Chapter V

If someone were to say Keigo was not only heartbroken but absolutely rageful, then they would be understating the true fact by a long shot.

Keigo was in absolute anguish.

And he. Was. Seething, with rage. 

The man was called in for back up at the scene at the hospital, he was able to capture every other villain that was left except for a small group and Muscle who seemingly vanished into thin air.

He had found Inko's body.

He soared into the hospital where other doctors were already starting to help the one who were hurt, though Keigo immediately flew into Inko's office as he began wrapping up every wound he saw with exceptional speed.

A few other nurses ran in after him and quickly took over, though Keigo didn't stray far as he watched with bated breath as one of them quickly hooked Inko up to one of the many machines.

Keigo was stuck in a void, a space of pure emptiness and deafening silence, he felt as though he was watching all of this from outside of his body.

Though what finally snapped him back into reality was the long and loud sound of the heart rate monitor signally that Inko, was now dead.

Keigo immediately pushed past both of the nurses as he quickly gripped onto Inko, as if he would fall into a pit if he didn't. He screamed, shouted, cried, and begged for Inko to open her eyes, to say something, to hug him, to breath.

He screamed out apology after apology of his regret that he could not protect her, praying that Inko would hear him and take pity on him, and come back.

Though when he felt the hard grip of Blue Jay, one of his closest and most trusted colleagues and friends, only then did he silence his pleas and cries as he collapsed to the ground and sobbed while the other Pro wrapped her arms around the man and tried her best to console him.

"Sir, it will be okay. I-." Retai Satari/Blue Jay, 29-years-old, Alpha, Occupation: Pro Hero, Mate: Itori Satari. Blue Jay was then cut off by one of the nurses rushing in frantically, though not before gasping and whimpering slightly at the sight of Inko, dead, causing both Pro's to turn to the woman.

"Where is Izuku?! Dr. Takami's child?! He was in here! Who had him last?!" The woman asked frantically as the two other nurses in the room only paled as all three then began debating with each other over the child.

Though Keigo only went wide eyed and pale at the mention of his sons name.

(Izuku!? No. No. No. NO!!)

"HER CHILD WAS HERE?!?" Keigo screamed as the nurses looked to the Pro.

"Yes! She had brought him in today, but when the villains attacked, I saw one of them grab him! But before they could get away, Inko had grabbed him and ran! Was he not there when you found her?!" The other nurse questioned though her tone turning fearful towards the end.

Though within a skip of a heartbeat Keigo was already out of the door and souring out of the hospital and to the spot he found Inko. Though when he didn't find Izuku he only kept searching until finally he was pulled onto a rooftop by Blue Jay.

"Sir!" Blue Jay yelled as she gripped the Hero's shoulders tightly, trying to bring him back to his senses. Only for the two Pro's to hear quiet rustling in the alley way below.

Keigo, a man on a mission immediately soared down to the alley way and grab one of his feathers to use as a sword. "Who's there." Keigo yelled venomously as two small white wings came into view, along with a small head full of green curls.

"I-Izuku?" Keigo stuttered as he sent his sword like feather back to his wings and pushed through the garbage cans that hid the small child.

"D-Daddy?" Izuku questioned fearfully as he slowly turned around and met Keigo's gaze. Though Keigo didn't hesitate from grabbing his son quickly and bringing him into his arms, while Izuku only latched onto the man and sobbed. Keigo didn't hold back from sobbing with him, as he wrapped his wings around the both of them and hid them from anyone who may have been watching. As they both mourned the loss of their wife, and mother.
