I'm Only Me When I'm With You

I woke up at eight. My alarm was blaring through the room, and I regretted having it at that volume. I was always easy to wake up and having that sound level on the alarm was just unnecessary. Not that it was something that I could anything about, since it was in the past.

Today was gameday and I needed to eat some breakfast to get ready for the long day ahead of me. It was included in my stay at this hotel, and I was going to make the most out of it. So, I changed into a pair of shorts, along with an oversized t-shirt and made my way downstairs. Making sure to avoid the elevator, something my mom had taught me from an early age.

It was a big breakfast and I loaded up my plate before sitting down in a corner, reading my book while eating. I grabbed a coffee and continued to read, time seemed to slow down, and I relaxed. That was until my phone started to vibrate again. I had turned off notifications for everyone except friends, family, and my management. It must be something, or someone, important then.

On my way to the arena!

Are you nervous or just excited?

I can barely eat before a concert because of nerves.

That is concerning Odette.

Nerves are good, and I have to admit that I am nervous. But I am more excited about the game. In a few hours we could be the champions of La Copa De La Reina!

Is my presence calming enough?

I feel way better now if that's what you are thinking about.

I think you should score a goal for me.

I'll do my best!

I was done with my breakfast and walked back upstairs. There I changed into some clothes, a long skirt, and the Alexia jersey. I added some gold jewellery and a pair of red sunglasses. On top of that I added a dark blue bag and a pair of red sneakers. It was all supposed to match the jersey, and I thought I looked good.

Afterwards, I started on my makeup, adding some blue eyeliner and blue mascara. Something more exciting than what I usually had on. I braided my hair and let it fall into two ponytails.

Watching a game was exciting, and I wanted to look good while doing it.

The time ran away from me and before I knew it, I had to leave. Still, I stopped for a cup of coffee before arriving at the stadium. It was full of people already and I made my way towards the stands. Once again, I was sitting in the family and friends' section. This time Alexia's family was not here, and I was sitting next to a girl named Jana Fernández. She was a few years younger than me, five to be exact.

"I was at your concert earlier this. It was really nice of you to invite us all. Alexia talked about it for ages before going. Listening to her trying to get tickets was a nightmare" Jana said, a smile covering her face. "It was lovely to have you all there and I loved being able to talk to the team after the show" I answered while returning her smile. It was nice to talk to someone while I was here. "Alexia has been talking about you nonstop since that night. No, she started way before" Jana said. This was news to me. She talked about me? That was sweet.

"She does?" I asked, surprised by the confession from the young brunette. "Why wouldn't she? You are literally the coolest thing that has happened to her" she said while laughing. I enjoyed her company. She was kind and spent about fifteen minutes talking about why Alexia was the best, both as a player and as a person. I couldn't help but think that Alexia put her up for this, to convince me that she was in fact incredible. A strange thought that I could not explain.

As the players walked in, a proud smile was displayed on Jana's face. It must be awful for her to be out with such an injury, but she still came here to support the team. I would want to be part of a team, part of a community that all supported each other. I had friends in the music industry, but we were always competing against each other. Here they competed with one and other, to go as far as they possible could.

Alexia looked just as concentrated as she had done the last time. She led the line as captain. Jana explained how she had always taken people under her wing, and that this role was one she deserved and was a perfect fit for. It was clear that whenever people talked about her, they did it with pride in their voice. She must have really made an impact on so many people.

This game was different from the Champions League final. Here Barcelona scored six goal and Sporting Huelva only scored one. An easy win for the team, but it was an important one. Jana told me that it was their second win in one of the Spanish competitions. Then she said something about silverware, I would have to ask Alexia about that later.

Alexia scored a goal in overtime. This time she allowed herself to celebrate and pointed towards me before being stormed by her teammates. It was the goal she promised she would score, and she had done it for me. Our friendship was really evolving.

A big smile covered Alexia's face as they got their medals. Jana had left me to join them, and I was sat all alone, looking out on the pitch and the celebrating team. A smile covered my face. How the tables had turned since that awful loss in the Champions League.

I stayed and watched as the entire team was celebrated by the fans. Alexia went all around the pitch, signing their shirts and taking pictures. After she was done with that, she made her way towards me, holding up her medal in the process.

