it's dark.

A loud noise came from the dark base, which awakened many people in the base.

Because there are no entertainment programs after dark in the last days, most people plan to go to sleep. When they heard an unusual loud noise from the base, many people were worried and scared to run out to see what was going on.

Then I saw a raging fire ignited in one part of the base, which looked like a huge incandescent lamp in the dark base, and the raging fire lit up the entire base.

There is a fire!

"Quickly, go and fight the fire!"

"Get water! Take a bucket and go to the river to fill it with water!"

"Go and call the masters in the base, especially the masters of the water system, to put out the fire!"

The silent night boiled up because of this sudden fire.

Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi discovered the fire not long after they returned to the base. Many people rushed to fight the fire, and they were no exception.

By the time we arrived at the scene of the fire, the fire had been extinguished.

Just in case the flames ignite again, a few water system supernaturalists continued to sprinkle water on the smoking house, and a puddle accumulated on the ground.

While the fire was extinguished, many people began to rescue to see if there were any survivors. They just saw that they were all burnt to coke ruins, and everyone had no idea.

When pulling out a charred corpse from the ruins, everyone just lamented that this person did not die in the hands of zombies, but died in a fire.

A strange thing happened. The fire came very suddenly, and it was obvious that there was an explosion. The mud beside the house was turned out, and the rescuers there found a lot of bones.

Normally, this fire burned quickly and quickly, and it was too late to burn the corpse to bones.


The number of these bones is a bit large, there are more than twenty in the count.

The residents of the base who live nearby said that the family in the fire broke out with several men and a woman, but the family doesn't interact with outsiders very much, and lives in the most corner of the base is also very quiet on weekdays.

How could there be so many bones.

So the base residents complained to the supernatural master.

Xia Shui was in trouble as the water-powered person who put out the fire this time. She just happened to live nearby. She saw Huo and thought that she was a water-powered person who came to help. How could she take care of these things.

Just seeing the commander of the Lucheng base came, Xia Shui was relieved and immediately threw the problem to the leader of the base who would take care of these matters.

Xia Shui said, "Commander, some bones that were not burned by the fire were found in this house. Let me ask you how to deal with it."

After hearing Xia Shui's words, Si Huaixi's expression suddenly sank and said, "I'll go take a look."

Pei Zhaozhou, who was on the side, also followed.

When I arrived at the scene described by Xia Shui, I realized that it was more than a few, exploded and turned over a large swath of bones that were originally buried in the soil, and the white bones that seemed to be covered with a layer of ground were more scorched than the ones next to them. The house is still horrible.

Pei Zhaozhou is an excellent graduate of the First Military Academy of the Star Empire, and his courses in command, mecha combat, maintenance, or criminal investigation are all A.

Pei Zhaozhou is keenly aware that the bite marks on the bones are not as simple as ordinary animals.

In addition to the fire, there are still some chemical scents left by explosives, and traces of the ability to fight on-site.

Turned his head to look at Si Huaixi with a gloomy look.

It seems that Si Huaixi has also found out.

Pei Zhaozhou said with a cold gaze: "The cause of death of the owners of these skeletons is not simple. They must not have been burned to death. They died long before the fire, and they died unusually."

"Believe Si Huaixi, you can see that in a place like the base where there are no ferocious beasts, how can there be so many human bones that have been bitten by wild beasts, and there are a lot of people who died. Judging by the age of the dead, there are probably It has been buried for a year or two. No one has noticed it for such a long time. They are all buried in the courtyard of this house, and the people in this house... I don't believe they are not clear at all."

Pei Zhaozhou's brows condensed, and he mentioned one point hesitantly, and said: "I saw the traces of the wood-type ability and the metal-type ability after the battle, and observed that the wood-type ability left on the scene is very similar to You Xiaolin. ...Couldn't this accident be caused by her, and the human bones buried in this house are what You Xiaolin wanted to tell us?"

"If this is the case, why not directly report to the people at the base? Ordinary murderer You Xiaolin can solve it as a powerful supernatural person, and... after the fire for so long, where is You Xiaolin going? NS?"

Si Huaixi said with a dark expression, "She is still in the base."

Just as Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi were discussing in the yard, there was a loud noise from the rescuers in front of the house.

"There are still people alive!"

"Move him to the doctor!"

A man who came to the rescue volunteered to take up a severely burned person.

It's just that when he carried the burned person on his back, he didn't see that person opened his red eyes and burned half of his body. The zombies desperately eager for blood couldn't control their instincts, and moved their fangs to get close to the blood surging neck. .

