Eye doctor's 4 CIndy

Cindy and the babies were down for their naps at the moment, so Logan and Erin got to have some alone time in the kitchen

"I can't believe the girls are almost two weeks old" Logan says as he drinks his tea that afternoon when the girls were asleep

"I can't believe it either it felt like yesterday they were born" Erin says to him

"I know Ava and little Britton are two totally different girls" he says with a chuckle as he thinks back to when they were born

"Yeah they are" Erin says when one of the girls let out a cry on the baby monitor at the moment

"That must be Britton" he says as he gets up to check to see who was crying at the moment and they needed mommy to make it all better for them

Logan heads to one of the nurseries to get the one that was crying

"Britton it's okay mommy is right here" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms to comfort her

He takes her out of the room rocking her the entire time

"No more tears now okay Britton" he says as he dries her pretty eyes cause she was not a happy camper at the moment

"Logan should you be leaving here with CIndy soon for her eye doctor appointment" Erin says to him

"Yeah I should when she wakes up from her slumber I am going to leave the eye doctor know she is going to be a little bit late coming to her appointment" he says as he calls the eye doctor to leave him know that Cindy is going to be late coming to her appointment later that afternoon

"How did she do at her dentist appointment?" Erin asks Logan

"She did pretty good being her first time no cavities no nothing" he says as he continues to rock Britton in his arms to calm her down after a while

"That's good hopefully it goes smooth from here on out with her" Erin says as Cindy comes into the kitchen from her room

"Hey princess did you have a good sleep after lunch?" he asks her as he continues to rock Britton in his arms

Cindy nods sleepily

"Come on we are going to be late for your eye doctor appointment" he says as he hands Britton over to Erin, so he could leave with Cindy to her eye doctor appointment that she had

When Britton was handed over she cried bloddy murder

"Take her Logan I will be fine with Ava" Erin says to him as she helps Cindy with her shoes

"Okay come here baby girl mommy is going to change you really quick and get you ready to go with sissy to her eye doctor appointment that she has" he says as he leaves with Britton who stopped crying at this point

Logan changed Britton, so he could take the girls to the eye doctor

"Are you ready to go Cindy?" he asks as he comes out with Britton who was fast asleep in his arms

Cindy nods

"Come on then" he says as he takes both girls out to his car, so he could head to the eye doctor

Logan buckles both girls in their car seat, so they could get going that afternoon to the eye doctor

(Eye doctor)

"Okay Cindy stay close to me" he says as he gets Britton out of her car seat carrier to head in for Cindy's eye doctor appointment

Cindy does what she is told and stays close by daddy as they head in for her appointment

"Cindy has your head been hurting?" he asks as he signs her in for the first time

She nods

"Thank goodness i brought you then, so we can see what is going on with your sight baby girl" he says as they take their seat to wait for the eye doctor

"Cindy Henderson" the eye doctor calls out to the waiting room

"Come on CIndy that's you let's head back to see about those pretty eyes of yours" Logan says as he takes her back to the back room where she was going to have her eyes examined at

Cindy didn't like it, so she ran out of the eye doctor and back to the car

"I guess she is not coming" Logan says to the eye doctor as he heads out to get Cindy and bring her back in, so she can have her eyes looked at 

Logan talked to Cindy and after some bribery Cindy went into the eye doctor without any problem

"Thank you princess" he says to her as she heads back with the eye doctor

Cindy kept looking back to see if daddy was coming with her to where she was going to have her eyes looked at

"I'm right behind princess" Logan says to her

The eye doctor didn't let Logan into the room and that did not sit well with Cindy she wanted daddy, so she ran out of the room to him cause she wanted him in the room with her while she had her eyes looked at

"Cindy it's okay if you don't want to come here we won't okay" Logan says to her as they leave after he pulled her files to head to a different eye doctor

Cindy was okay with that

Logan decided to head to the mini mall cause he knew there was one there that he could go to for Cindy and she will not have a tantrum


"Daddy do you wear glasses?" she asks him

"Yes sweetie sometimes i do and it is not a big deal I'll help you get adjusted to them" he says as he helps her pick out a pair that she like to wear

Cindy went with Disney princess glasses for her first pair of glasses and Sofia the first as her second pair of glasses

"Princess you look beautiful" he says when he sees them on her

"Thank you daddy" she says with a smile

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