Aftermath and after that

It was a beautiful day outside. It was late summer, early fall and the weather was pretty nice. The leaves on the trees were starting to lose their bright green color and change into more orangey-yellow color.

Most of the skeletons were taking a break from fixing the part of the hospital that got ruined. No one got severely injured from the battle so everything was going pretty good for them. Besides Sci and Classic.

Yeah they weren't doing so well.

Sci was separating himself from everyone else. Locking himself in his lab, which a few months ago wouldn't be such a peculiar thing except now it was. Since he was starting to leave the lab more and more. The only other place that he would be seen, if he did come out, was the garden, and he would be sobbing quietly.

Classic was doing the exact opposite. Acting as if nothing happened. Always wearing his calm, easy going smile.

All of them were worried for both of them, but especially for Classic since they thought he would eventually break, and let everything out.

Besides those two everything else was going pretty good. The only skeletons that weren't outside were of course Sci and Error. Everyone but Cross knew what Error was doing.

W was carefully placing small diamonds on a silver ring. He was almost done. He would have finished a lot earlier if it wasn't for Error continuously rambling on and on about how this wasn't going to work.

Finally he placed the last diamond. He picked up the ring and looked at it with satisfaction. He was about to show it to Error, but it seemed he was too caught up in another one of his rants.

"What if he says no?"

"W-w-w-w-what if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore?"

"Ohh no it's to soon he's not going to be ready."

"W-w-w-w-what if-"

"Error stop!" W put his hands on Error's shoulders to calm him down. He sighed.

"I'm sure he won't say no." He said unsurely.

Error looked at him confused. "Thanks that's some great advice." He said, sarcastically.

W chuckled nervously. "Sorry I'm not very good with romance." He said.

"But watching you guys interact. You guys seem like really good friends. So even if he says no I'm sure that won't change." He explained.

Error thought about it. "Yeah I guess you're right." He sighed, and held his hand out.

W placed the ring in Error's hands. It was red, black and white. I wonder who that could be for.
"Umm- why do I have to wear this?" Cross asked. He was wearing a nice suit that fit him perfectly.

Dream laughed. "You'll see." He took out a mirror so that Cross could look at himself. Cross wouldn't admit it but he liked the way he looked.

"I look stupid." He commented. Dream looked at him again, carefully.

"No you look fine." He said. "Plus it's not like they'll care anyways." He explained.

Cross looked at him confusedly. "They'll? Who are they? Where are we going? Where's Night and Error?" Cross asked frantically as he realized that he hadn't seen his boyfriends the whole day. Except for Nightmare a little bit earlier, but that was it.

"Calm down." Dream said. "Go to the garden." He suggested though it was more of an order.


"Just go." Ink butted it, smiling widely. He looked like a toddler on a sugar high, which was probably not good for his emotions. He was using them to fast.

Cross was to tired from fixing the hospital all day to argue so he started walking towards the backyard.

It was strange. Many of his friends were watching him carefully while still trying not to be seen. Cross was to tired to ask though.

He carefully opened the door. The moment he stepped outside he could tell something was different. Sure, the flowers were always organized by color but these were organized a different way. They looked.........prettier. In Cross's opinion at least.

He stopped to admire them. What he didn't see was that in the corner of his eyes sockets Nightmare was watching from the shadows. "Do you like them?" He turned around to see Nightmare changing forms, his white bones coming back.

"Where were you?" Cross asked as he gave Nightmare a quick hug.

"I was- preparing for something." He said as he rubbed his neck nervously. Cross looked at him confusedly.

"Is Error with you?" Cross looked around to see if he could spot him.

"No. He'll be here later." Nightmare said.

Cross was again confused. "What is he doing?"

"You'll see."

Cross was very confused at this point, but he knew he wouldn't get any answers out of Nightmare so he decided to just follow him. They went farther into the backyard until Cross stopped.

There was something obvious different now. There was little lights aligned in a path. In between each light was either a black or white flower. Cross stopped and admire the scenery for a little bit.

"Night did you-?" He was about to ask, but he was gone. Cross frowned. He had left him again. He continued walking down the path since he couldn't really go anywhere else.

He could tell that the path was heading towards the tree. He was almost there. There they were.

Nightmare was blocking Error a bit since he got a little taller ever since Corrupted left, but Cross could still see him. Nightmare was fixing the tie on Error's suit?

Why was he wearing a suit? Cross slowly walked up to them. With the better lighting he could see that Nightmare was also wearing a suit. Nightmare smiled at him.

"Hey guys?" He said confused.

"Hey Cross." Nightmare said.

Error looked nervous. "Come. Sit down." Nightmare said. Cross sat down on the blanket that they had spread out under the tree. He was still a little suspicious as to what they were doing, but felt a little safer now that they were both here with him.

"So- are you gonna tell me why we're here. And why we're all wearing suits?" Cross asked. He looked at them amused.

Nightmare turned to look at Error.

"Ahh! Ohh." He was startled by both of them looking at him. "I umm- I wanted to- I brought you here to" he was glitching a lot by now. "Screw it." He muttered.

He grabbed Cross' hands and made him stand up, as he also stood up in the process, along with Nightmare. He looked everywhere else except at Cross.

"I wanted to ask you something, but I'm afraid of what you'll say." Error said.

Cross grabbed his skull and made him face him. He offered a soft smile. "Don't worry Error. I promise I won't be mad." He said.

Error looked away once again. "That's not exactly what I'm afraid of." He muttered. He shook his skull, and prepared. He looked back at Cross.

"Cross do you love me?"

"Of course."

"Would you like to spend your entire life with us?" Error asked.

Cross thought about the question. It was a bit sudden, but it was one of those questions you would ask before- no.

Before Cross could answer, Error was already down on one knee, along with Nightmare. "Cross. It may be a little soon, but I can't picture my life without you or Nightmare so-" Error and Nightmare both took out little velvet boxes that held rings.

Cross stared at them, shocked. That shock was immediately replaced with excitement and happiness though.

"Yes." He muttered quietly. Light tears of joy streaming down his face. Error and Nightmare both put their rings on Cross' finger. They hugged him afterward.

Then they heard a loud noise inside the hospital. Nightmare laughed. Cross looked at him confused. "It's probably just the others fangirling inside." He explained.

Error and Cross laughed slightly.

Indeed inside the hospital anyone who had just witnessed what happened, which was everyone, was now cheering and jumping around. What a bunch of fan girls.

A chapter?
Didn't see that coming
Anyways I hope you like it
