The reason for not returning to the base is that there are endless meetings to be held.

Si Huaixi leaned on the chair slightly, Hailan's pupils were empty, and listened to the various people in the meeting as they got up and talked.

The addiction to cigarettes is not guilty, but I want to poke a cat even more.


——I wonder if Mao Mao is waiting at home.

——Will you be impatient to wait? Thinking of a cat that will be angry and frizzy, the amber golden cat's eyes are moist and round, and I want to see it, but I am afraid that the cat will be even more angry...

It happened that the person sitting opposite Si Huaixi stood up and spoke.

Facing the commander's cold eyes, the person who got up suddenly trembled, and they were all trembling when they spoke.

I don’t know why the commander, who has never paid attention to him, actually raised his head and looked at him. When his sharp sea-blue eyes stared at him motionlessly, he was scared to feel like a helpless little animal that was about to be bitten by a powerful predator at any time.

Little did he know that Si Huaixi was looking at the clouds passing by the window behind him.

A gray cloud drifted across the horizon.

Two pointed, vague outlines appeared like a lazily rolled up cat.

Si Huaixi walked away a little, holding his hand against his chin, and the cat cloud with clear sea-blue pupils slowly drifting over, dyed the original gray color with a bright and clear blue.

Suddenly a bird flew over and broke the cat cloud!

The sea-blue eyes flashed anger.

Si Huaixi squinted her eyes slightly, and the fierce aura frightened the person on the other side to tremble even more, thinking in fear that what he had said wrong just now angered Commander Si.

But fortunately, when the person finished talking nervously and sat down, the commander didn't bother him. It seemed that he was thinking too much...

The anger in Si Huaixi's eyes quickly dissipated.

But if it weren't for the bird's smooth flying posture, it was obviously a natural wild bird.

Usually the posture of the zombie bird after mutation is deformed and stiff. The original dead bird's carcass is rotted and mutilated. It may only have one side of the wings, but it can rely on the abnormally developed muscles after the infection of the zombie virus to support the zombie bird to continue its instinct. To fly.

If it was a zombie bird that flew by just now, I am afraid Si Huaixi will go out to fight the birds.

There are not many natural species surviving in the last days. Zombie viruses spread to all corners of the world. Many forests have become sites for zombies. The original animals died similarly. In addition, zombies could not reproduce their offspring, and more and more species became extinct. .

But human beings can't take care of themselves, how can they have the energy to protect these endangered animals.

There is not much space left for humans and other surviving animals. Even the ocean has become the largest breeding ground for zombie viruses. Unfortunately, zombie fish cannot violate their physiological limitations and cannot walk on land.

Otherwise, if all the zombie fishes in the ocean come ashore, I am afraid that humans will not have to struggle and will become extinct together with other creatures.

Si Huaixi looked at the wild birds that were still flying, and they kept flying into the thick gray clouds and disappeared.

I don’t know what happened to the space search for a new earth at the Capital Base. It’s been a few years now, and there’s no news yet...

The earth's situation is getting more and more severe, and even Si Huaixi dare not guarantee how much time will be left for mankind, presumably he has also noticed something wrong there.

If the earth is not suitable for human existence, we must always find a new planet suitable for human existence.

Therefore, a few years ago, the Capital Base desperately spent countless energy and resources all over the country, launching rockets into outer space, hoping that all mankind hopes that astronauts can find a "new earth."

But on the day of launch, the capital base attracted an unprecedented wave of millions of level zombies. If it weren’t for the capital base as the largest base in China, it had gathered hundreds of thousands of superpowers, plus the only level 11 abnormality. The capable Ying Huibin was sitting in town and almost broke the line of defense.

Finally, the rocket was launched successfully.

Seeing this, it could not be stopped, and the tide of zombies retreated as if they had been ordered.

But after winning this difficult war, no one was happy, because the loss was too painful. The sudden wave of zombies killed countless people, and everyone’s hearts were clouded. The New Earth Aviation Project was just a weak hope. There is no progress so far.

He was still very young at the beginning and was not in the capital base. In order to promote his mental power ability level, he was still hunting suitable mental power zombies in the wilderness. He was very happy to learn the news of the successful rocket launch from the radio.

