
The next week was spent travelling around Sweden. With long nights, full of partying and conversations on the beach. It was the perfect way to relax, and I returned to Stockholm full of life. Soon, my album was done, and it was just waiting on its release. Some may say that it is stupid to announce that you are releasing an album before it is done, and I agree. This time I felt like doing it, and who could stop me?

I spent a lot of time in the studio. Recording songs and making music videos. I had about a week left until I needed to go to London for the euros, and I would spend that time in my cabin. A week without any distractions, and time for me relax.

A week later I flew to Italy, where Spain would play a friendly before going to the tournament. Alexia insisted that I would watch her play and then fly to London and Milton Keynes where the first game would be played.

The two of us talked almost every night, sometimes on FaceTime, but most of the times we just talked on the phone. Whenever one of us had a lot the calls turned into texts, but the conversation was there.

I played my songs for her on our calls, and she discussed all the games that had been played. Not only her games, but the games from every national team. She said something about being prepared for what was about to come. I just listened to her rant about which players were good and how nervous she was about the upcoming tournament.

The flight was as annoying as it usually was. I watched a few episodes of the series I was currently obsessed with and read a few chapters in my book. It was a long flight, and I couldn't wait until I landed. Alexia had promised that we would go out for dinner after her game, and it made the entire trip feel more worth it. My initial feelings of just a friendship between us had deepened. I had to admit that I had a small crush on her. She was insanely hot and good at what she was doing, which only made her even hotter.

I landed and went directly to the hotel to go to bed, but not before talking to Alexia for almost an hour. Alexia was talking about how she could score a goal tomorrow and promised that if she could, she would do a small celebration. I was excited to see her play. The pitch was where she shone, no one was better than her there, and everyone knew it. Everyone knew how good she was. Almost on a different level than all the other players.

I could talk about how good she was for hours, and I did that when people listened to me, which was a lot of times. No one dared to talk against me, and I hated that. I wanted people who told me when I was annoying and not just put up with it to impress me. A downside of being famous.

In the morning I followed my usual routine, but this time I went to the pool after breakfast. I tanned and swam around for hours before I bought a small lunch for myself. A sandwich with tomato, mozzarella, salad, and pesto. It was delicious and I ate it by the pool.

After my lunch I needed to shower and get ready.

I wore a pair of cream shorts, along with a Spanish jersey that Alexia had gifted to me. To me it was weird that she did not have the same number when she played for her country as she did when she played for Barcelona. I liked wearing red. It was a colour I looked good in. I paired that with a pair of red sneakers, the same pair I had worn to her last game, sunglasses, and a lot of gold jewellery.

For half an hour I fought against my hair, and I ended up leaving it out. I continued with my makeup, ending up just doing eyeliner and mascara on top of my usual base. This time I added a darker lip combo, and I was happy about my outfit.

Now I needed to head to the stadium. I had ordered a car to take me there and I arrived in time for warmup. Alexia flashed me a smile before continuing to get ready for the match.

I laughed at their excitement and continued to watch the warmup. Fans were arriving to watch teams play, most people were Italian and wearing blue jerseys, but I also saw some Spaniards in jerseys that looked like mine. A lot of them had Alexia's name on the back, a testament to how good she was.

People soon filled the seats next to me. Some of them asked for pictures, wondering why I was watching the game. I told them that I found it more interesting than the men's game, and that I wanted to see my friends play. They accepted that answer and talked to me about a lot of other things, like which players I was friends with, and what I thought about Alexia. This time I answered them truthfully and told them I thought Alexia was one of the best players in the world and how when she played, she was almost unstoppable.

The game was even, with both teams creating chances. The first half ended with no goals scored and both teams walked into the tunnel with their heads hanging low. I smiled and talked with the girls next to me. They knew a lot about football, and I listened to their conversation, adding my input whenever possible. I knew they enjoyed it, and I enjoyed sharing this moment with them. In the future they might look back at this and be grateful for the small conversation we had.

