"They seem to have really quarreled."

Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi can be heard arguing from a long distance away, and the most amazing thing about these old professors is that the commander who has the most emotional fluctuations is actually the commander.

Regardless of how many old professors have received the favor of the commander, they are usually very friendly and polite to the commander, but the commander does not like to contact people, and his whole body exudes a distant coldness.

Old professors also respect more than closeness.

The first time I saw the commander's expression so rich, his handsome face showed angry and aggrieved emotions, and he looked like a young man who had just entered college and was full of youthful hormonal hair.

Compared with the image of a serious and mature superpower in the past, it now appears that Si Huaixi is a young man who has just turned 21, rather than a commander who is responsible for the fate and responsibility of everyone in the entire Lucheng base.

Seeing the commander who seemed to be angry, Pei Zhaozhou with a cold expression beside him.

The old professors didn't worry too much about Pei Zhaozhou. They trusted the person of the commander, and the real commander became angry, but it was not so calm and calm.

It is not so much that the commander is angry, it is better to say that he is arguing with Pei Zhaozhou.

The old professors were smiling, watching the two young people quarreling, and it was rare to see the commanding officer grieving and deflating, they all laughed in unison.

"The relationship between the two people is really good, and the commander finally recognizes the friends who make friends."

"Hahahaha-this scene is hard to see. I usually see the young man under the command of the Secretary who don't even smile. There will be one day when his expression is so vivid. I really want to take a camera to take a photo."

"Don't be really irritated, wait to persuade these two young people, so that Teacher Pei will not get angry with the cheese command, we will never encounter such a powerful technology, but I want to ask. Yes, I can’t wait to worship him as a teacher right away, but it’s a pity that the young man Pei Zhaozhou has the same temperament as the commander. It’s not easy to get close so as not to make him unhappy..."

Old Hu Man said regretfully, touching his beard.

What Lao Hu said reminded everyone that Pei Zhaozhou was brought by Si Huaixi.

After this period of time, the people in the research institute have seen that Pei Zhaozhou has wisdom and knowledge beyond this era in his mind. For this apocalyptic world where everything is barren, he is simply a treasure bestowed by heaven.

With Pei Zhaozhou surpassing this apocalyptic level of technology, he will be respected as a VIP no matter which base he goes to.

Although the status of scientists in the last days is low, it is because they are weak ordinary people, who can neither carry guns nor fight zombies, and are far inferior to those with supernatural powers.

But if you can make an energy gun that kills Tier 6 zombies like Pei Zhaozhou, which is comparable to the power of a powerful superpower, then things will be completely turned upside down. You can make weapons in batches and produce a steady stream of zombies. Powerful army.

The power as strong as the commander's command is still too limited, and the number of superpowers is too small.

If all human groups have the power to fight against zombies, the accumulation of sand into a tower will be an unprecedented powerful force. Ordinary people will work hand in hand with the supernaturalists to kill the group of damned zombies and regain the territory that belongs to humans!

The visionary old professors were so excited that they couldn't sleep all night when they saw the energy gun. Several old guys envisioned the bright future of the Lucheng base passionately.

They stayed up for a few days to study the energy gun drawings given by Pei Zhaozhou, but they had to admit that the amount of knowledge contained in it was beyond their understanding and far beyond the world's technological level, and many of them were puzzled when they wanted to break their heads. The problem is easy for Pei Zhaozhou.

If Pei Zhaozhou and Commander Si fell out, they would really have nowhere to cry...

The professors glanced at each other, and reached a consensus as their eyes changed, feeling guilty about the commander inexplicably.

There are a large number of commanders in some affairs, and it is also a just move to sacrifice a little to stabilize Pei Zhaozhou.

The headed Professor Yan coughed lightly and said, "The two young men are very angry. It's always bad to argue. Let's persuade the commander to be good."

"Yeah that's right!"

"It makes sense!"

