
"I still can't believe that you are throwing me a release party" I smiled. "Why wouldn't I throw you a release party?" Alexia inquired. I didn't answer her, instead I placed a kiss on her lips. Her lips felt like home, and when we pulled apart, they were particularly scarlet, almost maroon. Alexia grabbed my neck softly as we pulled apart, not even a second later, her lips were once again on mine.

Kisses turned into touches, which turned more desperate with every minute. Every layer that stopped my body from being in contact with hers was too much. I felt my hands move towards the hem of her oversized t-shirt, the shirt that she had worn all day, the shirt that smelled exactly like her, mint, citrus, and green apples.

She let me remove her t-shirt, only interrupting the kiss to let me pull it over her head. It fell to the floor of my living room. The same floor that had been cleaned meticulously earlier today while I was away at a meeting where we discussed the final details of my album release. Not that it mattered now. All I could focus on was that Alexia's abdomen was on full display for me. The way her muscles tensed as my hands explored what was now on display for me.

I followed the wallies her muscles created with my fingers. My mouth was still on hers, but not for long. I moved it further down, drawing out moans from Alexia as I kissed her neck, stomach, and her breasts that were still covered by her bra. We couldn't have it like that, so I removed it.

Alexia didn't complain about that, instead she buttoned up the blouse I was wearing with skilled hands. Not once did her mouth leave mine, and once all the buttons were unbuttoned, she pushed it off my shoulders. My bra followed suit, and so did the skirt I was wearing and the pair of panties I had on. I removed her panties and pants as she removed mine. The night ended with us in bed together, just as they usually did.

The next morning was the day when my album would be released, well around midnight so you couldn't even call it a day. Alexia had rented out a restaurant, and her entire team would be joining us. My friends would be joining us too, Amalie and her children, with Markus handling the security of the event, Alicia and her family, and my many friends in the music world, or the friends who had the energy to make the journey.

I woke up in Alexia's arms, they were tightly wrapped around me. I could feel that she was awake, her breathing was not as regular as it was when she was asleep. "How much is it?" I mumbled into Alexia's chest. "I can't hear you" Alexia whispered. She knew I hated loud noises in the morning and did her best to be considerate about that. "What time is it?" I asked a bit louder. "It's time for you to get up. You have a meeting in two hours, and I have to be at practice in about one" Alexia responded.

"Then we get up" I blurted out and pulled her up with me. "Now you are filled with energy" Alexia commented with a smile. "Only got an hour and a half until I need to leave" I answered and went down the stairs to cook us some breakfast. Today, I decided on scrambled eggs and avocado toast, along with coffee.

We ate it on the kitchen island, on the plates that I loved. They were white with small flowers all over them, handmade by an old lady who knew my mom. I had matching cups, which we drank coffee out of. It was a full set, with dessert plates, bowls, serving plates and bowls, regular plates, and the cups. I always had a special feeling when I used them, a small thing that brought me happiness. Along with the fresh flowers I had on the counter they filled the house with a feeling of homeliness.

Alexia left after our breakfast was done. I cleaned everything up and then started on my hair. After five minutes I was done. I didn't have the energy to do anything else than to simply brush through it.

I applied my makeup and put on some appropriate clothes for a meeting with everyone. The entirety of my management would be there to discuss the final things about the release. An Instagram post was scheduled to be posted exactly as my album released.

Everyone was there as I arrived in my car. I had bought it when I was done renovating my house. It was a light pink Porsche 718 spyder and I was love with it. The interior was a brown leather, with pink details in the same tone as the outside was.

Alexia loved driving it, and I loved sitting next to her as she did. Her hand was always on my thigh, we followed the sparks and drove wherever we wanted. Music was always blasting from the speakers, and we sang along, as loud as we could. In those moments we were free. Free from the obligations the world put on us as people in the spotlight. Free to be whoever we wanted to be. In those moments, we were just Lex and Ettie. Those were the moments I loved the most.

The meeting was insanely boring and everything they said I already knew. I could be somewhere else, like in the stands, watching Alexia work out. Seeing her in shorts and a sport bra could make any girl go insane. Not that she could wear anything less than a t-shirt. Her chest was heavily marked by me. I did what I could to make people know she was mine, well the world still didn't know.

