Home » The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss VAPBDB » Chapter 25: ——Maomao will make money when he grows up...
The Villainous Alpha Was Picked up by the Doomsday Boss Chapter 25: ——Maomao will make money when he grows up...
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Si Huaixi was cruel, closed his eyes and smoked an extra one in the closet.

Turn around and walk to the living room.

"Okay, here are your clothes, let's change them!"

Si Huai looked away from the west, his cold white cheeks were stained with crimson, and he just refused to look at Pei Zhaozhou's naked upper body.

Passing a pile of clothes in his hand to Pei Zhaozhou, frowning and stinkingly toward the wall on the other side, unknowingly thought that Pei Zhaozhou was not pleasing to the eye.

Pei Zhaozhou took the clothes, and his amber golden eyes looked at the clothes Si Huaixi handed him curiously, and asked in doubt: "Why is there an extra pair of pants?"

In addition to the normal tops and pants, there is one extra shorts.

Pei Zhaozhou took a closer look. There were labels on the shorts. The shorts were not wrong.

Si Huaixi's eyes flashed with annoyance.

He didn't give Pei Zhaozhou the cheeky underwear that he wore, but he couldn't really let him wear nothing inside.

I had to find a pair of shorts that I haven't worn before, as the men’s boxer briefs, not the same...

Si Huaixi clutched his hot red face, and said with difficulty, "You, you can't wear nothing inside, right? Put this on first, and I'll find you a new one tomorrow..."

Pei Zhaozhou tilted his head in confusion: "What's the problem? Aren't we all men?"

Iron straight male Alpha·Pei Zhaozhou·Empire Major General completely ignored Si Huaixi’s complex feelings of shame.

The amber gold eyes narrowed slightly, and he disliked the other pair of trousers that Si Huaixi had given him. He thought it was too hot to wear in this weather, so he only took short shorts.

Pei Zhaozhou said frankly: "It's too hot, I'll just wear shorts."

Speaking of Pei Zhaozhou unsuspectingly in front of Si Huaixi, he wanted to change.

Angrily at the end of the world, Sihuaixi Old Antique quickly grabbed the towel he was about to fall down, and his big hot hand grabbed Pei Zhaozhou's waist and gritted his teeth: "No! Even if the windows are not closed at night, people may be caught. See, I can only change in the room!"

Pei Zhaozhou suddenly reacted. The hand that pinched his waist felt too strong. He just wanted to twist and move a little bit, but he was pinched tighter. His fingertips rubbed the sensitive skin of his abdomen, and his heart beat a few times. .

When it was Pei Zhaozhou's turn, his face was stained with blush quietly, and he muffled and said: "...oh, then I'll go to the room and put it on."

After speaking, Pei Zhaozhou felt that the bare skin that was swept by Si Huaixi's sight just now was all sensitive and flushed.

After realizing it, I became shy, with amber golden eyes shining with shame water, one hand holding the clothes against his chest, the other hand tightly holding the towel around the waist, the pace was much faster .

Until hiding in the room.

Pei Zhaozhou patted his face that was about to be ripe and flushed, and took a long breath, but finally felt embarrassed in his heart, holding his hot cheeks for a long time.

The clothes Si Huaixi gave in my hand were like hot potato, and I had to wear it...

Pei Zhaozhou closed his eyes tightly and lifted it hard, his white toes curled up shyly, and his nails were blushing.

The slender big white legs were put on dark blue shorts. The original loose shorts were fully supported by the tight and full buttocks. When they were pulled up, they were a bit shorter, almost reaching the base of the thighs.

This is the shorts Si Huaixi found most like close-fitting clothes, but the material of the shorts is a bit rough, not as comfortable and relaxed as the close-fitting clothes.

As I walked, the rough material made the roots of my thighs red.

What's more tormenting is that you have to put on an extra pair of trousers!

When Pei Zhaozhou walked out of the room, his face was no longer red, and what followed was a strong sense of impropriety as the pair of pants rubbed the delicate skin.

Pei Zhaozhou pressed his lower lip tightly, his face gloomy.

Due to the elastic band around the shorts, it is a circle larger than normal underwear. Wearing one more pair of pants, his waist looks a little fatter, and his thighs seem to be bound by two thick quilts. They are stuffy and stuffy. It's hot, and it's especially awkward to walk.

Looking at Si Huaixi who was the instigator on the side, her amber gold eyes became a little bit sad and slightly angry.

Compared with Pei Zhaozhou's unhappy mood here.

When Si Huaixi saw Pei Zhaozhou who was neatly dressed, he relaxed, and finally had the mind to talk about other things.

"I have found someone here in the laboratory and prepared, and I can take you there tomorrow. In the research institute of the base, you may meet several old professors from the research institute. They have rich research fields in their respective fields. In terms of experience and personality, they are also easy to get along with. If you run into trouble, you can go to them for help..."

Pei Zhaozhou recalled explaining the principle of the energy gun to Professor Hu and other professors in the institute, and enthusiastically called his teacher for the night, almost pulling him to study until late at night and refused to let him go fanatical attitude...

A black line appeared on the forehead  ̄□ ̄||.

I'm afraid the character is very easy to get along with, the enthusiasm that almost made him unable to return.

Pei Zhaozhou looked serious and cautious: "Well, they are good people, but if you get into trouble, I'd better try to solve it by myself."

Si Huaixi was slightly surprised: "Oh, do you know the old professor and them?"

Pei Zhaozhou nodded: "I encountered it by accident in the trading area."

Si Huaixi had doubts in his eyes: "Where did you go?"