It’s just that when I learned about the abnormal situation that occurred in the capital base that day through some channels, it became unpleasant...

Si Huaixi put her hands together on the table, her taut fingers flushed unconsciously, and her eyes were a little frighteningly calm.

There are many more people on the conference table than yesterday.

Recently, it’s the turn of each quarter to collect materials. Some materials have to go to a large remote base to purchase. The danger of encountering zombies is unavoidable on the road. In addition to those who go out, they must also send people to stay in the base. The transfer of personnel is even greater. trouble.

Chief Cao arranged the transfer of personnel from each department, and then the heads of each department discussed how many people to send.

Most of the low- and intermediate-level abilities are arranged to perform missions not far from the Lucheng base, and some of them are carried by high-level abilities. As long as they follow the prescribed route map, they are not dangerous. Big.

Most of Si Huaixi travels once a year, and the route map he walks will also be revised. The zombie gathering places are marked for the base team of supernaturalists to avoid. The small groups of zombies wandering in the wilderness can't help the strangeness of the base. The capable team, the captains of the capable players of each team are all high-level capable players, and sometimes the leader Cao and Si Huaixi will change to follow.

I haven't encountered a major danger in these years, and the reputation of the Lucheng base in the group of supernaturalists is excellent, and it will not force the supernaturalists to die.

Most of the zombies to be encircled and suppressed are led by high-level abilities and gang fights with low- and intermediate-level abilities. The zombie crystal cores that are divided up afterwards are converted into points according to the contribution value, which can be exchanged for suitable points in the Lucheng base warehouse.的晶nucleus.

If you change to another base, first send a wave of ordinary people to attract the attention of the zombies, and then send middle and low-level ability players up, the most powerful high-level ability leader will squat behind, saying that it is to command the overall situation is actually to see. Run away if you are wrong.

After finally killing the zombies, it was the first time to get the crystal nucleus but to supply the leader high-level, leaving only a little leftovers for the lower-level abilities. It is not bad for ordinary people to leave a life even more miserable.

The Lucheng base is well treated. Although the supernaturalists have to participate in missions outside the base once or twice a year, encountering zombies may be dangerous, but there will really be a safe place in the last days.

The mission is only for one or two months. The rewards of the Lucheng base are very rich. The rest of the year is enough to stay in the base and not work. Unlike some bases that lack manpower, the supernaturalists have to carry their hoes to farm. , Otherwise there is no food to eat.

I don’t know why the Lucheng base has enough food. Many bases are not enough for their own people. The Lucheng base can take out the food to other bases to exchange materials, and the exchanged crystal cores are placed in the warehouse of the Lucheng base. There are also discounts for internal abilities to redeem points.

In this way, the Lucheng base keeps attracting abilities, and there are more and more high-level abilities, and there are also many high-level abilities who have been promoted to the Lucheng base.

"Commander, this time the team I'm leading is passing by that cotton field, do you want to follow it?"

The speaker was Captain Li. Don't look at him yesterday because of the dispute with Si Huaixi because of the research institute. However, he didn't want to offend Si Huaixi when he came back to his senses. He planned to ease the relationship and take the initiative to speak.

The captains of the superpowers in this circle in the base know that the commander inexplicably likes to go to the cotton field.

This cotton field is not in the base. It is in a valley where the scenery is beautiful and has not been destroyed by the harsh environment of the end times. It is a bit far away. The base rarely sends people to take care of the cotton field. How's it going?

It is often the season when the team of supernaturalists drop by to pick cotton, the commander will choose to join this team of supernaturalists, and the safety factor is greatly improved, so this route passing through the cotton field will also be scrambled.

Si Huaixi: "No, I have other things to do this time."

Don't go to the cotton field, keep the base to watch the cats

Captain Li was a little surprised, but didn't continue to say anything. The commander didn't follow him every time, he just tried it.

Continue to discuss details at the meeting.

"Will the seaside base send another team to fetch salt?"

"Isn't the salt stored in the base enough for several years?"

