Barcelona! You were truly amazing! It was the perfect way to end this tour, which has taken up a better part of the last year. Because what better way to end this than in the city where I fell in love with music. 

I want to say thank you to everyone who has been a part of this tour. Without you, this tour would never had been as successful. I want to say thank you to all of the fans, who have been singing along to every song, who got dressed up every weekend to see me preform. I want to say thank you to all my amazing dancers and backup singers who helped me make this tour magical. I want to thank the staff who set up the stages and drove the buss all over the world. I want to thank my manager, who has been with me every step of the way. 

Do not fear, beacuse I will be back. The Tourtured Poets Department will be out October 17th. It will be devestating and tragic, but I hope you all will enjoy it.

Thank you for all of the support! 

With love
Odette Swift

You put on quite a show here in Barcelona!!
I always do;)

Amazing tour babes!!
Love you tiny<3

Things we love to see<3

-Comments have been limited-

I woke up to my alarm ringing. It was eleven in the morning and for the first time in days I woke up feeling well rested. Waking up well rested was difficult when you had a late show the night before and needed to get up to prepare for another show that same night. I hit the gym for about an hour to work on my strength and conditioning. I had a bit of a dilemma about whether I should eat breakfast before working out or after.

I took a long shower before doing some simple makeup. After that I remember that I had not yet eaten breakfast, but I would not survive without it until lunch. While getting ready I called room service. I ate my breakfast while I put my hair up in a bun, my phone in my bag, and some sunglasses to cover my eyes. It was needed to make sure I wasn't recognized by someone when walking through the city.

I could finally explore the city I had been in for the past few days. Alicia had found several places which all seemed great, and we would start by going to Parc Güell. There were a lot of people there, and I kept my head low while still watching all the beautiful things inside the park. It was an architectural masterpiece. I think we spent almost two hours inside the park, just walking around and looking at the houses and other monuments.

I convinced Alicia that I needed food, and we ended up at a small place that served a lot of different foods, but it was a fast-food chain and it looked like it, with greasy tables and uncomfortable chairs. This was not something I usually ate. We sat down outside and watched the traffic pass while waiting for our food to arrive. Alicia had ordered a burger with fries, and I had ordered a chicken burger, and that one also came with fries. The sun was shining on us, and it was a beautiful day.

Thank you for yesterday, I really enjoyed it.

I'm glad you did, and good luck on your game this Wednesday. I'll be sure to watch!

I'll make sure to put on a show then.

You better make a goal then, for me you know?

You say score a goal Odette, but I'll be sure to score one for you.

See! Already learning stuff about football.

After our lunch we went to La Sagrada Familia. It was beautiful, and we joined a tour of the cathedral. I loved hearing about history and art history was always something I had been interested in. One of the men who had been drawing this place was buried in there. Alicia was not as excited about looking at all of this and she was no longer interested in the architecture. When we walked outside she hurriedly bought ice-cream from the shop next to the church. With an ice-cream in her hand everything suddenly seemed more manageable for the both of us. Of course, I could not let her be the only one with ice-cream, so I bought some for myself.

We continued to check out the city and returned to the hotel late. There I had a delicious dinner before going to my room to watch something on the TV. It was a football game, in Catalan, with the men playing. I mean come on, who would watch 22 men run after a ball. I wouldn't even watch 22 women running after a ball, but I guess I had to do that now, since I promised Alexia.

Tomorrow afternoon I would fly back to Sweden for some time in the studio and a photoshoot. Maybe I needed to see a few friends, some of them could come with me somewhere. Beingon tour was extremely lonely. Seeing my friends would be good for me, intense burcalming at the same time.

I followed the same routine today as I did yesterday, with almost two hours in the gym before breakfast. After breakfast I packed my bags and left for the airport. I was sitting in the backseat of the car, reading the book I had packed for myself. It was an old classic, Jane Eyre, which I found myself deeply engulfed in.

We arrived about half an hour before I wanted to leave, and I made it through the private airport before settling down in the lounge for a few minutes. Then I boarded the plane and soon we were up in the air. I loved being able to fly private, it was the only way I could travel somewhere without being harassed by fans. Some people thought I was singlehandedly responsible for the global warming, and I was not the best person in that example, but I wasn't the worst. I made sure to donate a lot of money to different charities, and I was also a vegetarian, but I did that for the sake of the animals.

