, thankfully.

Once we made it to the Ghost, we heard familiar laughter. Walking up the ramp, we saw the rest of the crew and Hondo.

"Then, they let Vizago out! The villain was upon us, I'm telling you! But young Ezra and Zelara, they stood tall in front of me and withstood a massive attack!" Hondo said.

He then stopped his story when he saw the two of us.

"My friends! I was just talking about you. How you two and I rescued the generators from the evil Vizago." Hondo said.

"Likely story." I scoffed.

"Yeah, that's not true. You stole the generators and our ship." Ezra said.

Hondo gasped in offense.

"What an accusation! You wound me!" Hondo said.

"Chopper had the Phantom on autopilot." Ezra said.

"Well, that's another version of the story, I suppose. I'll tell you what. You can keep my generators. They are my gift to you. Goodbye!" Hondo said walking down the ramp.

Good riddance is more like it...

I watched as Ezra ran up to Hondo before he left.

"Just so you know, at one time, I might have joined your crew." Ezra said.

Hondo smiled and let out a hearty laugh.

"Oh, Ezra. You truly are a Jedi." Hondo said.

With a final smile, Hondo walked away, still holding Azmorigan's credits.

"Contact Commander Sato. Tell him Ezra Bridger found his generators." Hera said.

The rest of the crew walked further in the Ghost whereas Kanan and I walked up on either side of our Padawan.

"So, you went for a little spin?" Kanan asked.

"You don't wanna know..." I said.

"I was just trying to figure things out," Ezra said.

"And did you?"

"I used to be like Hondo... Out for myself and alone. But that's not who I am anymore."

Kanan and I looked down at the kid and smiled.

"You're on a different path now." Kanan said.

"And I have you guys." Ezra said with a smile.

Ezra's kind words made Kanan and I smiled wider. Wrapping an arm around the kid, the three of us walked back in the Ghost with love in our hearts.

I'm glad Ezra figured things out. He's not the only one in this universe who wishes that everything can go back to the way things used to be. But when you have friends and family who love and care for you, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way.

Sorry for the late update. Father's still in rehab and school is starting soon. Next part will be another episode based part. Stay tuned. May the Force be with You!

