Part 2

Logan was able to go home while the twins had to stay to stay in the hospital cause the one twin was not doing too good so Kendall and Logan were going to separate them as soon as they could in case that one twin did not make it, and Logan was praying that the sick twin will get better and the separation will still go through without any problems at all and the babies will come back home the doctors did not want to separate the twins unless it was going to be necessary so they was playing it safe right now by keeping the twins in the hospital and getting better as well which was not going to be easy at all it was going to be a hard road for them until they were well enough to come home

"I am going to be really sore for a while hopefully the kids take it easy on me for a while i heal and get better as well which is not going to be easy" Logan says as he was being taken out of the hospital to go home cause he was discharged enough to go home and he was happy to be going home but said to be leaving the twins behind already cause they were still brand new to the world and they were going to need their mommy or papa in this case to make it all better for them

"Don't worry I gave them a heads up already and they are going to be helping out with the chores while you rest and get better Logie" Kendall says as he was going to open the door for Logan so they could go home and get him settled back in with a little bit of a routine that he had before he went to the hospital

Logan smiles at him cause he was glad that Kendall was going to be looking out for him in his time of need as well and help him feel better as well as he was recovering from his operation that he had only two days ago cause they wanted to watch him for infection and if he had any after effects of the medicine as well from the operation too

"Easy Logie" Kendall says as Logan got out of the wheelchair to get into the car to go home cause he was ready to go home at this point in the game and he was ready to see the kids again before coming back to the hospital the day after to see the twins once again he figured they will be okay without him for a day and he had to spend some time with the others as well too cause he was going to have a hard time dividing his time between the house and the hospital as well which was not going to be easy on him cause he had to be in two places at once at home and hospital as well and that was not going to be fun at all for him cause Logan was going to need him cause he was recovering from having surgery and he had to be at the hospital to be with the babies which needed a lot of care right now cause they were not doing the best right now and it was going to be a week to week thing with them until they got better and they came home but they knew there was a chance that the one twin was not going to make it and they will have to separate the babies so the surviving twin can live and the other baby can just go in peace right now and they can give up and they will see that baby in heaven in time and they knew that baby was really sick and may not make it they will be surprised if that bs g makes it and they can bring that baby home from the hospital but if the hospital gives that baby a current number of hours to live Logan will want to be there with the baby during the last hours on earth then he will go into depression as well cause one of the twins died and they weren't going to be coming back at all and that was going to kill him on the inside as well and he knew he was going to want another baby as soon possible too to fill the void and he knew adoption was going to be the way to go and he was going to talk to Kendall about it then he was going to go from there as always with the kids that come into the picture and the babies that he wants to carry as well

Logan was glad when the hard part was over and he was able to sit in the car and he was able to recline and just relax for the time being as well cause his incision was starting to bug him a little bit and his stomach was hurting cause everything was going back into place from having the babies and that was going to take a process for him to heal from and that wasn't going to be easy at all either for him so he was going to take baby steps slowly until he was fully healed cause when he got home he was going to lay down downstairs cause it was going to hurt him making that track upstairs to the master bedroom to lay down and it will make sense right now cause he will be close for the kids when they need him cause they are going to need him for a while and when they need him he will take it really slow cause of his surgery he just had and of course he will be still doing the housework around the house here and there but not too much too fast right now which was fine with him for now cause this recovery was not going to be an easy recovery at all either

"Don't buckle up Logie just sit back and relax the entire way home" Kendall says as he was going to be driving home that day

Logan was going to close his eyes and enjoy the ride right now cause the pain medicine was kicking in a little bit then he was going to lay down on the couch at home and relax that way for the rest of the day and night too hopefully without any noise but with the kids around that was not going to be happening at all either so he was going to go to his quiet place which was in the backyard that Kendall built for him cause they knew if papa was there he wasn't to be disturbed at all for anything at all and he was going to nap in there as well cause he just needed to rest after having the babies and going back to normal activity was going to be interesting as well cause he just had some major surgery on his stomach

Next chapter is coming on another Wednesday I have off and I am not exhausted from the holiday either
