The Tourtured Poets Department

It was the first performance of the weekend for me. It was also my first ever concert here in Barcelona, a city I had dreamed about performing in since I was five. I could hear music playing in the background, it was my opener. All I needed to focus on was to let them get me changed into the bodysuit I would be wearing. It was a light green, filled with different pearls and sequins. My makeup was done, and so was my hair. I thought I looked great. This was my last stop of the tour, having played several shows all over the world. I wanted to finish here, in Barcelona.

When I was child some of my happiest memories came from this city. My family and I visited with some friends. We spent a week walking around the city, looking at different monuments, and just having the time of our lives. I missed when life was that simple. Now I could barely walk anywhere without people recognizing me, but I was living my dream life and got to do what I loved for a living. I got around well, considering I was one of the most famous popstars in the world at the moment.

I walked out and the entire crowd went wild. Thousands of people were singing along with me, and I saw these two girls in the front. They were both laughing and singing louder than rest. One of them had this really cool neck tattoo, I couldn't see what it said though. The girl beside her was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen, with long brown hair. That was all I could see.

Two hours passed way too quickly. I enjoyed dancing around with everyone, and they all enjoyed being here with me as much as I enjoyed being here with them. I saw people crying in the embrace of their friends to "marjorie". It was one of my most emotional songs, and sometimes I could barely sing it without crying.

"Gracias a todos. Ha sido una noche inolvidable. Thank you, Barcelona, and I hope I see some of you here tomorrow" I said, smiling big. The crowd applauded and screamed; in that moment I knew I had made it. Which was strange considering that my career had been in the works since 2012, a whopping ten years. I had released three albums, and this was my second tour. After I was done with the tour, I would record my new album.

I walked off the stage and was handed a big bottle of water. The walk behind the stage was quite long and when we finally made it, my favourite salad was waiting for me. I ate it while looking through my Instagram. Photos from my performance was filling my inbox and I knew that tomorrow I needed to make a post about this concert.

"You were amazing today, Odette. I think they all loved you, and they for sure loved the bodysuit. It was a great move and I have an even better outfit for your show tomorrow. It went down better than the suit you wore in Madrid" my manager and friend Alicia said. I just smiled back at her, at the moment I was not going to say anything. My voice needed the rest after this long concert.

My phone was going off with messages from Instagram. I decided to check some of them out. A few of them were from friends, and I saw that I had been tagged in a few stories from people who were there. I checked out a few of them, and then I saw a story from someone who was verified. I knew that I had not invited anyone myself, so I checked out the profile. It was the girls who had been standing in the front, I recognized the neck tattoo. They were both professional football players, so I decided to send one of them a message replying to their story. Of course, I sent the message to the hot one, not the neck tattoo girl.

Glad you had fun tonight!

Do you have tickets for tomorrow or should I get you some?

I continued to eat my salad before I had to leave for the hotel. When I got there, I fell asleep without brushing my teeth. It had been a long day and I was exhausted. The makeup I had been wearing earlier was removed before we even left the stadium, and so was my clothes. Whenever I was done performing, I changed into something comfortable, like sweatpants or shorts.

I woke up in the morning and ate breakfast shortly after. A big bowl of Greek yogurt with raspberries and chia seeds. After breakfast I spent some time by the pool, I had rented it out for an hour to relax without being pestered by fans. The sun was shining, and I loved the way it felt on my skin. The hour passed too quickly, but being in Barcelona in May made sure that a small tan crept up on my skin.

We continued the day with doing the usual things I needed before a concert, like shaving and moisturizing my entire body. While they did that, I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from the girl that I noticed yesterday.

We had a lot of fun, thank you for the show!

How would you feel about tickets to the show tonight then?


Yeah, I'll send them to your mail.

Bring some of your teammates!

"Alicia, could you send like some VIP-tickets to this e-mail?" I asked Alicia. "Of course, Odette" she said. The pampering of my body continued until I was handed another salad for lunch. It was all I could eat before a show. I had some stage fright, and you could have assumed it would be gone after ten years in the spotlight, and several world tours. It meant that I was always nauseous before a show, I had even thrown up before shows, but that was over now. I had learned how to handle the stress and anxiety better now and it was just some regular stress and not the kind which led me to panic attacks and throwing up. Twenty minutes later I got another text from Alexia.

Tickets for the entire team might have been a little much:)

It was nothing. I'll meet you all after the show and talk to you all.

I'll make sure you get some tickets to the Champions League final then.

I don't really watch football, but I'll be there!

Good luck tonight!!

I'll be sure to cheer loudly with my friends!

Thank you!

