Logan goes home

"Night Logan I'll be back later on okay I'm going to step out for a little bit and freshen up and grab a bite to eat" Kendall says in a whisper to Logan as Logan was totally sound asleep at this point

Logan moans as he was sleeping so Kendall took that as a victory right now with him and Kendall was going to return later once he got some sleep and he got some food in his system as well and he was going to return to help Logan take his first shower since the delivery cause Logan wanted to clean up as well after he had the twins

(Much later)

Kendall returns after he took a nap and he got some food for Logan as well cause he deserves a feast for a king after what he just went through with the babies and he was going to have a shower after he ate cause he would want to see the babies right away and bond with them as well cause he wanted to see how they were doing since he was only able to see them for a little bit right after they were born, so it was a brief glimpse before they had to be taken away to be checked out and they were not brought back to Kendall and Logan, so they could really see the girls and see who they looked like the most and see if their names fit them as well and that was not the case at all cause the twins were conjoined and they had to be monitored as well and that broke Logan's heart that he could not really see the girls that much cause he had certain color bows for the girls so he could tell them apart cause each girl was going to have a color that was going to help tell the girls apart if they were identical cause if they were identical they were going to have a hard time telling them totally apart and if they were fraternal twins that was okay cause he was going to be able to tell them apart cause one would look like him and the other one would look like Kendall more and if the twins had a mix that was completely fine

(Days later)

Logan was able to go home while the twins had to stay to stay in the hospital cause the one twin was not doing too good so Kendall and Logan were going to separate them as soon as they could in case that one twin did not make it, and Logan was praying that the sick twin will get better and the separation will still go through without any problems at all and the babies will come back home the doctors did not want to separate the twins unless it was going to be necessary so they was playing it safe right now by keeping the twins in the hospital and getting better as well which was not going to be easy at all it was going to be a hard road for them until they were well enough to come home

"I am going to be really sore for a while hopefully the kids take it easy on me for a while i heal and get better as well which is not going to be easy" Logan says as he was being taken out of the hospital to go home cause he was discharged enough to go home and he was happy to be going home but said to be leaving the twins behind already cause they were still brand new to the world and they were going to need their mommy or papa in this case to make it all better for them

"Don't worry I gave them a heads up already and they are going to be helping out with the chores while you rest and get better Logie" Kendall says as he was going to open the door for Logan so they could go home and get him settled back in with a little bit of a routine that he had before he went to the hospital

Logan smiles at him

new chapter next week
