"The thing is like this. There are hidden high-level zombies in the Lucheng base, not only the Lucheng base, but also bases in other places. The zombies are in the dark and we are in the light, and no one knows how many zombies will be disguised as humans. , So I took Zi Ding and ran away, but I didn't expect..."

You Xiaolin told everything she knew, a worried expression appeared on her face. She just didn't know what happened to Zi Ding just now in order to distract the female zombies she was killing.

Pei Zhaozhou's pupils tightened, and his eyes turned to Si Huaixi who was aside.

He spent countless energy for the people of Lucheng base. He did not expect that there were zombies hidden in the crowd he protected. What a blow to him...

Pei Zhaozhou tightened his brows and asked You Xiaolin, "Is there a way to distinguish between human beings and zombies?"

You Xiaolin shook her head and said bitterly: "If there is such a way, Zi Ding and I won't have to hide everywhere. Unless those zombies take the initiative to expose themselves, there is no difference in appearance from ordinary people. "

You Xiaolin continued: "I also accidentally eavesdropped to know the existence of this kind of zombies. There is a mind in the zombie group directing them to do so..."

Si Huaixi's face was dark and dense, and his deep eyes were shockingly solemn.

In the past, some suspicions that I didn't dare to think about were really confirmed.

Whenever a large-scale anti-encirclement and suppression of zombies is always revealed, there is no way to find the inner thief.

Unexpectedly, there is no inner thief at all, but real zombies!

A deep-rooted coolness made Si Huaixi feel heavy.

How many zombies are hidden in the base, and how many of these zombies are his trusted companions.

Familiar faces have been photographed in front of me, and past conversations seemed to reveal all sorts of weirdness and unreliability.

The trust that was originally established was in jeopardy, as if everyone had become a zombie.

If the news that zombies are hidden in the base spreads, the entire base will panic without waiting for the zombies to attack.

Si Huaixi stood silent and gloomy, only the clenched fist trembling faintly.

Suddenly a warm hand was placed on his hand, causing Si Huaixi to struggle out of his painful and angry thoughts.

Pei Zhaozhou's amber and golden eyes revealed firm trust, and looked at him sincerely and calmly, as if a beam of sunlight illuminating the haze, dispelling inner anxiety and worry.

Pei Zhaozhou said: "Zombies cannot pretend to be ordinary people without crystal nuclei. I am not a zombie, but an ordinary person without abilities. You can trust me without reservation, and I can help you find those zombies!"

Si Huaixi's pupils were taken aback, followed by an inexplicable flow of heat from Pei Zhaozhou's hand to his heart, causing the heart to violently agitate, breaking the haze and ice in his heart.

Gradually Si Huaixi's eyes returned to their former calm, and there was a deep and secret soft light flowing in the sea-blue eyes looking at Pei Zhaozhou.

——Unexpectedly, I was finally comforted by my cat.

Even the cat is calmer than him, it's really embarrassing...

Now that things are becoming more and more incapable of chaos, the reason why zombies do this is to make humans distrust and doubt each other, cause human struggles and civil strife, and reach their zombies' conspiracy.

A steadfast coldness flashed in Si Huaixi's eyes, and he would never let the zombies succeed.



The female zombie was taken by Si Huaixi and others to a closed house for interrogation.

There were only four people in the secret room, Si Huaixi, Pei Zhaozhou, You Xiaolin, and Chief Cao.

Because the matter of the zombies must not be revealed, the only people with supernatural powers, You Xiaolin, who exposed the secrets of the zombies, and Chief Cao, who has always been together with a wife and children at home, can be trusted by Si Huaixi.

Three zombies that You Xiaolin knew died and two, and only this female zombie was left, and there are more zombies hidden in the base that I can’t know. The only clue is the female zombies, and I hope to find out the command. Behind the scenes of the female zombies.

"I won't say anything, you humans give up your heart!"

Xu Manyi glared fiercely at the human being in front of him, and was already terrified under the surface of his sensuality.

She couldn't think of her being a Tier 10 high-level zombie. She was caught by the famous commander of the base as soon as she met him. She was arrested here without a chance to shoot. No wonder the boss has always been afraid of this mental power. Don't dare to make a move.