"Our Lucheng base is a southern city close to the sea, and it is convenient to get salt. However, the base a little bit northerly the year before last was lack of salt. We wanted to exchange food for materials and they didn’t need it. More supplies can be obtained over there..."

"There is not enough oil. There is no shortage of food at the Daqing base. Generally, crystal nuclei are needed. If you replace it with salt, you may save some crystal nuclei..."

"Okay, the place where Team Zheng you are going this time is close to the seaside base. Would you like to take a little detour?"

"No way, Chief Cao, the car is overloaded when I go there, there is no room to put any salt, if you really want to go, you have to go in batches."

Cao Leipeng had to change to another team, and the time had to stagger the time of the main team's car. This way, the trivial matters were dealt with, and the whole meeting also made him dizzy.

Outsiders watched the Lucheng base develop well, but when they became the leader, they knew that everything was lacking. The supernaturalists underneath were all temperamental, and sometimes they were not easy to manage, so they could only persuade them.

Thinking of this is a headache. The commander who was supposed to be tired from his position just said a word or two, but he was silent for a long time. After a closer look, he didn't put his eyes on the meeting, patronizing the clouds floating outside the house!

Cao Leipeng looked sourly at Si Huaixi, who had been wandering for a long time, and said, "I don't know if Commander Si has any good opinions?"

Si Huaixi pulled his gaze back with great respect: "If you have no opinion, Chief Cao will arrange it."

Cao Lei Pengyan died down, and changed the subject: "Will the commander follow the big troops this time?"

Si Huaixi thought for a while: "Not sure."

Cao Leipeng: "Will you stay in the base this time?"

Si Huaixi's eyes flashed deep and she refused, "I can't stay at the base forever."

Cao Leipeng knew that even he hadn't encountered a suitable lightning zombie crystal core for a long time. It was even more difficult to find Si Huaixi with a rarer mental power.

Presumably none of the zombie crystal nuclei in this vicinity has reached the level that Si Huaixi wanted. He had to find it farther away. The place where the material transport team walked was familiar, and he walked several times almost every year. There are even fewer opportunities to find.

Cao Leipeng: "Okay, I will stay at the base this time, and Captain Zhang will be the head of the transportation team this time..."

It was the turn of the professors of the institute to speak. They didn't want much, so it was better for the transportation team to bring back some rubber, chemicals, some ore, etc.

Several old professors also cautiously suggested using rubber to make car tires, not just asking for supplies, they are all things that are of great use to the base.

I don't know if it was the reason why the commander spoke for the research institute yesterday. After hearing this, several superpower captains discussed it and said that they would help the research institute bring it back if they saw it.

This result has made the professors of the Institute very happy, at least the captains of these supernaturalists have a much better attitude than yesterday.

Thinking of this, several old professors looked at Si Huaixi with grateful eyes.

Si Huaixi thought that Pei Zhaozhou wanted a laboratory, so he applied for one to the professors of the institute.

The old professors agreed without saying anything. Professor Yan also offered to let out his laboratory. Si Huaixi didn’t want it. Instead, he asked for a relatively empty research room, thinking that Pei Zhaozhou might not be able to use Professor Yan’s things. , Just applied for a batch of new experimental containers.

Chief Cao was curious about what Si Huaixi did when he suddenly set up a laboratory, but Si Huaixi went over vaguely, saying that he was dealing with something for someone he knew.

Specifically, it was used to research new generators for Pei Zhaozhou.

After all, so many professors can't get a generator together. Pei Zhaozhou looks so young and it is inevitable that some people will distrust it and simply hide it.

It doesn't matter if Pei Zhaozhou can't build a generator, Si Huaixi finds a working old generator back.

The meeting came to the end.

It was Chen Wen from the Logistics Department to speak.

Chen Wen: "The investigation of the zombie snake incident that appeared at the mouth of the base at around 11 o'clock yesterday has been completed. The loopholes in the iron fence at the mouth of the river have also been repaired by metallic abilities. The few base residents who unfortunately died have dealt with the subsequent corpses. There will be no secondary mutation..."

Most of the people present didn't care too much, thinking that the zombie snake invasion was just a rare accident, and only a few ordinary people died.

