Bye - Sam

We walked into the club separately, as much as I wanted to hold Roses hand I couldn't risk it. Kelley saw me fist and rushed over giving me a tight hug, "eww let go you know I hate hugs" I moaned trying to get her off of me.

"Unless it's Rose" Kelley joked and I hit her arm - although she was right.

"Shut up someone might hear you" Kelley held her hands up in the air and I turned around to order a drink but I saw a beautiful blonde walk over to us.

"Hey Rose!" Kelley shouted over the loud music. Rose hugged Kelley and a pinch of jealousy struck through me.

"Hey" I spoke softly and Rose returned a soft smile I was hoping for a hug. I grabbed our drinks and offered Rose hers.

"Thanks" she smiled and we went to sit down with the others. It was a tight squeeze around the booth and Roses body was squashed against mine and Kelley's. She didn't seem to mind and I enjoyed her being so close. I felt Roses foot rub against my bare leg, sending shivers up my body. She rested her hand on my inner thigh as we listened to the conversation happening around us. Rose joined in and was often adding jokes to the group but I enjoyed just watching. It made me happy seeing Rose enjoying herself and having fun. I couldn't help looking at her and smiling.

Most of the girls were pretty drunk but I wanted to stay sober as I knew I would have to leave early in the morning. Rose had a lot to drink and she was hilarious drunk.

"Come dance with me" she pouted pulling my arm.

"Rose I don't dance" I replied.

"Pretty please" she gave me her puppy eyes. I just laughed and got up. Rose dragged me to the dance floor and there was some sort of up beat song playing. Rose started wildly dancing obviously very drunk. A lot of the other girls were doing the same. I just stood there awkwardly laughing, I hadn't drunk enough to join in. I took a video and posted it on my I Instagram story, it was of Rose dancing with Kelley. Eventually rose dragged me closer to her, forcing me to dance.

"Rose" I sighed but eventually I gave in.

"I never thought I would see the day Sam dancing!" Kelley shouted over the music.

"Oh shutup" I laughed. There were so many people we were all pressed very close to each other. I could feel Roses body press against mine. She looked up to me and put her arms around my neck. She leaned in but i pulled away before her lips touched mine. I sighed "not here". She dropped her arms and started moaning. I hated making her sad but i knew it was the best thing to do. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I tried to resist but I couldn't. I pulled her back close to me and briefly kissed her lips. I tried to pull away but she deepened the kiss.

I could feel the familiar warmth of her strawberry scented lips combined with mine. She was such a good kisser however I could taste the alcohol on her breath and I knew I had to pull away.  "I'm going to sit back down" I shouted over the music and Rose just nodded. Escaping the mosh pit I felt a pit of regret in my stomach I wanted to stay with her but she was driving me crazy and we had already done too much in front of everyone. Luckily it was only Kelley who saw but we had to be more careful.

I sat down at the table with amber who seemed to be the only other sober one. "How are you and Rose going to work playing in different continents?" Amber asked. I was a little surprised at the question.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I know about you two Rose told me when you first kissed and Rose is like a sister so I can read her like a book" she laughed I just smiled and shook my head.

"We will visit each other when we can and we always have FaceTime" I smiled. "It will be hard but hopefully I'm the end it will work out"

"I hope it does" Amber smiled. "Did Rose sag that me and her are going to share an apartment?"

"No she didn't, I'm glad she not on her own" I laughed. I saw Rose walk over to us and she casually placed herself on my lap. "Rose what are you doing?" I laughed at her drunken state. She sighed and got of my lap sitting next to me.

"Your no fun" she pouted.

"Yeh well your drunk" I returned putting my arm around her but I suddenly felt her body freeze. "What's up?" I asked worryingly. I wasn't sure what she was looking at but I followed her gaze to a pretty blonde girl with a guy.

"Shit" She whispered "fuck, that's Beth" I heard her whisper she hid behind me but failed miserably. I turned my body towards her helping her hide herself.

"U wanna leave?" I asked and Rose slowly nodded her head. She still looked very surprised to see her ex. I grabbed my purse and Rose followed me out of the club but before we got out the door i heard someone call her name.  "Rose?" I turned around and saw Beth facing Rose.

I watched the awkward encounter as I didn't want to cause trouble. "What you doing here?" Beth asked Rose.

"Uhh I'm just here with my teammates we had our awards ceremony earlier" she replied.

"Oh ok" Beth smiled. "I heard about the transfer move, France huh?" Beth asked politely.

"Uh Yeh it was a little surprise. I mean I was surprised about it. I thought you were leaving for America?" Rose asked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow just having my last drinks here with a friend." Beth replied. I walked up behind rose and briefly brushed my hand against hers hoping she would accept it. I felt her fingers lace with mine causing a large smile to appear.

"I better go" Rose add to the awkward conversation.

"Oh ok bye" Beth replied but Rose had already turned to leave.

"Let's get out of here" rose whispered wrapping her arm around my hips.

I bought rose back to my hotel but she soon passed out on my bed. I removed her clothes and put her in some comfier ones. I opted for the sofa but heard a little voice. "Don't leave me" I smiled and climbed in the other side of the bed. Rose adjusted her body so that she was laying on top of me, her head was laying on my chest with her arm draped around me. It was going to be harder than I thought saying goodbye tomorrow. I didn't want to tell her but I was slightly disappointed that she was going to France but I knew I was just being selfish.