Because of the shortage of supplies in the last days, the trading area is equivalent to a small market, which is convenient for the residents of Lucheng base and a small number of vendors who come outside to sell and exchange goods.

Maybe Pei Zhaozhou has something to buy, but...

Si Huaixi thought about it for a moment, and determined that his Pei Maomao might have broken in by mistake.

After all, entering the house is so concise that it is the same as when he first picked him up, even without spare clothes.

Pei Zhaozhou: "Zhang Lu, who I met in the observation room, took me there, and I also met a superpower from the base..."

Listening to Pei Zhaozhou's passing, Si Huaixi suddenly discovered that his Pei Mao Mao had made many friends during his inattentive time.

It made him gratified, but also disappointed, especially when he came back so late after making friends...

Si Huaixi's heart choked inexplicably, and her lips tightened uncomfortably.

But when Pei Zhaozhou mentioned that Professor Hu wanted to use the crystal core to buy his energy gun, Si Huaixi frowned and interrupted: "Have you sold it?"

Pei Zhaozhou paused and replied: "No."

Si Huaixi lowered his expression, staring at Pei Zhaozhou and said, "That gun is not harmful to me, but it is fatal to most low- and middle-level zombies. You have no ability to protect yourself. The immunity of the zombie virus is basically zero. This energy gun is your self-defense weapon. Don't give it to anyone who wants to buy it."

Suddenly, Pei Zhaozhou's thoughts flew, his amber golden eyes fell into a dazed deep thought, but there was a warm current in his heart, and his nose was slightly sour and speechless.

According to him, the level of science and technology in the last days is very low. The Lucheng base where Si Huaixi is located is also backward and desolate. There are zombies everywhere outside. With the high-tech weapons he made, Si Huaixi and everyone in his base can live. Better.

If Si Huaixi forced him to ask for these high-tech weapons, Pei Zhaozhou would give them willingly, but he would be a little sad...

It seems to remember that in the Star Empire, the second prince threatened to hand over the latest mecha drawings by the stinking politicians and mastermind behind the scenes. He coveted his mechanical crafting talents and feared that he would restore the power and reputation of the S-class alpha major general. .

After all, he was the youngest major general in the empire, or he was born as a civilian. He participated in wars across the empire and even on the edge of the planet. He repelled countless unruly federal enemies and zergs. The civilians he saved were tens of thousands more than the so-called imperial nobles. At the peak of prestige, the civilians of the empire voted on the star network to hope that he could be the next marshal of the empire.

As a result, this kind of entertainment voting by Starnet was also popular. When told by his subordinates, Pei Zhaozhou still thought it was just a joke. The imperial marshal was usually a prominent nobleman behind the scenes to push his own turn to do it, and where did he get a small civilian major general in his turn. Deserve it.

Pei Zhaozhou saw clearly in his eyes, he hadn't thought of sitting in that position in one step, but he didn't expect that he would fall so badly in the end.

He did not die in the hands of the Zerg queen, but almost died in a mecha accident after the battle. Is there really only the second prince behind the scenes?

But when he was forced to come up with the blueprints of the new mecha, not only was the enemy second prince, but also the great nobles...

A trace of sadness flashed across Pei Zhaozhou's eyes. The more he could see through the coldness and indifference of human nature, the less he could see the complexity and warmth of Si Huaixi.

As a powerful superpower tempered in the cruel environment of the last days, and a leader-level figure of a base, Si Huaixi can never be a simple-minded man. On the contrary, he can be aware of his keen wisdom in many things.

Such an unusual person easily accepted him, a person of unknown origin, without knowing whether he was confident or arrogant.

Compared with the high-tech weapons that everyone else is rushing to, Si Huaixi doesn't care too much.

If Si Huaixi didn't know the value behind it, Pei Zhaozhou would not believe it.

It's just that compared to the value behind the energy gun to the base, Si Huaixi is more concerned about the role of the energy gun in protecting Pei Zhaozhou.

"this is for you."

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes moved slightly, and somehow he took out a luminous green crystal core and handed it to Si Huaixi.

Si Huaixi was puzzled and looked at the crystal nucleus that suddenly reached his hands. Of course he knew that it was a seventh-order crystal nucleus, but what did Pei Zhaozhou do for him?

Pei Zhaozhou continued: "This is the first crystal core I have earned here. I originally wanted to buy an apple and give it to you, but it was too late when I came back. The trading area was closed. I plan to give it to you directly. Now, you are a superpower, and the crystal nucleus is also very important to you..."

"I got this crystal nucleus from Professor Hu. I did not promise to sell him the energy gun, but Professor Hu still photographed the crystal nucleus. He just took me to the research institute to explain the principle to him. The other professors were also there, so I came back late in the conversation, and Zhang Lu, who I met in the observation room, sent me back..."

"I only learned about the value of the seventh-order crystal core later. If you replace it with an apple, you can fill the whole house. This crystal core is very rare for the people here. After I finish the new generator, I plan to continue to improve the weapon. , Then make more energy guns..."

Sihuai Xitongtong didn't notice the following words, he only received Pei Zhaozhou's first sentence.

Mao Mao gave him the first crystal he earned!

I also thought about buying apples as a gift for him. If it weren't for the closing of the trading area, he would have eaten the apples from Maomao now!

Si Huaixi was moved and regretted, and he couldn't help but shed tears that were touched by his old father.

—Maomao will make money to support his family when he grows up.

-He wants to save for the cat, and save money to marry a wife (crossed out), or buy some food that cats love to eat, it's still too early for the cat to have a wife.
