Zombie snake?

Pei Zhaozhou's complexion changed suddenly, frowning deeply, his hands were tightly pressing the gun hidden at his waist, his worried eyes were as sharp as he was about to pierce through the heavy city wall.

Alpha's keen sense of smell made him smell the **** smell that most people can't detect. The wind is going south and east, walking straight about 1,300 meters, and the dry wind is mixed with moist moisture and mixed blood.

Pei Zhaozhou immediately judged that there was water flowing near the place where the accident occurred, and the smell of blood was still fresh, which meant that someone had just been injured and bleed...

Pei Zhaozhou pressed his lips anxiously.

He doesn’t know what Si Huaixi’s current situation is, or what level of supernatural power Si Huaixi is, but he is such a soft-hearted and kind person, even a stranger who didn’t know he had come from outside the base. Help, so kind enough that anyone can trust it...

If he were to change to the base, he would definitely be even more desperate. It is very likely that he just noticed that there was danger in the base, so he crossed the city wall and rushed to the place where the zombie snake was.

But how strong is that zombie snake, and how is Si Huaixi now? Are there any injuries?

He didn't know everything, and stayed here waiting ignorantly!

Pei Zhaozhou's face became gloomy and irritable, and his amber gold eyes showed the original cold sharpness, and the terrifying and oppressive aura of being a top Alpha was revealed with the turbulence in his heart.

At two o'clock, on the right side of the base entrance, there is a base member who is suspected of being a supernatural person. He is wearing a gray-green overalls vest and jeans. He is a middle-aged man in his thirties.

At eleven o’clock, on the left side of the base entrance, there is a yawning base member who is younger than another man. He is 25 years old and up and down. He is 1.77 meters tall and he is well-proportioned and lean, and his muscles are not well developed. , It seems that the strength is insufficient.

He looked at the 28-meter-high city wall.

Pei Zhaozhou had climbing training, and when he led the imperial army in field operations, he had climbed bare-stone mountains hundreds of meters high with his bare hands. The city walls at this height were nothing to him.

But the problem is that when he crosses this city wall, his back will be exposed in front of two suspected abilities, and there must be someone defending in the base, which is too risky.

Pei Zhaozhou clenched his fists, looked away dullly and depressed, and walked into the long line of people, not knowing when he could enter the base.

Just when Pei Zhaozhou thought things would pass in this way, Hu Libai, the superpower at the gate of the base, noticed his unusual actions and immediately became vigilant.

How can an ordinary person have such a strong oppressive aura, for a moment he feels dangerous, like encountering a zombie one rank higher than him in the wilderness before.

Hu Libai's face sank, and towards Zhou Fei, who was not looking at him, he said: "Hey! Don't worry, didn't you sleep last night? The man in that position just now was a little weird, let's go take a look."

Zhou Fei stretched his waist and stayed up all night with a woman who came to hook him up last night. He is still on duty today, which is really troublesome.

Zhou Fei half-squinted his eyes and looked in the direction Hu Libai pointed. He was a tall and cold man who looked nothing special.

He curled his lips disapprovingly and said: "What's weird about this, you are a 7th-level power ability and I have a 6th-level fire ability. What are you afraid of... Don't bother me being lazy, and today the commander is all too lazy. When I came back, even the Tier 6 zombie snake that injured several ordinary people and a superpower was killed instantly by the commander. Who would dare to mess with the base at this time."

Hearing the news that the commander had returned, Hu Libai's expression relaxed, but he could see Zhou Fei's lazy appearance, honest and serious, he was still dissatisfied with encountering such an irresponsible partner.

Hu Libo sullenly said, "Go and go, sooner or later you will get into trouble if you are so licentious!"

Zhou Fei scratched his head: "Okay, okay-can't you go? The Hu team, you guys in this base are so strange. There are always rules for this and that. People who don’t know think that before the end of the world, I was in other bases. It’s not all that came here, just the Lucheng base manages a lot of things."

Hu Libai, a prudent man who got married and started a career, was the most troublesome when he came across this kind of young man with a bad body shortly after coming from other bases.

Hu Libo sternly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't go, I will give you points based on the actual situation during the evaluation period."

Zhou Fei immediately shook his spirits, and looked a little panicked: "Don't don't! Team Hu, I was wrong. Don't give a low score in my assessment. I don't want to return to the small base of crooked melons. ."

Who doesn't know the abilities near here.

