And XGaster arrives

"Ink!" Said Lust. Everything went dark ever since W pressed the button.

"Lust?" Asked Ink. He had Classic behind him.

"I'm near the exit." Said Lust.

Ink started to walk to where he presumed the exit was, holding Classic's hand so he wouldn't get lost. He saw a faint outline of a door frame and thought he had got to the exit.

"I'm going to hold my hand out okay?" Asked Ink.

"Okay." Said Lust with fear. Of course he trusted Ink, but he was still scared of physical contact ever since..,.his accident.
He mustered up the courage and held his hand out into the distance, searching for Ink's hand.

Once he found it he slowly held Ink's hand. "Good job." Said Ink. Ink positioned Classic so that he was in front and Lust was behind him.

"Where is Reaper?" Ink asked.

"I'm right here." He said. It seemed he was outside the room. Ink stopped holding Classic's hand to reach out to where the door was supposed to be. Instead of the door though it was a metal wall.

"How are we supposed to get out?" Asked Ink.

Reaper thought for a while. "Try putting your magical restraint to the door." He said.

Ink hesitantly put his arm on the door, but this time straight where the restraint was.

The door made a little 'ding' sound and opened slowly. They slowly stepped out of the game room and into the hall.

Reaper reached out for Classic's hand, knowing not to grab Lust's. "It's me Reaper okay?" He asked. Classic made a noise of approval.

"Come on we need to get Outer and Azy first." He said. They all started moving slowly hoping not to make to much noise or trip. They got to the white rooms. Reaper let go of Classic's hand to look for the key of the first room.

He opened it. Inside was the skeleton with a straitjacket on. He looked scared and was hugging something in the corner of the room. "Azy?" Asked Reaper.

The skeleton ran up to Reaper and hugged him. Reaper smiled and held him close. He went to the room next the one he was already in front of.

This was Outer's room. "Outer!" He said into the room.

"Yes?" Asked Outer.

"I know you are scared, but you can't stay here we need to go." Said Reaper.

"Is Nightmare with you guys?" Outer asked.

"No." Said Reaper. He of course knew that Nightmare would probably meet them at the cafeteria, but that wasn't going to help right now.

Outer hesitantly started to exit the room. He grabbed Classic's left hand with his right and Reapers with his left.

He took a deep breath. "Are you ready?" Asked Reaper.

"Y-y yes." He said.
Epic and Cross were walking through the hallway to Sci's lab when the announcement came on.

Epic remembered W instructions for when the walls came and so he told Cross to put his restraint to the door to Sci's lab. It open to reveal Sci, Dream, Nightmare, Killer, Fell and Geno.

Cross was confused. "Ohh thank goodness." Said Geno as he started heading to the hallways exit.

"Wait!" Said Sci. Geno stopped and turned to look at him.

"It's probably not a good idea. The front door is most likely locked already anyways." Said Sci.

"You got a better idea?" Asked Nightmare.

Sci thought for a while. He turned to the back of the lab and opened the door. Inside where vials and writing on chalk boards. He put a curtain over all of it, and gestured to Geno and the rest of them to come inside.

Sci took down some stairs that were leading to the room's celling. Then he carefully took of the little square outline that was covering a hole in the roof. "Go up." Said Sci.

Geno went up the stairs and started helping the others up.

"Are you coming?" Asked Geno.

"No. The lab is protected anyways, but I may come later since I think everyone is gonna meet W at one point or another." He said.

Geno nodded and closed the small door on the floor.

"Ahh!" Killer presumably yelled.

"Shhh." Said Nightmare.

"What's wrong Killer?" Asked Geno to where he thought Killer was since he couldn't see.

"Nothing I just thought something touched me." He said with a embarrassing chuckle.

Geno mentally face palmed. "Where are we?" Asked Red.

Geno tried to feel in front of him. He felt a bed then went a little further. Another bed. He felt 4 beds in total. "I think we are in a spare bedroom." Said Geno.

He started to walk towards the exit. He felt the metal door that was I front of the exit. He grabbed who ever was nearest to him, which happened to be Dream and put his restraint next to the door.

They couldn't see, but the door made a 'ding' noise that proved it was opening. Geno slowly stepped out. He still couldn't see anything.

"Dream grab my hand." Said Geno. Dream obliged. "Everyone grab everyone's hand we have to stay together."

Everyone held hands as they started walking towards the cafeteria.
"Wait where is Horror?" Asked Dust. He had a bag of gummy bears in his hand and Blue on his lap.

"I'm in here!" Said Horror from the kitchen.

They were behind a counter sitting on the floor. "Horror how the hell did YOU get in here?" Asked Farm as he pointed his flashlight at him.

"Ummm- I came in through the back before we went on lock down." He said with a shrug.

Farm face palmed. "Come on the kitchen isn't protected only the cafeteria is." Farm gestured at Horror to hide behind the counter.

"What are we hiding from anyways?" Asked Dust as he ate more gummy bears.

"Umm- I don't think I'm supposed to tell you that. You'll probably learn later anyways." Explained Farm.

Horror, Dust and Blue looked at him skeptically. Just then the door opened.
In entered Geno, Dream, Nighmare, Killer, Red, Epic and Cross.

"Farm?" Geno asked into the room.

"We're over here." Said Farm. They turned to look at them, then started walking over.

"Is Reaper here yet?" Asked Geno.

They all shook their heads. "Why are Horror, Blue and Dust with you?" He asked.

"Dust told Blue that he was going to get candy and was stuck here when we went to lock down. Horror came in from the back for food."

Geno nodded. "I'm going to get more flashlights." Said Geno as he started to go to the kitchen.

Then the door opened, but no one came in. Epic went to see who was there. "Reaper?" He asked.

"Epic?" Asked Reaper.

"Yeah it's me bruh." Said Epic.

"Can you get me Killer?" Asked Reaper.

"Sure" Epic called a confused Killer to the door. He saw Outer who was on the verge of tears. He immediately hugged him and told him that it was okay.

Lust, Ink, Classic and Azy entered the room to join the rest of them. Geno came back and passed out the flashlights.

"What do we do now?" Asked Cross.

"We wait." Farm, Geno, Reaper and Epic said at the same time.
"Why are you here X?" Asked W, pure malice in his tone of voice.

Opposite to W, who looked mad, a bit scared and filled with regret, X looked calm, happy and sadistic.

"I simply came to take what is mine." He said with a smile.

"And that's what exactly?" Asked W as he crossed his arms and scowled at him.

"Ohh you know. ALL the sanses you stole from me." X said.

W rolled his eyes. "They are not yours anymore I signed a contract therefore they are mine." Said W.

X grinned maliciously. "And how do you think the authorities will react when they see that this isn't an actual mental hospital?" Asked X.

W furrowed his brows angrily. "You wouldn't dare." He said.

"Or would I?" Asked X.

"Then we'll both lose. It's not like they will just set hand the sanses to you. They might even go looking into that little lab of yours." Said W with a sly smile.

X stared at him then growled. He knew he couldn't put up a good fight. "Fine I'll leave for now, but don't think I won't come back." And with that X and the lizard monster were gone. W sighed in relief.
Hi it's me
Ummm- this chapter was pretty long
I kinda liked making the chapters longer though hmmmm- anyways
Bye ~ V