Now she was **** and couldn't move, let alone escaped in front of Si Huaixi. It can be said that if the boss and other zombies did not come to save her, she would not be able to escape by a zombie.

Chief Cao's eyes were stern, and he used his full strength to drive the lightning power to hit Xu Manyi's body with a whip. In an instant, Xu Manyi let out a muffled grunt, and another scar scorched by lightning appeared on his skin that was not completely burned.

Chief Cao still kept his hands, while thunder whip lashed at the **** zombies in front of him, while torturing with angrily eyes: "When are zombies still called righteousness? If you don't say anything, you will be beaten to death!"

Xu Manyi felt resentment, Yu Guang was wary of the indifferent Si Huaixi on the side, and faced Cao's leader with a small level 8 thunder system, and laughed mockingly.

"You can't kill me. This little thunder arc can only bring me a small injury, and it will be healed in a while. On the contrary, as a zombie, I want to persuade you humans to surrender as soon as possible with a Tier 10 ability. Do you think you can beat us zombies? Tier 10 zombies are relatively few in our group. The number of zombies is eighty times that of humans, and the number of zombies of Tier 10 or even 11 can also be 80 times that of humans!"

Chief Cao was surprised. He didn't understand what the female zombie was talking about. When did they have a Tier 10 ability in their base?

When he was called by Si Huaixi, he only said that he had confidential things to say. When he learned that there were zombies disguised as supernatural beings or ordinary people sneaking into the base, Chief Cao couldn't believe it at that time.

But when he saw the talking female zombie, Chief Cao had to believe it.

Thinking of zombies hiding beside them, wouldn't it be dangerous to know that his daughter-in-law and children are in the base!

Chief Cao was frightened and angry, with a trace of fear.

I discussed with Si Huaixi and made the same decision, blocked the news of this zombie, and came to the prison secret room to torture this cannibal zombie in human skin!

Facing this hard-mouthed female zombie, Chief Cao couldn't wait to kill her immediately, and the thunder whip that came out left no room at all.

But I have to say that the female zombie was right. Chief Cao’s thunder whip really didn't do anything to her, and she could only hurt her fur with all her strength, and it was impossible to kill her.

The only person on the scene who can kill her is the hidden commander.

Xu Manyi chuckled, the mole on the corner of his mouth twitched distortedly, and coldly looked at Si Huaixi who was looking coldly on the side, and said, "Yes, Commander, who can want to get a small Lucheng base? At least a rank 10 ability person, and I am afraid that the strength of the commander is more than that, otherwise how can I easily subdue a rank 10 metal zombie."

Chief Cao was secretly frightened, looked at Si Huaixi, who was not changing his face, and asked excitedly: "You, are you a rank 10 ability person?!!!"

"Yeah." Si Huaixi nodded, and at this point, there was nothing to conceal to admit directly.

The leaders Cao and You Xiaolin were both very excited. There is no doubt that the rank 10 ability player is powerful. I didn't expect a rank 10 ability player in the base!

Instantly settled down because of the fear of zombies.

You Xiaolin immediately dared, her black eyes showed murderous intent, and she took out a dagger to press Xu Manyi's chin and cursed.

"Now is not the time for you to be majestic, killing so many people should always be the time to pay for your life! Killing one person will cut you a thousand knives. If you want to die happily without being slashed by thousands of knives, just say it!"

Xu Manyi still had arrogant contempt in her eyes, which made You Xiaolin annoyed.

The knife was also a lot harder. The tip of the knife was inserted into Xu Manyi's neck, but after breaking through a layer of epidermis, it was stuck in the iron-hard zombie flesh.

You Xiaolin's eyes were surprised and angry.

Xu Manyi sneered and said: "Do you know what a high-level zombie is? Breaking through to my level has long surpassed your level of low-level creatures. Even if you just let you kill me with a dagger, you won't be able to stab me with a drop of blood. , If it hadn’t been for your trap before, you really thought that a mere tier 8 ability could hurt me!"

Xu Manyi looked at Si Huaixi without fear, squinted and said with a smile: "Commander, even if you can deal with one of my zombies, can you deal with all the zombies of Tier 10 and Tier 11? To protect those weak and incompetent humans, what's wrong with turning them into zombies that are immortal and immortal!"

Then Xu Manyi broke out a shocking news.

