You Belong With Me

For a week all I did was to record my music. To be honest it was exhausting, but the reward was that every night I spoke with Alexia. It felt amazing to finally have a friend that was not in the spotlight. A friend that I had gotten on my own, and not through music, even though we met at my concert.

For once the focus was not on me and my music, but it was on her and her games. We spent an hour after she played in the semifinal to discuss the game. She changed it to facetime, and I watched as she analysed it. I loved hearing her talk about the things she loved. Her knowledge was impeccable, and this reminded me of myself. How I analysed the lyrics I had written and every part of the finished song. The bad part was that I did not know anything about football and most of the things she said were too difficult for me to understand.

However, Alexia explained everything that I did not understand. Every call ended with butterflies in my stomach and with a big smile on my face. It was nice to have her as my friend. Most other people were only interested in what I did, but she wanted me to hear about her days too. We could talk for an entire night without even mentioning my day. I loved that.

I followed the same routine for my entire time in Stockholm. Five songs were recorded and finished, and now I was ready to fly to Madrid. It was time to watch another of Alexia's game. I was excited to see her play again. The last game had been fascinating and watching the love she had for the game made me even more excited.

The trip went well. With barely any turbulence. I continued to analyse the songs, taking notes on what I wanted to change, but it was not a lot at this time. I lived a life full of travel, and it was great that I could do some of my work while travelling. It was not on every flight that I worked, but it was on a few of them. It depended on my schedule and how much I had to do.

I arrived the hotel and checked in. A few minutes later I was inside my room, just to leave my bags. I left as soon as I got inside to go on a run through the city. Before I left, I had to change into a pair of biker shorts, a sports bra, a cap, sunglasses, and my favourite trainers. For the next hour I ran through the city, stopping at a small mercado to buy a bottle of water.

When I got back I had so many texts from Alexia. Our conversations had grown longer over the past weeks and having her as my friend was amazing. I mean I liked her more than I liked my friends, but I was sure she was straight. Asking someone if they were gay was never fun, and it was not necessary at this point, or at any point for that matter. I would wait until she said something and once I felt more comfortable with her I would tell her about my lesbianism.

The public did not know that I was into girls. It could ruin my career because of how judgemental people were. If I came out it would be for someone I loved and at this moment I was not ready for the world to know that I always had girlfriends. People were judgemental and narrow minded and was not ready for those people knowing about that. The hate I got for being a girl was bad enough.

Have you landed yet?

I want to see you before the game.

Text me when you have landed!

I am free from eight!

Just text me a time and we can agree on a place.

I just need to shower and eat, but I can meet you afterwards.

How about we meet at either your hotel or mine?

I was on a run, that is why I did not respond.

It sounds amazing Odette!

How about we text after your shower and my training?

Sounds great Alexia!

I got back home, but before showering I ran downstairs again. I needed to buy some water and something to eat. The shower I took was long, where every part of my body was shaved and then moisturized. Not that I was planning to sleep with Alexia, she had a game tomorrow and we were just friends. I wanted to look good, and to feel good.

After I went down into the lobby to see if the had something delicious to eat. In fact, they had an ice-cream bar and I got myself some chocolate ice-cream. I ate it on the balcony while I worked on some lyrics for a new song. Somehow, I managed to find inspiration and found myself in a flow. A way too good flow, because when I pulled out of that focus the clock was half past six. Less than two hours until I would need to see Alexia, and I still needed to eat and get ready.

Luckily for me, I was able to order room service. Fifteen minutes later a big bowl of pasta arrived at my door, along with a glass of wine. Some music was playing in the background when I ate. It made me feel calm and collected, and it made me relax. My body was aching from the run. I was used to running, but this time was just rough.

How about I walk to your hotel and the two of us watch a movie?

It sounds great.

When will you be here?

An hour?

I'll see you then!

An hour was not a lot of time to get ready. Or it was a lot of time, but I was very slow when I got ready. I always sang along to the music playing in the background and it distracted me from doing what I needed to do.