I saw a video when I was twelve about how meat was produced and since then I could never eat meat again. My parents supported my decision, but they were a bit annoyed that I needed to cook for myself. They wanted to eat meat and I was not going to judge them for their decision.

On the flight we had a very late lunch. I only flew with Alicia. The rest of the team had gone their separate ways in Barcelona, and we were the only two left. We would both be going on a vacation after I had recorded my album, but Alicia would go on her vacation as soon as we got back.

I worked on some lyrics for my new album on the flight. It was already written, but some songs still needed a few tweaks before they were done. I loved writing songs because it was the perfect way for me to get my feelings out and reflect on them. I mean all my songs were full of feelings, or at least most of them. I explored my feelings through music and my brain was always working on full speed, causing me to have struggled a bit with living. Writing helped.

The plane landed in the evening at Kallax airport and from there it was a few hours in car to Arjeplog where I had a house. I grew up there and needed a few days to relax before going down to Stockholm to pick up my puppy and record my album.

It was still bright outside when I arrived at my house. I opened my door and was embraced by the familiar smell of my home. It looked just like it had done when I left if, the plants were still alive, courtesy of my neighbour.

I spent the next two days just relaxing. I did some gardening and bathed in the lake close to my house. Living in Arjeplog meant that I had a lot of beaches for myself when I wanted. I could swim without wearing any clothes, I could tan without wearing anything, and when I went into the city, I could wear whatever I wanted. No one cared that I was famous here, all they cared about was that I was from here. They were proud of me for becoming famous.

After two days I flew back to Stockholm to record my album. It would not be entirely done after these two weeks, but it would have come a long way. I took a quick lunch on the way back from the airport before going to the studio. My days would be long, filled with work, but the results would hopefully make it all worth it.

I went home before dinner and cooked myself a small meal. It was eaten on the balcony, while looking out at the people passing by on the street below me. The people who were unknown of my presence. After dinner Alexia's game was starting. I watched the game on my couch, with the balcony doors open, letting in all the summer air. I was glued to the TV during both the first and second half. During the break I grabbed myself some chocolate from the store on the corner. I had to rush back to make it in time for the second half, and this is where Alexia shone. She scored, not one, but two goals during the second half.

You played great today! I don't understand how someone can be that good at football.

Flattering words Odette.

I always try Alexia!

I got you tickets for the Champions League final. It is on the 21st in the Juventus stadium.

You are an angel, and I promise I will be there. Maybe you could buy me a coffee afterwards?


The day after I did a small workout in the gym. Focusing on core exercises and some for my legs. I needed it for when I performed. Singing was hard and exhausting on the muscles if you did it for too long, especially if you danced at the same time.

After a shower, and a quick change of clothes I was on my way to the studio. I drove myself, it was relaxing to drive around and I enjoyed the freedom. Music was playing loudly from the speakers, and I sang along with the same volume. It was great to sing along to someone else's music, and I felt like a fangirl. This must be how my fans felt whenever they listened to my music.

It took me two weeks to record the base for my entire new album. There was still a lot that needed to be done before I could call it finished. I sent the songs to Alicia and the producers. They would analyse everything, and I would do the same. Then we could look at it together and decide what needed to be added or removed. It was a lot of work and something that was done over months.

Alexia and I had continued talking all throughout those two weeks. I told her which hotel I was staying at and when my flight would arrive. She promised she would call me the night before the game, and that was today.

I left the ticket in your hotel room, along with another gift.

I can't wait to see that then.

This was the first thing I saw when I landed. A text from Alexia, telling me that she had thought about me. That was nice of her. Very cute.

I made sure to have a night before watching the game. When I arrived at the hotel there was in fact a present waiting for me on the bed. Something soft was wrapped in Barcelona wrapping paper and above that there was an envelope.

I got you a little something to wear Odette. And I really hope I get to see you in it during the game!

The letter read and before I opened the gift, I knew what it was. It was her jersey.


Second chapter. Do we like this concept?

Thought I could give you a second update, just so you all can get a taste of it all. I am also thinking that this book will be around 20 chapters, with around 2000 words each. And I am planning on updating twice a week or something like that!