For a medium-sized base with a population of more than 300,000, it is nothing. Every day, people die for various reasons. At most, some points will be compensated to the families of the dead residents.

Someone bluntly suggested whether or not to send more manpower at the mouth of the river. It is impossible for a supernatural person to send some strong young people to watch.

But it was quickly rejected, wasting food, and at most let the patrols in the base go to the estuary to stroll around.

This level of corrosive black rain is not a common occurrence. It is just that the iron fence in the river will be broken after being used for too long. In order to prevent zombies and zombie beasts from entering, the entrance of the river was also narrowed and added It is safe enough to get on the dense iron fence.

There is no large-scale zombie beast to enter, but a zombie snake, only in its shape can penetrate into it.

No one noticed that something was wrong, the zombie snake incident was just an accident and will soon be forgotten.

Chen Wen's smile gradually rose, and a sneer flashed across his cold eyes.

"Chen Wen, what about the autopsy report of the deceased I asked for yesterday?"

Suddenly someone disrupted Chen Wen's plan to hide from the past.

Looking in the direction of the voice, it was him again!

Chen Wen's eyes flicked across a red glow of the sacred bird, but on the surface he replied with a gentle smile: "Commander, I have sent someone to inspect the corpse of the deceased, and nothing has happened. The remaining corpses are all taken by the deceased's relatives. bought."

Si Huaixi frowned slightly: "Are there any specific documents for the autopsy report of the deceased?"

Chen Wen handed a handwritten report to Si Huaixi. Fortunately, he was prepared to avoid being caught by the most troublesome person in this base.

Chen Wen smiled coldly: "Commander, the autopsy report of the deceased is here, do you have anything else to ask?"

Si Huaixi looked through the documents, and nothing seemed wrong.

The only undamaged corpse that was a bit special was an ability player from a base. The cause of death was that he accidentally fell into a river and drowned when he drank. It was also confirmed that the ability player had been missing for a period of time since last night. The time is right. .

Si Huaixi raised his eyes to look at Chen Wen, and reminded: "The corpse after being bitten by a zombie snake now looks dead, but it may undergo a secondary mutation after death. It cannot be buried in the ground and must be burned. Deal with it and talk to the family of the deceased."

Chen Wen nodded quickly: "Yes, Commander, I will send someone to deal with it immediately after the meeting is over."

Si Huaixi suddenly thought of something, and his eyes moved slightly: "Wait, since I am a superpower from the Lucheng base, I will reassure the family of the deceased. I will attend the cremation site."

Chen Wen suddenly panicked, for fear that Si Huaixi might find something strange, so she had to pretend to be calm and say: "Okay, I will arrange it."

Damn it!



Zhang Lu pointed to the entrance not far ahead.

A sign for the trading area was erected at the door, and people kept coming in.

Zhang Lu said slightly proudly: "Well, our Lucheng trading zone is doing well nearby. Many people from large bases come to us to transfer supplies, and there are too many people in large bases. It’s less, and it may not be as good as the residents of our Lucheng base."

The trading area is a bare open space, so simple and without any decoration, there are vendors on both sides, and the goods are placed on the ground.

Residents of some bases will grow fruits and vegetables in the limited space at home, and will sell them in the trading area if they can't finish them.

Pei Zhaozhou looked at the simple but well-managed trading area, which was considered good in the last days.

Brain Silver Arc: [Master, Silver Arc sees an apple that sells for 8 points. Apples contain less energy. People here eat food that has not extracted energy. Every day, try to eat three meals a day. Based on the extraordinary energy requirement of your S-level alpha every day...calculated...]

[The owner needs to eat at least 50 apples per day, which is about 400 points. If you replace the general staple food here with 3 points multigrain cakes, you also need to eat 35 cakes in order to maintain the basic production and metabolism of S-level alpha. In other words By the way, master, you should make money, or else you won’t be able to afford it! 】

Pei Zhaozhou: "..."

Suddenly feel that I have become a rice bucket.

The trading area at the intersection of the southern and eastern sections of the Lucheng base is considered the most lively place in the Lucheng base. Not long after they walked in, a few staff from the Lucheng base set up a sign to recruit a large number of workers, and many people surrounded them. Rush to go.