When Pei Zhaozhou walked over, he saw that the old professors of the institute were gathered together as if they were discussing something. They thought they were looking for him for something, so they asked.

"If you have anything to ask me, if you have questions about the energy gun drawings I gave you before, you can ask."

Unexpectedly, the old professors all looked at each other mysteriously. Old Hu seemed to want to say something, but was pressed by other old professors.

In the end, Professor Yan said kindly, “Don’t worry about this. Teacher Pei will be tired after spending so long in the laboratory these days. When Teacher Pei has enough rest, I won’t be able to answer the questions of our old guys when he is free. Late."

Pei Zhaozhou was slightly puzzled, thinking that these old professors are a bit strange today.

He originally thought that they came here to find him to answer, but he didn't expect that they were actually concerned about his rest. Before, he enthusiastically grabbed him and asked him not to stop letting him go home.

He didn't hate him. With such a dedicated person working for the Lucheng base, Si Huaixi, who was the commander of the Lucheng base, could also relax.

Pei Zhaozhou nodded casually and said: "Okay, after a few days, when I finish the project on hand, you can come to me."

Seeing that Pei Zhaozhou was about to enter the laboratory, he didn't know that it would take a few more days to come out after a retreat.

Lao Hu couldn't help but speak, "Teacher Pei————"

Pei Zhaozhou stopped, his eyes flashed as expected, and he turned calmly and said, "Is there anything you want to ask?"

Under the disapproving gazes of the other old professors, Lao Hu still asked: "There is just a small problem. Lao Hu, I am a little curious about what the big thing in the laboratory is for, and it glows green when it is placed there. Never seen it before."

Pei Zhaozhou paused and replied: "Energy Tower Energy Tower, you can also use it as a giant generator that can provide power, or it can be used to synthesize some special structure materials, and you can use it to make energy guns in the future."

Old Hu slapped his lap loudly and exclaimed, "That's great!"

Professor Yan and the other professors also smiled, excited and incredible in their eyes.

If another person said that it would take a few days to make a generator that so many people had headaches, they couldn’t believe it if they were killed, but they could be replaced by Pei Zhaozhou who could take out an ultra-age high-tech weapon like an energy gun. In his body, these impossible cognitions were completely broken.

Professor Yan suppressed the excitement and trembling voice and asked admiringly: "What is needed, can we help?"

Pei Zhaozhou said that he didn't need to. The other professors restrained their excitement and rushed, and expressed their cooperation to let him do things with peace of mind and would never disturb him.

Only after Pei Zhaozhou entered the laboratory, several old professors suddenly grabbed Si Huaixi who was following behind him.

"Eh eh-Commander, don't walk first, we old guys have something to tell you."

Si Huaixi replied, "What can I do for you?"

Many old professors were talking around Si Huaixi.

Si Huaixi was confused by those words, blinking with sea-blue eyes, ignorant and confused in his thinking, and then nodded in agreement.

He also accepted an old professor who eagerly brought fresh fruits and small tomatoes grown by himself, washed them and put them in a box, and told the director to give them to Pei Zhaozhou.


Without Si Huaixi, a useful assistant, Pei Zhaozhou always felt a little uncomfortable, so he sat on the chair beside him and read the experimental data, but the direction of the chair was always facing the door.

When Si Huaixi finally finished speaking, she walked in, still holding a box of fruit in her hand, frowning from time to time.

Pei Zhaozhou noticed that Si Huaixi's expression was not the same as usual, and suddenly became a little curious about what the old professors had just pulled him and said.

Pei Zhaozhou asked: "Is there anything they are looking for you?"

Si Huaixi pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

Seeing it was nothing, Pei Zhaozhou didn't continue to ask, his eyebrows became a bit more nervous.

He needs to quickly build an energy tower before the susceptibility period after seven days. Although the wisdom brain silver arc has been monitoring his body pheromone concentration, occasionally the neck gonads will sting, which is better than the endless pain in the past. too much.

