"…do not want."

Pei Zhaozhou lay on the deserted yellow sand land and refused. He turned to his side and half-closed his eyes tiredly, his long and slightly curled eyelashes trembling, and his world-weary amber gold eyes were cold, like an orange cat lying lazily on the ground. , Looks lazily basking in the sun, no matter what.

For this handsome man who suddenly came out and told him to take him to some base, he had no interest at all.

I just feel that the sun is a little bit tanned, and I haven't eaten or drink in the past five days, my skin has become as dry as a desolate land, and my heart is still beating wildly.

The pheromone disorder affects his body so badly, the hot, nauseous, and unidentified noise hissing in his ears...he didn't feel it calmed down for a moment.

He was waiting to die and didn't care about the things around him.

This strange and handsome man rescued him from the zombie bird, he would not be grateful, at most he did not die on the zombie bird's mouth.

He was forced to struggle for one more second, whether he would starve to death in the future, or be a beating heart crazily under the influence of this pheromone disorder, and eventually his blood would suffocate and he would die from excessive suffocation.

Anyway, he is dead, so what do he care about, just leave like this... Is there any other choice for him?

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes flashed with an unnoticeable unwillingness, seemingly self-defeating, but subconsciously pursing his lips, holding his arms and curling his body together, hiding his anxiety, vulnerability and loneliness.

When a person has to give up on himself, then what else can others have to persuade.

In the last days, it is not only people who die, but also people's hearts.

Are there few people who are numb and alive like walking corpses?

In the last days, no one can guarantee that hope will be ushered in, or humans will be destroyed by zombies first.

But the seemingly small humans survived desperately by all means. They were as tough as falling into a cliff, their hands and feet were broken, and their mouths would desperately bite a weed that was crumbling through a crack in the rock, and they would try their best to survive. .

In order to live, even if the hands and feet are broken, only the last breath is left, pushing other innocent people to face the **** mouth of the zombies, and let yourself survive alone.

The orphans adopted by the base were forced to walk towards the surging tide of zombies in order to protect the base. Uncles and aunts who had taken care of them in the past had tears of guilt in their eyes, but still anxiously urged them to move forward. .

The dazed and naive sea-blue pupils reflected scenes of cruel scenes.

The uncles and aunts at the base behind them pushed their children out as bait.

Outside the sturdy base door is a preset trap. The children’s flesh and blood are used to attract zombies, which can save most of the lives of the base.

The howling group of zombies, the same horrible uncles and aunts.

The children were crying, like delicious little lambs, waiting for the wolf to come.

The cowardly and timid children stood still and did not dare to move, hoping that the uncles and aunts could save them, and died cleanly in the first batch.

Fleeing in fear, the screams attracted the attention of the zombies, and they ran unfastly, and died in the second batch.

There were many zombies, but the group of zombies stagnated for a while around those corpses that could not escape the children.

The remaining children seem to have survived temporarily, and when they look at their companions, they realize that they need more corpses of companions to survive.

Therefore, at this moment, I finally realized that the cruel children of the last days turned into wolves when they looked at their companions with red eyes.

Pushing each other down, beating and scolding, running so fast that they were pulled down by the latter, and the remaining losers were swallowed by the surging tide of zombies, fighting for them time to survive.

The young Si Huaixi stepped away from his calf and ran desperately with his brain buzzing. He didn't dare to look back, he didn't dare to look at the zombies, he didn't dare to look at the companions who fell behind him, and kept avoiding those malicious pushovers.

Because of his strange sea-blue eyes, unlike the children in the base, whose eyes are all black, the strangers are excluded.

In this escape from the zombie tide chasing, he was targeted and pushed down several times, but gritted his teeth, knocked the man who pushed him down to the ground, and continued to run...

Running desperately...

My brain is numb, I don't think about anything, I just want to live.

The violent running and breathing caused a **** smell in the nose, and finally ran to the ground after exhaustion, thinking that the tide of zombies would take the opportunity to pounce on him.

He finally turned his head and wanted to face this wave of zombies, but saw that the zombies had already stopped.


—It just stopped now.

