The Measurement of Love (Doris Zuel, aka Giganta)

Bruce sipped slowly from the cup of wine he had on his hand. Years of getting accustomed to the taste made him quite resistant to the side effects of the percentage of alcohol it had. His eyes looked over to the orange haired female across from him, her eyes looking at him with a soft expression on them. He would have never expected to actually see such visuals on the female, since most of the time he would see a gruff and angry expression.

"I can understand trying to be a better person" He stated, lowering the cup to the table while his eyes narrowed slightly on the female. He could see that Doris Zuel, better known to the public as Giganta, flinched slightly at his cutting words. While he definitely did try to not say anything that may cause her distress, he also had to see things as they were. He couldn't hide the truth, words that would come to light even if they tried to run away. "But you have to understand that the world may not see it that way. Just remember the times you have tried to kill Wonder Woman"

He could see that she was thinking carefully about his words, her eyes told him that she was searching for an answer to give. He could see that she was definitely not the brute that most people think she was. She was a delicate female just looking for acceptance, it was clear in his eyes that she was looking for someone that was able to accept her with all of her faults. It was because of that fact that he sat there, giving the female a chance. Something that she never fully received from others.

"It's true... I have tried many times..." He didn't move a muscle but was quite content that she was able to accept her past misdeeds. He would applaud her for it, he could appreciate the female accepting her wrong doings and start trying to mend for them. "But maybe I never had a reason to try to go straight before..." He could feel the hand of the female on top of his own. The slight warm feeling of the female coursing through his hand. He even felt the slight squeeze that she gave to his hand, as if looking for comfort. He stared at her, her eyes looking to the side and not daring to look his way. "I hope you understand what I am trying to say, right?"

He immediately knew what she meant, which only made him nod in response. Not giving her a verbal response and with the female looking elsewhere, he noticed her shoulders trembling slightly. He knew that if he didn't react in time, she would take his silence as an answer she was not looking for. So, in a quick moment, he shifted the position of their hands. He also squeezed softly and with care the hand of the female, which made her relax a bit and even smile at his actions.

He could see her eyes glancing at him, the thankful expression noticeable on her face. He blamed himself for having the complex of trying to save everyone. He obviously knew that there were people not worth saving, with the Joker being one of many. But Giganta was not a part of those irredeemable villains and if he could convince the female of leaving her villainous ways, he would do it in a heartbeat. He will save her from the darkness, even if he was also on the edge of that darkness.

Time Skip

He sat on the back of his limo, his eyes closed for a second as he enjoyed the ride. Beside him was Doris, and he could see that she was looking through the window. He relaxed slightly, an unnoticeable smile on his face. He could say with certainty That she was going to change. Whether it was because of his words or because she truly wanted to change, he didn't know for sure. And he was definitely not going to ask if she was feeling attracted to him.

"What a beautiful night..." He heard her whisper, looking just how she was also relaxing on their ride towards her apartment. He only nodded, even if she was focused on the bright moon that was giving light to the night. He noticed a small glint in her eyes, eyes that were now looking at him with slight affection. Even if he now had the confirmation on why she was willing to change, it still made him wonder why she was feeling attracted to him. In his eyes, the affections came out of nowhere. "Do you think the same?"

"Yes..." He answered, his eyes also looking at the moon. He quickly noticed that she moved to sit right next to him, her head reclining on his shoulder. The night still gave him slight memories of the night when his parents were killed, it was because of that he kept patrolling Gotham City and barely sleeping at night. But he had learned to ignore those feelings, to concentrate on the present and leave the past where it belongs. It was because of those feelings that he was able to keep on going forward. "It is a beautiful night"

"Thank you for this..." She whispered, which only made him relax even further. After those soft-spoken words, the ride continued in silence with the hero and villainess enjoying the peace it brought. Even if the future is uncertain, he could feel that apart from giving him troubles it would also bring him closure. And while he knew that his hero comrades would probably have a few words with him, it was not like he had to answer their questions. He was willing to help someone that wanted to change their way, and he will stand by his words.

He stayed silent as he looked to the side, glancing at the now sleeping female. He smiled, his cheeks twitching a bit, before closing his eyes. He would deal with it when it presented itself in front of him. For now, he will just keep on enjoying the night with the sleeping female on his side.