"It recruits 300 miners. The southern area of the Lucheng base needs a lot of construction sand. Two kilometers away from the base, the mountain, rock and sand are excavated and transported to the base. There are superhumans along the way to protect them, and the daily salary is 30 points."

"Recruit 500 construction workers, the work content is moving bricks, mixing cement, repairing the walls of the base, the daily salary is 25 points, and the daily salary of a skilled construction foreman can be raised to 30 points."

"A good farmer, there is a shortage of 50 people in the east area of the Lucheng base, and the daily salary is 20 points. If you are willing to open up wasteland as a new experimental field outside the base, there is no limit to the number of people, and the daily salary is 28 points, and there are also superhumans to protect!"

"The orchard is mature, and 30 skilled fruit pickers are needed temporarily, with a daily salary of 16 points. If you know how to process and preserve the fruit, you can add up to 20 points depending on the situation..."

"The farm recruits people, and those who raise chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs earn 18 points a day. If you know how to serve chickens with fire-breathing powers, your daily salary will be doubled by 36 points!"


When the Lucheng base was first developed, it was a small base. I never thought it could accommodate so many people. After continuous expansion, the walls of the base were constantly being built and torn down. In the end, the area enclosed by the walls of the base was twice the original. .

However, the population of the base later increased and the required planting land was not enough. When it was planned to continue to expand, due to the insufficient number of supernatural players guarding the Lucheng base, it was difficult to cover everything, and a loophole in the line of defense appeared.

There have been several incidents of zombies and zombies breaking into and harming the residents of the base. Afterwards, when the supernaturalists from the Lucheng base arrived, there has been an incident of the spread of the zombie virus, and dozens of people have died before killing the intruders. Zombie zombie beast.

After discussing with the leaders of Lucheng base, including Chief Cao and Si Huaixi, the number of base supernatural powers was still too small, and the area of medium-sized bases like theirs was too large and densely populated.

Once the accidental story of zombies sneaking in again appeared, the consequences would be disastrous, so the expansion of the base was postponed.

However, the expansion of the base was temporarily postponed. As the Lucheng base became more famous, people continued to flow in, and some small bases that could not survive wanted to be incorporated into the base. Gradually, the land in the Lucheng base was not enough to support that large population. The food consumed by a population of more than 10,000 in a day is also a behemoth.

As a result, the base cannot be expanded, so I always find a place to grow food.

Before the end of the world, China was a big planting country, and the zombies did not eat human-grown food, and some old crops could always be left in the deserted fields.

There are usable peanuts and sweet potatoes buried in the ground, and some small animals that have not been infected with zombies in the wild are also relying on the food leftovers in these fields to thrive and survive.

The transportation team at the base occasionally sees these fields when passing by. There is vacant space on the vehicle, and people will be asked to dig some back to the base.

Si Huaixi has encountered it in the past.

The cigarette he smoked came from a tobacco field in a desolate plain, and he had seen a remote valley.

Probably because of the special terrain, the valley has not been exposed to black rain or gray snow, and the environment is as good as a paradise. The leaves are bright green, the clean spring water is gurgling, and butterflies everywhere are flying among unknown flowers. .

Commander Huaixi stopped and remembered deeply.

Then return to the base, and use the valley as a subdivision of the base.

The flowers and plants in the valley didn't move much, and a new piece of land was reclaimed to grow cotton. Now it has become the place where the Lucheng base must go to pick cotton every year.

Occasionally Si Huaixi would drop by to see butterflies there.

Except for the cotton planting area which is far away from the Lucheng base, it usually takes the Lucheng base as the center to establish a satellite base, and build a base area nearby, such as reclaiming new planting land to disperse the lack of land in the base. Stress is generally about planting staple food and other crops, but also planting fruit trees and medicinal materials.

Because the end of the world has come, the pharmaceutical factory has long stopped operating, and no matter how much medicine is stored, it will be used up one day, not to mention it will expire.

In the last days, various natural disasters occur frequently, and it is not easy for human beings to survive. A slight illness is a great disaster.

