the lakes

Alexia was doing amazing in her recovery. She was back to running and I couldn't be prouder of her. It was early January. Seven months since she had torn her ACL, and she was running. I was running next to her, laughing loudly. It was freeing to be here with her. Not that I had the endurance to do it.

My breathing was irregular, but that didn't matter because I had Alexia next to me.

We were on vacation, in Arjeplog. My house was big enough for the two of us, that didn't mean Alexia liked the cold. However, we were inside right now, running on my treadmills. I had bought a second one when it was decided that we would be going here.

She had a week off from recovery, after she insisted that she would be doing her exercises. I was happy for her, and it didn't help that we had a week to ourselves outside of Arjeplog. No one was here to hear us, or to see us.

"I love you" I smiled. Alexia grabbed my hand, holding it tight as we both ran. "I love you too" Alexia laughed back. Our voices were filled with happiness, because that was exactly what we were, happy and in love.

"I can't believe you're running" I said while laughing. "And I can't believe your stamina is better than mine" I continued. "It is not" Alexia said, her voice strained. Maybe my stamina was better than hers, but that was certainly not something I noticed in bed.

We ran for a while until Alexia needed to do her rehab exercises. She was only wearing a sports bra, her abs were visible, and the sweat highlighted that. I could almost feel myself drooling, she was insanely hot, and she knew it.

I returned the favour, taking off my t-shirt. I could see Alexia's eyes shift towards my stomach. Her hand reached out to touch me, but I jumped back.

"You have to wait with that until we shower" I said and sat down to do some strength exercises. "And you have to take it carefully with your knee. I also have some exercises left" I continued innocently. A small smile covered my face as I did push-ups.

A second later I felt Alexia's hands roam over my stomach. I pushed them away as I finished my last push-up. "You have to wait, or I won't shower with you" I threatened. "I know that is a lie" Alexia answered. "It is, but it will take longer if you distract me" I retorted and kissed her. She melted into my kiss but pulled away soon enough. I complained when she did that. "You were the one who said not to do anything" Alexia said. That was a good point, but all I didn't want to finish my workout now. I had other things on my mind.

I managed to hurry up and after fifteen minutes, I finished. Alexia was already done, and seconds later, her lips were on mine. Her hands roamed over my body, pushing my shorts down to reveal the bright red underwear I was wearing.

We didn't do much that day. It was spent in bed, and on the other surfaces in the house. I took a shower while Alexia was asleep and then she showered after me.

There was food in the fridge, some salad from the closest grocery store and that was what we ate for dinner.

I fell asleep in Alexia's arms, but she was gone when I woke up. We had planned an excursion for today. A long walk in the forest and then I would cook us dinner.

Both Nala and Alexia were against it. They were both used to the heat of Barcelona and negative twenty degrees was far away from that. I loved it! The cold made me feel alive and it helped me think.

"Do we really have to?" Alexia complained as we were getting dressed. "Yes, I love the forest and you need to get acclimated" I answered and pecked her lips. I was dressed for the cold, but I knew Alexia would be freezing no matter what she wore.

I handed her the warmer jacket because she truly needed that. "You need it, I'll manage if I add another layer" I said and skipped towards the bedroom and my closet. I could hear Alexia complain behind me. She hated seeing me cold, and I was most of the time, but when it was really cold outside, I wasn't cold.

I loved being out in nature! The north of Sweden really was beautiful.

Nala was wearing a puffer jacket, courtesy of Alexia. She was a fluffy dog so she should be able to handle the cold, but what did I know?

"How long do we have left?" Alexia complained after fifteen minutes of walking. "We are barely there, but I promise it will be worth it" I smiled at her.

I loved walking like this. With the cold biting my cheeks and the snow around me bringing a quiet atmosphere.

"I've been here so many times, and it is always lovely to walk up to Galtispuoda, but we won't do that now as it is winter" I explained. A smile covered my face. I had missed Sweden more than I would ever admit.

"My mom used to take me here, up to Galtispuoda I mean. And so did my grandparents. We always ate and had fun in the snow. I hated coming here as I got older. It meant I couldn't sing and play my guitar. But my grandpa always found a solution and brought the guitar with him. He carried it up a mountain, just for me to join" I told her. I felt happy and sad at the same time. I missed them all. My mom, my grandma, and my grandpa.

I felt Alexia wrap her arm around me. "I'm honoured you wanted to show me this" Alexia said and kissed my cheek. "I'll complain as little as I can" she added in a joking manner.

We held hands the rest of my way, even though I sprinted ahead several times, Alexia never released my hand. It took some time, but we reached the place I wanted to stay at soon enough. It was amazing. The view is unnatural, even though I had seen it so many times before.

