Si Huaixi cherished the first crystal nucleus that Pei Mao Mao gave him and held it in the palm of his hand. His sea-blue eyes were shining with solemnly moved light, and he decided to find a locked box to cherish for a lifetime.

It's just that he suddenly thought of one thing. Just now, his own cat, cat, seemed to say that he went to the trading area to earn points.

Si Huaixi felt regretful afterwards, and let his Maomao go out to work to make money for him. It was really distressed, ashamed, and inexplicably happy.

His impression is still that Pei Zhaozhou was lying weakly in the wilderness, dying, like a big cat on the verge of death, unable to drive away the zombie bird, and the gloomy amber gold eyes reveal a fragility.

Poor as a golden-eyed cat who desperately needs his help.

Since he has decided to pick up Pei Zhaozhou and go home, he doesn't care about raising another person.

Si Huaixi fumbled through the inner pocket and took out a card that hadn't been used for a long time. Since the materials were delivered directly to his door, he didn't care about the number of points in this card.

However, Cao Leipeng said that his contribution to the base cannot be ignored because he is the base commander, so he also counts how many tasks he has participated in defending the base and transporting materials.

It's just that Si Huaixi hasn't calculated it carefully, and it is estimated that Pei Zhaozhou will be able to eat at the Lucheng base for a lifetime.

Si Huaixi gave the card to Pei Zhaozhou at will, and then he was holding the crystal nucleus sent by Pei Zhaozhou to find a place to put it.

Before leaving the living room, Si Huaixi asked Pei Zhaozhou if he wanted to eat more small wontons.

Pei Zhaozhou was a little bit at a loss and was stuffed into this card. Before it was his turn to know whether to accept it, he heard Si Huaixi say he wanted to eat small wontons and nodded quickly.

Without paying much attention, Pei Zhaozhou put in his pocket the unlimited black card, the end of the world version, which was comparable to his interstellar time.

When he put it in the pocket of his pants, Pei Zhaozhou suddenly realized that he was wearing two hot pants, and frowned fiercely.

Feel free to sit in the living room.

Pei Zhaozhou noticed several books on the table.

It can be seen that there are traces of flipping.

One of them made Pei Zhaozhou interested.

The name is "Antarctic Iceberg Meteorite Research-New Material of Human Evolution", which is still a handwritten manuscript. The author is a pre-apocalyptic biologist Chen Wenfeng. He tells the manuscript of his research on zombie viruses.

The beginning tells about the anomaly that the author followed the scientific icebreaker to Antarctica.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were frequently surprised.

He has always heard about the zombie virus, but has never understood the origin. This manuscript is the first-hand information on the cause of the zombie virus outbreak in the last days.

The original zombie virus was not called a zombie virus, but a new substance code-named ‘iceberg’.

Because it is rare for a meteorite to break through an iceberg that has been frozen for thousands of years, the author's scientific research team was sent to investigate.

The scientific expedition team took an icebreaker to the Antarctic iceberg less than ten kilometers away from the accident site.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound from the icebreaker.

When the scientific expedition team came out of the cabin, they found that the hired foreign crew members had picked up the harpoons in horror, trying to drive away the fish that were inexplicably frantically attacking the hull.

Usually fishes live in sea water under the ice surface. Because the thick ice layer isolates the outside temperature, it is equivalent to another kind of insulation layer, making the temperature in the sea water higher than the outside environment, not to mention the extreme cold. There are also dangerous predators such as sea lions and seals.

Fish also rarely appear on the sea.

This kind of fish that violates nature is often distributed in the Antarctic zone. Usually, they are gentle and do not like to move, but now they have become extremely fierce, constantly attacking icebreakers, and some of them madly crash into the extremely cold ice surface.

When the scientific expedition team first came, they found out that there was something wrong, and they took out mobile phones and cameras to record them.

The captain decided to return for safety reasons, and waited until the scientific expedition team came to prepare for the second time, opened the helicopter not far from the iceberg in advance, and went directly to the destination.

But when I arrived at the destination, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of me.

Countless fish are gnawing frantically on the ice on the iceberg. The ferocious fish even started to kill each other. Even the seals and whales have become extraordinarily violent and ferocious. The surface of the sea is already floating with a layer of pale pink blood frozen. Ice layer.

After the scientific expedition team got samples of iceberg meteorites, they took some abnormal animal samples to the laboratory for analysis.

The scientific expedition team members were surprised to find that the genes of these organisms have evolved, their activity is far higher than that of ordinary organisms, and their ability to withstand harsh environments has become stronger, and their life span has been extended to some extent...

After many experiments with mice, this is also true. The new substances extracted from iceberg meteorites can promote biological evolution, but the disadvantage is that the creatures become irritable and bloodthirsty.

They also named this new substance ‘iceberg’, not only because it originated from an Antarctic iceberg, but also because of the hope that life is frozen and human life can be extended.

Because of the discovery of new substances that can effectively extend human life span, governments all over the world have invested huge sums of money and scientific research talents to join the research.

What follows is the author's daily handwritten data report on new substances, and from time to time it is interspersed with the daily complaint about the unpalatable English breakfast, and has received a research fund to buy more advanced experimental equipment.

Only after seeing the back, Pei Zhaozhou keenly noticed that the author's handwriting began to deform and tremble.

As the experiment progressed, the handwriting became more and more distorted.

Suddenly one day.

The new page is no longer a clear and clear experimental record, but a cloud of black handwriting that vents anger, the nib of resentment pierced the paper, leaving the author's utterly hateful complaint.

Juebi is written in another language, hidden in a cloud of black ink.

After scanning the silver arc of the brain, I found these extremely hidden words.

After translation.

Pei Zhaozhou's pupils shrank suddenly.

【why! why! This kind of bad luck will come to me! ! ! 】

[Obviously, I successfully extracted a new substance with weaker virality, and even injected into the organism, another mutation can occur. Some mice have four times stronger strength, and some can breathe fire and spray water, but there are still larger ones. Probability of infection into the original virus that is extremely manic and bloodthirsty...]

[It's only four months away... In only four months I will be confident to extract new substances with no side effects, and study the scientific research results that have caused a sensation in the world. At that time, no one will be eligible for the Nobel Prize except me! 】

[Relying on the patents for life-delaying drugs developed by new substances, I can get countless money honors! I will become a big man engraved on the milestones of mankind! 】

[But why I got brain cancer, the doctor told me that I only had one month left. 】



[If humans all over the world can prolong their lifespan, why should I get brain cancer and die in pain a month later! I curse this world! I want to destroy all the information and drag the humans of the world to accompany me to die! die! die! ! ! 】

August 18, 20XX.

I injected the most primitive new substance, I will become a cannibal monster, hahahahahaha —————

Close the book.

Pei Zhaozhou's face was pale and solemn, and his back was covered with cold sweat.

"You already understand this book."

Si Huaixi walked over with a complex expression, the bowl in his hand was scented with hot white smoke, and deep sadness and sorrow flowed from the sea-blue eyes in the hazy smoke...
