In this lonely and dark rainy night, the moon cannot be seen, and the only light source is the frightening and dazzling lightning.

Si Huaixi's sharp eyes looked at a raised shadow.

Not far away is an abandoned mansion villa area, once a small base, which was abandoned more than two decades ago.

The zombies knocked down the wall, and the wealthy inside escaped clean with bodyguards. The exterior walls of the villa’s tiles were corroded and peeled off. The interior walls were cracked due to damp and rain, and the luxury cars parked in the garage rusted into scrap iron. The gasoline was collected and taken away by the people at the base long ago.

Now this villa is dilapidated and unpopulated, and occasionally there are a few howls of zombies, making it even more like a ghost town.

But it barely works.

Si Huaixi turned to look at Pei Zhaozhou who was holding him, with amber golden eyes drooping, his black jacket covering his head, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

It's just that every time the lightning passes, the body can't stop trembling, like being frightened by the sudden appearance of thunder, and the pale and weak lips look worrying.

-Really timid and squeamish cat, afraid of thunder, who dares to let him stay in the wild.

Si Huaixi frowned and slowed down.

Pei Zhaozhou still felt strange, why Si Huaixi stopped suddenly, raised his eyes and asked: "Did you find something?"

Followed Si Huaixi in the rain for a few hours, except that his body had not healed after he had a fever and got sick. He was a little tired after walking for so long, but Pei Zhaozhou's face was still clean. During the period, he did not get any black rain. One can imagine how well Si Huaixi took care of him.

Si Huaixi pursed his lower lip, and his sea-blue eyes cast a deep look at Pei Zhaozhou.

As a burst of intensive thunder sounded, Pei Zhaozhou's body trembled like a conditioned reflex.

Si Huaixi's trembling hand was tightly clenched, so he couldn't ignore it.

But Pei Zhaozhou didn't seem to know that he was trembling yet, his amber and golden eyes widened in confusion. Looking at the clear and ignorant eyes, he seemed to be so afraid of thunder that the palms of his hands were trembling cold.

Si Huaixi frowned again: "It's nothing, there is a shelter in front, let's go quickly."

Pei Zhaozhou followed Si Huaixi's line of sight and took a look at the dark road ahead. He didn't know how Si Huaixi could see it in the dark, but just nodded ignorantly: "Oh, let's go now. ."

Si Huaixi lowered his eyes, and walked slowly a few steps casually, his shoulders gradually approached Pei Zhaozhou, raised his hands to embrace Pei Zhaozhou's head, and his generous hands covered his ears with a thick black jacket.

Suddenly, Pei Zhaozhou felt that the hustle and bustle of thunder in the sky filtered through a layer of soft gauze. With the breath of mist, the sound of rain was fragmented and the thunder was hazy.

The ear quieted suddenly.

The sound is isolated, but the person’s overheated body temperature cannot be isolated, as if his ears, heartbeat, breathing...scorching overwhelmingly...

Pei Zhaozhou pressed his lower lip lightly, his soft eyelashes trembling slightly, his eyes deep.

He was not actually afraid of thunder.

I just thought that in the ear-splitting explosion before his death, the smoke and fire rushing to the eyeballs, the surging explosions in the ears, the ear drums burst, and the explosions like sharp needles pierced into his ear nerves. , A desperation louder than a loud roar...

He suffered from post-traumatic emergency sequelae.

Just like a veteran who has been on the battlefield, returning to his cozy home, he will instantly look terrifying and terrified for the sound of a glass shattering, and he will be drawn into the terrifying and **** memory of the bullets shuttle and grenade exploding on the battlefield.

In the same way, his body remembered the fear and tremor of the explosion.

The sound of the explosion in his ears was like thunder, and the conditioned reflex of his body made him unable to control the cowardly trembling of his body.

Now the thunder in his ears was blocked by the young man beside him, his trembling and cold body seemed to absorb his scorching body temperature, and even the exhaled air became warm and soothing.

Pei Zhaozhou secretly observed Si Huaixi next to him under the cover of his black jacket.

He is a little taller, half a head taller than him, obviously he is also a tall alpha, but he is taken care of by this man who looks much younger than him.

I always thought that as an alpha, as a major general of the empire, he was the one who took care of people for the first time to take care of a man younger than him.

It doesn't feel bad, it's just a little subtle in my heart.

Pei Zhaozhou half-closed his eyes.

The impetuous pheromone was covered by the cool and clean taste of the young man before him. The exhausted and feeble body that had been tortured by the pheromone disorder for so long seemed to be soaked in a gurgling hot spring, and couldn't help but want to indulge in the comfort and calm of that moment.

Walked into the house.

The light bulb has been broken long ago, and it has been abandoned for almost 30 years and there is no source of power supply.