The Lucheng base is the best treatment, and it will not let the supernatural person die casually. The sky is falling and the tall man is on it. The leader Cao and the commander of the eighth thunder system peak are responsible people.

Tasks with a high risk factor will take the initiative to participate in missions with high-level powers such as them, and will not casually let low-level intermediate-level powers with weaker powers as cannon fodder. They are very conscientious leadership in the last days.

Unlike the small base before Zhou Fei, in order to get the high-level zombie spar, the leader had no brains to direct the supernaturalists to the zombie's lair. As a result, more people died than came back alive.

If it weren't for Zhou Fei's own eye-catching and escaped halfway, he might have died there, an embarrassing mid-level ability player who was not up to the 6th level.

Which is as comfortable as it is now, just guard the door, and there are not many zombies.

How good is the gatekeeper!

Less things, low risk, and fish!

Zhou Fei didn't know how long it took him to get this fairy job. I heard that there was a job as a security guard at the door before the end of the world. Instead, he could do it for a lifetime!

In order to hold this fairy job, Zhou Fei immediately became active: "Let's go, Team Hu! I, Zhou Fei, want to see who dared to do things in our base!"

Hu Libai saw Zhou Fei, who was still lazy just now, walking faster than him, and followed him silently.

Although there was a dark rain yesterday, there were not many people waiting outside the Lucheng base.

Pei Zhaozhou suppressed his anxiety, looked at the front of the team, and also saw the two base supernaturalists who were facing him.

Zhou Fei shouted at Pei Zhaozhou: "Stop!"

Pei Zhaozhou in line: "..." He is not standing well now.

Pei Zhaozhou asked politely, "Is there anything you can do with me, because the two base's supernaturalists might still be acquainted with Si Huaixi?"

Zhou Fei hadn't seen it clearly just now, but when he walked in, he was actually a foreigner than a handsome foreigner!

Looking at those warm golden eyes that seemed to radiate the brilliance of the sun, they were noble and cold, with extraordinary temperament, and seemed to be very culturally polite.

Zhou Fei touched Hu Libai's arm and asked in a low voice, "Did you really come to find the fault because he is too handsome? I really don't see any problem."

Hu Libo glared at Zhou Fei angrily, pushed him aside, and directly questioned Pei Zhaozhou: "Which base did you come from?"

Pei Zhaozhou's brows couldn't help but frowned. He couldn't answer this question, and he couldn't let the base's supernaturalists notice his abnormality.

Zhou Fei followed and asked: "You are not from a foreign country? Otherwise, why do you have eyes different from ours."

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were puzzled.

I also thought that when I came to this world, I met people with black hair and black eyes. Unlike the interracial marriages that have gone through thousands of years in the interstellar world, children born with all skin colors and eyes are colored. Basically, the empire has no distinction between races. Pedigree.

But this world is different. Because zombies prevent people from all over the world from communicating and intermarriage, people like him and Si Huaixi rarely appear.

Pei Zhaozhou nodded.

Rather than saying that he is a foreigner, it is better to say that he is an alien or comes from another time and space.

Zhou Fei looked at Pei Zhaozhou curiously like a monkey, and asked excitedly: "Where is the foreign country?! How did you come? There are now zombies and zombie beasts everywhere, especially in the ocean, and I don’t know how many are hidden. It's really amazing that a monster of a huge zombie can come over!"

Pei Zhaozhou had to say the name of his empire: "I grew up in the Odyssey Empire."

"Oh oh—" Zhou Fei pretended to understand, and asked Hu Libai in private, "Do you know where Odyssey is from?"

Hu Libai confidently said: "How do I know, I haven't read a book."

Zhou Fei chuckled and said, "I haven't read it either. Anyway, I am not a commander. I need to read more books to read and command everyone. In these last days, I will live by relying on it to be great."

Feeling a little proud.

Frozen is a person who doesn't know what foreign countries are. After 28 years of apocalypse, the school has long been abandoned and the teachers are gone. Basically, the children born after the apocalypse have not read books.

The two base abilities were so fooled by Pei Zhaozhou.

Zhou Fei has never seen the market, has been trapped by zombies in this place, and has never been out of the province. He was very curious about the outside world. He approached Pei Zhaozhou and asked, "Quickly tell me what it is like abroad. Are there any zombies? Have you gone out to play?"

Pei Zhaozhou had to hide part of the truth based on the situation in the Odyssey Empire and answered the question: "Well, I can go out and play, but there is still danger."