"In our group, actively surrender to the zombie king, and there are many people who have turned into zombies from supernatural powers. As long as the commander is willing, I can introduce you personally!"

Xu Manyi looked at Si Huaixi with a smile on his face, trying to instigate him to become a zombie.

What she said is true. It is true that some people with supernatural powers take the initiative to become zombies, but the probability of regaining sanity after becoming zombies is extremely low, and even the crystal nucleus cannot bear to crack and die during the transformation process.

If Si Huaixi was deceived into the zombie camp, it would be a harmless good thing. In addition to Si Huaixi, there would be no ability to be their opponent in the Lucheng base.

It's just that... What the Zombie King wants is the mental power crystal nucleus in Si Huaixi's mind, no matter what Si Huaixi decides in the end, he will inevitably die.

"You nonsense! The commander decided that it is impossible to become a zombie!"

When You Xiaolin said this, she looked at Si Huaixi slowly with panic eyes.

But if even the commander becomes a zombie, it really won't be saved...

After Xu Manyi's instigation and separation, the atmosphere suddenly became tense and strange.

Pei Zhaozhou chuckled lightly, thinking that this kind of provocative method of female zombies was really boring and ridiculous. He looked at Si Huaixi as if the trouble was not big enough and said, "If you were a zombie, would you eat me?"

Si Huaixi rubbed her eyebrows, her sea-blue eyes were helpless, but she didn't get angry and said, "I'm not interested in cannibalism."

This inconvenience made You Xiaolin and Chief Cao feel relieved inexplicably.

Chief Cao relieved the atmosphere and laughed: "That is, how can Brother Si go to be a zombie? What is good about being a zombie? You can't eat so many delicacies and delicacies. He doesn't have any wives and children, and life is boring. It's a failure too!"

Seeing that the instigation failed and was ridiculed, Xu Manyi clenched his teeth secretly.

Si Huaixi didn't even think about arguing with the zombies, and the mental power as heavy as Mount Tai suppressed the zombies, and said directly with cold eyes.

"Explain a list of the same kind of zombies, so you can live for a while, or you will die immediately."

Si Huaixi coldly looked down at Xu Manyi, who fell to the ground and twitched due to the severe pain of mental pressure, the meaning of the words was indifferent and beyond doubt.

The so-called zombie body, which was as hard as iron, made a creak of bones squeezing and rubbing under the pressure of the powerful mental force that could not resist.

Xu Manyi's pupils trembled, feeling that his body was about to be squashed by mental strength, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait, wait-Commander, we can exchange terms and continue to talk, ah, ah, it hurts——————"

Before Xu Manyi finished speaking, there was a sudden severe pain in his mind, as if the most important crystal nucleus of a zombie had been punctured by countless sharp needles.

Xu Man easily beat the floor with his head in pain, and the loud noise seemed to smash his forehead, and also tried to relieve the sharp pain in his head.

Xu Manyi finally couldn't stand it, and was extremely afraid that the crystal nucleus would be crushed by Si Huaixi's mental power.

Before being a zombie, she was just an ordinary sales lady in the mall. Soon after the end of the world, she was a weak woman who couldn't escape the city surrounded by zombies. She hid in the mall toilet with a female colleague for a few days, and she was too hungry to get out. Searching for food, but met zombies.

When escaping, in order to prevent the zombies from catching up with her, the selfish Xu Man viciously pushed down the female colleague, trying to let her be eaten by the zombies, and delayed time for her to escape, but she did not expect that stupid female colleague fell and held her. Keeping her thighs, they all died when the zombies came.

Thinking back to the tragic deaths in the past, Xu Manyi was not reconciled!

Finally, she had one more life, even if she was eating people, being a zombie, or selling other zombies, she wanted to live!

What's more, the saying that zombies have emotional companions is just because the powerful zombie king has to obey the order, temporarily bringing them these zombies who have long been dehumanized to gather together. If other zombies are caught, they will also be caught. Betray her!

Xu Manyi had no burden in his heart, and immediately begged for mercy: "I was wrong!!! Don't kill me, there will be nothing if there is no crystal core. I will tell you the list of other zombies. I have a lot of information here. Wei Jiamu and Sun Jing of the capable team...Zhao Hei and Shen Xie, who are disguised as ordinary people, are all zombies————"

Pei Zhaozhou calmly recorded all the names Xu Manyi had said.