The two of them sat on the floor, they were not too dirty, and the empty windows could directly see the lightning and thunder outside.

Pei Zhaozhou put away the black jacket on his head and handed it to Si Huaixi, who was sitting next to him, and said, "Thank you for your clothes, and you helped me avoid the rain all the way."

Si Huaixi's sea-blue eyes swept across Pei Zhaozhou's slightly pale cheeks, and did not take the jacket.

He just reached out and pulled out a pack of cigarettes from the inner pocket, lowered his eyebrows, tucked the jacket into Pei Zhaozhou’s arms, and said, “No, I haven’t fallen to the point of grabbing clothes with the patient. You wrap yourself up. Lest I get sick again, I don’t have a doctor here."

Pei Zhaozhou was forcibly tucked down his jacket and clenched his hands inexplicably. Facing the young man who had saved him hard, he couldn't help but leaned his back against the wall, sat down with his jacket relaxedly, and said with a smile. : "Thank you, I didn't expect that I would be rescued one day."

Hearing something in Pei Zhaozhou's words, he seemed to think of something unpleasant in the past.

The eyes flashed across the cold and lonely, the beautiful amber golden eyes were covered with a layer of ice film of alienation, and the indifferent smile revealed disappointment in human nature.

Si Huaixi's eyes were startled, and he didn't speak much, just slightly lowered his eyes, his upper and lower teeth were against the cigarette holder, and there was a gloom between his eyebrows.

It seems that his uninvited cat has been injured.

To be honest, in the last days, in order to survive and fight for scarce resources, the ugly side of human nature has become much more exposed. The betrayed person turns his eyes to betray others, and father and son can fight for profit without compromise.

These abnormal ugly aspects of human nature have happened a lot in the last days, and they have become accustomed to them.

Only when this kind of thing happened to Pei Zhaozhou.

Looking at him with his eyes down and looking at a pitiful appearance, it was like his cat was bullied, and he was inexplicably angry and annoyed, and wanted to be the master of the cat.

Si Huaixi lowered his eyes and said, "It's not easy for you as an ordinary person to go to any base. Have you thought about following me?"

Pei Zhaozhou looked at Si Huaixi incomprehensibly, what does it mean to follow him, do you follow him? There are still other special meanings...

Following the superior in the last days, there are not only followers but also lovers.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't think he would be a lover.

In this last days, there are only two genders, men and women are generally together, not to mention that he is a male alpha, and he is not the kind of young and white.

He is cold and brave, not as handsome and stunning as the young man in front of him. It is hard to imagine that in the last days there will be someone as good-looking as Si Huaixi, and even the wealthy and carefree stars of Interstellar are not as good-looking as him.

Pei Zhaozhou wandered in a daze.

If he meets a star like Si Huaixi in Interstellar, even if it is a beta, he may not be able to help his heart beat, and for the first time he wants to take the initiative to approach someone.

However, as a Si Huaixi capable person, it is estimated that no one would dare to approach him casually.

In his opinion, Si Huaixi is a rare person in the last days to see kindness overflowing, otherwise, how could he want to pick him back with such an unidentified person.

Suddenly, Pei Zhaozhou worries, as if seeing the self, easily trusting and dedicating all his loyalty to the empire, but he was ruined, and no one believed him in the betrayal of his family. In the end, he almost fell to pieces.

What would happen if Si Huaixi didn't pick him up, or picked up other people with unpredictable intentions?

Pei Zhaozhou felt that he should follow Si Huaixi first, at least he was older than him, so it would be better to look at him more.

Little did she know that in Si Huaixi's eyes, he was afraid of thunder when he watched squeamishness. He was worried about losing his mental strength or being weak and pale. Pei Maomao, who was bullied by others in the past, was also the one being taken care of.

The two thought of a piece at the same time.

Si Huaixi: What should I do if I don’t pay attention to cats being bullied again, because they are squeamish and easy to get sick, it’s better to stay with them.

Pei Zhaozhou: He is so young and kind-hearted. It's okay to meet him. What if he is bullied when he meets other ill-intentioned people?

"Okay, I want to follow you, please give me some advice in the future." Pei Zhaozhou agreed seriously, with a sense of inexplicable urgency in his heart.

Si Huaixi's eyes were slightly stunned. For a moment, he didn't expect Pei Zhaozhou to agree so simply and decisively. He thought he would ask more about other things, so trust him...

Trust a person who just met, apart from the name, even the identity, age, ability level, personality is not clear.

Until the smoke burned to the end, it was almost hot to the slender fingers holding the smoke.

Si Huaixi smiled suddenly, and his sea-blue eyes looked at Pei Zhaozhou deeply, and said: "Then you will follow me from now on, I only make one request."

