Chapter VI

It had been a few months since Inko's passing, Izuku and Keigo both were silent neither hardly speaking, though the minute Keigo would come home he would scoop Izuku up and just hold him, his fear that he would lose his son as well overweighing his common sense to make sure that they both are taken care of physically and mentally.

Though Izuku didn't mind, he would wake up every morning to a silent house, there would be prepared food on the counter for him made by his father, though Izuku never actually ate it. He would only put it in the containers they had and then put it in the fridge, though he would then take out the old containers and throw out the old food that neither of them had eaten.

He would merely look at the meal, shed a few tears at the memories that he would flash in his mind whenever he entered the kitchen and then he would go back to his room and do every last bit of schoolwork he could until the late hours of the night.

When his father would come home and Keigo would take the boy into his arms as he would place the food that he brought for the two of the on the table and they would eat in silence before they both would get ready for bed, Keigo would tuck Izuku in and cuddle him until the boy was fast asleep.

Though the Hero would watch his sons chest rise and fall diligently making sure nothing would go wrong, making sure he wouldn't lose him as well. Though the Hero would eventually either go back to his own bed or stay in his sons room and wake up before the dawn and make breakfast and lunch for Izuku, and then go to work and start the process all over again.

The cycle continued for months, both following it like robots followed a program.

Though after a few months of not seeing Izuku, Tenya voiced his concern to his parents and brother who decided they needed to reach out to the family and make sure that everything was alright.

Though they weren't the only ones who were concerned. Blue Jay or Retai Satari, had finally had enough of her bosses mood, she had not once heard a single Izuku story, nor had she seen the signature smile of the Pro and she finally couldn't stand it any longer.

She and her wife were one of the few who actually knew the truth about what had happened that day, she was one of the only ones who knew why the Pro had reacted in such a way to Inko's death, she was one of the only ones who knew about Izuku's existence.

And she could no longer stand to watch her boss, her friend torture himself and his son in such a way.

So, one day she decided to have an intervention, though she was not the only one.

She decided to go to the Takami household on one of the days she was off, though knowing that Keigo was still working, seeing as the man hadn't taken a single day off since Inko's funeral.

Satari knocked on the door gently hoping Izuku would hear it, she didn't want to startle the poor boy, nor did she want to set of any alarms that Keigo surely had set up.

Though when the door opened just the tiniest sliver, she crouched down to what she estimated was Izuku's height as she tried to find even a glance of Izuku.

"Izuku, buddy? Its me, its aunt Retai, can I come in? I just want to check on you alright?" The woman said gently as she gingerly pushed on the barely open door. Though she sighed in relief when the door opened fully only to reveal a tired, sad, and pale Izuku.

Immediately Satari's instincts kicked in as she picked up the small boy and closed the door. She then walked further into the penthouse, though sighing sadly at seeing the plates of uneaten food, knowing that it was most likely meant to be Izuku's breakfast and lunch.

The woman merely ignored it for the time being as she then walked into the Izuku's room only to see a slue of papers and books thrown around messily, though not a single sheet of paper nor a single book seemed to be something appropriate for a 7-year-old, all of the books and paper were covered in schoolwork, though much of it seemed far too advanced for a 7-year-old.

"Izuku buddy, have you been playing at all? Have you gone and seen your little friend? Have you gone outside?" Satari asked while Izuku only shook his head, though Satari knew that it meant no to all of the questions.

The woman merely grinded her teeth though saying nothing has her wings twitched in frustration, she had hoped that at least Keigo wasn't acting weirdly around Izuku, though clearly that wasn't the case.

"Okay buddy lets get you cleaned up." Satari said as she took Izuku to the bathroom and prepared a warm bath for Izuku, she then found a few bath bombs and bath salt in the cabinet. After placing the bath salts into the bath and putting the bath bomb on a small holder next the bathtub she turned to Izuku.

"Okay buddy do you want me to stay in here with you? If not, I can wait outside, okay?" Satari asked while Izuku only hugged her arm, a silent request for her to stay.

After Izuku had gotten cleaned up Satari wrapped Izuku up in a towel and went back to his room to help him get dressed. Though once Izuku was dressed he merely sat on his bed with his head down and his hands in his lap.

Satari, hating to see the boy like this merely started organizing the child's room along with opening up the curtains in the boys room.