Xu Manyi said that the number of hidden zombies was so high that people couldn't help but feel how quickly she sold her teammates.

Compared to Pei Zhaozhou's calmness, Chief Cao's face changed drastically.

Pei Zhaozhou, who had just arrived at the Lucheng base, didn't know anyone, and he didn't know much about the people represented on the list.

But Chief Cao is different. He has been in the Lucheng base for so long, and he has been in contact with many people on the list, and some of the supernaturalists were recruited into the base by himself, so he gets along with each other with deep feelings.

Tell him now that these people are all zombies?

Chief Cao’s brain buzzed, and he murmured: “How could it be? That kid Wei Jiamu is actually a zombie. I saw him alone at first, and he organized a blind date at the base and introduced him to a good-tempered girl. ..."

You Xiaolin also laughed when she heard it: "Give a blind date to a zombie, Chief Cao, you are also a big deal, and I don't know if the little girl is still alive."

Chief Cao said nonchalantly: "Fortunately that little girl is still alive, otherwise I will be guilty. Since Wei Jiamu's zombie was tricked into a blind date by me, I refused to go no matter what I called..."

You Xiaolin was speechless.

Lie the zombies to go to a blind date event, it is simply a good meal to give him home!

Thanks to the fact that the zombies dare not do anything, and the blind date with whom he is related has disappeared, the zombie's head will definitely be found, otherwise the little girl will not be able to live well.

Xu Man was so painful that he grinned and looked at Si Huaixi with red eyes and shouted: "I have informed so many zombies' names, you should let me go!"

Si Huaixi said indifferently: "There is still one missing, who is the zombie king who is commanding you behind the scenes?"

Xu Manyi froze instantly, and her pupils trembled crazily. If she betrayed other zombies, she could have no burden, but the zombie king boss who can be terrifying!

His weird methods that made the zombies creepy made Xu Manyi deeply afraid that he did not dare to offend a single cent. If she offends the boss, it will be worse than death. She doesn't want to be treated as an experiment.

It's just that if she didn't tell her her life, Si Huaixi would not let her go.

Xu Manyi lowered his head, shaking his body and said a name: "Feng Qiwen, he, he is the boss who instructed us zombies behind the scenes."

Pei Zhaozhou frowned subconsciously. As an imperial major general who had studied interrogation and investigation, he was keenly aware of the subtle changes in Xu Manyi's expression.

She is lying, the real boss behind the scenes is not the one!

Just when Pei Zhaozhou was worried that Si Huaixi was deceived by this cunning and insidious zombie, Si Huaixi returned him with a reassuring look, making Pei Zhaozhou calm down instantly.

Si Huaixi walked to the side of the female zombie, with insight into everything as if he could pass through the trembling zombie, and said in a deep voice, "It's not him, it's someone else."

Xu Manyi couldn't stop trembling every time he said a word. After being exposed, he still said unwillingly: "It's him, why don't you trust me? Say everything I can say. Let me go!"

Si Huaixi was indifferent to Xu Manyi's sophistry.

Just let Pei Zhaozhou and the others leave the prison secret room first. He has a special interrogation method to pry open the mouth of the zombies, knowing who is behind them who instructed all this.

The door closed.

Si Huaixi's eyes became ruthless and cold, and his mental power invaded Xu Manyi's brain, cutting off the zombie's response nerves and causing him to fall into a coma.

Scenes of zombies' memories are conveyed to Si Huaixi through mental power, and all the secrets will be revealed.

Slowly remember deep...

The face with fear even the zombies is about to emerge.

As if perceiving the danger, Xu Manyi, who was in a coma, was struggling and convulsing, turning his eyes white.

But it didn't work...

Si Huaixi was about to see that face.


Si Huaixi felt that his mental power seemed to be hindered by something, triggering a certain organ in Xu Manyi's brain, and the crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain suddenly expanded and became hot!

Damn it!

The mentally powerful zombies were locked in Xu Manyi's mind in advance, and when they touched the memory of that face, the zombie's crystal nucleus would explode.

Si Huaixi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he quickly reacted to avoid it.

Boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the crystal core exploded!

The zombies were left without their heads.