The immature sea-blue eyes were full of red, and those who bullied him, helped him, and squeezed him... all became cold and **** corpses.

Only he survived, all 47 children, only he survived.

The uncles and aunts on the fortified walls of the base happily took him away, saying that he was a rare genius.

Mental powers are extremely rare. Ten fire powers can’t see a single mental power, but the powers of mental powers are very powerful. They can control zombies. Powerful mental powers can even Concretizing mental power, derives various abilities.

He is the only person with a mental power in the entire base. Even though he is a child, he is still protected.

Even if the base behind was annihilated by an unprecedented wave of zombies, he, as a mental power supernaturalist, as one of the hopes of mankind, was protected and sent to other safe bases.

Those uncles and aunts who pushed him and other children out of the base city gate, in order to protect their hopeful fire, took the initiative or were forced to meet the surging tide of zombies, and almost died in the end.

This is like a reincarnation that Si Huaixi can't hate.

Because this is the end time, in order to survive, human beings can be selfish and great.


When Si Huaixi first saw Pei Zhaozhou lying down waiting to die, his cold sea-blue eyes were full of disgust, even an eyesore.

This is his land.

Even if the base is destroyed and rebuilt, a base leader betrays him, and the new base leader fears him. With his current strength, he can basically go anywhere, but he still stays in the land where he grew up.

Paranoid and unreasonable to keep this land in captivity, even with the humans living in this land.

It is estimated that the people in this base are the most comfortable in this apocalyptic era of panic and barren supplies.

Ordinary people rarely need to venture out of the base to fight zombies. They only need to stay in the base to work and live. Only those with supernatural powers need to go a little farther, leave this land, go hunting zombies in nearby areas, and get the spar in the zombie’s skull. Upgrade the ability, but as long as you come near the base, you can basically feel at ease, don't worry too much about encountering zombies.

Because they rarely encountered zombies in the range of the base accidentally, they called it lucky if they knew nothing, but they didn't know how many zombies had been wiped out by the people behind the scenes in order to maintain their easy luck.

Even other bases have heard that this lucky base rarely encounters the zombie wave, but in order to survive, they continue to use their lives to stop the zombie wave from coming. They have lived for another year. Seeing this is always so Fortunately, the base that escaped the tide of zombies would always blush with jealousy behind his back, cursing a few words about God's unfairness.

In Si Huaixi's heart, he doesn't mind that people do not compromise, betray him, use him, and deceive him in order to live. This is the law of the last days-survival is the first.

Of course, Si Huaixi didn't care. He was almost arrogant about his strength and deserved to be arrogant. The cold sea-blue eyes saw through people's hearts, but he indifferently let go.

He raised this piece of land in captivity, but he didn't plan to raise a flock of sheep, let alone raise a sheep that would not struggle to die.

Si Huaixi should have been disgusted and drove the man who wanted to kill himself from his land, but he hesitated.

It may be because his eyes are not so bright and shiny as those of the last days, and the beautiful amber golden eyes are not the people here.

Perhaps because of some kind of association, Si Huaixi thought of when he was a child, because of his strange sea-blue eyes, he was excluded by children who were also orphans. It is said that he was inherited from his grandmother in Russia, but he was an orphan not long after he was born. No, this is just heard.

Si Huaixi became more patient, looking at Pei Zhaozhou who was lying on the ground stubbornly rejecting him. He was not angry, but looked like a tantrum cat, let alone a stray cat with scars and sickness.

Dirty, soft black hair lying on the deserted ground, the originally beautiful cats rolled around on the ground, the shiny and smooth hair became dusty, and the paws became dirty.

—I want to pick it up and wash it.

Even if a cat wants to give up on himself, Si Huaixi just listens and doesn’t take it seriously, just like listening to a noisy cat meowing, even if he doesn’t understand cat language, even if he understands it, he will be arrogant. ||The system directly didn't hear it.

Cats don't really want to die. If they really want to die, their amber gold pupils will not be so bright and shiny, dimly aggrieved and fragile, but they seem to be angering vigorously.

—I'm sick...squeamishness is normal.

