The Wolf and The Crow {Part 6}

The final part. Here we go!

Crowvern glared at me with his blood-red eyes.

"You think a little transformation like that is going to save you?" he asked.

Crowvern ran up to me and brought down his weapon. Changing my footing, I moved out of the way just in time.

"Does my power frighten you, Master?" I asked.

Crowvern growled and thrust his lightsaber forward. I quickly raised my own to block his onslaught.

"I honestly expected better from you." I said.

I raised my lightsaber and ran my weapon across his eye. Crowvern staggered backward and clutched his wounded eye. I looked at my former Master and scoffed.

"Your Master would be so disappointed in you..." I said.

Crowvern looked up at me and growled.

"What happened to all that gusto and big talk earlier?" I asked.

Crowvern glared at me and soon a devilish smile appeared on his face. He straightened up and let go of his wounded eye. A long, red gash could be seen over his left eye. The sight of it made me sick to my stomach.

Did... Did I really do that...?

"What's wrong? Afraid of a little blood? You are the one who did this." Crowvern said, pointing to the gash.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and readied my lightsaber.

"I see red all the time, so this is nothing." he said.

"But you're afraid if it's your own blood you are bearing." I countered.

Crowvern's grin fell like a rock being dropped in the ocean.

"Allow me to show you what I have accomplished and acquired after your departure." Crowvern said.

When Crowvern looked at me, his eyes started to glow red, as well did his lightsaber. Then, a red aura started to ascend from underneath him.

His power... It just spiked up out of nowhere...

"Ilona was more than happy to lend me her power." Crowvern said.

My heart sank at what I just heard.

"What did you do her?" I asked.

"Relax. She is fine, just... unresponsive." he said.

"You're a madman..."

Twirling my weapon, I charged at Crowvern and brought down my weapon upon his head, only to have it stopped by my former Master's lightsaber.

"Like my new power, Padawan? I would be more than happy to share this power with you if you would just join me." he said.

"In your dreams!" I shouted.

Our lightsabers collided and connected so many times, I couldn't keep count even if I wanted to. Changing my foot, I was able to flip over Crowvern and dodge his attack.

Crowvern has gotten a lot faster and stronger. I need to be careful if I want to survive and beat him...

"Give up now, apprentice! With my power maximized, there is no way you will be able to stop me!" Crowvern said.

"Never! I will avenge those you have slaughtered!" I cried.

Crowvern smiled and started going on the offensive. His movements were quick and precise; it was very difficult to keep up and block his attacks. Flipping over me, Crowvern struck his lightsaber through my leg. Wincing in pain, I fell to the ground and clutched my wounded leg. Being the quick thinker I am, I immediately raised my weapon to stop Crowvern's from slamming into my face.

"Your reflexes are as sharp as ever, I see." he said.

"Thanks for noticing." I said sarcastically.

Pushing Crowvern away with the Force, I forcibly had to make myself stand. I exhaled a shaky breath as I stood on my wounded leg.

"What happened to the great Wolf Jedi I was SUPPOSED to be dueling?" Crowvern asked.

I glared at my former Master as I readied my weapon.

"Still willing to keep going, I see. I must say, your persistence is admirable, but it won't save you in the long run." Crowvern said.

I know I can't beat him, but I'm willing to die with honor... like Momma...

I deactivated my lightsaber and released it from my grasp, letting it fall on the ground. I let my ears and tail disappear, and let my hair go back to normal.

"You want to kill me? Go right ahead... I won't stop you..." I said.

Crowvern smiled and charged at me without hesitation. I closed my eyes and breathed out.

It was nice knowing you...

My eyes flew open to the sound of a loud scream. In front of me, I saw the end of Crowvern's lightsaber almost touching my chest, but the sight in front of me brought tears to my eyes.

"Nerezza..." I said.

She looked back at me and smiled.

"I want... to make things right..." she said.

When Crowvern removed his weapon, Nerezza just collapsed in front of me. Tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"She was useless anyway." Crowvern said coldly.

When Crowvern raised his lightsaber once more, I grabbed one of Nerezza's daggers and sliced it through the glowing blade, watching it disintegrate. Not wasting a second more, I grabbed my lightsaber and forced it through Crowvern's abdomen. I stared into Crowvern's eyes and he stared into mine. For a split second, I watched his red eyes turn back to dark purple.

"Goodbye... Master." I said.

Ripping my lightsaber out of him, I watched him fall backward. Dropping down on my knees, my breathing became sharp and heavy.

I did it, Momma... I avenged you...

Hearing a ship engine, I turned around and saw the Ghost. The ramp opened and my family came running out.

"Zelara!" Kayla cried.

She bent down and gasped at Nerezza's lifeless body.

"She saved me. Without her, I wouldn't be here right now." I said.

An idea soon came to mind.

"Kayla, please. Do you think you can heal her?" I asked.

"I can try..." Kayla said.

Ezra and the others soon rushed over to see what was going on. Kayla placed her hands over the hole in Nerezza's chest and closed her eyes. After a while, the wound started to close. When Kayla removed her hands, Nerezza was still motionless.

She can't really be gone, can she...?

Taking a deep breath, I placed two fingers on her neck. Tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"Is she...?" Ezra asked.

"She's alive... She's alive!" I cried happily.

Everyone sighed in relief. I stood up and walked over to Crowvern's lifeless body. Placing two fingers on his neck, I let out a sigh of relief.

He's gone... for good...

I then removed the Dark Wing Saber from his grasp. Breathing out, I walked over to the others to see Zeb throw Nerezza over his shoulder.

