The scorched big hole was filled with white smoke.

Zhang Lu, who was holding the energy gun, was a little confused, his hands shaking vigorously, and his head was shocked with cold sweat.

Zhang Lu's Adam's apple rolled and swallowed his saliva: "My eyes are not so good, when does the gun have such power?"

Zhou Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at the energy gun that was powerful enough to shoot through his chest, full of fear, couldn't help feeling his chest to see if it was okay, and then let out a sigh of relief.

Just now when Zhang Lu was holding the gun, he shook it in his direction, trying to frighten him a few times.

He thought it was just a welding torch, and smiled nonchalantly. Zhang Lu looked bored and pointed his muzzle at the ground.

If this gun was pointed at him just now, even if he was a Tier 6 superpower, he couldn't stop it!

Zhou Fei: "Don't talk about you, I have never seen a gun like this. If there is this gun, I am afraid of zombies, at least low-level zombies will be killed in seconds!"

Zhou Fei looked at the energy gun in Zhang Lu's hand and his eyes gradually warmed.

Which ability person doesn't want to have a handy weapon, especially a weapon that can attack from a distance, and can shoot and kill without close zombies.

But firearms are helpless, if it is said that it is not too difficult to get them, he still has channels to get them, but the expensive ones are bullets!

A two-tier crystal core can exchange about thirty metal bullets filled with gunpowder, which is already a preferential price for the Lucheng base.

Those with guns will buy some self-defense, after all, they can't beat the zombies with their bare hands after they run out of abilities.

But after the zombie’s death, the skin becomes stiff, the skin is thick and fleshy, and five or six bullets are sent to one place. The accurate head needs to be a sharpshooter, otherwise it will be difficult to shoot through that layer of dead skin, and the skull in the deadly area will be even harder. NS.

There were no more than ten or twenty bullets in one trip, and it might not kill a zombie.

Therefore, bullets are generally used to destroy the zombies' mobility, and finally save some bullets and make up for killing the zombies.

This is still based on the fact that zombies can be hit with firearms. If they encounter strong zombies, bullets can't break the defense of the zombies, and in the end they have to fight hard with abilities.

If you are a bit unlucky, if you encounter a zombie with a metallic ability, if you dare to take a gun out, your teammate will blow your head first!

The metal bullet that flew out in minutes was controlled by the zombies, which in turn hurt teammates.

Speaking of it, it's a bit of tears. Sometimes when killing zombies outside, you have to not only face the zombies, but also beware of pig teammates in various situations. Sure enough, staying at the base to watch the fish at the door is the best job!

Zhou Fei looked at the energy gun several times with greedy eyes, and couldn't restrain the impulse and asked: "Brother Pei, are you selling this gun?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lu next to him wanted the same, louder than him, with excited eyes, and shouted to Pei Zhaozhou: "Brother Pei, you make a price, as long as I have everything I have! I beg you--! !!!"

"Wait a minute--!!!"

An old man with a sloppy beard appeared out of nowhere, and shouted at the energy gun eyes: "If I want to sell, I will have a sixth-order crystal core!!!"

Seeing someone robbing them, Zhou Fei and Zhang Lu rarely stood on the same front: "Who are you?! Brother Pei, if you want to sell it, just sell it to us. We have also released Tier 6 crystal cores!"

Pei Zhaozhou paused when he wanted to take back the energy gun.

I started to calculate how many points a sixth-order crystal core can exchange and how many apples can I buy.

He doesn’t know much about the currency exchange system of this high-latitude world. He only knows that the first-order crystal nucleus of Lucheng base can be exchanged for 200 points. How do you say that the sixth-order crystal nucleus is more expensive than the first-order crystal nucleus...

The old man seemed to see Pei Zhaozhou’s intentions and pursued with victory, "You are new to our Lucheng base, right? If you sell me this gun for research, my old Hu will give you a promise, as long as you have any machine broken in the future. If the car breaks down, you can come to the research institute of the Lucheng base to find me. If you want a self-defense weapon, I can sell you weapons and bullets at half price! Free repair and replacement!"

Zhou Fei could also see that this sloppy old man was Professor Hu, who was notoriously stubborn in the research institute. He looked dirty because he often climbed to the bottom of the car to repair the car, and there was oil in his fingers.

