Chapter VII

It had been a couple of weeks since Izuku went to stay with the Iida's, and to say the least he has gotten better physically and mentally though he still misses his father terribly. Especially with his birthday approaching quickly. Though Izuku was in no mood to celebrate. Not only because he hadn't seen his father, but also because it would be his first birthday without his mother.

Though the Iida's and Satari had a plan.

"Izuku, I'm back from school. How were your classes" Tenya Iida, 9-year-old, Alpha, Occupation: 3rd year student, Mate: Unknown. Tenya asked as he stepped walked into the guest bedroom which served as Izuku's room.

"It was okay, though really slow" Izuku stated as he walked up to Tenya only for the two to end up outside.

The two just laying on the grass enjoying the cool breeze.

"Are you excited for your birthday this weekend? You still have not requested anything?" Tenya asked, though Izuku merely looked away from his friend not wanting to bring up his birthday.

"Not really, and I don't want anything" Izuku stated, though Tenya merely looked at him questioningly

"Is there a particular reason? Normally people are excited for their birthday's" Tenya stated while Izuku only shrugged slightly.

"I guess I'm just not normal" Izuku stated with a bit of a laugh, though Tenya merely shook his head fondly.

The day of Izuku's birthday there wasn't a huge party, but more so of a get together with all the people who knew Izuku existed.

"Hey bud, how are ya feeling?" Satari asked as she and her wife walked into the Iida household.

"I'm good aunt Retai, hey aunt Itori" Izuku said kindly as he hugged both of his aunts.

"Hey sweetheart! Happy birthday! How I have missed you! Look how big you are! I used to be able to fit you in my pocket!" Itori Satari, 28-years-old, Beta, Occupation: News reporter, Mate: Retai Satari. Itori said playfully as she scooped up Izuku and held him up in the air, which in turn made Izuku laugh and squeal a bit.

Though it was a sound that they had all missed dearly, and it was something they had heard so little of since Izuku first left his father.

"Hey sweetheart lets go find out where the cake is, okay? Your aunt has boring work stuff to do" Itori teased as she stuck her tongue out at her wife, though Satari returned the gesture with her own silly face.

While Izuku laughed at his aunts he immediately began tugging at Itori's shirt collar, trying to get her to begin the search for the promised cake.

"Bye, bye fuddy dud!" Itori called out playfully as she walked further into the house with Izuku still on her hip, while Izuku merely waved a little to his aunt, more so focused on the cake that would hopefully soon be found.

While Satari merely laughed at the two, she immediately pulled out her phone and made the call.

"Damn it Keigo where are you?! For Japan's fastest hero you sure do take your sweet ass time!" Satari berated into the phone while on the other line Keigo pouted slightly

*Fuck you for one Retai, I'm still your boss. Two, I'm trying to find a way to successfully hide a 5-foot-tall wolf plush. And how to carry it to the Iida's house, without it being spotted* Keigo explained while Satari only face palmed

"One, you aren't going to do shit because your ass needs help and I'm the only one who knows how to help you. Two, for fucks sake Keigo just leave it at your house! Izuku's coming home today anyways!" Satari tried to reason, knowing good and well that Keigo would find a way.

*That's not the point Retai! Fine, I won't bring the plush, but can I bring one of the other things I got? * Keigo tried to bargain with his friend, though knowing it might just be a losing battle.

"Oh, dear sweet gods Keigo, how much shit did you buy?!" Satari yelled exasperated, while she was not against spoiling Izuku, especially since the child deserved to be spoiled in every way possible, she was against Keigo getting overly excited and going overboard.

This would be their first time seeing each other after weeks of little to no communication, Satari knew that Izuku would be overwhelmed from just seeing his father again, let alone getting the news that he would be going back home.

Satari didn't want Izuku to become overwhelmed and possibly harm himself in the process, hence why everything today was calm and simple, much like Izuku honestly wanted.

Though clearly Keigo was far past the limits of calm and simple.

"Look Keigo, maybe just bring one of the smallest things you got, okay? Izuku is going to freak out when he sees you anyways, once its all said and done, and he's calm again you can show him everything that you got him okay? Right now, the best gift you can get him is getting here." Satari reasoned, though there was silence on the other line until a long beep signaled that Keigo had hung up.

"That little-." Though before Satari could finish her sentence Keigo opened the front door to the Iida household and walked inside.

"I am Japan's fastest hero~" Keigo joked slightly while Satari merely rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Get your ass in there and go see your son" Satari said playfully while Keigo only laughed.

As Keigo was walking into the living room he motioned for Tensei who had easily spotted him to stay silent, while the man didn't say a word it didn't stop the smile that creeped up his face. While Tenya who was previously talking to his brother looked over to Izuku to watch his reaction of his father being there.

"Hey Izuku turn around there's a surprise" Itori said playfully while Izuku only tilted his head a bit in confusion before turning around, only to practically scream out in joy at the sight of his father.

Keigo immediately laughed out a sob at the sound as his tears quickly formed in his eyes, though kneeling down to reach or Izuku as the boy ran to him with open arms, and fluttering wings.

Keigo quickly scooped up the boy and brought him close to his chest while using his wings to shield the two. Neither saying a word, though each of their love for each other speaking in volumes, nonetheless.

The rest of the day was filled with fun, laughter, and Keigo getting a slice of cake to the face. Though when Keigo had told Izuku that he would be coming home with him, the boy immediately ran to his room and began packing as much as he could, which in turn caused Keigo to laugh a bit.

Though none the less he helped the boy get everything that was a necessity packed. Stating that they would come back for the rest later.

While Tenya was happy that his friend was now fully better. Neither of the children were quite ready to let go of each other just yet. Though Keigo and Tenya's parents promised that the two would still have their sleep overs and play dates just as always.

After a long goodbye on Tenya's and Izuku's part. Keigo and Izuku were flying home. Though Keigo quickly sent one of his feathers ahead to drop off the luggage that they were carrying, as Keigo landed on a random rooftop.

"What are we doing here dad?" Izuku question as Keigo set him down gently, though Izuku quickly latched onto his leg.

"Well baby bird, your old enough to know how to fully fly don't you think? You've mastered hovering and gliding, though I think its time you learn the fun stuff." Keigo stated as Izuku looked up at him with excitement.

"You ready to learn baby bird?"

"Yeah! Let's fly!" Izuku cheered as Keigo merely laughed

After a few hours of the two doing their flying lesson, and Izuku becoming exceptionally good at it very quickly. The two then headed back home to get cleaned up and have a little snack.

Though to say the very least when they got home Keigo could no longer be patient as he had Izuku open the gifts he had gotten him, though Izuku's favorite ultimately being the 5-foot-tall wolf plush.

Much to Keigo's delight as he then called Satari to brag about how he knew he was right and about how Izuku loved it.