Hu Libai said with a sullen face: "Is that kid able to read?"

Pei Zhaozhou: "Yes."

Hu Libai was silent for a few seconds, took out half a cigarette that he had kept for a long time, and took a big mouthful, thinking of his 7-year-old daughter who could not study, like a worried old father and a vicissitudes of middle-aged uncle’s forehead. Wrinkled.

Zhou Fei's reaction was even more direct, shouting: "Fuck, we are actually behind!"

Zhou Fei turned his head and said angrily to Hu Libai: "Team Hu, let's see which day we can organize a group to kill the zombies. Hurry up and finish the killing. We can also go out and play like his Oasis country!"

Unexpectedly this time, Hu Libai didn't scold Zhou Fei's mischief, instead he nodded heavily.

Just when Pei Zhaozhou thought this matter was going to pass, Hu Libai suddenly said: "Since you can come from outside at such a big risk, you must be good at it."

The atmosphere changes suddenly.

Hu Libai's thick and honest face became serious, and the power augmentation ability in his body worked, and he tentatively hit Pei Zhaozhou with his fists, a sharp wind swept across the fist wind.

One and a half seconds.

Hu Libai planned to take back his strength when he was about to fight, he still had doubts about Pei Zhaozhou in his heart, and he didn't intend to hurt people after a test.

To his surprise... Pei Zhaozhou blocked it.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes sharpened in an instant, and his skills were as agile as a speed-type supernatural power. He avoided Hu Libai's attack, and even began to counterattack with rich experience.

A cross kick that broke through the air was amazingly powerful!

He kicked Hu Libai, who hadn't reacted, to a crooked waist, almost fell, and the cigarette **** that came out of his mouth fell to the ground.

Hu Libai barely stood still, his eyes still stunned for several seconds, he didn't seem to have thought that he would be attacked by an ordinary person, but he didn't even react.

Suddenly he became angry, his honest face became serious, his knees were slightly bent, and he held a rock-hard fist and attacked Pei Zhaozhou.

Pei Zhaozhou did not admit defeat, using the advanced fighting skills of the interstellar, the strength and physique of the S-level alpha was not inferior to the ordinary power ability.

Even if Hu Libai is a 7th-order power ability person, Pei Zhaozhou can fight Hu Libai with pure physical strength and fighting skills.

Even because of Pei Zhaozhou's rich and fierce fighting experience, the places where he fights are the weaknesses of the human body.

Hu Libai's sudden attack caused Pei Zhaozhou, who was originally worried about Si Huaixi's condition, to ignite anger in his heart, as if he had found a point of venting, and a fierce flame rose from the amber gold eyes.

Press Hu Libo on the ground and hit the most painful place.

Zhou Fei, who was playing aside, was dumbfounded.

Why hadn't he reacted, the two started fighting, and the one who was beaten lying on the ground was actually the Hu team? !

Seeing that Hu Libai was beaten with bleeding and red face, Zhou Fei couldn't take care of that much, and immediately stepped forward and shouted: "Don't fight! Damn you, how can an ordinary person fight like that? Why are you not making a sound in Team Hu? , Shouldn’t I be beaten to death?! Should I change my partner in the future? You said yes to give me an assessment. What if you die and change someone to my assessment—"

Hu Libo was originally depressed enough to be beaten on the ground. He was so angry with Zhou Fei that he immediately bit his neck and shouted: "Zhou Fei, your uncle's fuck! I'm not dead if you die! I'm just looking for it. It's just a chance to fight back!"

Zhou Fei stubbornly slammed his lips, but for the sake of his partner, he didn't pierce Hu Libai's self-esteem.

Pei Zhaozhou slowly got up, his face was cold, if it weren't for the fine sweat on his forehead, he didn't seem to have experienced a battle.

Hu Libai, as a 7th-level power ability person, should not be underestimated. The strength is enough to make Pei Zhaozhou's arm numb, and he will inevitably become red.

But Hu Libai's injury was even worse. After carrying Pei Zhaozhou a solid beating, his ribs were sore, he couldn't get up when he was lying on the ground and clutching his abdomen, and his face was blue and purple, and he was very embarrassed.

Pei Zhaozhou shook his numb arm, his amber golden eyes drew his doubts, calmly looked down at Hu Libai, and asked, "Why did you attack me?"

Hu Libai, who had never lost such a big face, opened his eyes wide and wanted to say.

—Damn, I also want to ask why you beat me so badly! I just want to try your skills!