Satari then once again grabbed Izuku and placed him in the living room as she went into the kitchen and saw the plates of uneaten food. While normally she could see Izuku chowing down on the food in front of her, right now she knew that the kid needed something light and easy.

So, she tossed the food and went to the fridge only to see the same thing in containers, and of course she did the same and threw out the food, while getting the ingredients to make chicken dumpling soup.

Once she had the soup made, she got a bowl for herself and Izuku, though when she sat next to Izuku on the couch she noticed that he hadn't once moved, and he looked as though he was in another world, staring off and not even acknowledging her presence.

"Hey Izuku buddy I made some soup, okay? I know you may not feel hungry right now, but you really need to eat bud, If you can at least eat half of the bowl that'll be okay." Satari said gently as she coaxed Izuku's head up and to turn to her.

Izuku didn't say anything, he merely nodded and grabbed his bowl and spoon as he took small bites of the meal. While Satari watched him carefully, she too ate her meal as to not single out Izuku, knowing he would feel uncomfortable being the only one eating while being watched.

After a few minutes Izuku had finished his entire bowl, thankfully his body making him realize how hungry he actually was. "Hey bud that was amazing! I'm so proud, would you like some more?" Satari questioned as Izuku looked up at her, and she immediately noticed he was already starting to look a bit better.

"Y-Yes p-please" Izuku said timidly, his voice breaking due to the lack of use. Satari immediately grabbed Izuku's bowl and practically soared to the kitchen. Not wanting the child to see her tears from the very sound of his broken voice.

Though within seconds wiping her tears and getting Izuku another helping she gave the bowl to Izuku who happily ate, while she turned on the TV hoping it would help ease the rest of the child's anxiety.

Though when the two heard a knock at the door Izuku and Satari only briefly looked at each other while Satari merely motioned for Izuku to stay put where he was, while she went to the door.

"Hello, can I help-." Satari began though immediately cutting herself off at the sight of Ingenium and Tenya.

"Who are you? Where is Hawks?" Tensei asked as he narrowed his eyes at the woman, though Satari's eyes merely widened as she stepped into the hallway of sorts and pulled the door slightly closed behind her, though not all the way due to the automatic locks in place.

"He is currently out right now. Can I take a message." Satari asked as she tried to think of ways someone found out where the secretive number 3 Pro Hero lived.

"No, I don't think you can. Can we come inside I would like to check something." Tensei asked as he tried not to let Izuku's or Keigo's name slip.

"No. You can't. If you will not leave a message, then please leave." Satari stated challengingly, though Tensei immediately sensing the challenge merely glared at her slightly, while Satari glared back.

Though Tenya noticing the challenge didn't care enough to pay attention. All he noticed was that the door was still opened just a tad. And he used this to his advantage.

Tenya easily slipped past both his brother and the other Alpha and into the house. He then started walking to the sound of the TV that was still playing, only to see Izuku holding the now empty bowl.

Tenya then immediately ran to his friend, though catching Izuku off guard as he dropped the bowl causing it to shatter, startling both boys as Tenya then jumped to pull Izuku away from the shards of glass.

Though when Izuku realized who it was that was grabbing him, he merely latched onto his friend and began to cry quietly while Tenya merely held onto him tightly as he pulled his friend onto one of the other sofas, the two boys saying nothing to each other though still holding onto each other tightly, neither planning on letting go.

Though outside Satari and Tensei heard the loud crash from inside, and both ignoring their previous challenge to each other, they both sprinted into the house only for them to find the two boys cuddling on the sofa while the broken bowl still laid untouched.

"Tenya, Izuku! Are you both okay? Did any of the glass hurt either of you?" Tensei asked as he ran to his brother and Izuku, though Satari's eyes merely widened at the fact that Tensei knew who Izuku was and clearly Izuku was friends with Tenya.

"I see you know who Izuku is?" Satari questioned as Tensei merely paled and turned around quickly though immediately shielding both of the children.

"Hey now calm down, I work for Keigo, and I know about Izuku and Inko. You could say I'm pretty much Izuku's aunt." Satari stated with her hands raised, though Tensei immediately turned to look at Izuku who merely nodded his head.

"Okay, well sorry for sounding rude earlier, I was concerned for Izuku and Keigo. We haven't heard or seen them in a couple of months, and normally Izuku and Tenya have play dates over here or at my parent's house at least a few times a week." Tensei explained while Satari merely nodded.

