Finding out the gender

Logan was three months pregnant now and it looks like he didn't gain that much weight around his middle where the baby was cause he was eating a balanced diet everyday for the baby, so it can grow big and strong. He avoided anything that was fatty and was high in sugar

"Hey Logan" Erin says when she sees him in set one day

"Hey Erin" he says with his feet propped up having a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch that day

"How far along are you?" She asks him

"I'm twelve weeks as of yesterday" he says as he continues to eat his grilled cheese

"Shouldn't you be a bit bigger then what you are?" She asks him

"Yeah but I don't want to gain too much weight right now cause we are still shooting, so I want to take it easy and snack a little bit here and there" he says between bites

"When do find out the gender?" She asks him

"Later on today" he says as he gets up cause he had to go back to work

"Do you mind if I come as well?" She asks him

"No not at all I would like some company since Kendall is out of the picture once and for all" he says to her

Erin was excited to see what Logan was going to have

"What are you hoping for?" She asks

"A girl so I can play tea party with, dress her up in cute clothes" he says as he pictures his little girl with dark brown hair and chocolate eys just like he has

"I hope you get your wish Logan" she tells him

"I hope so too" she tells him

During shooting Logan would rub little tiny bump to tell his little one that he loves it no matter what, and he was glad when shooting was over cause that meant he could go see what his little one looks like today, and hopefully he could see what he was having, so he could get more of the nursery together, and he could start shopping for baby clothes for his little one


Logan had to have his ultrasound done in the evening, so no one knew that he was a male and his was pregnant he was grateful that Erin decided to come along with him it helped to relieve some of the tension that he was experiecing at the moment

"Hey after this do you want to go for a bite to eat just the two of us?" he asks her after he reads a maternity magazine

"Sure that will be great and maybe we can go shopping for the baby" Erin suggest to him

"Sounds like a perfect night to me" he says as he looks into her eyes

"Logan you can come on back we are ready for you" the nurse tells him

Logan gets up and follows the nurse to the scales, so he could be weighed to see how much he gained so far in this pregnancy

"Right in here Mr. henderson and the doctor will be with you soon" the nurse tells him

Logan goes and sits on the table to wait for the doctor cause he was nervous to find out what his little one was going to be

"Have you thought about names yet?" Erin asks him

"Not yet but hopefully once i see what I'm having that will make the process a little easier when it comes to the name right now i'm calling the baby Henderson is all" he says when the doctor comes into the room to get the appointment started

"Hey Logan how are you feeling?" the doctor asks him

"Fine the baby is as well" he says as he lays back, so the doctor could start to exam him

"Logan I'm a little concern that you aren't eating enough for the baby, so it can grow and develop properly" the doctor says when he hears the baby heartbeat

"I don't want to put a lot of weight on i want all the weight to be just baby" Logan says to the doctor

"I want you to eat every two hours so the baby gets vitamins into it's system" the doctor tells him

"That i can do" Logan says as he thinks of a way how he is going to eat on set when they are shooting

"Let's take a look at that little one shall we?" the doctor asks him as he puts gel on Logan's stomach

Logan was in aww when he saw his little one head come on the screen

"That's your baby Logan" the doctor tells him

The doctor shows Logan the baby's arms

"Logan the baby is waving to us" Erin says when she saw the little baby waving on the screen

"Hi baby" Logan tells his little one

"Now the moment of truth now to see if the baby going to cooperate with us, so we can see what you are having" the doctor says as he goes down to where the legs were

"It looks like the baby isn't going to let us see right now, but I'm going to come back after we look at it in 3-D" the doctor tells him as he switches from the 2-D image to the 3-D image

"Look at those little cheeks" erin says when she sees the baby face up close

"At least the baby is going to have my dimples" Logan says as they admire the baby 

During the 3-D part the baby smiled for mommy

"Hi little one" he tells the baby that was smiling at him

"This baby is going to be so adorable when it is born" Erin says to him

"That it will" Logan says as he puts his hand up to the screen so he could line his hand up with his little hand that was up by the screen

"Now to go back to see what the baby is" the doctor says as he goes back to the 2-D image

The baby was being very active on the screen at the moment that the doctor was able to get a quick view of what the baby is

"It looks like the baby is a girl" the doctor tells Logan

Logan was very happy that he was going to have a daughter all his own to love

"I'll see you back here in two months for another check-up" the doctor tells Logan

"Yup" Logan tells him as Logan gets off the table after he cleans off his stomach

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