But he still can't take it lightly.

Never has an alpha suffer from pheromone disorder to live so long, especially as an S-level alpha, the higher the level of alpha pheromone is, the more aggressive it is, and the strong pheromone in combat can greatly improve combat effectiveness.

People may suffer from pheromone disorder. The aggressive pheromone becomes a destructive weapon to attack itself. The stronger the alpha is, the more painful it is to be counterphaged by the pheromone. Can't bear the endless pain and go crazy and kill oneself.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes shone sharply.

He will not be so stupid to commit suicide, if he is destined to die, he will face it calmly...let the enemies who murdered him die first!

Unfortunately, it almost succeeded.

Close the information.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes returned to calm.

Compared with the hatred that could not be touched in the past, and now it seems as compensation for his doomed tragic fate, he has met Si Huaixi, a good man who sincerely accepts him.

Just in case he can't survive the susceptibility period, he has left a data about all the scientific and technological knowledge of Interstellar in the memory of the Brain Silver Arc. Among them, the more important technologies are suitable for the development of Si Huaixi's world, and he has listed them. Well, I will tell Si Huaixi before he dies.

So Pei Zhaozhou took the trouble to teach the old professors of the energy gun to the old professors of the research institute. Part of the reason is that he hopes that this precious scientific and technological information he left will be understood.

It's a pity... after all, there is a technological gap of nearly three hundred years, and the progress of understanding is much slower than Pei Zhaozhou imagined. The real start is still on his own.

"Want a bite?"

Si Huaixi pinched the green leaves of the small tomato and said to Pei Zhaozhou, who was thinking.

Because they live and eat together these days, Pei Zhaozhou has long been accustomed to Si Huaixi's feeding.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't feel anything was wrong, facing the little tomato that Si Huaixi reached out to feed, he took a bite.

Fresh small tomatoes are particularly sweet and sour to quench thirst. Compared with the strange and strange taste of the nutrients in the interstellar, even a simple fruit in the last days is much more delicious.

Pei Zhaozhou chewed the plump tomatoes and bit the peel. The sweet and sour tomato juice and seeds burst between his lips and teeth, and then slowly melted. The amber platinum-gold eyes squinted with enjoyment, and the lips were also dyed orange. The juice looks sour and sweet.

Si Huaixi's eyes darkened, and a smile gradually emerged.

As if looking at a gluttonous cat, his mouth was full of juice with broken peels, and he was wagging an invisible tail behind his back with pleasure.

After eating, he is much quieter and obedient, not as irritating as he was just talking nonsense.

Si Huaixi unconsciously wiped the ruddy lips with his fingers, fed a little tomato, and asked with a smile. "Is it tasty?"

Pei Zhaozhou didn't notice it at all, but he didn't feel embarrassed to let Si Huaixi feed him this time, so he caught it with his hand and said, "It's delicious."

Si Huaixi also picked up a small tomato, gently pressing the plump flesh of the small tomato with his fingertips, and tried to eat it like Pei Zhaozhou.

The taste...is really good.

Pei Zhaozhou has a good appetite. Compared to Si Huaixi, he only tried one or two, and unknowingly ate more than 30 small tomatoes.

When Pei Zhaozhou came back to his senses, he had eaten the whole box of small tomatoes.

After this period of familiarity.

Seeing the empty box, Pei Zhaozhou said frankly to Si Huaixi: "No more."

Facing the accusation that his cat didn't eat enough, he stared slightly at the amber golden round eyes, and arrogantly asked him directly to eat, otherwise he would show his cute paws.

As the owner, Si Huaixi laughed and said, "Okay, I'll let Professor Fang bring it over later. She used to learn Chinese medicine to grow. By the way, she grows many fresh vegetables and fruits at home, because there is a child in the water system. Those with supernatural powers, the fruits and vegetables poured with supernatural water will taste sweeter and more delicious, and you can’t buy them anywhere else..."