After the mutation, the body of the supernatural person is good, and it is rare that there will be illness.

But for ordinary people, it’s not that easy. If you get a fever in the rain, accidentally get injured and get infected, these can be cured by going to a small clinic in the peaceful era before the end of the world, and you can change to the harsh and cruel environment of the end of the world. , Can take people's lives at any time.

It was not until Si Huaixi took over part of the affairs of the Lucheng base two years ago that he realized how serious the shortage of drugs was.

Medicines in the base are always in short supply, and there are fewer and fewer medicines available. One anti-fever medicine can even be exchanged for an intermediate crystal core. The price of medicine is so high that it continues to rise.

There are always people at the base who are sick and feverish, and there are not a few children who are prone to illness. Some of them may be children of supernaturalists. The needs of these people have alarmed the top of the base.

Si Huaixi consciously began to look for suitable mountain forest planting medicinal materials near the base. Many doctors and old Chinese medicine practitioners took the initiative to apply for care. After two years, the planting of medicinal materials has achieved good results, alleviating the pressure of the base's drug demand.

During the period, Si Huaixi also accidentally discovered a rare mutant plant with a mental power nucleus, which was raised to a small level of mental power after absorbing it.

Unlike animals and humans that are susceptible to zombie viruses, plants without flesh and blood will be infected with zombie viruses at a very low rate.

Otherwise, plants everywhere are infected with zombie viruses, and the surviving creatures on the earth have long been extinct, so zombie plants and mutant plants are rarely found, but every time they are found is a huge disaster.

Because the body of the plant will become extremely large after the mutation, the range of the rhizome attack is much wider than that of the ordinary zombie beast, it is difficult to escape and it is even more terrifying and fearful. Those who encounter mutant plants in the apocalyptic wilderness rarely escape, and they basically become nutrient fertilizers for the mutant plants.

Mutated plants that awaken mental power are even rarer. In addition, mental power is far more tricky than ordinary abilities. Usually zombies, zombie beasts, and mutant plants with mental power will awaken a certain amount of wisdom and can control the same level. Similar to other abilities.

When Si Huaixi encountered that mutant plant, the cunning and wise mutant plant had already set a trap, controlling the plant attack on the entire hill, causing the ground to shake.

The huge vines cover the sky, like a green hell.

Mutated plants turned into predators who wanted to swallow the prey that fell into the trap, and kept controlling the mountains of plants that wanted to bind the limbs of Sihuaxi's actions, just like the previous prey to tear apart the flesh and blood.

But in the end the mutant plant died. After its death, its huge body was transformed into the nourishment of the mountain forest, which was much more fertile than the ordinary mountain forest. Finally, it was decided to grow medicinal materials here.

It's just the large pit that remains after the death of the mutant plant, and the densely packed human skulls, many with children, make everyone present silent and sad.

The last days are so cold and cruel. Getting used to this cruelty doesn’t mean numbness, it’s just that you always have to work hard for those who are still alive...

The divisional planting base should not be too far away from the Lucheng base, so as to avoid emergencies and the superpowers who are staying at the Lucheng base will not be able to catch up. Therefore, the divisions are arranged and arranged so that the newly reclaimed soil will not have insufficient fertility during construction. It will also send earth-type supernatural players to other places to carry fertile soil.

Generally, it will not take more than half an hour to walk from the main base, and the nearest partition will be there within ten minutes of walking, and it can be there in a few minutes at the speed of a supernatural player.

Waiting for the crops to mature, the Lucheng base sent people to harvest again, and unexpectedly attracted some mutant supernatural beasts.

A certain earth-powered person who followed the large army also tame two power dogs and let the power dogs guard the farmland. Several times in time, they discovered that there were small rodent-like power beasts stealing food, and they were all eaten by the power dogs. Grab the snack.

Not only that, the fruit tree area also sneaked in a hen with a fire-breathing ability with a group of chicks. It was very fierce. When it was discovered, it burned the pants of several base staff and the fruit tree was also burned. Two trees.

But the appearance of this supernatural chicken made the farm of the base a great treasure.