"It is beautiful, almost as beautiful as you" Alexia said as she looked out over the lake. "How do you say it in Swedish?" she asked with a smile. "Vacker means beautiful" I answered. My eyes were focused on the lake. It truly was beautiful. "Du är väldigt vacker" I continued and turned towards Alexia.

I saw her smile. It was a big smile, and I knew she understood what I said, even though she didn't speak Swedish. "Du är väldigt vacker" she repeated in her heavy Spanish accent. Her voice sounded lovely in Swedish, even better than it did in Spanish.

With that, I brought out my storm kitchen. I boiled my mandelpotatis and broiled the renskav before adding tratt-kantareller and heavy cream. A typical meal in the northern part of Sweden. Alexia had never had it before. I used to eat this once every week with my grandparents. It was either this, fläskpannkaka, or röding.

"God that was delicious. I never saw you as the cooking type. And it contained meat. Are you no longer a vegetarian?" Alexia asked with a smile on her face. "I cook when I'm in Sweden, and as often as I can whenever I am somewhere else. And I don't eat meat because I care about the animals, and the reindeers live amazingly" I explained with a shrug of my shoulders. 

We sat like that for a while. My head was on Alexia's shoulder and my arm around her waist. We were staring at the lake in front of us. It was incredibly peaceful to be here with her. No one else was around. It was just the two of us here, no paparazzi, no friends, and no one to bother us.

Nala was sitting under my jacket; she had been freezing so I placed her there. I wasn't a dog person, but something about that little ball of fluff and her cute pink tongue was enough to change anyone's mind.

Alexia held my hand, and I held hers.

It was quiet around us. The sun was setting, and I knew we had to go back before it was fully dark.

I pulled Alexia with me and held Nala under my jacket as we walked back to my cabin.

"Thank you for today" I whispered as we were both undressed and sitting in sweats. I was starting a fire in the fireplace. Alexia was laying under three blankets, and I had one wrapped around me.

"It was lovely. I should be the one thanking you" Alexia answered. I saw how she wanted me to sit down next to her, so I did that when the fire was started.

We were both laying under the blanket, with Nala between us and our legs intertwined. My hand was tangled in Alexia's hair, and I was lazily scratching her scalp.

She fell asleep after five minutes, and I was the only one awake, in my quiet cabin in the north of Sweden. She had been asleep for an hour and a half when I needed to cook us dinner. So, I did my best to slide out undisturbed and it was successful. "You should have woken me up" Alexia complained as I was cooking us dinner.

An oven dish filled with lasagna was in the oven and I was chopping up salad. I felt Alexia wrap her arms around my body and she placed kisses all over my neck. "I am holding a knife, so we are saving that for after dinner" I said and dropped the knife to the cutting board. I turned around and kissed Alexia's nose before going back to cutting up the vegetables.

Alexia continued to hold me as I finished up the salad. I felt her mouth against my neck, sucking hard on a particularly sensitive spot before soothing it with her tongue. I did my best to contain the moans I wanted to let out, but I knew that would only fuel both our desires.

We were both hungry and I wouldn't last long if I didn't get to eat dinner. "I have made dessert too, but it needs to go in the oven after dinner. After we have eaten that, I am all yours" I got out. I was breathless. Alexia knew what she was doing to me, the effect she had on my body, on me.

It was a long dinner, and even longer to wait for dessert.

After that I was Alexia's.

The night wasn't long. I fell asleep cuddled up to Alexia and with Nala below the bed. It was lovely and we were both warm.

Her arms were wrapped around me as I woke up. I could feel her breathing against my neck. Her eyes were open as I opened mine. "Good morning" I whispered and kissed her softly. "It is a good morning, isn't it?" Alexia smiled back and kissed me again. Her lips were warm against mine, especially when she moved them all over my body.

Breakfast was interesting. I sat on Alexia's lap, and her arms were wrapped around me as we ate. Nala ran around the house before settling down on top of Alexia's feet. We sat there for hours, talking, and kissing, and talking some more. "I like staying here with you" Alexia confessed. I laughed loudly at that, because I loved staying here with her. "And I love having you here" I answered and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you" Alexia said and kissed me again. "I love you too" I mumbled between kisses. "I love you" I said again before kissing her once again.

Nala complained about the lack of attention by jumping up in my lap, licking my face to distract me from Alexia. "I'll take her on a walk while you work out" I offered.

That was exactly what I did. I took a long walk in the city. Stopping to talk to people I knew and enjoying my favourite town. 


I honestly forgot to publish this on Wednesday when I was supposed to. I have been so busy with studying for my math test that I did yesterday and I was so excited for Taylor Swift that this was all forgotten. 

Sweden N1 won with the surprise songs. I think he knows X Gorgeous and Peter. I honestly feel bad for the people next to me and my friends because we were screaming, especially to Gorgeous. 

