Beth ~ Chapter 2

As I got out of the car I felt a mix of emotions, I don't like girls like that! I have a boyfriend! What am I going to do? I looked at my forearm smiling at the number and remembered the gentle touches that Rose left.

As I opened the door I threw my keys on the kitchen side and walked down the hallway to the living room. To my surprise my sister Lauren was sat awake reading. She was only a year older than me but had a different mum coincidentally my dad's wife now. My father had an affair with my mum a few months after my sister was born yet he still managed to marry Lauren's mum. Even though she isn't my full sister and is technically my half-sister she is my best friend and I will always see her as my proper sister.

"So are you going to tell me what you're doing back so late and why you ditched me at dinner?!" She asked putting down her book.

"First off I didn't ditch you, second you seemed to be having a great time with Rose's brother and thirdly I and rose went to get a milkshake," I said bluntly trying to not show any emotion.

"Rose huh?" She smiled "so how was your milkshake?" She asked mischievously.

"It was good" I tried to hide the large grin on my face as I recalled the memory.

"Just good?"

"Oh shut up" I hit her lightly on the shoulder.

"Well I'm off to bed I have college in the morning," I said turning to leave the room.

"Beth you better have a shower you wouldn't want Will seeing that number on your arm" Lauren shouted up the stairs. I was glad she couldn't see me as my cheeks turned bright red.

I got in bed ready to go to sleep I held my phone in my hand with a certain number typed in. I decided no to text Rose as I didn't want to give any wrong indications. I had 3 unanswered messages from my boyfriend Will.

Will- hey babe did u wanna come over tonight after your meal xx

Will- I guess you're just busy ring me later x

Will- why aren't you answering my messages?

I decided to text him but I really didn't want to there was a certain blonde that I wish I was texting.

Beth- sorry the meal was longer than expected talk in the morning x

And with that, I fell asleep.

The next day was a drag. I had arranged to meet Will at the park near college as he wanted to see me. I and Will had been dating for over a year now but recently I had distanced myself a bit. He was starting to be needy and a bit clingy over summer but I thought it would get back to normal when college started again.

I still hadn't messaged Rose, I was unsure what to say and how I felt. It was 3 pm and I was waiting for Will to finish football tryouts as he was going for the men's team this year. There was no doubt he would get in he was very athletic and a brilliant footballer. As I sat on the bench I opened up my phone and began to type a text to Rose.

Beth- hey, it's Beth sorry I didn't text last night I had a really fun ev-

But I was interrupted.
"Hey, babe!" Will sat next to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Who you texting?"

"Oh uh, just my mum she wants to FaceTime later" I smiled trying to cover up my lie.

"Oh ok, I got you something." He stood up and gave me a small bag that had a delicate ribbon tied across.

"Open it" I looked up at his smile. I normally love gifts but I was scared of what was inside. I untied the ribbon to see what it contained. Inside was a small necklace that had a picture of me and Will on our first date. It was cute and thoughtful but I wondered what it was for.

"I don't know if you remembered but it was our year and a half anniversary yesterday" he laughed.

Shit. I thought. How could I forget?
"Omg I love it, that's why you wanted to see me yesterday?" I tried to act happy but really I felt guilty.

"Yep but don't worry it's no biggy I'm glad you like it!" He pressed his lips against mine and enveloped me in a hug.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Will we talked for ages but towards the end, it was starting to get awkward. He noticed my lack of affection towards him and he started questioning me. This resulted in me getting defensive and wanting to go home.

"Wait Beth don't go" he shouted as I turned to walk away. He grabbed hold of my arm so I couldn't move.

"Let go" I shouted back at him.

"I'm sorry but please just wait let's talk about this like we normally do" he spoke apologetically.

"There's nothing to speak about I just want to go home so please let me go," I said annoyed.

"Ok go" He put his hands up in the air in defeat and I walked away, leaving with his gift in my bag.

Once I got home I felt really bad about what had happened. I wasn't sure what had gotten into me. I usually loved seeing Will, I thought I loved him.

I got my phone out and opened up my messages.

Will- hey babe I'm really sorry about earlier. I wanted today to be special but I ruined it. Call me later if you want otherwise I will make it up to you tomorrow. I love you xx

Mum- I thought you were going to call me last night what happened!? Love you x

And then there was the text I never sent. I discarded the text I sent to Rose I decided to call her.

"Hello, who is this?" I heard her raspy voice say.

"Beth" I replied quietly.

"Oh hey! I was hoping you would call what's up?" she sounded happy to hear my voice.

"Can you meet me at the Starbucks across the road in 10min?" I asked unsure to what her answer would be.

"Oh uhm ok I'll be there I might need a bit longer though as I'm currently in my gym gear give me 30mins to get showered and I will meet you there," she said a little shocked.

"Ok cya in a bit"

I don't know what I was thinking but I needed to see her again. I needed to know if what I was feeling was real or just in my head. I liked Rose she was kind and easy to talk to but it didn't help that she was stunning and I didn't normally think this about girls.

I got in my car 20minutes later and arrived at Starbucks, I saw Rose waiting outside on her phone texting someone. She had a cute smile on her face so I wondered who it might have been. It would make my life a lot easier if she had a boyfriend/ girlfriend I didn't even know if she liked girls. But I was soon to realise she was texting me.

Rose- I'm here! X

I sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought.
