Logan get settled

Kendall came in and he saw Logan hooked up to the monitors right now

"Are you having contractions?" Kendall asks him

"Here and there they are plenty far apart just the baby is not good," Logan says as he was watching the heartrate

The doctor came in and told Kendall and Logan that Logan will need to be on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy cause there was another baby attached to the first baby and that baby was not doing too good right now, so Logan needed to go on bed rest to help the other baby get stronger, or Logan will have to deliver both babies in time

"Well both babies are going to be different" Kendall says as he was touching Logan's bump right now

"I hope we find out the genders and I know I have to have a c section," Logan says as he was sitting back listening to both heartbeats right now

"Me too Logie I will be right here with you," Kendall says as they share a kiss

Logan was able to get some sleep as they were going to wait to go down to ultrasound to check on the babies to see if they could tell the genders of the babies

"I hope it's two girls," Logan says to Kendall

"Me too these two are angels right now," Kendall says as he was going to talk to the babies

Logan kept getting woke up cause of the babies the heartbeats were scaring him a little bit


Kendall and Logan were over the moon they were having two adorable girls, and Logan was going to be going back to his home hospital by squad cause it was safer for the girls

"I will see you at home," Kendall says as he kisses Logan cause the trip was cut short cause of the pregnancy

"Yeah, for sure," Logan says as he was going to chill before he goes to the other hospital

Kendall was going to take the others home and meet Logan at the hospital later

"Okay Barb daddy going to carry you onto the bus," Kendall says cause the others were getting on as Barb was loading everything under the RV as Kendall was helping the others on, and getting the younger ones in their seats so they could get going

Kendall got Barb on, and he came back out for her chair cause she was going to be riding in front with daddy cause papa was at the hospital waiting to go to the other hospital to be monitored

"Can we go by the hospital to see papa?" she asks him

"Sure, we can," Kendall says as he was going to head there first cause he wanted to see when Logan was going to be leaving or if he had left


Logan was still waiting to go, so Kendall was going to take the others and go on ahead to get him registered and everything, and get the others resettled

"I hope the squad comes soon I want to get out of here," Logan says as he was still waiting for the squad to come to take him to the hospital and he was going to go on bed rest there until he gave birth to the girls and that was not going to be for a long while

"Me too do you want me and the kids to go on ahead and get everything set up for you when you come?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah, cause I'm annoyed as it is waiting to go back to the home base hospital and then probably get moved to a different hospital that handles these sorts of pregnancies and they can deliver the girls safely as well cause I just want to get out of here and go back home is all I want right now," Logan says as he was waiting on the hospital bed right now

"I hope they come soon as well I know you hate waiting right now," Kendall says to him as he leaves cause he had all of the kids in the RV right now cause he had to get them home right now

Logan kept waiting and waiting until he got tired and was going to go his own way to the home hospital where he was going to be on bed rest for the rest of his pregnancy right now

"When is the blasted squad going to be here?" He asks as he was trying to remain calm right now the best that he could

"The squad is on the way right now to take you to the hospital," the nurse says as she pokes her head into Logan's room right

"It's about bloody time," he says as he was going to text Kendall and tell him what was going on right now

Soon the squad comes to take Logan to the hospital where he was going to be for the rest of his pregnancy and until he gives birth

"Finally, I have been waiting for close to four hours for you guys to come," Logan says as the paramedics were going to get him loaded

"We thought with the patient being considerable risk you guys would have come sooner," the nurse says to the paramedics

The paramedics got ticked off and left and Logan was stuck again with waiting and this time better paramedics showed up and they treated Logan better than the other paramedics have been there

"We will take really safe care of you," the one paramedic says as he gets the one monitor on Logan to monitor the babies

Logan settled in and was going to let the EMT's do their jobs right now so he could get back to the main hospital where he was going to be until he gives birth of course 


Logan was loaded and he could not wait to get home and get settled cause he was going to be riding this out alone and the kids could not see him the only way they could see him if Kendall took them by his window so he could see all of the kids and Ava and Britton were missing him a lot right now and it was breaking his heart to see them like that and he was going to try to sneak out to see the kids cause they were going to miss him like crazy until this was over, and he was going to video chat them as well when he had the time as well and that was going to be everyday as well cause of the visitor restriction that they had and the hospital was going to see if the kids could come in one at a time to see him cause he was a special case 

"I miss my kid's" he says as he was looking at the pictures that he had right now, and the kids were on their way home in the RV driving Kendall probably loco about now and Kendall knew he had to get used to it as well cause that was going to be the new normal for all of them until the babies come   