Because this fire-type hen lays eggs every few days, low- and intermediate-level abilities, especially fire-type abilities, have improved a small amount after eating eggs, which is comparable to absorbing zombie crystals. Nucleus, how nice it is not to go out dangerously to beat the zombies!

Suddenly, the ability players in the Lucheng base were all eagerly at the eggs laid by this ability chicken, and the price of the fire-type ability eggs in the base is even higher. The probability of the hatched chickens awakening the fire-type ability is not low, and it accumulates. They are all considered a lot of fighting power.

The status of the super-powered hen has risen awkwardly. Not only does it have the most superior independent chicken house in the entire farm, but it also assigns a professor who specializes in breeding to take charge of it.

That is, there are a group of chicks that can breathe fire in the chicken coop.

It is normal for the chicken coop to be burned several times a month. In the end, fireproof materials were used as a last resort, and someone was looked after day and night to prevent the chicken coop from catching fire.

There used to be small thieves who wanted to sneak into the chicken coop to steal eggs. There were many courageous people who were found by the hens with hot-tempered abilities. They were scratched and bloodied, and their pants were burnt out. Hole, the burns need to be treated by a doctor. It can be said that even a slightly weaker ability player may not be able to beat the ability hen.

But most people choose to stay at the base for work, fearing that the zombies outside the base dare not go out, even if there are supernatural players to protect, they would rather earn less points, just to hide in the Lucheng base for safety.

Zhang Lu took Pei Zhaozhou around. Most of them were farming, mining, and breeding. But for ordinary people like Pei Zhaozhou who are not supernaturalists, they would be paid. High, like escorting base material transportation, you don’t have to work for a few months after going out and returning, but the level of danger is also high.

Zhang Lu asked, "Do you have a job you like?"

Pei Zhaozhou frowned embarrassedly, not because he disliked these ordinary jobs, but because these jobs earn up to 30 points a day.

According to the algorithm of Zhibrain Silver Arc, he was afraid that he would become the first S-level alpha to starve to death in the end times, because this point was not enough to eat!

Zhang Lu said straightforwardly: "If you are looking for a job, you have to find a place to live by the way. By the way, does it matter that the commander seems to have something to ask you?"

Pei Zhaozhou: "..."

Double whammy, not only can't afford to eat, but also can't afford to live in a house.

For a moment, he was as frustrated as a cat who came out to work, earning not enough cat food, and in the end he might have to show up on the street and go back to the cheeky to eat plain rice...

As everyone knows, someone will be angry that Mao Mao would not eat plain rice at home, picky eaters!

Pei Zhaozhou sighed in his heart, his amber golden eyes gloomed, and he was unreasonable and unreasonable. From the original boss with a large number of resource stars to a part-time job, he couldn't afford to eat, and his words became weak. Points: "No need to find a house, I live with Secretary Huaixi."

Zhang Lu was silent at first, and suddenly shouted, "Are you staying at the conductor's house?!!!"

Pei Zhaozhou was puzzled: "Well, what's the matter?"

What's wrong? ! !

Oh my god, is this still the command of the indifferent Secretary that he remembers being rejected from thousands of miles away? ! !

Suddenly Zhang Lu felt that there was a problem with his ears, otherwise he would not understand those words.

Zhang Lu originally thought that the commander was only trusting this person, so he let Pei Zhaozhou in. He didn't expect it to be more than trust! ! !

In the past, the commander was the youngest and most powerful person in the Lucheng base, and the commander had to say that... Yes, recruit bees and butterflies!

There are too many people who want to take refuge in the command of Panyan. Who doesn't know that in the last days, human beings can rely on the ability to survive. After 30 years, the importance of the ability is deeply rooted in everyone's hearts.

In order to hug the thighs of the supernatural beings, some people's appearance of slavery and maidservant's knees makes people feel human sadness.

Even someone with ordinary-looking supernatural powers like Zhang Lu kept seeking shelter from him, and they surrounded him like flies, saying that they would be willing to be a slave and take him as the master.

But Zhang Lu is not interested in these, let alone many people are lazy and incompetent parasites, just want to hug thighs and **** blood, he doesn't want to raise another person for no reason.