Professor Hu is regarded as a respectable name. Usually, those supernaturalists call him old man Hu who breaks and repairs the car. Who wants this old man to be stubborn and even scolds the captain of high-level superpowers.

One time when a super ability captain returned the car, old man Hu found that the car had a big crack. He was so angry that he pointed at the super ability captain’s nose and cursed, almost angering the high-level ability captain. , If Old Man Hu’s old body had such a punch, he would probably fall to the ground and die. Later, Chief Cao still came out to make a round.

Zhou Fei admired this old man to some extent.

It is said that this old man Hu is a widow and lonely old man. The child was bitten to death by a zombie. His wife followed him for many years in the last days. In the end, he couldn't stand it and fell sick and died. Later, he was taken back by the commander somehow, and he stayed in the base. Years later, people with discerning eyes can see that Old Man Hu cherishes this base that gives him a place to stay, and does his best to maintain and love this place.

Besides, this old man Hu is very skilled in car repairing. Several scrapped cars in the warehouse of the base have been repaired by old man Hu. The fact that he cherishes the car like his own child makes people who borrow the car very annoying. Annoyed, if it broke a little bit, he was chased and scolded by old man Hu.

Lao Hu looked at the energy gun with scorching eyes, and his eyes were full of excitement: "How about? If you have other requirements, I can satisfy you as much as possible if I can do what Lao Hu can do!"

This is a new type of weapon that has never been seen before. The absence of metal bullets means that it will not be restricted by metal zombies, and the scorched huge pit on the ground strongly proves the extraordinary power of this gun.

If you use it on zombies, you can definitely kill those **** zombies!

Old Hu was thinking about visiting the trading area, wondering if he could find suitable car repair materials or some valuable metals, but he didn't expect to get an unexpected surprise.

Not only to discover this special energy gun, but also to be ecstatic and moved by the fact that there are humans behind it that can develop this energy gun!

In a place that old Hu couldn't see, the original human science and technology had also developed to such a level. Now it is one step closer to letting the zombies become extinct and regaining human territory!

Zhang Lu shrugged, it seemed that he was out of play, looked at the energy gun eagerly, sighed and sighed.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes sank slightly, and he fell into thinking.

One thing makes him a little puzzled.

The performance of the energy gun that he personally modified was much better than the general energy guns on the interstellar market, but it still couldn't hurt Si Huaixi.

This shocked him at first, and had an illusion about this high-latitude world. The technology is backward but the strength of human beings is incredible.

Pei Zhaozhou himself is an S-level alpha, and his genes have reached the limit of interstellar humans. In addition, he has learned all kinds of fighting skills. Basically, no one in interstellar can beat him, but he can come to this high latitude world and come with a man. Can beat him.

Just when Pei Zhaozhou thought that even if it wasn't the majority of people, there were definitely not a few people who could be as powerful as non-human beings like Si Huaixi.

Then he easily knocked down a superpower in the base, and the three people in front of him were eagerly eager to buy the energy gun that couldn't hurt Si Huaixi.

Pei Zhaozhou couldn't help but become curious about Si Huaixi's strength.

As for the difficulty of making the energy gun, it is not too high. At the beginning, the Brain Silver Arc had analyzed the elemental composition contained in the soil of this high-latitude world, and replaced it with ordinary materials in this world.

It’s just that this energy gun consumes a lot of energy when fighting, leaving 30% of the ability grid. Just now, Zhang Lu accidentally opened the energy valve to the maximum. After one hit, 6% of the energy was lost, and there was no suitable supplement. The tools of energy will fail after a period of time.

The structure of the energy gun is simple for Pei Zhaozhou, but it is completely different for people with backward technology here. The technology span is too large, and the greater the power that the energy gun can cause, the more likely it is for accidents to cause tragedies.

Pei Zhaozhou said firmly in his eyes: "I can't promise you."

Old Hu thought that Pei Zhaozhou didn’t want the technology of the energy gun to leak, but he couldn’t help but struggle a bit. The old man’s cloudy eyes pleaded: “Then don’t buy your gun, let me study it for a while before returning it. You, in my old Hu’s reputation, guarantee you that the sixth-order crystal nucleus and other conditions promised to you will not change... What was the gun when it was given, and what was it returned? I just want to give it to the base. The abilities of the cultivators have studied one more weapon to kill zombies..."