"Come on. I'll heal you when we get back to Atollon." Kayla said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Go on ahead. I'll follow behind you guys." I said.

Kayla nodded and went to catch up with the others. Walking over to Crowvern's starship, I sighed and opened the ramp. I walked into the cockpit and powered up the ship. Lifting the ship off the ground, I started following the Ghost. Watching the ship fly into hyperspace, I slumped in my seat and let out a heavy sigh.

"I did it, Momma... I really did it..." I said.

Feeling warm hands being placed on my shoulder, I smiled and leaned back into the warm embrace.

"You have made me so proud, my little star... Thank you..." she said.

Silence soon fell afterward. I looked down at the Dark Wing Saber and quizzically tilted my head. I took out the Lone Wolf Saber and ignited both blades.

I wonder...

Touching the Dark Wing Saber with the Lone Wolf Saber, they both started to glow. Then, the Dark Wing Saber started to lose its red color until it was pure white, like Ahsoka's lightsabers. The wings on the hilt soon changed from black to white. Deactivating the weapons, I smiled fully.

I know exactly who to give this to...

Coming out of hyperspace, I landed Crowvern's ship next to the Ghost. I stepped out and walked over to the Ghost to see the others waiting.

"Nerezza will be fine. She just needs some rest." Hera said.

"Okay," I said.

"Now, wasn't it a good idea for us to follow you?" Kayla said.

"I knew you guys were going to follow me from the start. What, you think I didn't notice the tracking device you asked Sabine to put in my lightsaber?"

Kayla scratched her neck in embarrassment.

"But I'm glad you did." I said.

"Speaking of which, let me heal those wounds and scars of yours." Kayla said.

"Thanks Kay." I said.

After a while, my scars and wounds were all healed. I soon walked into the medic bay where Nerezza was resting. I placed a hand over hers and smiled.

Get well soon, Nerezza...

When the doors hissed opened, I turned around to see Kayla, Ezra, and Kanan.

"You wanted to see us, Zel?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, follow me." I said.

We walked out of the medic bay until we were on the outskirts of the base.

"What is it?" Kanan asked.

I took out the transformed Dark Wing Saber and activated it.

"Whoa, it's... white." Kayla said.

"This was the Dark Wing Saber, but after the Lone Wolf Saber touched it, it lost its red color until it was pure white," I said.

"The last time I remember seeing a white lightsaber was when Ahsoka was around." Kanan said.

"Exactly. That's why it's so fascinating to me."

I deactivated the weapon and hooked it back on my belt.

"What are you going to do with it?" Ezra asked.

All I did was smile at my apprentice. A couple of days went by, and every day I would go and see how Nerezza was doing.

She's getting better, they keep saying. I'm just glad that she's alive.

One day when I was watching over Nerezza, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned in surprise and saw Nerezza's white eyes open.

"Zelara...?" she asked.

"Nerezza...!" I said.

Overwhelmed with happiness, I threw my arms around the Umbaran. Nerezza was surprised at first but soon wrapped her arms around me as well. When we parted, I told her that Crowvern was no more and that she didn't have to live in fear anymore.

"Well, that's good," she said.

"Also, thank you... for risking your life to save me." I said.

"I couldn't let my friend die."

What she said brought a smile to my face. Nerezza soon sat up and swung her legs over the side of the cot.

"Think you can stand?" I asked.

"I'll try." she said.

When Nerezza touched the floor, she was standing just fine on her own.

"Good, you can stand. Once you get dressed, meet me outside. I want to show you something." I said.

When Nerezza nodded, I walked out of the room and walked down the ramp.

I'm glad Nerezza's okay...

After a few minutes, Nerezza walked out and was shocked to see me and the rest of the crew.

"What is all this?" she asked.

"With Zelara's recommendation, I want to be the first to welcome you and Kayla to the rebellion." Hera said.

Nerezza and Kayla looked at the Twe'lik in surprise.

"Really?" Kayla asked.

"We could use someone with your intelligence and ability to heal, Kayla. And Nerezza, with your crafty mind and spy skills, we would be more than happy if you'd join us." Hera said.

Kayla and Nerezza looked at each other and smiled.

"We'd be honored." they said.

"One more thing." I said, walking up to Nerezza.

I then pulled out the white lightsaber and handed it to Nerezza.

"This is the White Wing Saber. There is no one I trust more than you to wield such a weapon." I said.

Nerezza smiled and humbly took the lightsaber from my hands.

"Thank you." she said.

I nodded at the Umbaran with a smile.

"Alright! A new sparring partner!" Ezra said.

"I may be new, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to beat you, kid." Nerezza said.

"We'll see about that."

I shook my head in amusement and looked back at Nerezza.

Now, this is the Nerezza I wanted to see, smiling, happy, and having fun.

Kayla walked in between us and wrapped her arms around us. Then, a familiar blue light jumped out of my chest and turned into Aralez. She smiled and wrapped her arms around the three of us.

"Welcome to the rebellion, you two." I said.

"Thanks, Zela." Kayla said.

"Things are going to be a lot more interesting with you two around." Aralez said.

"You can count on it." Nerezza said.

So much has happened: Crowvern's death, Nerezza and Kayla joining the rebellion, and I avenged my mother and everyone who Crowvern killed. Things certainly are getting better. With Corwvern out of the picture, I can finally sleep in peace, knowing that I have avenged the fallen...

Something I made for this part.

OMG! I had an absolute blast writing these parts, and I really hope you had a blast reading them. Thanks so much for 2K reads! You guys gave me the motivation to write this. I have no idea what the next part will be, but it will definitely be something you all will enjoy. Suggestions are forever open. May the Force be with You!