Si Huaixi has never kept a cat, nor has he kept any pets.

Although he has seen some books and documentaries left before the end of the world, he mentioned how to raise a cat. In the end of the world, there are also some supernaturalists, powerful seniors and their mistresses who will raise a squeaky cat. Some people have also mentioned that Give him one, but he has not been interested and found it troublesome.

Si Huaixi squatted down and stared at Pei Zhaozhou's back, as if looking at a poorly ill cat, licking his wound alone.

Si Huaixi said: "It will be uncomfortable whether you are sick."

Pei Zhaozhou turned his back, and suddenly someone cared about him. Even though he was a stranger, his nose was sour and he said dullly, "Thank you, but no, I know what to do."

Si Huaixi frowned slightly and said, "If I leave, zombies may come."

Pei Zhaozhou listened.

Si Huaixi said: "Zombies will bite your throat and it will be very painful."

Pei Zhaozhou was still unmoved. He knew that the monsters in this world were a bit like Zerg, but they were more brutal and irrational than Zerg.

Si Huaixi lowered his brows and said threateningly: "If you are bitten, you will be infected with a zombie, which is very ugly."

Pei Zhaozhou's eyelashes trembled slightly, thinking that the picture of himself becoming a zombie would be as ugly as that zombie bird, and silently thinking whether to starve to death faster or to die faster with a fast heartbeat.

Si Huaixi deliberately slowed down her voice, and said in a cold tone: "If you become infected and become a zombie, you have to run to eat people. People in the last days don't take a bath, and their mouths are full of mud when they eat."

Pei Zhaozhou's back trembled. He was not obsessed with cleanliness, but thinking of that scene, a person who had become a zombie and had to eat or not bathed, instantly got goose bumps.

A smile flashed across Si Huaixi's eyes, it seemed that she was just a clean cat.

Continue to say.

"Infected into zombies, some special zombies will still maintain the consciousness during their lifetime, but they can't control the instinct of cannibalism. I don’t know if they still feel when they become zombies. If they are injured, they will still hurt. vomit…"

Pei Zhaozhou trembled, and suddenly said, "I won't be eaten by zombies."

Si Huaixi chuckled, like a bad owner holding a toy snake to frighten the cat, and finally he pretended to hold the frightened cat and comforted: "Will you come back to the base with me? There are no zombies. If you are sick, you can seek medical treatment."

Pei Zhaozhou has no choice but to feel the kindness of this unknown man to him in his heart, and mumbled: "...um."

In fact, it's the same everywhere.

Pei Zhaozhou turned around and looked at this kind man. His cold white skin was like jade under the light, his nose was deep and his eyes were deep, and his clear sea-blue eyes were like a piece of pierced sea ice. It looked a bit cold, making you dare not look straight. The deterrence, when the line of sight looked at him, he didn't feel cold, but melted like a block of ice, completely clean and refreshing.

It's a pretty good-looking man, um... it's a man. There is no alpha, omega, or beta in this world.

But before, when he met such a good-looking omega and beta, he was moved to pursue it...not to say that he was not moved now.


Pei Zhaozhou wanted to alienate himself, but his amber gold eyes were looking at Si Huaixi, unable to look away, couldn't help but ask, "What's your name?"

"Si, Huai, Xi."

Each word slowed down, Si Huaixi's voice was clear with a little bit of magnetism, and the words were clear, and it sounded like the sound of water flowing by a clear spring.

"And you?"

Pei Zhaozhou didn't want to tell, as if he had told him, he was involved in the world, and he had never thought of meeting the handsome man in front of him a second time.

If he goes to the base he said, it is nothing more than changing a place and waiting quietly for another end. His pheromone disorder is incurable. Even the advanced interplanetary medical era is a terminal illness that cannot be saved, not to mention this backwardness. And barren apocalypse.

Thinking about this, Pei Zhaozhou was still defeated by those clear and charming sea-blue eyes. His face became more and more flushed. He didn't know if the fever caused the hyperthermia, or was bewitched by this stunning and beautiful face, he lowered his head and said .

"... Pei Zhaozhou."
