Coffee time with Kendall and the kids

Kendall was making his morning coffee while Logan was still sleeping as well as the babies so Kendall was going to be taking care of the little kids and when the babies wake up too cause he was going to leave Logan rest up while he has the babies and the kids

"Hey kids" Kendall says when they came down for breakfast that morning

All the kids said morning to daddy as they got their breakfast and some needed Kendall to get their breakfast for them and he was okay with that cause they were little and still needed help from daddy and or papa 

"Kids I am going to do a live chat in a little bit and would you guys like to be apart of it?" he asks them as they were eating breakfast 

Some were okay with it and others wanted to play with their toys 

"Okay if you kids want to get involved with it at anytime I am okay with that and it sounds like the babies are awake too" Kendall says when the monitors went red and he could hear crying or babbling from the babies as well so he was going to get them from their nursery 

Kendall heads upstairs to get the babies and take care of them as well since they needed attention too 

"Logie i was going to get the babies" Kendall says as he comes in and he sees Logan with the babies 

"I heard them so i got up" Logan says as he was getting the babies ready 

"Logie go back to bed today i got the kids" Kendall says to him 

"Nah it's no use" Logan says as he heads to the restroom cause he needed to go really bad 

Kendall finishes getting the babies ready and he takes them down to the kitchen where the kids were finishing up breakfast or doing their chores like washing the dishes and cleaning up as well 

"I think that gives me more time to spend with the viewers so once i get it all set up we can get started" Kendall says to the kids as he got the bottles for the babies so they could have their breakfast as well that morning before they get cranky 

The bottles were warm and the big kids helped with the babies while daddy was setting up the camera for coffee time with Kendall and the kids 

"Thanks kids" Kendall says as he looks at them as he was getting everything ready and he was going to send out a tweet letting the fans know that he was going to be going live soon and he was going to be having some special guests joining him during coffee time that morning 

Kendall got all of the chairs set up so the kids could see the camera and if any of the viewers wanted to ask who was who Kendall was going to be naming the kids off

"Ava, Britton you want to be with daddy this morning?" Kendall asks as he looks at them as they were having their puffs that morning 

The twins were happy with daddy that morning 

"I say that is a yes and daddy can hold you" he says as he was going to hold the twins as he was going to have his coffee and the kids were going to have their juice

Kendall was getting ready to go live with the kids in their jammies as they were going to have a baby or if they were going to be playing with their toys if they didn't want to be in the picture 

"Okay girls we are going live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Kendall says as he was going to start the live feed with coffee time with Kendall 

Kendall made sure it was going before he talked or one of the girls made some toys in the background with their toys 

"Hey guys i thought i would do something different and have the kids be apart of this coffee time, and the one's who can read can read the names" Kendall says as he was getting his coffee and getting more juice for the kids so they felt included and even the one's that were going to play decided they were going to join in on the video that morning and see what daddy does on some days once they were off to school or if they were playing with their toys 

Kendall was shocked when he saw the views going up cause a lot of them loved the kids and they were commenting that they were really cute 

"These two cuties right here are biologically mine and Logan's they are twins and their names are Ava and Britton" Kendall says as he talks about the babies that he had in his arms 

The viewers loved how cute the twins were and how alike they were as well  

"Then Cindy-Lou here is our other daughter she was abandoned and the adoption was just finalized for her and she is ours" Kendall says as he was talking about Cindy as she was having her juice since she loves her juice 

"Hi" Cindy says as she waves to the camera as she had her juice 

"Then the others we have here were orphans that were dumped at the community center and we have been caring for them ever since and this is going to take a while since they have a lot of names" Kendall says as he was getting ready to introduce the others tot he viewers as well

(Much later)

"I am hoping to have more kids, and for right now I love the kids that we have cause they are special in their own special way the same goes for the babies cause they are so perfect" Kendall says since some of the kids went to play with their toys cause they found it to be boring and not interesting anymore 

Logan came down a few minutes later since he indeed went back to bed for a little bit

V & C
