False God

I travelled to Barcelona the next day. The people who lived in the house I bought had moved out and I could start the process of moving in. A lot of the things I had ordered had been delivered. Like a dining table, a couch, chairs, and almost everything I would need for the house. It was a bit too big for only me to live in, but I was planning on letting my family and friends use it for vacations.

When I walked inside, it was a mess. There were so many parcels and packets filled with furniture and decorations, but I knew I needed to start with the painting of all the rooms. I had an idea of which colours I wanted, and an idea about which rooms I wanted to have wallpaper in them.

Markus had found a firm that could do the painting for me, which I was grateful for. There were colour samples in every room when I was done for the day. The master bedroom would be painted in a light green, with one of the walls having a flowery wallpaper on it. One of the other bedrooms would be blue, the third one pink, and the fourth one yellow. Each bedroom would have a fixture wall with wallpaper that matched the colours I had picked out. I loved colourful rooms. Colour made the space feel bigger and homier. I don't think I could have a house with just different shades of white and beige.

Tomorrow I would visit Alexia at her apartment. She had gotten home from her surgery late tonight, and her mother was there to keep her company and help with everything. I thought that she needed some company, so why wouldn't I go and visit her now that I was in Barcelona.

When the morning came, I made the drive to her apartment. Well, I got driven there. I didn't like to drive, and I didn't have a car here yet. On the way, I picked up a coffee for Alexia, black, and a coffee for me, a matcha latte. I also bought some pastries for us to share.

Her mother opened when I knocked on her door. "Hola Odette! It is so nice to finally meet you" she said and hugged me tight. "I mean, formally meet you" she added with a smile. "It's nice to meet you too Eli" I answered her with a smile. "She is resting on the couch. I'll take Nala for a walk" she said and walked out of the door. I wanted to yell that she didn't need to leave just because I had arrived, but she was too far away when I took in what had just happened.

"I brought you something" I said and sat down on the couch next to Alexia. "Wait, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Sweden?" Alexia asked. "I got a house that needs renovating, and a friend that needs company" I smiled to her while sitting down on the couch. But it didn't go to plan. I tried to not move her injured leg, but it ended with me falling face first on top of Alexia.

A shy smiled covered her face, and I could see her cheeks turning red. I wanted to kiss her. Wait! I wanted to kiss her. The way her tongue ran over her lip, and how she how she bit her bottom lip only made me want to kiss her more. We were in a compromising position, with me on top of her.

I noticed how Alexia's hands made their way to my hips, and in that moment, I decided to kiss her. I leaned down and placed my lips on hers. It wasn't passionate or anything, but then I felt Alexia return the kiss. She bit my bottom lip which caused me to release a quiet moan. She took her chance to deepen the kiss and I felt her tongue slip into my mouth. The kiss turned more passionate, and I shifted my body to move closer to her. Alexia wanted to do the same, and I felt her push her body up towards mine.

It was a fatal mistake because it caused me to put pressure on Alexia's sore knee. She let out a sound of pain and shifted. I was quick to get off her body. "I'm sorry" I apologized. "Don't worry about it" Alexia said with a smile. "Now, come back here" she continued and opened her arms for me. "I brought coffee and pastries" I said with a smile and handed her one of the cups of coffee and the pastry bag.

"Want to talk about what just happened?" Alexia shrugged. She was so nonchalant, and I was jealous of her for that. It was like this whole thing hadn't affected her. My legs felt like jelly as I was standing and all I wanted to do was to kiss her again. "Yes" I answered her. I sat down on the couch next to her and I felt Alexia wrap one of her arms around my shoulder.

"Can I start?" Alexia asked. I nodded and sank closer into her embrace. "Well, I like you and I have liked you ever since we started talking" Alexia said with a smile, and I couldn't do anything else than to kiss her again. "I like you too" I whispered back. I didn't have the same confidence that she did. She could just say whatever she wanted while I overthink every word that comes out of my mouth.

I stayed in her embrace while we drank the coffee in silence. The kind of silence that was comfortable, with our bodies speaking more than words could ever do. "How is the renovation going?" Alexia asked. "There are people there to paint and put up the wallpaper. I think it will take them a week or something. I think there are also people there to tile the bathroom and the kitchen. Everything I can't do myself is being done right now" I answered with a smile. It was cute how much she cared about me, but I wanted to know about her.

