Bonus! The epilogue of a lifetime

(Bonus! Brought to you by my love of ships and.................... yes.)

(This is like a month later)

Error and Nightmare were in the bathroom of the room they shared with Cross. Both of them holding a pregnancy test.

They had both started showing signs of pregnancy ever since after the battle. Though they both tried to hide it. Error not actually wanting to accept the fact that he was pregnant, and Nightmare not knowing how either of them would react.

But Error had seen Nightmare throw up earlier today, and thought they should at least check if their suspicions were true.

Now all they had to do was wait. "Error?" Nightmare called out.

Error looked up to face him. "What happens if we are pregnant?" He asked. Error looked at him with a smile of regret, but also a bit of hope.

He looked down at where his stomach would be. If he really was pregnant his ecto stomach would probably form on its own and a second soul would pop up in the coming months. That idea didn't seem unpleasant though. He looked back at Nightmare who was also thinking. "I hope he will be happy." He whispered.

Nightmare looked at him with a hopeful smile as he nodded. He looked back at the tests. "You think it's time?" Nightmare asked.

Error took a deep breath and nodded. They grabbed the test that was closest to them.


They looked at each other for a little bit then traded tests. After they got the confirmation that they were both pregnant they kinda just stared into space until-

"So you're both pregnant?" Cross asked.

Error backed up against the wall and shook his head rapidly. "N-n-n-no." Nightmare looked at him confusedly. He looked at Cross and nodded. He came up and hugged the other. Cross hugged back.

They both turned back to look at Error who looked nervous. They smiled at him, and gestures for him to join the hug. "It's okay Error." Cross said. Error nodded and slowly joined them.

"More food?" Horror asked.

Lust nodded, as he handed him a basket of green apples. Horror looked at him confusedly. He grabbed an apple, and ate it without hesitation.

"I'm not complaining or anything, but why so much food?" Horror asked. Lust had been feeding him EXTREMELY well, which was very............random of him. The last time he'd done this was when he asked Horror to be his boyfriend. Horror was starting to suspect something.

"I'm sorry is it to much?" Lust asked worriedly.

Horror frowned and his eyes widened. "No of course not. It's just. The last time you did this was when- you know." Horror said.

Lust thought about it. Then he realized. He was acting just like that day. He face palmed. "I'm such an idiot." He whispered, but Horror heard.

Horror grabbed his hands and held them. "No you're not." He said softly. Lust took something out of his pocket. It was a little velvet box. Common for holding rings.

Horror was shocked. He looked back up at Lust who was now crying, but he was also smiling. "I just thought you'd never do it so I went ahead and did it myself." Lust commented as he looked away sheepishly.

Horror kept staring at him, dumbfounded. "So what do you say?" Lust asked, getting a little impatient and nervous at this point.

Horror kept staring. "Umm Horror?" Lust asked. "Horror!" He yelled. No reaction. He shook him rapidly. That snapped him out of it.

"Ohh" Horror said as he processed what Lust had asked, then he threw himself at the other and hugged him. "Of course." He said.

Lust smiled. Horror was a bit heavy on top of Lust, but he thought he could handle it for now. After all, the news made him fell happier, and stronger.

Sci yawned. His face was tear stained. He was exhausted from crying all day and night. Gaster had called him, claiming it to be an emergency. Sci doubted that of course, but he wanted to see what happened.

He took Classic along with him. Classic had been helping him feel a bit better. He had been talking just a bit more after Red died, and always gave the best advice. Plus they could sympathize with each other.

They slowly walked up to medical, and opened the doors. What they saw on the other side was something out of a fairy tale.

Red and Farm were laying in hospital beds, alive.

W was standing above them, presumably waiting for Sci to arrive. "There you are." He commented.

Sci froze in the door way, causing Classic to be confused. He leaned to the side a bit to get a better look, and his eyes widened.

He rapidly ran towards Red and hugged him as he started bawling his eyes out. He held Red close to him as he laid in the others chest.

Sci slowly walked up the them, not taking his eyes off of Farm. He looked at W slowly. "A-a-are they real?" Sci asked, tears threatening to come out.

W nodded. He handed Sci a letter. It was written by XGaster and it read:

Dear, WingDings

I know it's a bit sudden to be hearing from me again, and I promise I'm not here to do any harm. The fact is I have done the complete opposite. I have cloned Red and Farm the only two skeletons that you lost in battle. I tried to give them their old memories back, but it seems it didn't work. They are still the same person they just don't have any memory about the hospital or any of you. I just thought that they were family members and you might want him back. As for Chara.

Sci looked ahead to where a young boy he knew as Chara was also laying on a hospital bed.

I have giving him his soul back. He may now live apart from Cross and I'm sure there shouldn't be any side effects. Take this as an apology. I hope you have a good life, brother.

Sincerely, XGaster.

Sci read it aloud to all of them. Classic frowned and looked back at Red who was starting to stir. He woke up and looked around the room.

"Umm who are you?" He asked. Classic started crying even more as he hid his head in Red's chest. Red hesitantly started petting his skull. "Hey it's okay don't cry." He said, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

Classic lifted his head. "I guess we have a lot to ketchup on." He commented. They both chuckled at the pun.

Red didn't recognize this skeleton. Nor did he know who he was yet. Something about him though made him feel familiar. He just couldn't quite tell what exactly.

Nighttime. And again Fresh was stalking the new pregnant couple. From afar he was taking many pictures of them as they sat on the roof. Suddenly another figure came up from behind him, and hugged him.

Fresh dropped his camera in surprise. It was Epic. "Hey Broski could you let me go?" Fresh asked.

Epic nodded and let Fresh go. "Why are you here anyways?" Fresh asked.

Epic frowned. "You forgot we were gonna meet up, bruh. So I decided to surprise you." He said.

Fresh's eyes widened. His shades turned into exclamation points. "I'm sorry broski." Fresh said. "We can go now if you want?" He asked.

Epic shook his head. "I kinda like the outside." He put his hands in his pockets and admired the stars.

"Well then- can I finish?" Fresh asked.

Epic nodded. Fresh looked back at the other couple. Epic carefully came up behind him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Fresh's shades turned into hearts and he smiled as he blushed a little. Epic hugged him from behind again. "I love you, bruh."

Fresh sighed. "I love you to broski."

Cross nuzzled his head into the crook of Error's neck. He currently had Error on his lap while Nightmare was sleeping on Error's lap.

Cross contently pet Nightmare's ecto stomach. Imagining a little soul in there. His other hand was petting Error's skull. Then he had the idea to see Error's  stomach.

He moved his hand from his skull down to his stomach. He lifted his shirt up a bit, to which he received a growl in response. He didn't care though and tried again. He put his whole hand into Error's shirt and started petting his stomach. It was one of Error's soft spots at the moment, and Error hated how soft he would become every time someone touched him there.

Cross sighed, satisfied with the current position he was in. "I hate you." Error commented.

Cross smiled. "Really?" He kissed Error on the cheek. "Cause I love you." He said.

Error sighed in defeat at Cross' cuteness. "I love you too." He commented quietly. Cross chuckled and held both his soon to be husbands tight.

Also new ship
Epic X Fresh
I call it ~The Epic 80s~
But I mean call it whatever you want