Although everyone is not sure that the commander's strength has reached that level, it is safe to be a high-level ability person, and even Chief Cao may not be able to beat the commander.

Probably because of this, the commander was also annoyed by those people, so he kept his door behind and never entertained people. Even Chief Cao had something to do with the commander and he stood at the door to discuss that he had never entered.

After contacting last night, the commander of the division took the initiative to inspect the observation room...

Zhang Lu suddenly wanted to understand.

This is how to inspect the work, this is obviously to find someone to fall in love!

And the subject is still a man!

Unexpectedly, the commander secretly confided the people of the entire base to engage in affair. If he hadn't noticed it, would he tell everyone now?

Zhang Lu pinched his thigh and looked at Pei Zhaozhou's tall and handsome appearance.

Obviously he is a very big man, but he can think of the commander standing next to him, but he looks like an unexpected match.

Zhang Lu thought, let it go, what if he says it out, but it confuses the good things of the commander?

But if you don't tell me, I keep the secret, and my heart is like an ant crawling into my throat, panicking!

Zhang Lu decided to observe again.

"It's dark over there, do you want to apply for a miner? I think you are quite suitable, 30 points a day." An old man sitting on a small bench shouted at Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu returned to his senses, and pointed to himself questioningly: "Me?"

The old man's eyes were not good, he might be able to distinguish his skin color. He must be working when he looked at Zhang Lu's blackness. The tall white-skinned man next to him looked like an adult with supernatural power.

The old man shouted angrily: "Yes, it's you! You are a good job. If you do it, I happen to be short of people who go out to mine. How about a meal for you? The benefits are very good. That's it!"

Zhang Lu couldn't laugh or cry for a while, but Pei Zhaozhou helped him out.

Pei Zhaozhou: "He is actually a supernatural person. He came here to accompany me to find a job. In fact, I am the one who needs a job."

There was some unbelief in the old man's eyes.

"Hahahaha—Zhang Lu, you are so dark that you don’t even believe that you are a supernatural person. I saw you with a black face all the way away!"

Accompanied by the roar of locomotive engines, the speaker's voice was both base and familiar.

That made Zhang Lu's face black and black.

In fact, Zhang Lu’s facial features are still pretty, but the sun’s rays in the south are strong, and Zhang Lu doesn’t care about these. After being peeled several times in the sun, he never comes back white. Instead, he continues to go to the abyss of black skin. Rushed.

In the crowd He was so dark that he was conspicuous, several degrees darker than those around him.

Zhang Lu gritted his teeth and said: "Zhou Fei!"

"It's me, what's wrong, little black face!"

Zhou Fei came with sunglasses and drove the locomotive. He was about to take off the sunglasses and pretend to make fun of Zhang Lu's easily angry little black face.

On weekdays, Zhou Fei is mainly responsible for monitoring whether there are suspicious persons entering at the gate of the base, while Zhang Lu is responsible for observing whether the people who enter are infected with the zombie virus, not to mention the work location is very close.

When Zhou Fei is bored, he loves to talk to Zhang Lu when he fishes.

Who wants Team Hu to be serious and not talkative? Zhou Fei is different, and his personality is much more active. It is sometimes boring to watch the gate at the base, so he went to the observation room to find Zhang Lu.

At first Zhang Lu was quite happy. He didn't have any special friends in the base, and he didn't know how to chat, so he didn't talk to him.

Zhou Fei can answer.

Zhang Lu didn't even realize that he was speaking upright and upright, and he often ran away speechlessly, but Zhang Lu was ignorant of a black face without knowing it.

But Zhou Fei didn't mind, he also felt a bit of a **** when he talked to Zhang Lu.

Often the other way around, Zhang Lu jumped with anger, his face turned black and black.

Zhang Lu watched Zhou Fei as he approached the enemy.

As a result, Zhou Fei picked off his sunglasses.

At first glance, I saw Zhang Lu who was so angry and black, and just wanted to laugh at him.

Unexpectedly, the one standing next to Zhang Lu was actually the boss who pressed the Hu team to the ground yesterday!

He was so scared that he slipped and almost staggered off the locomotive.
