Part 6

Logan was double checking to make sure he had everything he needed for the hospital cause he did not want to forget anything cause Kendall would not be able to go home and get it cause he had to have it in the car ready to go as well so Kendall could bring it all in cause Logan was going to have the stroller with the car seats and the diaper bag as well in the car cause Kendall was going to be bringing in the stroller and the car seats as well as the diaper bag, and Logan was going to have his bags that he was going to bring into the hospital

"Okay Kenny everything is ready" Logan says as he was doing the last check before they head to the hospital at 11 to get a spot and head into the hospital to have the twins and their family was going to be complete for now until Logan wanted to have another

Soon Logan started to feel a pain in his stomach

"This better not be a contraction" he says as he was going to see if it were a contraction and if it were a contraction, they had a problem, and the babies were going to need to be born before midnight if they could hold on that long

Logan started to time them and he was going to see if Kendall could come home and take him to the hospital cause the babies needed to be delivered as soon as possible as well before Logan's water broke

"Okay Logie I'm here" Kendall says as he came into the house to take Logan to the hospital and see if Logan was going into labor as well cause Kendall was worried as well for Logan and the babies cause he didn't want Logan to go into labor he just wanted to have the c section and call it good

Kendall helped Logan to the car while his brothers came to watch the others while they were at the hospital getting settled and everything

"I called the hospital and you are all registered" Kendall says to him cause Kendall was trying to stay ahead of the game a little bit with this

Logan was glad that Kendall was by his side as he was going to delivering the twins cause this was not suppose to happen at all not until night fall at least

"Thanks Kenny let's get the show on the road" Logan says as they were going to head to the hospital to get checked in and up to a room to wait cause Kendall had to call the doctor as well and tell him that Logan was in labor and that the babies were going to be coming and they did not want to wait another minute more to be born either 

Logan was breathing with his pains right now and Kendall was timing the contractions as well as he was driving to the hospital and Kendall and Logan were going to enter the hospital by the basement cause there were going to be reporters and news crews there as well to document this cause this was history in the making right now


"Logan come on we got to go to the basement entrance and you upstairs to L & D" Kendall says as he was going to help Logan to the hospital 

Logan walked slowly cause the girls dropped and he was in a lot of pain as well so Kendall had the nurses meet them with a wheelchair so Logan could have some pain taken off of him as well 

'Hopefully the girls can stay put" Logan says as he was taken up to the room 

"Me too Logie" Kendall says as he was walking with Logan as they headed to L&D 

Logan was in his room and getting hooked up to the monitors and see about the contractions and the heartbeats as well cause he wanted to get this over with as well cause in his eyes he was done being pregnant for the time being anyway and he couldn't wait to do it again in a few years cause he needed time to recover from this pregnancy and he needed to be with the kids as well and they needed him and he had missed being able to pick them up and cuddle with them when they really needed it 

"I can't wait to meet these angels" Logan says as he was looking at his bump right now cause it was almost tine to go into the operating room to have the babies and they were going to see them in person as well cause he could not wait to do skin to skin with them once they were born as well 

'Me either and you are going to do amazing Logie I just know it" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause they had to get the operating room ready cause Logan had come in earlier and they were not expecting him to much later in the night, but the babies were ready to be born now and they were not going to wait another minute to come into this big world and Logan understood that 

The nurse came to get Logan and take him to the operating room so he could have the babies  

Happy Easter 

The birth is next 