Pei Zhaozhou thought of the kind-faced Professor Fang. It would be bad for an old man to trouble her because of this, and he is not a person who values the desire to speak, so he shook his head and refused.

"No, I was delayed a little bit today, so I have to start the experiment quickly to make it up."

Pei Zhaozhou changed his attitude of earnest and focused research and handed over the new task to Si Huaixi.

"The solution in the energy tower has gradually stabilized, but there are still some special ingredients to be added in the future. I have found it, but I need more plants that are spawned by the wood powers to extract that component. The stronger the wood powers. The better."

Pei Zhaozhou looked straight at Si Huaixi.

What he wanted You Xiaolin, a wood-type supernatural power, was not false, and any supernatural power had its research value.

Si Huaixi nodded lightly and said, "Okay, I will arrange for you to have another wood type superpower."

Just never mention the most suitable You Xiaolin.

Pei Zhaozhou pursed his lips, but did not continue to say anything, and instead handed over the more important task to Si Huaixi.

"Your next task is to make the most critical bio-like micro-robots of the energy tower, change the collected chips to three-dimensional, and I will show you the blueprints of the structure..."

"I have prepared the relevant mechanical molecules and mechanical proteins. You only need to assemble them into nano-scale micro-robots, and it will be like a truly exquisite living creature, decomposing energy, synthesizing substances, and analogous proliferation according to our instructions. Action."

“It’s just that a certain amount of bio-like micro-robots need to be produced first, such as 10 grams of micro-robots, but the number of micro-robots contained in 10 grams reaches hundreds of thousands. The total number of micro-robots required for the energy tower is huge to hundreds of millions. ..."

"When the next 10 grams of micro-robots are produced, and then the parts, chips, mechanical molecules, and mechanical proteins required by the same type of robots are poured in, they can be analogously proliferated and continue to produce the same type of bio-like micro-robots. "

When Pei Zhaozhou talked about related professional fields, his light golden eyes became cold and straight, and the whole person exuded a calm and clear ascetic scientist temperament.

——A serious cat is particularly attractive.

Si Huaixi unconsciously looked at Pei Zhaozhou's profile face and was already fascinated, and the sea-blue eyes were streaming with a soft light like the warm sun.

"I expect it will take three days to complete, during which I will need to prepare some raw materials. I may not leave the laboratory until late tonight."

Pei Zhaozhou said urgently.

Si Huaixi noticed the pressure that Pei Zhaozhou had accumulated in his heart for a long time, and was anxious about the urgency of time, and it seemed that something was constantly forcing him.

It was just that Pei Zhaozhou refused to say, Si Huaixi couldn't know, so he could only help from the side, and couldn't help a single bit of the deepest and most fundamental fear and pressure in his heart.

Thinking of what the group of old professors in the institute said around him.

Pei Zhaozhou followed him to the Lucheng base. He was unaccompanied and had no friends. He was the only one beside him. If he didn't tolerate caring about Pei Zhaozhou, he would really be alone.

It’s best not to quarrel. There are a lot of quarrels with adults. Don’t be really angry with Pei Zhaozhou. It’s not good to keep people in the laboratory. Those who don’t know think that they are treated as laborers.

Having said that, it has indeed been a long time since he went out.

Si Huaixi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at the rest of the time and said, "Okay, what if I finish the task within today?"

To complete the assembly of hundreds of thousands of micro robots, even if Si Huaixi, as a high-level mental power, is impossible in the remaining few hours!

Pei Zhaozhou firmly said: "Impossible, I estimate that it will take you at least three days to complete this task."

Si Huaixi's eyes gleamed slightly and said, "What if I did it?"

Pei Zhaozhou looked suspicious and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Si Huaixi smiled and said, "Before the sunset, I promised you to always do it once."

Knowing that it was impossible, Pei Zhaozhou still gave birth to a trace of anticipation inexplicably.