"I can't believe you won" I said, hugging her tightly over the barricade. "What did you think about my goal?" Alexia asked, a cheeky smile covered her face. "I loved it, but you had to make it in the last minute, didn't you?" I said in a cheeky tone. Alexia just pulled me in for another hug and let out a loud laugh.

"I can't believe I let you hug me while you are this sweaty" I confessed in a joking manner. She just held me tighter, making me feel even more disgusting. While doing that she pressed a kiss to my temple and continued to laugh. That laugh was all I wanted to hear.

I stayed in Alexia's embrace for another minute. Laughing along with her and just feeling happy together with her. "I scored if for you Odette" she whispered while releasing me from her hug. "I know. You pointed to me after scoring it" I said with a smile.

Once again, I was pulled in for a hug. This would be awful for my back, but what wouldn't I do for her. "I'll try to score one for you in the euros. If you come and watch that is" she said. The smile was still on her face. "Of course, I will be there for a few of the games" I answered and let her go.

I waited for her while she showered. My stomach was rumbling. It would be a late lunch today, and I had not eaten anything since breakfast. I was hungry, but I still wanted to wait for Alexia. We might even have time for lunch together. No, that was too much to hope for. She would probably go out with the team to celebrate and eat some kind of late lunch. Spanish people ate their meals way too late for my taste.

"Finally!" I called out when I saw Alexia walk towards me. "Now I can finally admire you wearing my shirt" she said before her cheeks flushed red. "You should join us for lunch. All the families and friends will be there" she said while pulling me in for a hug. I relaxed into her warm embrace. The flowery scent of her shampoo reached my nose and I felt that her hair was still wet.

She kissed my head, and I turned my face upwards, closer to hers. "If you want me to join then I'll come with" I said innocently. Alexia laughed loudly. It was almost like she threw her head back laughing, like a little kid. "I want you to join me" Alexia said with a smile and hugged me tighter.

Together, the two of us walked to the bus. My head was resting on Alexia's shoulder, she had her arm around my back, and I was holding her hand. The rest of the team walked with us. Alexia was deep in conversation with Mapi. I did not understand much, because they were talking in Spanish. However, I enjoyed just listening to them, and while talking, Alexia squeezed my hand reassuringly.

She gave me the window seat and I listened as they sang along to songs in both Spanish, Catalan, and English. Alexia, being the angel she always was, had every lyric up on her phone, and I tried my best with the pronunciation of the foreign words. She laughed at the words that left my mouth and had the rest of the team join in with the laughter. This was when Fridolina queued a Swedish song, and now it was our turn to laugh at them.

The entire team felt like a family, or a tight knit group of friends. As a solo artist I missed that feeling, to constantly have people with me, and all fighting to reach the same goal. "You are better at Spanish than I thought you would be" Alexia said with a small laugh. "You must have thought I was awful!" I said while laughing. I could not speak Spanish and it was obvious to everyone around me that I was the worst out of everyone here.

After about thirty minutes of driving, we arrived at the restaurant. It was empty. They must have rented it out. Everyone flooded inside and sat down. Alexia forced me to sit down in the middle of her and Ingrid Engen. Mapi was sitting next to her, with her arm wrapped around Ingrid's shoulder. The two of them were apparently dating, which Ingrid explained to me in Norwegian. I was thankful for that, and it gave me an excuse to talk Swedish to someone. The two Spaniards next to us complained loudly and it ultimately resulted in us all speaking English.

The food arrived quickly. I had ordered pasta in a tomato sauce while the team was more into the meatier dishes. The portion was way too big for me to finish, but it didn't matter. Alexia ate everything that I left behind and I was not left with the same guilt about leaving any food. None of them ordered any dessert, but our lunch lasted until dinner, when everyone left to go back to their hotel. It was a bit lonely to be the only one that went the other way.

A driver picked me up and drove me back to the hotel. It was time for me to go back home, but I had another night to spend here before I would take an early flight back to Stockholm. Then I could spend two nights there before I would go on vacation. I couldn't wait for that. To just turn my phone off and spend time with my friend. With no work bothering us. All we needed to do was to spend time together and have fun.

A big change from my usual schedule. A change I was looking forward to.


Thank you all for 100 followers! And over 200 votes on this story. I love you all!

Sorry that this chapter was a bit late. I watched the game yesterday, Sweden against England ana today I was out for dinner. Sorry babes!