It would have been better if security didn't have to sit right behind me, but I couldn't complain. They were always close by to protect me, and it was necessary for my own wellbeing. What if something happened and they weren't there?

Three minutes after halftime Italy scored a goal from a corner. Now Spain had a long way to go if they wanted to win this game.

Nineteen minutes later Alexia scored. A cross landed directly on her head and the ball soared into the net. I jumped up on my feet, screaming with the fans and cheering on Alexia and the entire Spanish football team. She smiled big as she ran back to her half, trying to make good use of the limited time.

Not that it worked. The game ended in a draw and Alexia made her way towards me. Along with Mapi and Aitana, who I had barely talked to before. "Next time I think you should wear my shirt" Mapi said with a smile. She ran the final few meters to make sure she was the first one to talk to me. "You still haven't given me your shirt, so it is difficult to do that" I joked with her as I was embraced by Alexia.

I laughed as she held me. Mapi joined in with our hug. I complained loudly about how sweaty they were, and they both hugged me tighter. Aitana was standing to the sign, watching the three of us hug. Silently I waved towards her, making sure that she knew I wanted her to join us, and she did. The three sweaty Spaniards laughed at how uncomfortable I was by them but did nothing to change it.

We talked about the game, and I praised the three of them for their performance today. Alexia was the only one who played the entire game, but that didn't mean the other two played badly.

I stayed and talked to them for as long as I could. They had to shower and speak with fans.

All I could do was to stay and wait, just like I usually did.

Alexia was the first one out of the showers and she showed me towards a car. There both of us got inside and made our way towards the restaurant Alexia had picked out.

It was a small pizzeria, filled with people. No one recognized us here and we could order our food undisturbed. I chose a pizza with mozzarella and fresh vegetables while Alexia opted for a pizza filled with all kinds of things, the most interesting one being rocket salad. It also had ham on it, which meant that I couldn't taste hers.

She did not order any alcohol and neither did I. We were both happy with our lemonades. Alexia said something about not drinking during the season and she explained how she only had one week where she could do whatever she wanted.

Our conversation continued all throughout dinner and after we were done Alexia insisted that we would take a short walk. She held my hand as we walked through the park that was close to the restaurant.

It was cold outside, and wearing only a t-shirt and a pair of shorts was not enough when the sun started to set.

"Here you go Odette" she said and took off her sweatshirt. "But you need to wear that, Alexia. You have played an entire game and are prone to infection now. I can't take your sweater" I answered, pushing it towards her. "I am actually feeling warm at the moment, so you can have it" she said. This time she put it on over my head. I knew she was lying about not being cold, but the warmth the sweater radiated was enough to not make me question it.

I hugged her goodbye and promised that I would come and watch some games during the euros. I told her about my plans to watch their first game in Milton Keynes and she promised that she would look for me in the stands.

My cab arrived and drove me back to the hotel. I removed my makeup and got ready for bed while watching some Grey's Anatomy.

Could you look for a house outside Barcelona? I feel like I need to live somewhere warmer for a while, and I have always wanted a vacation house.

Are you certain this has nothing to do with a certain Spaniard?

But I will look into it. I'll send you a few options tomorrow and you can sleep on it before we make a decision. The two of us will see each other in London. I have booked in a photoshoot for you there.

You really are the best Alicia.

A house in Barcelona was not so bad. It would give me a chance to stay in the sun and get a well-deserved tan during the summer months. Moving abroad was a chance for me to escape the towns where the ghosts from my past haunted the streets.

One of the advantages to moving there was that I would be closer to Alexia, and the team that I had grown to love. Alicia was too nice to me, because looking at houses was exhausting. When she was done with picking out which houses were worth looking at, I would step in. Privileged was a word that could be used to describe me, but it hadn't always been that way. 

Sommar sommar och sol
Havet och vinden och doft av kaprifol
Sommar sommar och sol
En himmel så blå som viol

(Summer, summer and sun. The sea and the wind and the smell of honeysuckle. Summer summer and sun. A sky as blue as violet.)

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So sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I'll make sure to do my best to publish as many chapters as I can.