Zhang Lu looked at Old Hu's pitiful appearance and wanted to persuade him a little bit, but he and Pei Zhaozhou had only just met for a long time. Without the confidence to persuade him to sell such a powerful weapon, he would not sell it in exchange for it.

Zhang Lu sighed and asked cautiously: "Brother Pei, if you have other ways to buy this gun, I will also pay you the sixth-order crystal core. If it is not enough, I will go to the base to find someone to change the seventh-order. Old Hu and Commander Si also know each other and helped everyone a lot..."

Zhou Fei also coughed slightly. He also knew that Pei Zhaozhou didn't care that much, as he was observant, at least he didn't care as much as they did, otherwise he wouldn't borrow an energy gun at will just because Zhang Lu was curious just now.

Zhou Fei asked vaguely: "Brother Pei, what are your concerns, we can all try to find someone to help you solve it."

The implication may be that Pei Zhaozhou used some illegal means to obtain the energy gun. If someone offends someone behind him, they can help solve the problem or solve the person behind the problem.

Zhou Fei has been in the last days for so long, and his hands are not unbleeded. He has a keen and cunning personality, but he was infected a little by the two enthusiastic companions next to him.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes flicked across Lao Hu's sincere and enthusiastic face. Even Zhou Fei's enthusiasm was only superficial, and he also spoke to Lao Hu who Zhang Luwei didn't know much about.

Could not help but evoke a smile.

It seems that people's hearts are warmer in the last days.

Pei Zhaozhou missed Si Huaixi a little bit inexplicably, and a soft light flashed across his amber gold eyes, pursing his lips and chuckles and said, "Okay, I agree."

"Okay! Thank you Brother Pei!" Zhang Lu cheered.

Lao Hu also thanked him, looking at the energy gun eagerly and asking: "Then can I take it back to the research institute now and find some old friends to study it together?"

Pei Zhaozhou: "Well, the energy gun is a dangerous firearm after all, I have to be there to watch it."

Old Hu Manxin is the energy gun to be studied, as for Pei Zhaozhou's request, he didn't care at all, and quickly replied: "No problem! No problem!"

Pei Zhaozhou: "Also, I hope I don't study it too late, I have to go home."

Lao Hu made a no problem gesture: "Don't worry! Don't worry!"

After speaking, Lao Hu took Pei Zhaozhou to the research institute.

It happened that Pei Zhaozhou was also curious about the level of this high-latitude world research institute. The laboratory he built in Interstellar was unusable, but it was a pity that he had newly introduced a batch of ultra-high-tech mecha materials and equipment.


Busy till late at night.

As soon as Si Huaixi returned to the Lucheng base, there were a large number of affairs waiting for him to handle.

Since the meeting in the morning, I haven’t stopped working, whether it’s the next transportation arrangement or the rest of the base powers who have training problems to find him...

The fellow leader Cao seemed to be still gloating, saying that he had shared Si Huaixi's work for so long, and it was his turn to rest.

Until ten o'clock in the evening.

Si Huaixi can get away from a bunch of affairs.

Walk in the dim light.

Si Huaixi walked home hurriedly, her deep sea-blue eyes anxious, her brows wrinkled tighter, her face as cold as frost.

The whole person feels like an arrow.

I miss the cat at home all my heart.

I don’t know how the cat’s condition is. Will it find the way? It should be safe to get home. Will the cat wait too long...

Although Si Huaixi had given Pei Zhaozhou the key a long time ago, and some things had been explained, Pei Zhaozhou was not a naive child, how could he not even be able to do these little things.

But at the moment when he didn't see Mao Mao, Si Huaixi's face was still cold and tense.

The emotions that I have been betting on unknowingly are as introverted as a deep-sea volcano, and turbulent to erupt at any time.


Si Huaixi stopped in front of a house with no lights on the windows.

The sea-blue pupils shrank instantly.

Then Si Huaixi opened the door.

The room was still quiet, and the ground had accumulated a layer of dust because there was no one for a while, and there was no trace of anyone coming in.

No one, no cat,

Si Huaixi's eyes suddenly sank.

——Maomao didn't go home.
