Whats wrong?? - Sam

I felt 2 arms wrap around my waist as I put down the weights. The gym was nearly empty as most people were at work. I turned around to see a sweaty Rose in her sports bra and running shorts. She was so hot, I wasn't sure how I got so lucky, I just hoped she felt the same.

"You know I was wondering what's going to happen this Christmas" Rose thought aloud "I mean are we spending It together?" She asked.

I smiled "if you want to" I paused just holding Rose by her waist "you haven't met any of my family yet, maybe Christmas is the perfect time to do so" rose smiled and gently pressed her lips to mine.

"I KNEW IT!" a voice shouted behind us. "No one has that much chemistry in a team and them photos on instagram concluded it for me!" Steph exclaimed laughing. Rose gave me a puzzled and embarrassed look. "You must be Rose, the supposedly 'not my girlfriend'?"

I sighed and turned to Steph. "I hate you, you know that right" I smiled "keep it to yourself I don't want the team or anyone knowing!"

"If you say so Samatha" Steph laughed putting her headphones in and turning on the treadmill.

"Explain?" Rose looked at me confused.

"Stephs a good friend and she just likes to take the piss sometimes. Anyway are you finished here?" I asked.

"Yeh i Just had a shower, can we go for a walk later? I need to clear my mind a bit" rose gave me a saddened look.

"Yeh sure we can pick up some food when we're out, give 5 mins and we can leave" I smiled.

It was actually a cold evening in La So I gave Rose one of my grey hoodies and opted for a plain khaki one myself. I wore ripped black jeans whilst rose put on tight fitted trackies. She looked so cute in her messy bun.

We walked hand in hand and hiked up some hills. It was peaceful and we often stayed in a comfortable silence. Rose seemed distant which I was worried about but I also felt helpless. I wanted all her problems to go away so we could enjoy our time together but I knew that was just me being selfish.

"I was thinking we could go away for Christmas, just me and you?" Rose blurted out.
I liked the idea but I also knew she was trying to hide away from her parents:

"Don't you want to spend it with your family? With your dad?"I asked softly.

"I mean I guess. Sorry it was a silly idea" she replied with her head down. I paused and turned towards her lifting her chin up.

"It wasn't I just thought you would want to spend it with your dad" I smiled but didn't receive one in return. "Hey look come here, you can talk to me" I knew there was still something wrong. I pulled Rose in close to me and she tightly wrapped her arms around me.

"I just... I just don't know anymore" I heard a sniffle as she paused. "I feel stuck with everything, I'm finding France a lot harder than I thought I would and it's just..." rose pulled away and turned so she wasn't facing me.

"It's just what?" I asked trying to pull her back.

"Nothing, it's just hard" she brushed off. I didn't want to press her as I didn't want to cause an argument but I knew something was troubling her.

"Well... well maybe you could stay with me for a bit longer than planned" I whispered not really thinking it through. Rose immediately looked at me.

"I don't think it would help the situation. I need to be playing football. I'm just being stupid I should be grateful for this opportunity" rose muttered but I stopped her before she continued. I walked over to a bench nearby and Rose followed me. We both sat down and rose rested her head against my shoulder whilst I wrapped my arm around her.

"I just want you to be happy" I soothed into her head leaving a gentle kiss on the top of her hair.

"I know"

A few days passed and Rose had gone back to France. As much as I wanted her to stay I knew she had to go back to France eventually. After our walk Rose seemed very quiet but the next day it was like nothing had happened. She was trying to hide away her feelings which made it hard for me to understand what she was going through.

I had just got off the phone to my mum and she had invited me over for Christmas. I hadn't seen my family for a few months and did miss them, but Christmas with my parents and without my sibling was too painful. I wanted Rose to come with me so I could introduce her but since she had gone back to France her texts and calls were becoming non existent, I just wished I knew what was going on in her head.

"Sam lunch is served!" Jazz shouted from the other side of the apartment. I lazily made my way to the table still in my pjs. "You seriously need to stop moping around, it's starting to get depressing" jazz remarked handing my my food.

"Thanks" I muttered quietly. "I just don't get what's going on with her, I wish she would just talk to me" I sighed.

"Yeh well maybe she isn't ready to talk about whatever's happened" jazz replied sitting next to me at the table. "And besides you two are still fresh so maybe she didn't want to jump into something that might not last"

"Great" I sighed "you always know how to cheer me up" I sarcastically muttered.

"Truth hurts love" jazz laughed a little "but seriously cheer up, oh and you got a letter through the post this morning, it looked important"

A/n: thanks for reading, comment any story ideas you wanna see, I've had a bit of a writers block this week. I know roughly where this stories going I just need some filler chapters to lead up to what's going to happen.

Hope you enjoy and don't forget to follow me for frequent updates <3
