Beth ~ Chapter 6

As I woke up I felt an arm lightly draped around my waist. I rolled over a little slightly dazed and saw a peaceful looking Rose asleep. I was still unsure what this whole thing was but I didn't question it as I was happy. I knew it wouldn't take long and reality would eventually hit us. I've never let myself get this close to a person I had just met, maybe it was too fast. I didn't kiss Will till at least 1 month of being in a relationship and I didn't even know what me and Rose are.

I gently tucked a piece of Roses blonde hair behind her ear and placed a light kiss on her forehead. I got up trying not to wake her and went into the bathroom. I got in the shower making sure I had a towel and thought about all the good and bad things that could come out of this.

Rose was still asleep when I got out so I decided to join her back in bed. "Mmmm Good morning" Rose croaked.

She shifted her body so she was facing me. "Where did you go I woke up and the bed felt empty," she asked just opening her eyes.

"I had a shower, I didn't mean to wake you," I said apologetically.

"You didn't, what time is it" Rose asked starting to crawl out of bed.

"Come back here," I asked giving her the bottom lip. I wanted to wrap her in a hug and not let go. "And it's nearly 9" Rose got back into bed and fell into my arms shutting her eyes again. "Have you got any plans today?" I asked hoping she'd say no so we could stay like this.

"I have work at 11:00 and I need to go to the gym this morning" rose replied still with her eyes shut. "But that can wait" she snuggled into my side even more.

"ROSE WAKE UP AMD GET DOWN HERE" I heard roses mum shout. "Maybe not" Rose sighed as she got up. "You can come down too and have some breakfast if you want," Rose said planting a quick kiss on my lips.

Every time she touched me I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was nothing like when I was with Will.

"Hmm I'll leave you to it I better get home" I received a pout from Rose but I quickly kissed her again. "Text me later" I smiled as a grabbed my things. "Can I borrow your clothes for a little longer?" I asked making rose laugh.

"Sure, when can I next see you" rose questioned with a little doubt in her voice.

"I'm not sure I'll text you" I wrapped my arms around her neck and embraced her.


"Urgh, I better go" I followed rose down the stairs and left the house.

When I got home nobody was in so I decided to FaceTime, my mum. I wasn't sure if she would pick up as the time difference but I really needed someone to talk to. It rang a few times when I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hey, Tommy!" I saw my younger brothers face on the screen.

He was only 7 and was my mum and stepdads son. "Livvvvy! When are you next coming for a sleepover" he asked.

My full name was Elizabeth so my mum's side always shortened it to liv and my dad calls me Beth. "I'm not sure little one, why aren't you in bed mister?" I asked playfully.

"Me and daddy stayed up to watch a movie I was just going when I saw you FaceTiming"

"Well it was nice seeing you but is mummy
there I need to speak with her" I asked.

"I'm here, what's wrong" I saw my mum on the screen and it always made me smile. In the background, I heard Tommy arguing that he didn't want to go to bed with my stepdad.

"Hey, mum nothings wrong I just need some advice and someone to talk to"' I asked shyly.

I wasn't sure what I was planning on telling my mum but I knew she would be understanding. "You know I'm always a phone call away if you need me, how can I help," she asked smiling.

"Well me and Will broke up" she looked shocked but slightly relieved.

"You don't look to upset about that, is there another boy involved" I sighed. Here we go I guess.

"Not a boy mum.... a girl" my mum looked a little confused.

"What he cheated on you with another girl?" Facepalm.

"No mum listen, I met a girl that I really like but I only met her last week" my mum no longer looked confused she gave me a mothering smile.

"You should have just started off with that" she joked "so what's the lucky girl's name?" I smiled that she was interested.

"Rose she's called Rose," I said excitedly.

My mum and I talked for another hour and she continued to say that she would love me no matter what and that I need to visit her soon.
"Bye mum thank you for being understanding I love you"

"I love you to next time you phone I wanna see Rose" I rolled my eyes and ended the call. I felt a lot better knowing I had my mums support even if what's going on between me and rose is real or not.

Rose POV:

The rest of the day dragged. I wish I could have spent more time with Beth but I knew that this was only the beginning of something and I needed to give her time to figure things out. I worked at the local supermarket so was often busy the whole day. I went to the gym in the morning as it was a time where I could just think. Most people think going to the gym is a chore but I love it.

I had just finished work and was on my way home when I felt my phone buzz. As I got out of my car I smiled as I saw it was from Beth.

Beth- Hey you, iv got something to tell you ring me when you finish work. Beth xx

I went into my house and was surprised to see my brother "what are you smiling at?" He asked as he gave me a hug.

"Oh nothing" I quickly replied, "what are are you doing here?" I asked pleasantly surprised he was here. He never visited unless he needed something.

"Well mum has gone away for a week with John (stepdad) so she asked if I could house-sit"

"And check on me?" We both laughed "typical mum"

"Well nice catch-up sis but I have plans to go out partying tonight laters"

"Bye, I guess" I walked over to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. When I heard the door shut I immediately rang Beth.

"Hey!" She shouted excitedly. "Guess what I told my mum about you and that I think I like girls and that me and Will broke up-"

"Wait slow done." I laughed.

"Sorry I was excited to tell you" she sighed.

"Yeh, I gathered" I laughed again "so how did your mum take it ?"

"She was happy and really understanding, she always has been" Beth spoke happily and proud of her mum.

"I'm glad" I smiled "on the other hand my mum has left me for a week and gone on holiday"

"Really?" Beth asked shocked.

"Yup" "you could come over and keep me company" I teased a little but would really enjoy the company.

"As much as I want to, my dad would start suspecting something if I don't sleep here tonight" she sounded sad but I knew it was a long shot.
"Shame your missing out" I laughed.