A big smiled danced on my face as I was driven to the arena. I was excited for my final show of this tour, after today I could spend some time at the studio and think about my possible move to a new city. However, now I needed to focus on preparing and I did that by watching episodes of Modern Family to distract myself from the anxiety I was feeling.

I had my soundcheck before going backstage. There I changed into a new outfit, a dark blue sparkly short dress with gold details. There were gold fairies on it, and it almost looked like an enchanted forest was there on the bottom of the dress. I loved it and felt like it was the perfect dress to end the tour with.

"Hola Barcelona! You were great yesterday, but I think you can be better today. What do you think?" I said into the microphone. The screams from the crowd were enough to ensure me that today would be loud, and I would be having a lot of fun.

I looked around the stadium and into the VIP-section where my guests were. The two girls from yesterday were there, along with a lot of other people, but I recognized another one. She must have been playing for Sweden because her face looked familiar. I had met the entire Swedish national team after they returned home from the Olympics last year. It was my task to sing for them when they returned, and afterwards we all had dinner together. A strange thing, but I mean we were all from the same country and I was a rising star. There I sang the single I was releasing the next day and they all loved it.

Now I needed to focus on my show, but I waved slightly at them before starting. A fan favourite was first, "this is me trying".

Whenever I sang, it was like I was in my own little bubble and nothing around me mattered, except for the microphone or guitar in my hand.

"I've been having a hard time adjusting. I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting. I didn't know if you'd care if I came back" I sang, looking out at the crowd. Two girls were crying in the second row. I sang the rest of the song looking right at them, and their smiles made it feel worth it.

I danced around for the following two hours, and when I had played my final song my face displayed a smirk, telling them that I knew something that they didn't. "I have one final thing to say to you Barcelona. And that is that my fourth album is underway. It will be devastating and tragic, just like the rest of my music. The other thing I can tell you is that I think you will love it" I said, and the crowd went wild. I stood there for another few minutes, taking in their applause. When they got quitter again I continued speaking "The tortured poets department will be out October seventeen". Everyone continued to cheer.

After a few more minutes I went backstage, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top before meeting up with my guests. A water bottle rested in one of my hands, a sandwich in the other one, and my phone in my pocket.

"Hello!" I said as soon as I saw them. A few security guards were guiding them towards me. "I'll take over from here then" I said to the security guards, and they fell back behind the group, still staying there with us. They wanted to keep me safe, but sometimes it was a lot. "Did you all enjoy the show?" I asked with a smile before taking another bite of my sandwich. It had mozzarella and jamón serrano on it, along with some pesto, arugula, and parmesan. To be honest it was delicious, and I wanted to eat that sandwich in the darkness of my own room, but these were my guests and I also wanted to show them around.

A lot of murmurs followed my question, but they all seemed to have enjoyed it. "What was your favourite part?" I asked again, trying to get an answer out of Alexia. "We all enjoyed every part of the show. You are an incredible singer Odette" the girl with the neck tattoo said. "Thank you" a silence followed. "And what was your name, I am not that great with names of Spanish footballers yet" I said and let out a small laugh. This was a bit awkward, but I couldn't let that show. "I'm Maria, but you should call me Mapi, everyone does" the girl with the neck tattoo answered. Or I should probably call her Mapi now.

I showed them around the arena, before settling down in my own room. There my makeup was removed while I continued to talk with everyone. They were all quite nice, but Alexia was quiet. She didn't say much at all, and I would have liked to speak with her.

After about an hour I showed them towards the exit, they needed to go home, and I needed to get back to my hotel. "I'll expect those tickets then" I said with a smile while holding Alexia back a bit. "Thank you for the tickets. I had a great time" she answered, avoiding my question completely. "And I'll make sure you get those tickets, but you should probably watch some of our games before going" she continued, showing a big smile on her face. How could someone look that beautiful? "I better do that then" I answered and let her follow the rest of her teammates.

A successful concert and a successful talk with football players. Who could have guessed that this was how my day would end. Now I was going to sleep and tomorrow I would get to explore Barcelona.


First chapter!! What do we think?

If this is your first time reading any of my works I just wanted to introduce myself.

Hey! I'm slayingandsimping and this is my third fanfic. My real name is Edith and I'm a seventeen year old girl who lives in Sweden and writes for fun. I'm out injured at the moment, but if I wasn't injured I would be playing football again this summer. I'm obsessed with Taylor Swift and women's football. I support Barcelona and I also like to watch Arsenal and Bayern Munich. 

I would recommend you to read my other works if you like this one. One of them is finished (Castles Crumbling) while I update the other one at least once every week (Foolish one). 

