All of the kids in the bed

"She does it's going to be a long night with her" Kendall says as he looks at Olivia who was with Logan

"Come on Olivia it's bedtime baby doll, and tonight you get to sleep with daddy and papa in their big bed until you get adjusted your crib and sleeping alone which will be a process which is okay baby girl cause we want to help you with this and getting used to sleepin in a new place" Logan says to her as they go off to bed that night

Logan put her in a cute top and tucked her in for the night in the crib that was in the room just in case one of the little ones were sick and Logan and Kendall wanted them to sleep with them until they were all better, and went back to their rooms once more

"Papa will be right back sweetie he promises" he says as he tucked her in the bed that night, so he could get ready for bed that night and got to bed with Kendall and little Olivia

Olivia wanted papa there with her she hated being alone in the big room in her crib

"Oh Olivia it's okay baby" Logan says when he heard her cry for him when he was in the bathroom getting ready for bed that night

Kendall was there in a heartbeat as well for that little girl cause he hated to hear her cry her first night in her new home

"Would you like daddy to stay with you while papa gets ready for bed love cause I can if you want me too?" Kendall asks her as he was looking at her as Logan held her close to him

She nods as she looks at daddy as papa went to get ready for bed cause it was going to be a long night with her

"Okay I'll stay with you sugar bear cause i love you with all my heart, and that will never ever change" Kendall says as the other one's came into the room too that night cause some of them had their big kid beds and some were still in their cribs that night, so Kendall and Logan had to go and get them from their bedroom that night

"Something scare  the girls?" Logan asks Kendall when all of the kids started to climb into the bed that night with daddy and papa that night which was okay with Logan and Kendall cause the kids would sleep in the bed all together when they were really scared and they wanted their parents there with them for comfort

"Yeah I'm going to see what could be causing this, and then we will go from there i guess" Kendall says as he got out of bed and grabbed a bat just in case someone one was going to break in and steal something valuable

Kendall found that the house was being broken into, and the burglars were going to take the kids too, so Kendall called the cops to have the burglars removed from the house and put behind bars, and he saw that there was a storm coming and the girls heard the thunder as well

' I guess all of the kids are sleeping with us tonight Logie" Kendall says as he came in with the ones that were in the cribs crying out for daddy or mommy to come and get them so they could sleep with mommy and daddy that night

"I guess so and that is fine with me" Logan says as he looked at the kids that were huddled all together in the bed

Kendall got a fire going in the fireplace that night while Logan got ready for bed cause they were going to have a camp out that night in daddy's and papa's room. Once the fire was going Kendall got the tent so the older ones were separated from daddy and papa that night and the little ones could sleep in the bed with daddy and mommy or they could sleep in the tent with the older girls, and many of the little kids went for the big bed option that night cause they loved their papa and their daddy with all their heart

"Well we might as well have a camp out with all of the little kids" Logan says as he came in with marshmallows and everything to make s'mores that night since they had the fire going in the fireplace to get the room warm for the kids

"We might as well and we can all sorts of fun stuff until they all fall asleep which won't be until the storm passes and that won't be for a while" Kendall says as he got his guitar out so he could play some tunes while the girls had their s'mores or their marshmallows that night that papa was going to help the little ones with since they could not be around the fire at all

"Yeah and we can all sleep in tomorrow like we have anything going on tomorrow anyways" Logan says as he started the marshmallows while the older ones were breaking the graham crackers in two for s'mores that night

"We might have to get one of the other little ones and bring them home cause they can come home" Kendall says as he was playing the music softly so if the little ones start to fall asleep they do and Logan can put them to bed that night while the others were staying with daddy and papa still

The kids loved their s'mores and they washed their hands in the bathroom and got into bed as they were still listening to daddy's music that night as he was playing softly like it was soothing enough for them to go to sleep almost right away as he was playing and the older ones went into the tent in their sleeping bags as daddy was playing his guitar

"Well I guess tomorrow we are going to get an alarm system and a guard dog, so this does not happen again" Logan says as he was holding little Olivia in his arms as she was fighting sleep that night for her parents

"Yeah that will work much better if anyone breaks in we and the kids are protected, and we can have the cops come and take care of whoever is breaking into the house" Kendall says as he put his guitar away and put on the lullaby CD t hat they had for the little ones so they could still sleep like little angels that night as their parents slept with him

"For sure" Logan tells him as he got into bed with Olivia that night so she could sleep with papa that night, and with all of her siblings that love her 

"Logie do you think Olivia has special needs?" Kendall asks him 

"I don't know we could see if she does have special needs" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall and little Olivia who was in a middle of a spell right now 

"we could" Kendall says as he looks at Logan   

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