"How is your knee Lex?" I asked her. I hated talking about me, I did that enough in interviews, and now I wanted to know all about how Alexia was doing. "It hurts like hell, but it feels so much better now that you're here" Alexia said and kissed me again. It was like I couldn't get enough of her. The smell of her shampoo, along with her perfume filled my nose, but it was the taste of her lips that drove me crazy. I could taste the coffee she had been drinking on her lips and it made me want to do things to her.

I could feel her lips against my neck. She was placing open mouthed kisses all over my neck before she made her way towards my jaw. My breath hitched as she kissed my sweet spots. "You are allowed to make those sweet noises" Alexia said between kisses. Her voice was low and husky. That along with the kisses she left caused me to release quiet moans once again.

We were interrupted by the door opening. I pushed Alexia away from me. I wasn't interested in her mother knowing about us yet. We were barely a thing. "Sorry" I whispered to Alexia and flashed her an apologetic smile. "Talk about it later?" Alexia questioned. I nodded, but that was all I could do as Nala reached us. It was my first time meeting her, but it was like she already knew me. The tiny Pomeranian jumped into my lap and begged me for cuddles. I couldn't do anything else than oblige.

Eli walked inside the living room a minute later. "I'll get started on lunch" she said with a smile. "I'll help" I offered and slowly got up from the couch. "I think you will be better off her, to keep Alexia company" Eli said in a stern voice, and I knew it wasn't good to argue with her about this, so I sat down again.

Alexia pulled me closer to her and kissed my cheek. "I want to keep you to myself for a while" I whispered to her, explaining my previous actions. In reality, I was scared that people would find out that I dated Alexia. Not that we were dating. "In that case, I'll take you out when as soon as I can" Alexia beamed and kissed me again. I returned the kiss as thoughts rushed through my head. What if everyone found out that I was dating her? I didn't want people to hate her. She was so amazing, and I wanted everyone to love her.

"What's on your mind?" Alexia asked. She noticed how distracted I was and that was not good. Would I lie to her, or would I tell her the truth? "What if they hate you?" I whispered. "I don't care. The only person's opinion who matters to me is yours" Alexia whispered back before kissing me again. I melted into her kiss. My body subconsciously moved closer to hers.

The kiss only lasted for seconds before I realised that Alexia's mom was in fact in the room next to us. "Closer" Alexia whispered. Her arm was wrapped around my back, and I did my best to make sure I didn't move her injured leg. I followed her instructions and moved myself closer to her. "What if your mom finds out?" I asked. My voice was barely above a whisper and if Alexia wasn't so focused on my mouth, she wouldn't have heard it. "Then she finds out. I don't care if she knows" Alexia whispered back. Confidence filled me and I trusted Alexia. So, what if she finds out?

We sat like that until Eli said, "I'm coming in with the food". We separated after that. I was sat right next to Alexia when Eli walked inside. It was painfully obvious that she knew what we had been doing.

Our meal was eaten while we held a quiet conversation. It was mostly Eli who talked. Alexia looked more tired with every passing minute. "Does your knee hurt?" Eli asked. Alexia nodded, it was enough of an answer to make Eli go and grab her painkillers. "I'm sorry if I made it worse" I apologized while Eli was away. "It's not your fault, you make it more bearable just by being here" Alexia said back with a smile before placing another kiss on my lips.

When Eli returned, our conversation continued for a while. That was until Alexia fell asleep. "I better get going" I said to Eli. "Thank you for being here for my daughter. I think the two of you look cute together" Eli said with a smile on her face. She knew, and maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

"I think you're great for her. She needs someone like you" Eli added. She made me blush and I could barely thank her before I left for my house.

My house was not somewhere I could stay. Not with that many people inside, and not with all the fumes from painting. I would have to get a hotel room for the nights I was planning on spending here.

Come back! Stay the night please?

You sure you want me there?

Positive. Now come back here. I'll sleep way better with you by my side.

I'll be back after dinner. Need to check up on my house!

I'll be waiting. All my mom can do is talk about you.

I am pretty amazing;)

That you are!

Nothing was going wrong back at my house. Markus was keeping an eye on them and I was just here to look at the progress, and they had made some!


Have had a tension headache for the past two days. Doing my best to write and distract me from the pain, I can tell you it does absolutly nothing. Anyways, wanted to put a chapter out today. Is it too obvious that I don't have a schedule with this? Yes, it is!