"Ahhhh, why did you bite me--"

The man yelled in pain, and immediately threw the man on his back to the ground, kicked the man on the ground angrily, and covered his neck with a piece of meat in his hand.

Seeing the blood in his hands, the man suddenly felt something was wrong, his face pale and panicked: "Blood, blood! I was bitten!"

"what happened?!"

"He bleeds...No, it was the burned man who bit him, and!!! That man was chewing, he was eating human flesh!!!"

"That's not a human being, it's a zombie! Run!!!"

Ordinary onlookers ran away in fright. The man who was bitten was holding his **** neck, thinking that he was bitten by a zombie. The person bitten by the zombie would not live long, and his face was silly and paralyzed on the ground. .

The appearance of the exposed zombies is not much different from that of human beings, but the scarlet bloodthirsty red eyes, the hideous fangs, and the fleshy foam on the man's neck still hangs on his mouth.

Even if the zombies were burnt half of their body by the fire and could not move, they still yearn for human flesh and blood, hungry and swallow the only flesh and blood into their abdomen, it is not enough!

The zombies wriggled their scorched bodies, like maggots crawling on the ground, and their vitality crawled towards the man with blood on his neck.

Of course, the supernatural person who rushed to hear the movement could see that the scorched black body wriggling on the ground was not a human, but a zombie.

Unexpectedly, they spent so much energy saving a zombie? ! !

The angry psychic wanted to kill the zombies immediately, but found that they couldn't kill them!

This is not an ordinary zombie!

Various abilities hit the zombies, unable to break the defense of the zombies.

"Fuck! What is this thing, my attack can't hurt this zombie, but how can the base be mixed into the zombie!" Zhuo Sun, an earth-type supernatural power, said angrily.

Xia Shui used her abilities to attack several times, except for the injuries the zombies suffered from the explosion, her attacks did not pose a threat to the zombies, and she was unwilling to say it.

"No, my attack has no effect. What level of zombie is this! This skin is as hard as armor. It's obviously hurt to get up, and it can hurt people."

The zombies were still moving, and the supernaturalists stepped back subconsciously.

Even the bones of this zombie's limbs shattered by the explosion can only crawl on the ground and cause no harm to the superpowers.

But the superpower had stopped the attack, a layer of haze appeared on his face, and he thought of despair and pessimism in his heart.

If it weren't for the explosion that destroyed the zombies' mobility in advance, they might have died on the zombies.

"When you are in the wild, you are also standing stupidly as supernatural beings, waiting to be killed by zombies!"

Si Huaixi sternly scolded, and a cold, threatening gaze swept across the guilty faces of those with supernatural powers present.

Facing the zombies who are still alive lying on the ground.

Si Huaixi's eyes were indifferent and resolute, and instantly split the zombie in half with mental power.

Even the hard head cracked open, revealing a crystal nucleus that was different from the nausea and dirty brain, which was as translucent as a dove egg.

The extremely hard zombies in Zhuo Sun Xia Shui's eyes were solved so easily!

The commander is really amazing!

Suddenly the psychic who was immersed in pessimism was awake, seeing the powerful and calm posture of the commander, his heart was extremely excited, and even some young psychic began to cheer.

"Fuck! The zombie is dead, the commander is awesome!"

"The commander is too powerful! This is as hard as an iron-skinned zombie in the hands of the commander is as simple as cutting tofu. Whenever I have half the strength of the commander, I will be satisfied!"

"Okay! I finally killed this **** zombie. It's great that the base has a commander. Fortunately, I chose to stay at the Lucheng base. The sense of security of the base where the commander is now has skyrocketed!"

"Why the commander is so much younger than me and so powerful? I have to learn from the commander how to fight zombies. Just now, as a superpower, I can't touch the zombies. I really lost the face of the commander! Tonight is going all night. Practice!"

"I also came to practice overnight. Next time it's our turn to kill the zombies. We can't bother the commander every time. The masters are not better than the commanding genius of the boss. You can't practice diligently. It's too shameful!"

"Yes! Make an appointment, I have to practice tonight, hurry up and break through intermediate abilities!"

Compared with the look that was so lifeless by the zombies just now, the faces of the people around became active and motivated, igniting hope and fighting spirit.

For the rest of the time, everyone obeyed Si Huaixi's instructions.

Seal the scene, deal with the zombies, and investigate who the person behind this room is and why the zombies can be let in.