Five minutes before I was allowed to go, my love life was the subject of our discussion. Several articles had been published about me and Alexia. I was yet to confirm anything, but it was quite obvious that we were dating. We were constantly spotted at places together, most of the time we were either holding hands or Alexia's arm was wrapped around my shoulder in a way that didn't exactly scream that we were just friends.

I left as soon as I could, but the time had been running away from me. I had to be at the bar in two hours, and I was not yet home. Y

Luckily, I had my makeup team and the team who always did my hair with me. They were waiting at the house as I arrived.

An hour and a half later, I was dressed and ready to leave. Alexia picked me up, or she dropped her car off here and drove the two of us to the bar in mine.

I was wearing a long red dress with flowers in a darker red covering it. On top of it, I wore one of Alexia's leather jackets. It was a few sizes too big, as it was oversized on her, but it was all part of the vibe I was going for. I wore a pair of black boots and silver jewellery.

We were the last to arrive, everyone was already sitting inside by the table Alexia had insisted would be put there. The bar didn't even have any food, but Alexia had gotten a restaurant to cater food here. It was crazy that she had managed to pull it off.

"Odette! You look gorgeous" Jana said as she saw me walk inside. She came up quickly to hug me, and I wrapped my arms around her. "So do you Jana! Spin for me" I said and held up her hand, helping her to spin around and show me all the angles.

We walked further inside, and everyone greeted us. Amalie was sitting with her two sons, and they both ran towards me, jumping up in my arms. "Hello cuties" I said and hugged them tight. I sat down next to them, with Alexia on my other side. Everyone joined in with the loud conversation. A bottle of champagne was opened, but barely anyone drank any of it. The football players had a game the day after tomorrow, so it was only me, Amalie, and Alicia who drank it.

Everyone had fun, and as the clock ticked closer to midnight, anticipation filled the room. Most of the girls would be hearing it for the first time, not Alexia. She already knew all the songs I put on it. I had played her them several times over the course of months. I felt like a man playing a shitty song on a guitar for a girl I liked and that was something I hated. Why did mediocre men feel the need to play the guitar and sing for their girls?

"I'm so proud of you" Alexia whispered throughout the night. "You need to make a speech!" Mapi yelled from the other side of my room.

"This is my fourth album, but it still feels just as special as when I released my first one. I'm happy to be able to celebrate with you all, and maybe my next album will be happier, now that I've found love" I said with a happy smile on my face. "Thank you all for being here with me during this moment!" I continued, receiving cheers from everyone inside.

A few minutes later, Alexia and I left to go home. I didn't want to stay until midnight. All I wanted to do was to curl up in bed with Alexia as the album was released. I didn't want to see people's reactions to my new music. What if they didn't like it? What if no one wanted to listen to it more than once?

All these thoughts filled my head as Alexia drove us home. "I can almost hear you think from here" she whispered. "What if no one likes what I wrote?" I asked weakly. "I love what you write, everything you have played me have been amazing" Alexia reassured. "I value your opinion more than anyone else's" I responded and grabbed her hand which was resting on my thigh.

"You have any meetings tomorrow?" Alexia asked. "Yeah, I'm heading to New York tomorrow morning. I told you this" I answered with a smile. "Right" she said, visibly upset. "But I'll call you as often as I can" I told her, squeezing her hand harder than before.

That night, we went to bed together, but we didn't sleep much. We were both preparing for me to go to New York, and for us to spend time so far apart. I was sure I would miss her. Her actions told me she would miss me just as much. She left marks where no one else could see, high up on my thighs, low on my stomach, and other places that would be covered with clothes no matter what I wore. Every mark sent shivers of pleasure up my spine.

I loved seeing the marks she had left on my body. They were a reminder of her love for me, and the time we spent together. The marks would fade as I travelled to fulfil my obligations and take part of several interviews. That time wouldn't matter to me. All I could think about was to return home to Alexia and I hadn't even left her yet. This would be a long week and a half. 


This story just got a few chapters longer. Right now I have 23 chapters written and three more until I am done. My plan was a bit tight and I felt like a 6000 word chapter was a bit long considering that all chapters are around 2000 words. 

Also Piteå won Svenska cupen. The team closest to my heart. The team from my city. Words can't even describe it and i have been so emotional since the game finished. 

There is this saying aboout Piteå, "Det är hit man kommer när man kommer hem" which means this is where you come when you come home. It is my home even though I no longer live there.