My hair looked like a bird's nest, and I was still not wearing any makeup. This could take me some time to fix. Time that I did not have.

I was barely ready when Alexia knocked on my door. My makeup and hair were fixed, but I was still wearing a white tank-top, with nothing under, along with a pair of biker shorts. An outfit I was not entirely comfortable in. I changed into a crop top, with green ruffles and flowers. That would have to be enough for tonight.

I opened the door to the beautiful sight of Alexia. At least she was just as comfortably dressed as I was, wearing a Nike sweatshirt and a pair of Nike shorts. Sporting the brand she was sponsored by, something I found out after a deep dive through the internet. Don't tell Alexia that I did that. It would be very awkward.

"Now I start to regret my outfit choice" Alexia said while letting out a small laugh. I took a step to the side, inviting her inside the hotel room. "You look better than I do Alexia" I smiled back at her, closing the door behind us before making sure it was locked. Check it twice so no one gets inside.

My hotel room was typical, with a bed, an armchair, a tv, and a fridge. Not pretty and not like the rooms I often stayed in. Somehow, I was always booked extravagant rooms, not something I needed, considering that I had grown up outside Luleå. In a small house, but most of my days were spent at my grandparents' house in Arjeplog. A small cottage that was nothing extraordinary, but it was home and that was the reason I loved my house in Arjeplog. It was theirs from the beginning, but now I had bought it. I missed it whenever I stayed somewhere else. I missed my home.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked, patting the bed next to me. I was not laying down yet, but my back was against the headboard. "Of course, but do you really want me in bed next to you?" Alexia asked. "Why else would I invite you Lex?" I asked. This was enough for her to sit down next to me, still keeping her distance. She was more awkward when it was just the two of us, like she was nervous or something.

The two of us decided on a movie and I crawled under the covers as soon as it started. I was one of the worst people to watch a movie with. I was constantly asking questions, and whenever I watched the movie before, I always spoiled it. This time I would keep quiet, or at least try to.

"You can sit closer you know, I don't bite" I commented. This earned a laugh from Alexia, and she scooted closer. We were still not touching, but that was not necessary. I was more than happy to just spend time with her. She came up with the movie choice. Some Spanish movie called Elisa Y Marcela. I had no idea what it was about.

Somehow, I ended up both crying and laughing, but it was mostly just crying. There were these two women living in Spain during the early parts of the 20th century. They were not allowed to be together, even though they loved each other a lot. One of them even dressed as a man to be allowed to be with her love. It hit way too close to home.

"I am just happy that it is not illegal to be gay anymore" I confessed, with tears in my eyes. "I feel the same, even though it is hard to be gay. People are still so narrowminded" Alexia answered. She was not crying, and I felt like this whole thing was a bit unfair. Wiping my tears, I said "This just hit a bit too close to home". Alexia pulled me in for a hug. Comforting me. "Are you? No wait! I can't ask that" Alexia said. "You can ask me whatever you want. And I am a lesbian if that was what you were wondering" I answered, looking up at her.

Alexia let out another laugh. Then mumbled something back, something that sounded like a "me too" which was exactly what it was. I asked afterwards, and what she had previously said was a small hint to this. She had to leave shortly after. I did not expect her to stay long, she had a game tomorrow and needed to prepare. That did not mean I missed her any less when she left.

She left to go back to her hotel to get some sleep, but she promised to call tomorrow before the game. Her shirt was kept safely in my bag. Both of them. The match worn one, and the one she had gifted to me. I was not going to wear the one she had played in, that did not feel particularly fresh.

There were several options to what I could wear tomorrow, but as of now, all I needed to do was to sleep. I needed to remove my makeup and brush my teeth before I could do that.

I sent Alicia a quick text, and a text to my mom. Just to make sure that they knew I was okay. Something that I did most nights before going to sleep. When that was done, I could finally go to sleep for the night.


Remind me to never write include a plot about an album that isn't released!

Do you like it so far? And what do you think about our pairing?