Things proceeded in an orderly manner.

The mouse hiding in the crowd peeping at all of this also quietly left.

It seemed that everything was calmed down, and even the zombies were killed by the commander.

The surrounding base residents and supernaturalists all showed relaxed and relieved faces.

Only Si Huaixi stood on the spot, holding the crystal nucleus taken out of the zombie's skull in his hand, and his deep sea-blue eyes were more icy and heavier than before.

Pei Zhaozhou keenly felt that Si Huaixi's emotions were not right, as if Si Huaixi's calm face was hiding a trace of anxiety that could not be known to outsiders.

In the eyes of everyone, Si Huaixi is an indestructible commander of the Lucheng base that everyone can rely on and trust.

But in the eyes of Pei Zhaozhou, the commander whom everyone praises is not someone who is deified. He is Si Huaixi. Just like ordinary people, he will be injured, have the same emotions, sorrows, and moments of helplessness.

When everyone was afraid of zombies and no one came forward, Si Huaixi just chose to stand up calmly again.

It seems that there are many people standing behind, but there is no one.

This kind of loneliness that no one can rely on behind being pushed to stand up...

Pei Zhaozhou has also experienced it, many times.

Every time Pei Zhaozhou recalled the past, Pei Zhaozhou's golden eyes dimmed.

Being strong does not mean indestructible, but they hide their weakness, and when they are injured, they hide themselves in the corner and lick their wounds.

There are some things they know very well. Exposing the wounds may not necessarily be helped by their companions, and more likely is the enemy's taking advantage of the fire.

Pei Zhaozhou suddenly took Si Huaixi's hand.

Si Huaixi was stunned subconsciously, watching that Pei Zhaozhou's expression was not the same as usual at this time, frowning, coldly and a little angry, as if someone had provoke this grumpy cat.

But the heat from Pei Zhaozhou's palm made Si Huaixi's solemn expression loose, and he subconsciously concealed the deep thoughts in his heart, and his eyes curled slightly and said with a smile: "What's the matter?"

Seeing Si Huaixi who was pretending to be relaxed, Pei Zhaozhou was inexplicably annoyed, and he couldn't help but increase his strength a bit while holding Si Huaixi's hand.

Can't help but curse a fool in my heart, and feel sorry for the fool again.

Pei Zhaozhou pressed his lips tightly, his amber gold eyes looked like bright and bright gold stars, and he looked at Si Huaixi seriously and said: "You don't need to be supported by one person if you have something, you can come to me... I just know that I will support you. Don't think that you are a powerful supernatural player and you can support the entire base by yourself."


In the end, he couldn't help but cursed.

Si Huaixi was stunned for a long time, her eyes were filled with complex moving soft light, and she smiled and suddenly hugged the awkward and arrogant cat who cared about him while scolding him.

Holding her arms and still struggling, Si Huaixi felt affectionate and rubbed her chin against Tsundere Cat's cheek.

Pei Zhaozhou became angry from embarrassment: "Don't hug! Don't hug!"

Si Huai rubbed against Pei Maomao, who was irritated, and said, "I know, I know."

As a result, he couldn't hold back his hand and let go.

"Knowing a fart, you are out of help!"

Pei Zhaozhou blushed, feeling that he would have no face to meet people!

Didn't you see that this was under the public? Why did Si Huaixi go on endlessly? I wanted to comfort him, but now it's so good that I can catch him up.

Si Huaixi lowered his eyes, and looked gently at Pei Zhaozhou, who had been irritable and angry but didn't try to break free from his embrace, suddenly an urge to kiss him suddenly appeared in his heart.

This kind of impulse came so suddenly that Ling Si Huaixi himself was a little surprised, and it seemed that some of his deep feelings had taken root in unexpected places.

Looking at Pei Zhaozhou's angry flushing cheeks again, the round amber golden eyes still looked vicious to everyone, but they were extremely cute in Si Huaixi's eyes with countless layers of filters.

Can't wait to kiss a few, kiss the amber gold eyes shyly glowing with water.

The angry cat bit him willingly.

——He is not saved.

Si Huaixi confirmed his mind.

He fell in love with a man, he fell in love with Pei Zhaozhou.

It's just that this is not a good time.

Si Huaixi drew a complex and heavy under his eyes.

After releasing Pei Zhaozhou in his arms, Si Huaixi's deep eyes drew a trace of perseverance, and his expression gradually returned to calm.
