It was just a football dream.

The only thought that circulated in my mind was, what next? I literally had my world right in front of me. My fantasy girl, my wife. Every moment with Sam was cherished and stored as a memory for when I was away on international duty or for when I simply just missed her cute smile.

But what was next? I had everything I had ever dreamt of. It all started of with a football dream and now I was on the end of a phone call that could take my football to another level. Yet every good opportunity comes with a sacrifice.

"Who was that on the phone?" Sam questioned as she entered our cozy living room. I sat down on the sofa and slowly gathered my thoughts. I didn't reply to Sam immediately which caused a little concern to spread onto her delicate features. "Rose?"

"Umm... sorry. It was the manager of OL. They have offered me a contract to play with them and move back over to France" I replied still processing. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. They were one of the best teams in Europe and won every trophy last season.

"Wow!" Sam smiled. "That's amazing... also a lot but amazing. You've worked so hard the past season for a move like this"

"I don't think I'm going to accept it" I said emotionless.

"But why not? I thought this was something you dreamt of?"

"It would mean leaving you... and your my priority. Your my home" I replied.

"Rose. No matter where in the world you are i will always be your home. And besides you wouldn't be leaving me. You would be living your dream and that's all I could possibly want. As much as I would miss your cute ass it wouldn't be forever. Your my girl and I would support you wherever or whatever you do" Sam said lovingly.

"I know but I would miss you so much. And you are most likely going to be playing for Chelsea next season and I was hoping to get a transfer for an English team so I could be with you. I'm scared that if I move back to France old habits will form and I will lose you like I lost you before." I spoke honestly.

"Stop thinking like that. We both made mistakes but at the same time we have both learnt from them. Kelley has moved over there to play for them already so it's not like you won't know anyone. And I'll be here or wherever I go waiting for you. I'll visit and you will be in England anyway for international duty" Sam replied full of care.

"Anyone would think your trying to get rid of me" i laughed but realised Sam was being deadly serious about it all.

"Look Rose I'm being serious. I don't want you to turn down this opportunity because of me. If anything this will make us stronger. We can do the long distance, it may be hard but I love you and would do anything for you to be happy. It's not like it's forever and you never know I might get a transfer next season or I may get a normal job" Sam smiled.

I had a lot to think about. I wasn't sure if I was ready to leave Sam for so long. It would feel weird from seeing her everyday to barely seeing her every month. The thing that scared me most is that it would break us.

I sat back on the sofa ad felt Sam's hand rest on my knee. I looked over to her dazzling eyes. I still got lost in them. "I love you" I whispered.

"I know... I love you too. Come here" Sam motioned me to rest my head on her lap. Gently she ran her fingers through my hair. It was moments like this I would miss. "When do you have to decide by?" Sam asked.

"Next week" I replied knowing it wasn't enough time to come to a well thought out plan.

"I want you to accept it" Sam stated surprising me a little. "Your overthinking it... I mean I would to. But if you don't accept it you'll be stuck here and I'll be moving back to England anyway. I think this move will solidify your position in the England squad as well."

"I know your right. It's jus-"

"Stop. Yes I know you will miss me as I will miss you too but if that's your only reason not to go then your being foolish because I'm not going to be gone forever"

"Okay" I replied.

"Okay?" Sam questioned.

"Okay I will go. I'll phone them now and accept it so there's no backing out." I sat up about to grab my phone when Sam pulled me back. She placed a soft loving kiss onto my lips.

"We can do this. No regrets"


I sat on the torn leather seat on the aeroplane waiting to start the new chapter in my life. Across from me I saw a couple with a small child. He was so cute with his messy blonde locks. It was a bittersweet feeling as it made me miss Sam more but at the same time it gave me a positive outlook for the future. One day it will be me and Sam with a mini version of us going on an exotic holiday.

The flight was long but Kelley was waiting for me at the end of it. Sleepily I got off the plane and entered the airport and was immediately reminded of a not so good time. When I was playing for PSG it didn't feel right. Maybe because it was rushed and caused chaos in my family and relationship, but I never thought I would be back here.

Kelley was waiting and I was greeted by a large grin. "Hey kid" the familiar Scouse accent said.

"Hey Kelley" I replied yawning causing her to laugh.

"Long flight?"  Kelley grabbed my suitcase for me.

"There was a kid who didn't stop screaming the whole way."

"Give it a few years rose and that will be your kid. Your already married up at 22" Kelley laughed.

"Oh shut up. Kids are annoying" I said hitting Kelley on the arm.

"Well you made it... ready to start this new adventure?"

"I don't think I'm ready but I'm here and Sam didn't give me much choice" I smiled thinking about the beautiful brunette.

"Ah shit you still can't say her name without smiling." Kelley teased.

"Oh shut it. I love her" I smiled once again.

"I know she's loves you too"

A/n: hey guys, this chapter is a filler for the next book. I've had a long break and come up with plenty of ideas for Rose and sam's new chapter. Reading back on the last chapter I wasn't happy with how it finished so abruptly and decided it needed a little more. Also I may rewrite the wedding chapter as it lacked detail and felt rushed as at the time I just wanted to finish the book and lacked ideas.

Anyway I hope you enjoy and look out for the next book which should be up in the next couple of weeks :)

R x