Though before saying anything the woman went and cleaned up the broken glass, before turning to the man who was tending to the children in the living room by covering them with blankets and whispering kindly to them.

"Can I talk to you in the other room?"

"Sure thing" Tensei answered as he followed Satari into the study.

"Look, Keigo hasn't been amazing ever since, Inko. He and Izuku both are in a really bad state of depression right now, Izuku probably has eaten only one meal a day for the past few months and they both are stuck in a really bad loop right now. So, I'm going to need some help getting them out of it." Satari explained while Tensei merely nodded.

After a few hours, far past since the sun had set, Keigo had come home soaring in through the balcony, bearing the same food that he would usually get. Though he was taken by surprise when he didn't see Izuku in his room, and even more surprised when he heard what sounded like voices.

Keigo being a man who was already on the edge, immediately dropped the food as he pulled out one of his feathers as he listened closely to the voices, not immediately recognizing them.

"You need to take Izuku, I'll deal with Keigo." He heard one of the voices whispers, though once again not recognizing the voice, he growled lowly in his throat. If anyone thought that they were going to take his pup, his hatchling from him, then they were going to face a world full of pain.

With out a skip of a beat Keigo soared into the study and tackled the first body he saw, which just so happened to be Tensei's. "Woah! Keigo! Its okay its just us!" Tensei yelled while Keigo then went wide eyed as he looked to the side only to see Satari.

"What are you two doing here. Where is Izuku. Why are you trying to take him?!" Keigo growled as he then got off of Tensei, turning to face Satari. Though if looks could kill Satari and Tensei would both most likely be dead.

"Keigo, look right now you're not in the best mental state. It's not good for Izuku, when I came to check on him today, he looked sick and pale, he most likely hasn't eaten anything but one meal a day for the past few months. It would be safer if he went with Iida. Seeing as his parents can take care of Izuku and he won't be alone, he'll have Tenya." Satari stated though Keigo only went wide eyed at the statement

"W-What? N-No he... He eats breakfast, and lunch. I make it for him. Its always gone by the time I get home." Keigo stated

"Keigo he either puts it in the fridge or he throws it away. Look right now you're in a fragile state. Its not healthy. It would be better if you had some time to yourself, to grieve, to mourn and for him to do the same, but you both can't do it together." Satari stated as Keigo only sat down in one of the chairs in his study as he groaned and held his head in his hands

"I'm not leaving Izuku. He can't..." Keigo argued weakly though trailing off at the end of his own statement.

"Hey Keigo, I promise you're not leaving him, it's just safe for the both of you to be away from each other right now, besides once you both are back in shape then he can come home. Besides I promise he will be safe and happy with Tenya and my parents. They'll take good care of him." Tensei explained as Keigo only looked at him through his hands before finally standing up and walking into the living room, where both boys were still watching the TV cuddled up.

"Hatchling." Keigo stated softly, as Izuku's eyes went wide at the sound of his fathers voice. Though he immediately jumped into the mans arms without hesitation, as Tenya then turned around and saw his brother and the woman walking after Keigo.

"Daddy! Are you okay? Are you happier now?" Izuku asked as his own small tears cascaded down his face. And Keigo had to hold back from falling apart at the very sentence and sight.

Though he merely walked back to Izuku's room as he sat the boy down on the foot of his bed while he kneeled on the floor in front of him. "Izuku, hatchling, I-I....  I'm.... Y-You're going to stay with T-Tenya for a w-while okay?" Keigo said as he tried and failed to keep his voice from breaking.

"L-Like a sleepover? But doesn't Tenya usually sleep over here?" Izuku questioned as Keigo had to take a shaky breath to keep his composure, he didn't want to do this. He didn't want to let Izuku go away from him, away from where he was safe. But he knew it was for the best.

"No, hatchling, it's a long sleepover. You're going to Tenya's house for a while, just until things get a little better, okay?" Keigo explained as his own tears forced their way out of his eyes.

"Better? B-But... D-Daddy I don't wanna leave you!" Izuku cried, and Keigo lost all resolve he had. The man quickly scooped up Izuku and held him tightly as his wings wrapped around the both of them while Izuku cried quietly into Keigo's shoulder, though Keigo tucked his face into Izuku's hair, not wanting the child to see how truly broken he was by this.

"It'll be okay Izuku, I'm going to be here for you no matter what. It'll only be for a little while I promise." Keigo muttered as he rubbed Izuku's back gently.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too Izuku."