Pei Zhaozhou: "What's the requirement?"

Do things for him, unconditionally obey him as a subordinate who follows him?

Si Huaixi's eyes suddenly coldly said: "To live, I don't want to see you lying in a corner waiting for death one day, then I would rather kill you at the beginning, at least save some food, and give other real People who want to live."


Pei Zhaozhou Zhang He's throat was bitter, and his amber gold eyes darkened, and he said sincerely and deeply: "Okay, I will follow you until I die."

Si Huaixi frowned. He didn't like the rhetoric. He opened the topic and wanted to understand Pei Zhaozhou's past so that he could know what happened before he came here.

Si Huaixi asked: "Why did you come here? Is anyone chasing you?"

Pei Zhaozhou said frankly: "No."

Si Huaixi was puzzled: "Which base did you come from, then?"

Pei Zhaozhou shook his head. He didn't know how to explain that he was not from here, so he just kept silent.

Si Huaixi didn't force him when he saw this. He looked at Pei Zhaozhou's hesitant and resisting face for a long time, and a flash of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

"Then you will stay by my side from now on."


The rain keeps coming.

Pei Zhaozhou was leaning against the wall, his black jacket draped over his knees, and still frowning unsteadily when he fell asleep, his chin resting on his knees, soft black hair hanging down, curled up and closed his eyes tightly.

Occasionally a few thunders made his back tremble in his sleep, his thin pale lips clenched uncomfortably, looking pitiful.

Si Huaixi did not sleep.

Another cigarette was lit in the dark room, slowly burning, cold eyes looked out of the window, the sea blue of light and dark was unfathomable, like a vortex that can drag a ship into the deep sea.

Until Pei Zhaozhou, who was leaning against him, trembled again and again, he wanted to get into his arms to get warm.

Tossed Si Huaixi out of the ponder, and frowned Qingjun's brows, and irritably took the sleeping Pei Zhaozhou into his arms, holding Pei Zhaozhou's delicate and tight waist with his arms, and covered it with his jacket. His head was tightly wrapped around the whole person, and finally stopped shaking.

But Pei Zhaozhou was asleep and restless.

Lying sideways on Si Huaixi’s chest, the warm breath covered in the jacket sprayed on Si Huaixi’s neck, revealing a dazzling white waist, as if showing a bit of cold ankles, and she just put her long legs on her. On Si Huaixi's lap, it seemed to hug a bear doll tightly.

Si Huaixi froze instantly: "..."

Regret it.

The two big men hugged in this way, embarrassingly ambiguous.

Si Huaixi tried to move a little bit, but couldn't pull his legs away. He was clamped tightly by Pei Zhaozhou's two slender legs, and the sleeping person's throat still made a grunting sound of dissatisfaction.

Si Huaixi: "..."

—I found a troublesome stray cat.

With helpless eyes, Si Huaixi smiled and hugged Pei Zhaozhou's back with his right hand. Losing a little mental energy, at least it would make him sleep peacefully and not move.

But because of the last loss of mental strength, Pei Zhaozhou's body did not seem to adapt to it unexpectedly, so Si Huaixi only lost one-tenth of the last time.

But even a slight one-tenth of the amount, Si Huaixi's mental power and Pei Zhaozhou's pheromone fit to a terrifying degree, and Pei Zhaozhou reacted as soon as he entered it! !

Because Pei Zhaozhou's thigh was close to Si Huaixi, when he reacted, Si Huaixi felt vaguely as if something was being pushed on his leg.

Look down.

Si Huaixi's pupils shrank suddenly, and the smoke fell out of fright.

…Xiao Zhaozhou is actively expressing its sense of existence.

Pei Zhaozhou, lying in his arms, made a muffled noise of unknown meaning, like a cat about to be in estrus, so uncomfortably he rubbed his owner's thigh to relieve him, and gave out a sweet gasp when he was passionate.

Exposed the slender and fragile back of the neck, exuding a strong scent that seduce other cats during estrus.

Si Huaixi's pupils froze and did not move, allowing the sleeping cat to twist and rub her pliable body.

For fear of awakening Pei Zhaozhou who had a spring dream.

It was he who watched Pei Zhaozhou sleep pitifully, and without Pei Zhaozhou's consent, he hugged him directly into his arms.

But now that they are in this posture, if Pei Zhaozhou wakes up and sees Si Huaixi's face lost, she doesn't know how to explain it!


Si Huaixi had no choice but to stand up straight, his ears flushed with patience, and when he was rubbed, he reacted as well and did not dare to move.

Until the pheromone smell fades.

The restless cat finally fell into another'normal' dreamland.

Si Huaixi had red eyes and stayed up all night!
