Ava is born

Logan thought that Ava was going to be born on Christmas eve, but she wasn't it was indigestion with a touch of Braxton hick contraction that was causing his discomfort, so he was sent home to wait for his little girl to be born

"Erin I'm sorry i mad you guys go through all that trouble again" he says after they came home from the hospital after Logan experience braxton hicks contractions again

"That's normal Logan at least everyone has the hospital drill down to a science, and they timed how long it will take them to get to the hospital from where they are" she says as she comes in with Cindy who was fast asleep cause he started having pains in the early morning

"I hope Ava comes soon cause i am sick and tired of being pregnant" he says as he goes to the couch to lay down cause his back was killing him, and his feet were hurt as well

"She will come when she good and ready to come" Erin says as she goes over to Logan with Cindy

Erin put Cindy next to Logan cause the both of them looked really cute when they were fast asleep, and she couldn't wait to see what Ava looks like when she is fast asleep on her mommy, and next to her baby sister when they nap together. Erin decided to put Logan's hospital bag back by the door just in case Logan has another alarm, and they have to go to the hospital that day or that night

(New Year's eve)

"Erin" he says when he felt a strong cramp rip through his stomach

"What is it Logan?" she asks as she runs downstairs in her robe cause she was getting ready for their big night out that night

"I think Ava wants to be born tonight" he says as he goes and get his bag for the hospital

"Are you sure?" Erin asks him

"I'm sure I'm going to have this baby tonight" he says as he prepares himself for another contraction to rip through his stomach at any moment now

Erin starts calling everyone, and tells them to meet her and Logan at the hospital cause this was the big moment and was not a drill it was the real mccoy

"I hope everyone can come" he says as he sits down and concentrate on his breathing cause that was helping with the pain of the contractions that he was experiencing at the moment

After Erin comes down in a t-shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms they grab Cindy and head to the hospital to welcome Ava into the world

"Here buddy i got you a wheelchair" James says as he helps Logan out of the car while Carlos grabs Cindy and Logan's hospital bag fromt he backseat of where she was at the moment

"Thanks James is everyone here?" Logan asks him as they head into the hospital to get registered

"Yes everyone is in the waiting room waitin on you, and Kendall is even here" James says as they got to the window, so Logan could get registered

"Wait why is Kendall here?" Logan asks as he breathes through the pain that he was experiencing at the moment

"He just showed up apparently he got the message from someone in the phone tree" James says as Logan gets himself registered, so he could go upstairs and welcome Ava into the world

"He might as well stay cause I want to yell at him cause Ava is in daughter, and it is his fault that I am here in the first place" Logan says as he get his hospital bracelet on his wrist as well as all the information that he needed when they go up to labor and delivery once again

"That's what we told him" Carlos says as they head for the elevator to go up to labor and delivery

James pushes Logan to his room where he got into his hospital gown, and got hooked up to the monitors to check to see how Ava was doing, and to see how far along he was in his labor process

"Right now you are at five centimeters, so this little one is coming into the world before midnight" the doctor says after he checked Logan's progress

"How long have you been in labor Logan?" James asks his friend

"Most of the day, and i didn't know cause the pain was far enough apart I didn't need to go to the hospital" Logan says as he breathes between the pain of the contractions that were going through him at the moment

"Makes sense what do you want to do now/" Logan's sisters asks him

"Can i do a video for Ava, so i can document the day that she was born?" he asks his sister

"Of course ready whenever you are" his sister says as she gets behind the camera to direct the video that her brother was going to do for Ava

Logan does the video without screaming at the pain of the contractions that were going through him, and after the video was over he screamed at Kendall so much that Kendall vowed to never have sex again

"Would you like some pain medicine Logan?" Erin asks him

"Yes please these are hurting too much for me to take" he tells her as everyone went out to celebrate a little bit since he was getting close to delivering

"I'll get you something to take the edge off" she says as she goes and gets Logan some pain medicine to help with the contractions

Logan was glad that he was getting some medicine, so he could get a bit of sleep cause he knew he would need it for the birth


"Okay Logan you are fully dilated, and the baby is starting to crown, so when i count to three i want you to push as hard as you can" the doctor says as he takes his place between Logan's legs

Everyone was excited cause Ava was coming soon, and couldn't wait to see what she looks like

"Come on Logan you can do it" James says as he coaches his best friend as he pushes

"You got this buddy" Carlos says as he sees Ava start to be born

"She's coming big brother keep going" Logan's sister says when she sees Ava's head start to come out

With all the encouragement that Logan had he had the strength to keep going, and keep pushing with all of his might

"It hurts" he says as he continues to push Ava into the world

"Rest a bit Logan i need to clean out her mouth and nose" the doctor tells him

Logan pants through the pain that he was experiencing before he went back to pushing Ava out

"It burns" Logan says when he feels her shoulders start to come out

"You are almost there buddy" James tells him 

Erin and Kendall were having their hand squeezed with every push that Logan did. Before they knew it they heard that cry

'Congrats it's a girl" the doctor says as he places Ava on Logan

"Hi Ava darling" Logan says when he sees his little girl after she was born

Logan sees that Ava had his hair, eyes, and his dimples

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