
Si Huaixi refused without hesitation, gritted his teeth inexplicably.

Pei Zhaozhou's hand in returning the key paused, his eyes were surprised, and he tried his best to ignore the joy that jumped up in his heart, and said slowly: "Commander, I think this matter..."

It seemed to be aware of the deliberate alienation in Pei Zhaozhou's tone.

Si Huaixi's expression suddenly fell cold, and stared at Pei Zhaozhou: "Call my name, I don't need you to call my commander."

Pei Zhaozhou's face changed slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but stare at the deep area in the blue eyes of the boss Huaixihai. The sea blue, which was darker than the gray sky, was deep and clean, and his appearance was reflected in a sweeping view.

But frowned.

The sea blue shadows under his eyes were full of gloomy colors, like a melancholy and dim moonlight covering the clear waters that should have been.

He is sad.

Pei Zhaozhou suddenly felt bored in his heart, and what he had to say became extremely difficult in his throat.

Obviously, he had a last resort to find another place to live, but seeing Si Huaixi's disappointed expression, his heart became somewhat unconsciously at a loss, and he was also sad, and gradually felt a trace of regret.

He had been in the last days for eight days, and after five days before he died, he met Si Huaixi.

I don't know why Si Huaixi wanted to save him, because he was so fierce to him when they first met.

But he was saved anyway, pulling him out of the confusion.

Following him in the wilderness for three days without leaving, Si Huaixi was always with his eyes closed.

The empty thoughts were filled with Si Huaixi, as if there was no other way to think about it. The negative emotions of anger, despair, pain, and weakness in the past were covered by the back of the generous sense of security walking in front of the line of sight.

Just follow him, rely on, be led by him, and then walk to a bright place.

This unprecedented whole-hearted reliance on trusting someone makes him unfamiliar. When he occasionally relaxes, he can't help but think deeply, thinking too much about it, and it makes him frightened.

Even myself feels funny, trapped by the memory of the previous generation's betrayal and helplessness, and is exhausted.

He should have warned himself that he shouldn't trust someone so easily. In his previous life, he was indifferent and full of guard.

But this time he was out of control and relied on a person who had only known him for three days.

Even in the acid-corrosive black rain, as long as Si Huaixi's side is in the last days, he is more relieved and relaxed than the previous world's rich and technologically advanced interstellar.

So that when Si Huaixi left, his heart seemed to be cut by a blunt knife, and he felt a tingling pain.

Dependence on him will be addictive, so the withdrawal reaction when he suddenly left is particularly strong and unfamiliar, at a loss...

Pei Zhaozhou pursed his thin lips, lowered his eyes and said, "Si Huaixi, I don't want to..."

Si Huaixi's eyes were deep, and he interrupted: "Then don't think about it."

Pei Zhaozhou was interrupted at once, and the next words stuck in his throat. I didn't know what to say. The amber gold eyes overflowed with water vapor, and he said dumbly: "I will return the key to you. I will find another place to live. You are always welcome. Come."

Si Huaixi's face was gloomy, and she was angry at the cat-mao who was alone in front of her, crying!

Obviously he kept staying again and again, but the cruel cat in front of him resolutely said that he would leave him, still aggrieved with tears.

It seemed that it wasn't the cat who drove him away, but he was cruelly driving away the cat!

For a while, Si Huaixi didn't know who to be angry with, so she stretched out his hand viciously, pinched the soft flesh of Pei Zhaozhou's cheek, and threatened: "If it's dark, there is no place to go. You will be taken away by the zombies."

The soft flesh of Pei Zhaozhou's cheek was pinched, but it didn't hurt, that is, the corners of his mouth were tilted when he spoke, and his amber golden eyes were round in surprise, looking straight at Si Huaixi, still a little angry.

Pei Zhaozhou: "Where can zombies appear so easily in the base, and I am not someone who encounters zombies without the power to fight back. There are so many ordinary people living in the base. If it is really so dangerous at night, everyone will not all run away."

"I still have a gun in my hand, and ordinary ability players can't beat me. If you don't worry, you can fight me!"

In order for Si Huaixi to agree, Pei Zhaozhou's eyes eagerly tried to provoke.

It's like a cat with its teeth and claws trying to prove its strength.

But he never thought that he actually didn't need Si Huaixi's promise at all. He was an independent individual in the last days, and Si Huaixi was at best a stranger who had known him for a few days, and couldn't control him at all.

But Pei Zhaozhou still wanted Si Huaixi's consent.

Si Huaixi's expression suddenly became serious and heavy, his sea-blue eyes seemed to be in the bottomless mysterious waters, and the densely filled deep blue lost countless ships, and said with a low magnetic voice: "What if there are zombies in the base?"

Pei Zhaozhou wanted to say how it is possible.

The Lucheng base is so heavily guarded, with so many abilities gathered, and Si Huaixi is in town, how can the zombies be hidden in the base without being found? With the ugly appearance of the zombie, it is estimated that they will be taken by the base without taking a few steps. Of people found out.

But Pei Zhaozhou's eyes touched Si Huaixi's heavy face, and for a moment he was very thoughtful, and he hesitantly asked, "Is it really there?"

Si Huaixi touched Pei Zhaozhou’s smooth black hair, as if he was finally getting what he wanted. His sea-blue eyes were instantly clear, and he curled his lips and smiled: "You stay in a safe place, not messy. If you don’t run, you will be gone."

The implication is to let Pei Zhaozhou live in his house not to run around.

Pei Zhaozhou was stunned for a few seconds, his amber gold eyes slowly rose in anger, biting his posterior molars and said: "Are you lying to me?"

Unfortunately, he thought it was possible that the base might hide zombies. He was worried that something would happen to Si Huaixi, but Si Huaixi teased him!

Facing Maomao's angry questioning.

Si Huaixi had long been lying on the only wooden bed in the observation room, lazily constricting his sea-blue eyes, and smilingly said, "Ah...who knows?"

Pei Zhaozhou was blushing with bewitched by the non-human handsome appearance in front of him, and he lost his breath unclearly.

But Si Huaixi occupies the only bed in the observation room. If he doesn't sleep, he can only sleep on the ground.

Pei Zhaozhou tightened his brows in tangled melancholy, and said in a dull voice, "Aren't you going back?"

Si Huaixi: "What are you going to do when you go back? I need to stay here to observe if there is any zombie mutation. If something abnormal happens, at least I can find out in time..."

Pei Zhaozhou frowned, his eyes filled with inconceivable expressions: "Can people with supernatural powers also be infected with zombie virus?"

Si Huaixi paused, and his eyes were deep and said: "Yes, the supernatural person is not a god, and it may also be infected with the zombie virus, but the probability is lower than that of ordinary people."

Pei Zhaozhou's face turned pale: "Will you have it too?"

Si Huaixi's eyes were calm, touching Pei Zhaozhou's soft black hair, his eyes were terrifying deep.

"I am also a supernatural person. If one day I become a zombie, you should run as far as possible from me. Don't come to me, find a corner with no people to hide in, and never show up in front of me again."
