
"Do you wanna go in my room and watch something on Netflix?" Sam asked looking at her watch it was nearly 11 but neither of us were particularly tired. I nodded and we both started to get up.

"Right were calling it a night, we will see you in the morning" Sam exclaimed to a sleepy Jazz and Mark.

"Ok don't be too loud" she grinned and received a death glare in return from Sam. I was still led on the sofa and couldn't be bothered to move. Sam offered me her hands and pulled me up. Perhaps I was tired. I stayed wrapped in the duvet and hobbled along to the bedroom. As soon as I walked in I collapsed on the bed receiving a laugh from Sam.

"Make yourself comfy" Sam snarked as she grabbed the remote. "Anything particular you wanna watch?" Sam asked.

I thought about it then grinned, "how about we finish the greatest showman, I'm pretty sure you weren't watching it last time" I grinned. Sam smirked and obliged putting on the film.

"Well don't distract me this time then" she laughed getting under the covers with me. I immediately wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. It was moments like this that kept me going. I looked up to see Sam looking deeply at me. I returned the gaze and gently adjusted my position so I could place a loving kiss to her lips. I pulled away and smiled. Sam grabbed the back of my neck and pressed her lips to mine. It felt like it was making up for lost time. Words couldn't describe how she made me feel.

We both sat up a little and I straddled her lap not breaking the kiss. It was slow and passionate, neither of us wanting it to end. Slowly I unbuttoned her shirt and removed the vest she was wearing underneath. I left a trail of kisses down from her chin to the tattoo on her hip. As I lifted my head back up I was met by a pair of lustful green eyes. Sam leaned in deepening the kiss but slyly swapped our positions so I was under her. She removed my top only slightly breaking the kiss. Her hands explored my stomach making their way lower and lower. The rest was just a blissful blur.

We both laid on the bed speechless. I turned over to look at Sam and she just smiled. Slowly I drew circles on her shoulder avoiding her gaze. I wanted to tell her I loved her so bad, but the people I loved always got hurt. Slowly my eyes met hers. Blue meeting green and I lost it. I couldn't hold it in.

"I love you so much" Sam whispered beating me to it. I continued looking at her with a slight smile.

But the words wouldn't come out. Sam wrapped her arms around me shutting her eyes but my gaze stayed at the ceiling. I didn't deserve her was all my brain was thinking. I didn't get much sleep that night.

I must have fell asleep eventually as I woke up to a very excited Sam jumping on the bed. "Merry Christmas babe" Sam shouted waking me up. I just huffed and pulled the covers back over me. Sam crawled under from the bottom of the bed and greeted me with a kiss under the covers.

"Eeww no I have morning breath"I smiled and opened my eyes to a grinning Sam.

"Well hurry up and brush your teeth we are all waiting for you!" She smiled pulling the covers off of us.

"5 more minutes" I complained and received a sigh in return.

"You have 2 minutes before I send Jazz in and you don't want that" she laughed leaving the room. I sighed and got up putting on a Jumper and a pair of Sams football shorts.

I walked into the living room and saw Sam Jazz and Mark gathered around the Christmas tree. They were sorting out the few presents into our individual piles. I didnt have many as I didn't have many friends or family. Sam however had loads and so did Jazz. Marks pile was on the scarce side like mine but he still had a huge smile on his face.

Sams glowing face made me grin. She looked happy which I was glad as I knew today was a hard day for her. I had my last gift which happened to be from Sam. She handed it to me grinning, "it's just something little, I know we said we weren't going to buy each other presents but I could resist"

Carefully I unwrapped the small box revealing a sliver key. It had a world map engraved on it. It may have been a key but it was beautiful. I looked at Sam smiling and read the note that was in the box. 'Wherever you are in the world, you are always welcome back home'. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I was clueless as of what to say.

"Don't worry you don't have to move in" Sam laughed as she saw the brief moment of panic on my face, "it's so you know your always welcome here" she smiled. I got up and wrapped my arms around Sams neck and gently gave her a peck on the lips.

"It's beautiful thank you" I whispered.

"Well if you two are done maybe we could play some more games?" Jazz coughed sarcastically. Sam stuck her middle finger up and dramatically kissed me just to wind her up. Although it was pretty hot I wasn't going to lie.

Jazz and I were on cooking duties as we both knew Sam couldn't be trusted in the kitchen. Mark and Sam were playing some sort of game on the PS4 and there were many competitive squeals coming from the lounge.

"She really cares for you" I heard jazz say surprising me a little.

"I know and so do I" I smiled but Jazz didn't look convinced.

"She may not be ready to share you with the world but that doesn't mean she doesn't want a relationship" jazz pressed. I knew she was just looking out for Sam.

"I really care for her too, I'm just finding it hard opening up at the moment, we are in a good place at the moment I just want it to last" I replied busing myself with the cooking.

"I know." She paused. "Just don't mess her around, she may give off a hard exterior but deep down she as emotional as the rest of us. I'm only looking out for her I don't want any hard feelings between us because by the looks of it your gonna be around a lot" she smiled.

"Thanks" I sighed not even knowing why I was thanking her. We both got back to cooking and after 2 hot sweaty hours the food was all prepared and cooked. There was all sorts from turkey to Brussels sprouts. It was a typical English roast with a touch of American.

The next few days zoomed by and it wasn't long until I was back at the airport boarding my plane home. But somewhere deep inside me didn't believe it was still home..
